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Looking for my phoenix
Looking for my phoenix
Roxy !
Roxy !

Jane !
Jane !

Chapter 11

"Jane, are you sure Derek is going to be alright with this?"
"Positive. You'll get along fine. It's been ages since we were together, and if he wasn't happy, then why would he invite us both to the studio today?"
"Alright, just as long as he know's that your my girl now, no matter how many times he smiles."
"Jim, your the one I love, and, I love your smiles, not his."
We entered the modern studio building and asked for Derek at the front desk. The receptionist paged him while we sat in the extra large English club lounge.
"A girl could get lost in this thing." I said to Jim. "I feel like I've been swallowed."
"Maybe that's what happens to the hopefuls that don't quite make the grade." Jim replied.
"Hey guy's." Derek said, with a smile that well, I still did love.
"Hi, Derek, this is my boyfriend Jim." I said as I motioned Jim towards Derek.
"Jim, hi, I caught a glimpse of you back at J F K Airport. We were sitting behind Jane on the plane and she was waving at you in the observation deck."
"Cool, yeah, I had some jerk rip my bag off outside the terminal at the bus stop, and then I was late for the flight." Jim replied as he shook Derek's hand.
"Glad you finally got here. And your going to Oxford too?"
"I am, but I'm not doing the Economics program. That's way to stressful for me. I'm just doing extra credits for my Design in Advertising program."
"That sound's cool, and creative."
"Well Derek, who's going to be in the studio today?" I said, as I marvelled at all the Gold and Platinum records framed and displayed on the walls. "What famous band are we going to see?"
"Band? err, not quite. Famous? You may not know her. But you do know of her sister, Jane."
"Huh? Sister?"
"Remember at the Airport, we saw that woman being photographed."
"Yeah, Kylie Minogue."
"Well her sister Dannii is coming in to lay down a few tracks for her new Album, Neon Lights."
Dannii Minogue - Neon Lights.
Dannii Minogue - Neon Lights.

"She's not a twin is she?" asked Jim.
"No, I think she's younger than Kylie by a few years."
I looked at Jim, wondering what the comment about her being a twin meant. Did it matter? Would that make her a better or worse musician?
"You know, twins singing would be really cool," Jim continued. "they would be great with harmonies, right Jane? I bet you and Roxy used to sing together? Did you?"
"What, you mean like singing in front of the mirror with hairbrushes when we were ten years old? Does that count?"
"Come on Jane, seriously, I've heard you sing."
"Okay, When Roxy and I were twelve, we sang some Christmas carols for a school fundraiser."
Wow! that brings back memories, I thought to myself.
Swingle bells, swingle bells , swingle all the way!
Swingle bells, swingle bells , swingle all the way!

"There's a rumor that Kylie might be coming in today too. She is putting together a Tv comedy show soon, and she will be singing a duet with her sister in it."
"So you know all about Kylie now, Derek."
"Yeah, funny about that, hey Jane," he smiled and winked at me without Jim seeing. "well, lets go grab a coffee from our kitchen and I will show you where you guys can sit. I have to help the guys at the mixing desk soon, and Gavin is setting up the studio floor."
We grabed our coffee's and Derek ushered us into a room adjacent to the mixing desk. There were comfy leather swivel chairs that sat in front of a large window overlooking the studio floor. We settled in while Derek started work in the next room.
"Jim, that must be Dannii." I said pointing at a dark haired woman who walked into the studio and was going through some sort of preperation techniques.
Soon, the music started, and she started singing along to this fast electronica club style beat. I could imagine myself grooving away to it in some late night underground club room. It was quite funky really, but I don't think it was Jim's style.
They went over this song several times but then they changed to a heavier grungier style track. Instantly, Jim took more notice and I could tell that he was much more impressed. Dannii's vocals, although maybe more suited to the pop style, seemed to hold up quite well to this track.
"She's pretty good." Jim confirmed, as we finished our coffees.
Suddenly, the door to our room opened and a woman came in, talking on her mobile. I don't think she realized that we were in there at first. I couldn't help overhearing her talking to someone about her chart position on the Billboard charts. She didn't seem all that happy about it. I thought I had better make myself noticeable, and so I stood up to go and put my empty cup in the small rubbish bin by the desk. She spun around and looked at me, then told the person on the phone that she was at the studio now, and would call back after the session. That was when I realised that the woman standing there was actually Kylie Minogue. She was the same height as me, which was refreshing, and she was dressed really casual with jeans and a long sleeved sheer v neck top. Apart from the colors being different, we were wearing nearly the exact same outfits. I think we both realized it at the same time. I studied her expression to gauge her reaction, but She didn't really seem fazed by it. I decided to let the moment pass too.
Casual Kylie.
Casual Kylie.

"Oh, hello, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that there was anyone in here." She said.
"That's okay, look, we can leave if you want some privacy here. No problem."
"Don't be silly. You don't have to leave the room because of me," she laughed. "my names Kylie, and you are?"
"I'm Jane and this is my boyfriend, Jim."
"Nice to meet you both."she smiled as we shook hands.
"We're friends of Derek, the guy in there." I pointed to the next room.
"Ahhh, the guy with the incredible smile, right?"
"Yeah, thats him." Jim piped up sarcastically.
"I can tell your from the States, yes?"
"New York, actually. We were on the same flight over here as you, last week. We saw you on the steps with all the paparrazi crowded around. I don't know how you handle all that."
"It can be trying, believe me, but I suppose you get used to it. Tell me, did I look okay on the Letterman show? He makes me nervous. I think I kinda bombed."
"I'm sorry, I don't watch the show, really."
"America is such a hard place to crack. I think my biggest success there, was when I sang The Locomotion, 17 years ago, and I wasn't even trying then!"
"You sang that song? I remember my dad used to love it when that song came on the radio. He would sit my sister and I on top of a large plastic train when we were toddlers. Then he would push us around the kitchen singing that song."
"Aahaa," Kylie replied with a look that said - I'm not really that old, am I?
Instantly I felt really embarrased, bringing up such a lame story. My face started to burn and I looked at Jim to save me.
"So, Kylie, your going to sing with your sister?" Jim asked. "Your not twins, are you?"
"Twins? No, why do you ask?"
"Jane, here, she has a twin. We were just talking about them singing duets, wern't we," Jim said patting me on the back.
"Tell me more, Jane." Kylie said, folding her arms.
"Thanks babe," I turned to Jim, teeth gritting, "do you even know of the word embarrassment!"
"Well," I turned back to Kylie who was now smiling, "I'm not a singer, or a musician, really. But my sister plays the drums and is on tour with Simple plan at the moment."
Simple plan
Simple plan

"Really! Simple plan! That's interesting. The're coming here right? In a few weeks? I think I am going to their show and afterparty. I'll have to look out for her. You don't often see a girl playing the drums."
"Arrr, she not actually playing the drums with them, she's just a roadie for the moment."
"So tell me, what's her name?"
"Roxy," Jim butted in much too quickly. "You'll now it's her because she looks like a cross between Jane and Avril Lavinge!"
"She does not!" I muttered to Jim.
"Gotcha, Kylie quipped. "How about I make a big fuss over her at the party. You know, just to keep her spirits up and on her toes."
"That would be killer." Jim chuckled.
"But it's gotta be our secret, okay."
"Sure." I said hesitantly, not really covinced that I was agreeing to somthing good for my sister or not.
"Well, talking about sisters, I think it's time for me to join my own one now. And guess what were going to sing?
"Sisters are doin it for themselves." she sung while breakin down some sixties moves out the door.
She turned, smiled and continued down to the studio floor.
Dannii greeted her with a big hug. They looked really happy together and sung the song arm in arm.

chapter 12

We stayed at the studios for a while and then we went for an early dinner with Derek and Gavin. They already knew the best food stalls at the markets and we had a great dinner followed by a cruise through the trendy fashion boutiques.
All up, it was an interesting day, but I was feeling a bit guilty about not getting in my three hours study.
On the coach trip back to Oxford, Jim convinced me to stay overnight at his dorm room. His room mate was away for the weekend with the rowing team so we had the place to ourselves. I was so tired when we got there that I didn't bother going back to my room to get my pajamas and overnight bag. Instead, I just borrowed one of Jim's shirts to use as a nightie. It really was way to short and revealing, but I bargained with him that if he wanted me to stay and wear the shirt, then he had to make me a nice breakfast in the morning. I knew he would agree to my demands.

I lay there, later that night, totally content in the comfort of Jim's arms. I was thinking about what had happened that day. Going to the studios. Meeting Kylie. Talking about singing songs with Roxy when we were young. It was definitely not my typical day, but I felt good and easily drifted away even though it's always strange sleeping in a room for the first time.
Sometime during the night I had a dream.
I was with my sister, Roxy. We were standing at the front of a stage singing a duet together. The lights were so bright in my eyes. I couldn't see any people, but I could hear what sounded like thousands of fans cheering in a stadium.
Together we started singing the next verse .....

I look around me, and the world is full of empty faces ...
Hollow eyes, to man allegiance to these narrow spaces ...
Inside, grows a secret flower , thorny and wild ...
Risen from a long forgotton garden of a child ...

The words seemed to reverberate around in my head the next morning. Usually, dreams become no more than a fuzzy mess the next day, but this one was different. More of a vision than a dream.
"Thanks for breakfast sweetheart," I said to Jim, still scampering around in his way too short and tempting shirt. He was a fair cook and got my eggs just the way I like them, complete with soldiers. I washed up the dishes in the small kitchenette, huming the song from my dream that I had the night before. Jim just sat there at the table, watching my every move with a wicked grin on his face.
"What's that tune your humming, Jane?"
"Oh, nothing really, just something from a dream I had last night."
"A dream you had? I can never remember anything about my dreams."
"Same here, usually. This was different."
"Don't know really, I just think it must mean something, or why would I remember it?"
"It's probably just one of those weird girl things." Jim replied, contorting his hands.
"Weird girl things?" I said, scrunching my nose as I turned to go back to the bedroom. That was enough for me. I wasn't going to go down that path. Besides, I had way to much study to do and had to get my head in gear for that.
"So little time... so much to do... I'd rather spend my days with you..." I sung as I went to get dressed back into my clothes. I told Jim that I would drop back in for a coffee later in the day after a solid six hour session.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"So, what did you think of Australia, Trey?"
"The land down wonder!" Trey joked. "Crikey fellas - Grab us a Fosters while I throw the snags on the Barbie. And dont forget the vegemite sangers!"
"Trey! That's just lame!"
"She'll be right mate!" Trey continued in a very poor accent, then dropped it when he saw me frowning.
"I loved it babe, honest. So, we're going to Paris, the land of croissants and snails. And you've been there too, right?"
"Well yeah. Our Grandfather lives there, so we stayed over with him for a week, once."
"Did you meet any surfer dudes there?" Sam butted in.
"No! Scooter boys this time."
"That makes me feel so much better." Trey replied.
Scooter boys.
Scooter boys.

Young love !
Young love !

I was very happy to be in Paris. Not just because it is such a romantic city but also because it meant that I was so much closer to Jane. I had never been so far away from her before, or for such a long time. I was also missing my Dad.
The good thing was that I would meet up with both of them in just over a week. We had 3 shows in Paris, two in Rome, and then it was off to London. Justin said that we were going to do several shows throughout England, but didn't have any booked in for Oxford. Therefor, I could only go there on my days off. Luckily, we had 3 days off before our first show in Wewmbley on the Wednesday.

"Isn't Paris just so romantic," I beamed to Trey, desperately trying to lift his spirits. I think he was getting a bit homesick. We all were. We had all been working really hard too, since some of the crew hadn't hooked back up with us yet.
"How about we make up a picnic basket, and we can go to a great park that I found last time Jane and I were here. We might even see a supermodel doing a Photoshoot!"
I thought about the last time, when Jane and I, by chance, became friends with Brigitte, a famous supermodel.
Supermodel Brigitte
Supermodel Brigitte

She was so cool, not at all snobby, and she treated us out to a shopping spree through the boutiques in Paris. Jane bought this handbag that was to do die for. I was really quite jealous, but we also got some cool scarves, hats and jewellry.

Brigitte had a real flair for fashion and colors, and I took in what she said with great interest. I dont know if I wanted to be a supermodel, lets face it, I'm way to short for a start, but I could see myself designing clothes and Accessories. I mean, how cool would it be to have your own rad clothing range and label, and have supermodels wearing them on the catwalk and in fashion magazine shoots.

Our time in Paris seemed to fly bye, and before we knew it we were on our way to Rome. Dad had called me last night and confirmed that he was due in at Heathrow on Sunday aftrnoon. We were going to get there before lunchtime. Jane and Jim would allready be at the hotel which she had booked us all into.
I was getting excited about meeting up. I knew the first thing that Dad and Jane would notice about me was that I had put on some weight, which, I knew was all muscle. I liked the way it gave me more curves in all the right places. So did Trey. He said that I looked irresistable in my favourite pair of jeans. he was always giving me a gentle pat or a pinch. I wanted to complete my look by going to a fancy Italian boutique for a facial before we met at the hotel.
Beautiful !
Beautiful !

Watching the Parisian scenery flash by, I sat there on the coach and thought about what lay ahead for me. The tour with simpleplan would soon enough be over. Trey and I were happy being together as a couple, and I couldn't imagine not having him by my side, but what would we do after this? In a sense, I didn't want to think about it, but I knew that I really had to. I'm sure Trey must have thought about this too, however he had not said anything yet. I turned and looked at him, sitting next to me. He was reading a Rolling Stone magazine. I carefully studied his face. He was beautiful, strong, masculin all rolled into one. I got lost in my thoughts of him, and memories of our time together flooded in. I thought about the day, at the Simple plan video shoot on 9th ave, when he found me in the crowd. He wanted to know what had happened to his Mum's dog. He then said that he wanted to see me again. He had that look in his dark brown eyes, and I knew right from that second that we were meant to be together.
Trey at the Video shoot
Trey at the Video shoot

As my dreamy thoughts cleared, I realised that I was still staring at his face. I leaned over to him and kissed him on his cheek. He turned and smiled at me then gave me a quick kiss in reply.
"You know, Roxy, one day I'll be reading an article about you in this magazine and your going to look so hot on the cover." He closed the magazine, tapping the cover shot of Britney.
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone

"Just dont expect me to be only wearing a pair of knickers."
I leaned back over to him. "That's for your eyes only, honey." I whispered into his ear.
"There's something about you, Roxy. You could be wearing a pair of overalls, it wouldn't matter!"
"Yeah, I can see it now," I said back to Trey, using my hands to frame a shot. "me in a pair of old overalls, playing the drums. Sexy picture that would be, not!"
"Well, maybe not. I see more of a picture of you, and your sister. It's the day after your duet goes to No 1 on the charts, and your both looking cas in your favourite pair of jeans, your hair all wavy and windblown, your smiling seductively to the camera."
"You really have got an imagination haven't you. You see me, and my sister, singing a duet! C'mon, like that's ever going to happen!"
Fantasy girls !
Fantasy girls !

We finished our second show in Rome. The crowd was fairly tame which doesn't really help. The guy's tried hard to get them to participate but it just wasn't happening. They left the stage without doing a second encore. The chief and I could see the dissappointment on thier faces and so we tried to pep them up by reminding them that the shows in England were going to be mega. They left rather quickly to return to the hotel, leaving us to pack everything up.
"Hey Roxy," the chief said to me, "thanks for trying to rev up the guys. It's always tough when the crowd arn't really into it. Not the first time I've seen it happen here. Have you ever been to Rome before?"
"I came here with my sister early last year. She was doing a Photography extention coarse and I was doing some fashion design."
When in Rome !
When in Rome !

"Did you like it here?"
"I love the Archetecture and the old ways of the City, and Jane was so into it, photographing everything. It was all good, really."
"Must just be the Music scene that sux then, hey. Talking of music, why don't you show me what you can do on the drums. Your always carrying your sticks but you never dust on the set."
"You know, I haven't played on a set since we left. And I thought that by being around them all the time, that I would be playing lots."
"Well sometimes that's just how it is, kiddo. When you least expect it, things happen in a big rush and it's like a blessing in disguise."
You sound like Big shirl", I said with a laugh."
"Big shirl? Who? No, I don't wanna know."
The chief then walked over to the side of the stage while I say myself down on the drum set stool. I admired the silver and pearl inlays, the piano black finish and the high sheen gloss on the full and very expensive set.
"Wow, these are so much better than my thrash around set at home. I could never imagine owning anything as good as this." I confessed to the Chief as he came back over carrying a old style guitar case with brass fittings and closures.
"Roxy, anything is possible if you put in some hard work, set some goals and make a few good descisions. That's how I managed to score this Baby."
He opened up his guitar case and inside , lying on a pillow of red velvet, lay a totally awesome looking Stratocaster guitar. I could tell it was old, probably older than I was, but looked in absoulute pristine condition.
"Now this is my love, Roxy. Always has been, always wil be."
I could understand why he had such feelings for the instrument. The guitar simply oozed rock star. It was a smoldering deep and rich cherry red with tiger eye inlays in a wild phoenix design. It was nothing like any of the thirty or so guitars that I had seen the guys play on the tour.
Without any hesitation he started this cool little riff.
"Feel free to join in." He said to me, nodding towards the set that I was sitting at.
"Okay, I guess." I replied somewhat reluctantly. Not because I didn't want to play, but because I knew damn well that the Chief was a fantastic guitarist, who would only ever play infront of people that he respected and admired.
Okay, I was so far behind his standard, but then, he must have known that already, and he still wanted to play. I couldn't let him, or myself down. I gee'd myself up. "Roxy, go for it, give it your best."
I pulled my sticks out from my side pocket of my army capris.
"Here goes nothing." I quietly picked up a beat and soon found myself grooving away with the Chief. Ten minutes in and we were jamming some heavy metallica beats like the best of them.
"This is so cool," I beamed," I never imagined how good it would sound being in an empty stadium."
"Hey Roxy, do you sing?"
"Arrr, not really, but I guess I could give it a go. What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I'm a Zepplin fan from way back. You know the Lyrics to Going to California?"
"Are you kidding? sure, I now them, It's a classic. But who's going to do the Accoustics?"
That must have been Sam, Ryan and Dave's queue to step up.
"You know I think you guy's have had this planned all along."I said, as I left the drums and sauntered over to the floor mic.

Now, I had been on stage with Jonny Whisper about a year ago, but that was open air, on our school sports ground. This was kinda different. They started playing, and then I shakely started to sing. The song is a beautiful ballad, with the lyrics holding perfectly with the sweet sounds of the guitars. I really wasn't doing it justice but the guy's were encouraging me to keep going. Ryan also had a mic and kicked in with the back-up vocals, and Dave had taken over the drums.
Before long, I had sung maybe a half dozen songs from thier various albums, and I was feeling great. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I closed my eyes, and my imagination took over. The crowd, the lights, the dancing, the whole performance was coming to life.
It wasn't just my imagination, the light's were getting brighter. I opened my eyes and I realized that it was actually a real spotlight that was warming up and shinning on me.
The Chief stepped forward and told me to go for the big finale.
"Roxy, Ramble On. Go for it girl!"
"Yes." I thought. That was my all time fave Zepplin track. I had played that song countless times on my Ipod when crashing on my bed at home.
I gave it my all, and so did the guy's.It was a blast.
There were cheers and clapping coming from the floor, which I soon realized was Trey and the guy's. He had finished his duties at the truck and had come in the side door and heard us playing. He was the one who had got the lighting dude to fire the spottie up.
"Go Roxy, your the best, Babe!" He shouted and cat whistled.
"Play time's over guys," The cheif said, walking up to me, he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. Then he lifted his strat in the air and took on a legendary rock star pose for the non-existant crowd.
"Hey, Rox, your a natual. Let's do this again some time." Then, he turned, kissed his beloved guitar and faded off into the darkness.
I screamed, and fell to my knees. I couldn't help it.
Then I bounced back up and jumped off the stage and down to Trey. He greeted me with open arms and a huge smile.
"Wow," I squealed. "that totally blew me away. That was better than sex!"

Chapter 13

I found it hard to go to sleep that night. Trey was off in the land of nod, but I just couldn't. I guess I was just excited about going to England tommorow and all that it would bring. And I was still on such a high from the little stage performance that I had with the Cheif. I finally undrstood what the rush was, being a performer. I had dreamt it for so long, but now it was like I could taste the very saltiness. It's hard to explain, but I wanted more, way more.
Next thing I knew, it was three-thirty in the morning. I had woken suddenly and was gulping for air. I sat up, wide eyes agape. "Wha wha what just happened," I said to myself. "wow, was that a nightmare?" But it wasn't scary, just powerfull.
I got up to get a drink of water. While I paced around the kitchenette, I tried to make sense of it all.
"Okay, so I was with Jane, in a photographers studio, in our favourite jeans. They were shooting a cover shot for a magazine to celebrate our NUMBER ONE HIT! Just like Trey had said!"
This was bazaar, could I be dreaming the dream based on the thoughts that trey had had?
As I thought about this part, I realized that there was another part of the dream that happened before it. What was it? I wondered. Yes, there were lyrics to a song, or a poem maybe. I quickly grabbed a pen and wrote them down before they were gone -
Empty faces,,,hollow spaces,,,, thorny and wild,,,, garden of a child ??? What did this all mean. I read them over and over. It was like it made perfect sense, and yet no sense, all at the same time. The words had come to me in a way that could well of been a creation from Robert Plant. Full of conviction, longing and expectation. It was deep and meaningful, to me, but I dont know why.
But that was all I got, and I was awake now. The only way this puzzle was going to get solved is if I go back to sleep - well at least I hoped so. I finished my water and looked at the clock. It was now nearly four-thirty. A whole hour had passed in what had seemed like five minutes. I went back to bed and wrapped myself into Trey's arms. I knew I had to get some sleep or I would be totally wasted tomorrow.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Jane, what was the plan again?"
"We go and stay at the Hotel tonight and then Roxy and Trey will get there around noon tomorrow. Then we can all go to the Airport and meet Dad around two-thirty."
"Alright, but I'll have to bring my study work with me or I'll never get it finished by Tuesday."
That's okay,babe, I have to read about a zillion chapters of my text books too."
We both packed our own bags and met down at the bus stop. Jim had got his bike license last week, but hadn't managed to get enough time off to look for a bike yet. In any case, we couldn't have taken all our gear on the bike with us. I had my car licence from home, but I couldn't see myself getting a car here afterall. I just didn't have the time to do it all again, and then troll the yards for somthing that I would look good in. Cars over here were nothing like the cool ones back home, except for the sporty red Supra that I saw last week. That was sweet!
The bus trip seemed to go really quick, as Jim and I both were reading our text books along the way.
Now in London, we checked into our hotel, The Strand Palace, a landmark hotel that was close to all the best places in town.
The Strand Palace
The Strand Palace

" I hope Dad will like the hotel," I said to Jim.
"Don't sweat it Jane, He's going to be so happy to see you all, and..."
"And you too, Jim. Dad thinks highly of you, and he knows how much I love you."
"Yeah, I suppose you are fussy about those things!"
"Hey." I said, wrestling him to the divan. Jim retaliated, and quickly turned the tables, pinning me down underneath him. He said that he wouldn't let me get up until he had kissed me a hundred times.
I think he was up to about forty three when there was the sound of poeple opening the door. A very familiar face appeared in the doorway in front of me.
"Roxy!" I squealed way loud, flinging Jim clean off me and the divan. I bounded up and over too her open arms nearly knocking her back out the door in my over zealous embrace.
"Whoa, settle down sis. Let us get in the door first, then we can hug."
Whoops, sorry bout that Rox. It's just so good to see you, your looking great, you, you, your hair !, I love it ! You've put on weight, hav'nt you, I can tell, I can't believe it, I, I, I...."
"Jane! Chill, or you'll burst and have a fit, and let Trey get in the door with our Bags."
"Yeah, sure," I said ,taking a few quick breaths to calm myself.
We all said our hello's, big hugs, and settled down around the dining table. Roxy sat next to me holding three of my fingers as we started talking about the last six weeks of our lives.
She and Trey told of their adventures on the World tour and it seemed just so amazing, like so much fun. I wished it was me with them, even though I was thrilled to be in my coarse at Oxford. Somehow, I found it hard to make my times at the Uni seem exciting at all. It had been just lot's of lectures and loads of boring books, and, I had nothing to show for it yet. Roxy knew me well though. She new that I was living my dream, and made sure that I felt special about doing it. I love her for that.
An hour simply flew by and then it was time to pick up Dad from the Airport.
We bailed from the hotel and caught a cab to the Airport.
"Did either of you learn how to cook Eggs Benedict?" Trey asked us girls.
"Not me. Jane did you?"
"Arr no, I forgot. Guess we will just have to take him out for breakfast. Besides, we don't have any food at our room so how can we?"
"I bet your Dad asks you about cooking them. What do you think, Jim?" Trey asked.
"Yeah, I'm in, Jim said, cottoning in to Trey's vibe. "I rekon that's worth about twenty bucks, girls. What do ya say?"
"No way! I bet he won't remember we said that, hey Jane?"
"That depends, Roxy. Do you have an extra twenty bucks?"

In the terminal we could easily pick Dad out of the incoming crowd of passengers. He was still wearing that silly Aussie style hat.
"He must love that hat," I said to Roxy. I think we should chip in and get him one a little less daggy. He'd have to wear our one around us to keep us happy."
"Either that, or we buy him a Crocodile Dundee vest to complete the look." Roxy giggled.
We strode over to Dad, meeting him halfway accross the the open floor. I purposely slowed a touch to let Roxy have the first hug, as she had not seem him for the longest. In return, she quickly ushered me into the hug as well. I thought that I would be okay, but the tears just welled up inside me with no where to go but out.
I just had to learn to be not so emotional, even though Roxy pointed out the tears in Dad's eyes too.
"So girls," Dad said after we all started to leave for the taxi ramp. I sure am looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Who's going to be cooking me the eggs?"
"Woohoo," Trey cheered, "Hey Jim, we just earned ourselves a quick twenty."
"What's that about guy's?" Dad asked.
We told the story to Dad who just laughed and then put on a stern look for the guy's.
"The best way to keep the peace, you two, would be for you both to treat us all to breakfast with your winnings."
We all laughed as we left the terminal. Our family was all together, and it was a great feeling!

Chapter 14

It was Sunday evening, and Dad was treating us to a traditional roast dinner at a family style restaraunt. The main course was fantastic and the waitress had just finished serving us all icecream sundae desserts.
"Be carefull eating your dessert, Jane. We don't want to see your brain freeze antics tonight."
"Ha, ha, Jim. Your so funny." I teased him back. He was right though. I really didn't want to make a fool of myself in the packed restaraunt.
We were having a great time catching up on all the goss. Somehow the conversation turned to the topic of dreams and aspirations.
"Ooh!" Roxy said, "I had a dream the other night, but it wasn't like any other dream I've ever had. There were words to a poem or lyrics or something which were really important but I dont know why . I couldn't work it out but I wrote them down anyhow. You were in the dream too, Jane." She pulled out this piece of paper with some words scribbled on it and passed it to Dad,
"They say you should always write stuff down if it comes to you in a dream." Dad replied to everyone. He finished reading it and casually passed it on to me. I took a mouthfull of my Lemon sorbet and then proceeded to read the scribble on the page.
"Whaaaa!" I gulped, sucking in the large mouthfull of sorbet straight down the back of my throat, my actions causing me to lean back way to far on my chair. I knew I was in trouble when I realized that I had past the point of no return. I threw the spoon and the piece of paper up in the air and desperately tried to reach out and grasp the edge of the table. It was too late, I was crashing to the floor behind me, big time. There was a loud clang as my spoon landed on someone's dinner plate at the table of four behind me. A slpit second later my head hit the floor. Luckily it was carpeted and softened the blow. I lay on the floor for a moment, winded and groaning, my vision blurred, my hearing was muffled, I was a total wreck. That's when I realized that the brain freeze from the sorbet had already kicked in. A double whammy! People came from everywhere. Jim was instantly down by my side, Roxy and Dad were hovering above me ankles, which were still up in the air above the fallen chair. Trey was talking to a couple of waiters who had rushed over with all the commotion. The people behind me had gotton out of there seats and were getting seen too by another waiter. I could hear everyone asking me questions and telling me what to do, but I couldn't do anything except lie there, wondering if my dress was actually covering up parts that I wanted covered up. Jim knew that I was in a "Freeze" and was stopping people from moving me till it was passed. Sure enough, I soon came good, well good enough to be helped up off the floor at least.
"Jane, Jane, are you okay? Did you bump your head?" Dad was looking deep into my eyes, sheilding the lights to see if I was concussed.
"Is she okay dad? Roxy was saying, I think we should take her to the hospital. Jane ? are you alright? Can you hear us? Can you walk"? Trey, grab our jackets, we have to leave now."
"Shall I call for an Ambulance?" The waiter asked.
"Stop!" I said to everyone, gently lifting my arm in front of all of them. "I'm okay, really. I don't think I hurt myself. Can I please just sit back down on a chair for a moment."
"Yes of course, sweetheart," Dad said, guiding me to his chair. My old chair had a broken leg and was getting carted away by one of the staff.
Roxy sat next to me with her arm around me. She looked really concerned.
"Roxy, I'm okay, really."
Slowly, all the other patrons went back to eating their meals.
"That damn ice cream has done it again. You really gotta stay away from it, hun," Jim laughed, trying to cheer us all up."Oh, and don't worry Jane, I stopped anyone from taking pictures."
I had to laugh with Jim, as embarrased as I was, I knew that it must have looked funny to anyone else. I also knew that if I laughed, then it would hopefully put everyone else at ease.
Regaining my composure, I went over to the family sitting behind me and apologized for what had just happened. Then I thought about what had started it all. That's right, I told myself. I was reading the piece of paper. Where did it go? I reached down to the carpet and picked up the scrunched piece of paper that had the words which Roxy had written.
Roxy's dream lyrics
Roxy's dream lyrics

I held the piece of paper up in front of Roxy. She had a puzzled look on her face.
"Roxy, I know what this means."
I pointed to the first word, cleared my throat, and started to sing the song. As soon as I started, Dad and the guys all stoped talking and listened to me.
"I look around me, and the world is full of empty faces......"
Roxy's jaw dropped open, and she grasped my hand. Then I pointed to the next few words.
"Hollow eyes, to man allegiance to these narrow spaces ......"
I continued.
"Inside grows a secret flower, thorny and wild....."
"Risen from a forgotton garden, of a child..."

"Oh my God! Jane! How do you know that?" Roxy said covering her mouth."That, that was in my dream."
"It was in my dream too, Rox. All of it. I know the whole song!"
"It's true, I was there when it happened," Jim said.
"Me two," Trey announced."I was with roxy when she dreamt it. In fact, I was the one who first pictured you both on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, after the song goes Number ONE!"
We all turned and stared at Trey. "What! Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Number One! You did say NUMBER ONE! I quizzed Trey.
"What is going on here?" Dad said looking more than just a bit confused.
"Your daughters are going to be famous, Dr Ryan." Jim smiled, Then kissed both of us on the cheek.

We left the restaraunt and decided to go straight back to the hotel. Dad and the guys crashed out soon after, leaving Roxy and I to talk girl talk. I needed to talk girl talk, desperately, as I hadn't really made any girl freinds at the Uni. I had been too busy for a start.
One of the first things I asked Roxy was where the heck she found the Bamboo pole, that day in the dumpster. She cracked up, rolling off the divan and onto the floor. I shushed her so as to not wake the dad up, and then she ended up changing the subject to how good a kisser Trey is. So I still don't know the story there!
We talked for ages about how great our boyfriends are, and how we felt about them. The general concensus was that they were the both hot, adorable, and we wern't letting go. Then Roxy told me about her stage performance with the Chief and how mindblowing that was. She asked me to sing our song again. I knew what she meant even though we hadn't named it.
As I quietly sung, she joined in with a simple drum beat on the divan cushion and selected parts to harmonize along with. After a few goes, it all started to gell together. I wrote the words down and Roxy set about putting it all to music. I hardly knew how to read music but Roxy was great at all that stuff. Before we new it, the time was after midnight, but we had a fully composed song in front of us.
"Roxy, I never thought this was supposed to be this easy."
"Neither did I, Jane. Obviously this was just meant to be."
"But Roxy, What are we doing? I mean, what's going to happen know?"
"Well here's what I am going to do. Tomorrow, I have to go back to Wembley and set up for the concert there. After the show, I will talk to the Chief. Dont worry, I would trust this guy with my life, no question. He'll know what to do. Maybe, when I show him the song, he might get his guitar out and play it with the guys, while I sing. Then I can get a real feel for it.
"Jane, This could be our destiny right here." She waved the lyrics above her head.
"But Roxy, I'm an Economics student, not a Rockstar!"
"Yeah, but they dont know that, and I'm not going to tell them. Are you?"
She had a point. I wasn't going to go blabbing to other rockstars that I wasa a ecconomics student.

Chapter 15

"Jane, It's all set, you, Jim and Dad can meet Trey and I at the function center at midnight.
The afterparty is going to be wild, I just know it."
"Okay, but Roxy, I have a lecture at 10.30 tomorrow, so I cant stay out that late. Don't forget, I have to go all the way back out to the University on the bus. That takes a long time you know."
"It will totally be worth it Jane, I swear."
We met Rox and Trey at the door and she led us inside to the ball room.
There was a large dancefloor with coloured lights embedded in the glossy floor tiles. Buffets, complete with fancy foods and drinks were dotted along the side walls and there was a stage set up at the far end.
"Wow, you were right Roxy, this is quite a party. And look at the guests." There was a lot of famous people here, I just know it.
"Yeah, but don't let it phase you, Jane. They are hear to let there hair down, just like you."
"Lots of people are looking at us Roxy. Do you really think it was a good idea to be wearing matching dresses?"
At the Afterparty.
At the Afterparty.

"Jane, you look stunning, doesn't she Dad, Jim Trey?"
"Yes, stunning, gorgeous, beautiful." they replied.
"Besides, You have the wavy hair tonight , and mine has been straightened. There's no confusion, right!"
We all mingled in with the somewhat fancy crowd. I had a few dances with Jim and then another guy cut in for a while. He was really cute, and had a smile that rivalled Derek's. He was probably a huge celebrity in England but I wasn't sure.
Then Simple plan came in and went up on stage . They thanked everyone for coming and then played a medley of their songs. Everyone was dancing and cheering and having a great time.
They finished thier set and invited anyone else to go up on stage and sing or play whatever they wanted. A couple of girls had hold of the guy that had been dancing with me and led him up to the stage. They sang some pop songs, and were really good, but I still didn't find out who they were.
Next to go up was this older guy with long greyed hair. Just him and his guitar.
"Hey Jane, That's the Chief. I work with him, and he's the guy that I jammed with on stage."
"That's a real fancy looking guitar he's got." Dad replied.
"It's his only love, and it's absolutely beautiful up close. I wonder why he's up there. He told me that he didn't like playing to a crowd."
The Chief sat on a stool, without introduction, and just started to play. I think it was a Joe Satriani solo, not sure, but it was wild. The tune went on for a good ten minutes and then it quitened to something mellow. He sat there finger picking while he gestured a lady to come up on stage.

"Hey look,Jim, It's Kylie. She said she'd be here tonight."
"Kylie Minogue?" Roxy said. "Is that Kylie? You spoke to her?"
"Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Remember Derek Shafer from Southside?"
"Yeah, what about him?"
"Well he is doing an Internship at Warner Music Studios, here in London. He invited us to come into the studio last week, which is when we ran into Kylie. Guess what? She's going to...."
Suddenly Jim's foot was kicking my leg, and then I remembered that we wern't supposed to say anything.
"She's going to sing here tonight." I finished
"Okay, Wow ,she's tiny. I might even be taller than her."
"I think it's a case of who's got the highest heels." Trey said.
Kylie sang the song On A Night Like This" and then the song Chocalate." I hadn't heard this song before, but it was slow and sensual and the couples on the dance floor loved it.
"For my next song, I would like to sing a song called Red Blooded Woman, but first, I need to introduce two beautiful young ladies , well, twin sisters, who will hopefully help me out with it. Please give a warm welcome to Jane and Roxy Ryan."
"What, us? Jane? Did you know about this?" Roxy squealed, squeezing my arm way too hard with her new found muscles. "Did she just say what I thought she said?"
"Suprise!" I said, even though I was just as surprised as she was.
"Well, go on, Girls, better do as she says." Dad insisted, then kissed us both and started clapping along with the rest of the crowd.
Justin had also just turned up and came over to us."Show em what ya got ,girls."
"Jane, you do remember the words to the song, dont you? It was on Video hits the other night, at the hotel."
"Yeah, kinda. Well I remember the chorus."
"C,mon, lets give it a go." Roxy beamed. I could see the passion in her eyes, glowing like red hot embers.
We went up on stage and thanked kylie. Then I turned around and looked at all the guests. I could see the guys from Simple plan at the far end of the room. They, along with everybody else looked like they were curious to see how well we would perform.
I was scared, no doubt about it. But it all made sense. This was my time, or should I say my moment to make it all happen. I'm not talking about me and my dreams. No, this was all about my sister. She was the one I loved and had such a special place for in my heart.
Roxy squeezed my hand two times, I squeezed hers back three, like we always did when we were young. She nodded to where Dad and the guys were standing by the side of the dance floor.
Dave, Ryan and Sam were already on the stage since Kylie,s first song.
Kylie smiled at us and started her song.

"Count backwards 5,4,3,2,1...."
Before you get to heated and turned on, turned on...."

She sung the verse and we joined her for the extra backing parts and the chorus.

"Boy,boy, let me keep freakin around, I wanna get down...."
"I,m a red blooded woman. Whats the point of hangin round...."
Boy,Boy, I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...."

We finished the song to the generous applause from the crowd. I was shaking but my smile was simply plastered onto my face. I looked out to the audience, to Jim, Trey, Justin and my Dad as the enormity of what I had just done started to sink in. People were taking photo's, some of us and lots of Kylie. I was still clutching Roxy's hand even though she was bouncing around, waving to people and posing for the cameras. I purposly turned and stared at my sister, taking in the full emotions in slow motion. A huge lump formed in my throat and my eyes glazed over. Wow! This was the life that she could see for herself, and now that I've had a taste, I think I can understand why it is her dream.
I motioned Roxy to join me in thanking Kylie before leaving the stage, however Kylie turned to us first and said .....
"Hey, don't you girl's go anywhere yet. There's still something special that I want to do for you."
"What does she want to do, Jane?"
"I don't know, Rox. I thought we were done."
Kylie took the mic off the stand and faced the crowd.
"I happen to know through my good friend, the Chief, that these two girls have written a really cool song , but havn't ever sung it too an audience. So, what do you say? Would you all like to hear the girls perform it?" She pointed the mic at the crowd.
"Yeah. Go Roxy, Jane! Let them sing!" they clapped and whistled, and I could hear Trey above the rest.
"So what do you you say, girls?"
I looked at Roxy, and she at me. Our twin-ness took over, like a thousand word conversation without making a sound.
"Um, I suppose we sing," Roxy said.
"Alright, so what's the song called and what name do we call you two?"
"Roxy, I asked, Zen riot, yes?"
"No, not for us, Jane. Not now."
"Kylie," I whispered to her, "we havn't got a name for it, or us yet."
"Maybe I can Help." she replied quietly back to us.
"Well folks, seems we have to find these two a name, first. Any suggestions out there?" She pointed the mic to the crowd.
"Boho Girls! ... Times two.... J-Rox ..." came some rather lame suggestions from the crowd. Mind you, the last one was okay.

Just then, The Chief walked across the stage to Kylie. He took the microphone from her and made his way across to Roxy. He grabbed hold of her petite hand and lifted it high in the air. Then he turned to the crowd and slowly spoke the words -
"Something about Roxy!"
The crowd cheered and whistled. Roxy gasped and turned bright red. I could see the tears well up in her eyes. She reached for my hand and lifted it high as well.
"Looks like thats settled then." Kylie agreed.
"Now, where looking for the song title, looking for? Looking for?" Kylie said as she scanned the audience. Then she turned back to the Chief who was standing next to Roxy. He smiled at Kylie and lifted his beloved guitar.
Got it! she said.
Kylie leaned over to us, covering the mic, and told us what she thought of. Instantly Roxy and I both agreed, and so it was settled. Kylie handed the microphone to Roxy and motioned her to do an introduction.

"Hello, good people out there, um, We are -SOMETHING ABOUT ROXY- and this is our song -LOOKING FOR MY PHOENIX-
Dad, Trey, Jim, Justin and the rest of the audience cheered.
Roxy quickly turned, and hugged Kylie and the Chief, then she reached out for my hand and gave me the happiest smile that I've ever seen.
happy times
happy times

"Jane, you and I, we are * Stars *. My wish. My dreams. My promise to Mum. It's all come true, thanks to you!"

And so it was to be . We sang our song and that was the begining of a extrordinary time in my life, our lives.
For Roxy, her dreams had come to fruition. For me, it was the most precious gift of all to have such a bond with my sister. I knew that my life was enriched , and I was going to bask in all its glories.

*********************************************** THE END ***************************************

Looking for my pheonix
Looking for my pheonix

Sanity music Chart 13/ 12/ 2004
Sanity music Chart 13/ 12/ 2004



Disney Girl
Disney Girl



Roxy & Jane.    All American  Girls
Roxy & Jane. All American Girls

Star Girls
Star Girls
added by jessy-lu
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made by me - flowerdrop
added by jessy-lu
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by mollyx365
mary-kate olsen
ashley olsen
so little time
Mary-Kate and Ashley Kids Choice Awards 1995 and 1999
added by flowerdrop
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by servaege
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made by me - flowerdrop
added by servaege