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Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Crème From Karina_Brony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Special Guest Stars

Nicole From Seanthehedgehog

Aurora Northwind From Alinah_09

Season 5 Highlights

Mirage: *Standing in front of station* Hello there. Being the new pony, and all, I got the advantage of hosting the season 5 highlights. When I first arrived, I was told many things about this place, and I even got to witness some things. Enjoy.

Episode 41

Pete: Well, whoever's fault it was, we still need another engineer over here.
Michael: How about we borrow some of your engines, and you won't need so many engineers.
Pete: We already let the Santa Neigh, and the Baltimare & Ohio borrow some of our engines. We don't have enough to give to you.
Michael: And yet you always have enough for the Baltimare & Ohio.
Pete: Hey, we don't normally lease engines to the Santa Neigh. They plan to sell part of their line going over our yard, to the Burlington Route.


Hawkeye: What's with the sticker you're wearing?
Percy: Pete put that on there to let everypony that I'm now an engineer on this line.
Stylo: Ah, congratulations on the promotion.
Percy: Thank you.
Gordon: *Arrives* What the fuck is this? You have enough room to let Percy sit with you, but you won't let me sit with you?
Hawkeye: What can we say? You're fatter, and much more rude then Percy.
Gordon: Why are you wearing a sticker? What are you, three?
Percy: Read it, and find out.
Gordon: *Reading sticker* New engineer? What the fuck gave Pete the idea to let you be an engineer?
Stylo: Because he actually knows how to drive a train.
Hawkeye: Yeah, all you do is either go too fast, or jump off at random times.
Gordon: Jesus christ. *Walks to train yard*
Percy: He always gets angry about everything.
Hawkeye: Oh yes he does.
Stylo: In 1941, he was one of the pilots that bombed Pearl Harbor.


Jeff: What's the matter Percy? You look upset.
Percy: So far, everypony has been getting angry at me.
Jeff: What did you do wrong?
Percy: Well first off, Orion tried to take off before one of his freight cars even got unloaded, and I prevented him from doing that. Then, the ponies that were trying to unload Orion's train got angry at me, and thought I was the one that tried to leave too early, and Snowflake just shouted at me, because she thought I was too slow to move my engine out of the way.
Jeff: So, what do you want to do about it?
Percy: I want to go back to my old job.
Jeff: But Pete won't let you.
Percy: Oh yes he will. If I just explain to him what's happening, then I'll go back to my old job. *Runs to Pete's office*

Episode 42

It was like any ordinary day in Cheyenne. Hawkeye, and Stylo were waiting for a train to arrive, so that they could drive it.

Hawkeye: *Sitting on bench* I'm bored.
Stylo: Hm?
Hawkeye: I'm so bored, that it's boring.
Stylo: Oh boy.
Hawkeye: Cutting bored.
Stylo: Gamebored.
Hawkeye: Floorbored.
Stylo: Checkerbored.
Hawkeye: All abored.
Stylo: I wanted to say that.
Hawkeye: That's what they all say.


Pete took Mirage to the train yard.

Pete: I'm sure you know how this works.
Mirage: Yes, I know.
Pete: Good, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. A huge line of freight cars can be seen there, by the tower. You push those cars down a small hill called a hump.
Mirage: How do you hump a train sir?
Pete: *Facehoof* Why does everypony ask that stupid question?


Hawkeye, Stylo, and Mirage went outside, where Pete, and the bus driver were arguing.

Drunk Bus Driver: I don't give a shit what you tell me! I am taking all your fucking passengers away from the train, and to wherever they need to go in the town of Cheyenne!!!
Pete: You're not allowed to! Those ponies want to get on the train, not the bus!
Drunk Bus Driver: Who would want to get on the train?!?
Pony 36: I would.
Pony 57: Me too.
Pony 98: It's better than taking the bus!
Drunk Bus Driver: *Gets in bus, and drives away*
Hawkeye: Are you alright Pete?
Pete: Yeah. All we did was shout at each other. That asshole can do whatever he wants.

Meanwhile, near Cheyenne Town Hall.

Mayor: *Standing near hot dog stand, and looking at watch* OH NO!! I have to find a restaurant to eat before it reaches two o' clock!! *Runs past hotdog stand* Where is a restaurant when you need one?!
Army Pony: *Driving tank down road*
Mayor: *Sees army tank* What the hell?! What? The? Hell?!!? Army tanks aren't supposed to go down a street like that.
Drunk Bus Driver: *Driving bus* I'm a bus, I hate you too!! *Stops bus*
Mayor: Oh good. I'm going to get on my bus, because my bus is here. *Gets on bus*

Episode 43

Pete: *Signing papers in his office*
Gordon: *Knocks on door*
Pete: Come in.
Gordon: *Enters office*
Pete: Mr. Suite. Why are you late for work?
Gordon: I'm sorry sir, but my car broke down. The engine overheated, one of the tires got flat, and the front bumper fell off.
Pete: Well then. I think it's time for you to get a new car.
Gordon: Sir, those cost at least $2,000. I can't buy a new car!
Pete: Why? How much money do you have?
Gordon: Only a few hundred dollars.
Pete: Why don't you sell your car?
Gordon: Who would want that unreliable hunk of junk?
Mirage: *Enters office* Hello sir. I came back with a passenger train, wanted to use the bathroom, and then I overheard your conversation.


At a dealership not far away, Gordon, and Nocturnal Mirage were looking for a brand new car. The dealership had a pair of loudspeakers playing music.

This was the song playing: link

Mirage: The dealer will be out here soon.
Gordon: Good. I can't wait to get this over with.
Dealer: *Arrives* Hello. May I help you?
Gordon: Yeah, I just want a new car.
Mirage: He needs one so he can get to work.
Dealer: Well, we have two cars available. A Belair, and a Series 65.
Gordon: *Sees cars* Aw man. They're both so nice, but I don't know which one I want.
Dealer: Take your time.
Gordon: *Staring at cars*
Mirage: *Looking at watch*
Gordon: It's too hard for me to choose.
Dealer: There are only two cars. Please, choose one.
Gordon: Umm... *Continues staring* I can't... I... Fuck it. *Runs away*
Dealer: What's his problem?
Mirage: He's an idiot. *Runs after Gordon*


Gordon: *Looks at Hawkeye* Why are you wearing that ridiculous thing around your face, and over your eyes?
Metal Gloss: Because he lost his eyesight.
Gordon: You mean... He's blind?! *Laughing*
Metal Gloss: Stop laughing at him!
Gordon: Or else, what?
Metal Gloss: I'll kick you in the ass.
Gordon: Yeah right. Mares are too weak to fight a stallion.
Metal Gloss: *Kicks Gordon in the leg*
Gordon: Ow!! *Falls on floor* What was that for?
Hawkeye: For making fun of me. Don't ever do that again.
Gordon: Grrr!
Hawkeye: Don't get mad at me Gordon. Remember, you still need to focus on buying a new car.
Gordon: GGGGGRRRR!!!!

Episode 44

Hawkeye, and Stylo: *Climb into engine*
Conductor: All aboard!
Signal Pony: *Turns signal green*
Hawkeye: *Blows whistle twice, and drives train*

While the train was leaving, Louis decided to write a letter.

Dear Clint Eastwood,

It's me, Louis Bodine. I haven't heard from you in a while, but I did get to see you in a movie. Congratulations. I'm writing to you from a train station in Cheyenne Wyoming. It's part of the Union Pacific line, and the ponies that work here are superb. They're all nice. Pierce Hawkins, or Hawkeye is one of the engineers.

A few days ago, he was trying to help somepony, but he got angry at him for that.

Gordon: *Cleaning station* Why do I have to sweep the floor, when I should be driving a train?!
Hawkeye: *Watching Gordon carelessly clean* Gordon, you're supposed to get all of the dust, you're leaving some of it on the floor.
Gordon: Who asked for you to make fun of me?!
Hawkeye: Alright, fine. Do it the wrong way. Or better yet, let me do it.
Gordon: *Puts broom down* You want to do it instead of me?
Hawkeye: Well, somepony has to do it, and it obviously ain't you.
Pete: *Arrives* Gordon, stop bothering Pierce, and get back to work. We want this station to look nice before the passengers arrive.
Gordon: I wasn't bothering him! He wanted to take over for me!
Pete: Really?
Hawkeye: Help him? Why should I do that, when he called me an asshole?
Pete: That's it Gordon, you're going home for the rest of the day.
Gordon: NO! I want to work!
Pete: Not with that behavior, you won't.


Stylo: Orion, we're low on sand.
Orion: Oh, don't worry, I know.
Stylo: You knew this entire time, and you didn't even tell me?!
Orion: Yeah. I used most of the sand to make a sand castle.
Stylo: ..Where exactly did you make this sand castle?

In Pete's office.

Pete: *Looking at desk* I'll never understand how Orion keeps doing all these crazy things.

Back to the freight train.

Stylo: Oh. I see.


Metal Gloss: *Driving train* We'll be going down Sherman Hill soon.
Coffee Creme: Right.
Metal Gloss: Alright, let's put on the brakes.
Coffee Creme: *Tries to put on brakes* They aren't working.
Metal Gloss: That's not good. If we don't slow down in time, we're done for. I got an idea, cast a spell so we can have water.
Coffee Creme: Oh, a fine time for a drink Metal Gloss. Next I supposed you want some popcorn.
Metal Gloss: Just get the water.
Coffee Creme: *Casting a spell for water*
Metal Gloss: Better hurry.
Coffee Creme: *Finishes spell*
Metal Gloss: *Takes bucket of water, and pours it in firebox*
Coffee Creme: What did you do that for?
Metal Gloss: To kill off power. Without a fire, the steam engine can't go anywhere, now can it?
Coffee Creme: And then, we'll slow down before we crash. Good thinking.

Episode 45

Gordon: Is that you Coffee Crème?... Oh good, I'm so glad I can talk to you again.
Coffee Crème: *At a hotel in London* Merci. This meeting for female railroad employees could have been anywhere else, and it was chosen to be in the worst spot ever.
Gordon: London. Their freight cars are so small that they could collapse if you put a normal load in it.
Coffee Crème: And the couplings are so out of date.
Gordon: And dangerous.
Coffee Crème: Oui. Now if we were in my home country, France, that would be a different story.
Gordon: But the trains in France are exactly the same as the ones in England.
Coffee Crème; Are they?
Gordon: Yes.
Coffee Crème: Well then, France needs the exact same railway equipment that we have in Equestria.
British Pony: Miss Crème? The meeting will start soon.
Coffee Crème: I have to go. *Hangs up*
Gordon: *Puts phone away* Oh well.


Hawkeye: Hold it. I also saved something for a good time. *Shows medical tag* This is what they put on a pony's back hoof when they die.
Stylo: I got a pen.
Hawkeye: *Puts tag around Gordon's hoof*
Stylo: And now we write, retarded, and morally bankrupt.
Hawkeye: *Writing retarded, and morally bankrupt*
Orion: *Walks onto train tracks, then sees a train, and begins to sing* When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore!
Engineer: *Blows horn three times*
Orion: *Gets off train track*


Gordon: What is this? *Looking at tag* Retarded, and morally bankrupt? That's not true!
Hawkeye: *Arrives, and blows horn seven times, making it sound like the shave & a haircut song*
Gordon: Oh finally, my friends are here to get me back to Cheyenne.
Stylo: Yup, get in.
Hawkeye: The sooner, the better.
Gordon: *Gets on engine*
Jake: Hey, what about the work in the train yard?
Hawkeye: Sorry buster, you're gonna have to do that yourself. *Drives away*
Gordon: My knights in shining armor! *Hugging Hawkeye*
Hawkeye: Stop it Gordon!
Stylo: And don't you dare hug me. I don't want to get arrested for being hugged by a gay pony.
Gordon: I don't understand this. You were being nice to me earlier, but now you're being mean!
Hawkeye: We were never nice to you Gordon, it was all a nightmare.
Gordon: Oh no it wasn't! I was popular, don't you deny it! *Pouts, and looks away from Hawkeye, and Stylo*

Episode 46

It was 7 AM in Cheyenne Wyoming. Hawkeye, and Stylo were sitting at the station, waiting to take over for a passenger train. They were playing a board game called Mancala.

Hawkeye: Have you ever played this game before?
Stylo: No, but I think I know what to do. *Moves pebbles around board* There are fourteen holes on this board. Twelve of them are small, and two of them are bigger. Six of the small ones are mine, one of the bigger ones are mine, and you get the rest. Each of the small holes get four pebbles, and we want to get as many pebbles into the big hole as possible.
Hawkeye: Are you sure you never played this game before?
Stylo: I saw a few ponies play it before.


Gordon: How could get engaged to somepony? We're dating!
Coffee Crème: He actually respects me, and doesn't act like an idiot.
Gordon: I don't act like an idiot.
Ponies: Uhmm. *Clearing throats*
Gordon: *Staring at everypony*
Pete: *Arrives* Alright, what's going on here?
Gordon: Frenchy is cheating on me.
Coffee Crème: I am not!
Gordon: Oh yes you are. You're dating me, and getting engaged to somepony that doesn't even work here!
Coffee Crème: But he still works on the same railroad that I do.
Gordon: Where is he?
Coffee Crème: Denver, but don't you dare try to fight him.
Gordon: Why not? I'm tough.

A small leaf lands on Gordon's head from a tree nearby.

Gordon: AAAAHH!! *Runs to corner, and hides* What was that? What was that?!!?
Pete: It was a leaf you fool.
Gordon: Oh. *Stands up* I knew that.


Pete: *Climbs in engine*
Hawkeye: Welcome to the Hawkeye Express, where everypony on our trains are important.
Engineer: Pierce, wait! *Runs to engine* A little present for you helping us out here. *Gives case of beer to Hawkeye* Enjoy.
Hawkeye: Thanks. *Drives train* So, how'd you do?
Pete: I passed the test, and now they'll pay me $1,500 an hour.
Hawkeye: That's great.
Pete: Let me have some of that booze. *Takes bottle of beer, and takes a zip* That was good.
Hawkeye: To money. *Takes zip of beer*
Pete: To a life of luxury. *Takes zip of beer*
Hawkeye: To the Union Pacific.
Pete: That's a double.
Hawkeye: *Takes two zips of beer*
Pete: To railroading.
Hawkeye: That's a double.
Pete: *Takes two zips of beer*
Hawkeye: To getting drunk. Thaz a double right?
Pete: Right.
Hawkeye: *Takes two zips of beer* Hey. Is it illegal to driving a train when you're intoxicated?
Pete: I don't know. They didn't ask me that on my test. To drunk driving! *Takes zip of beer*

Episode 47

Percy was on vacation, and Orion was taking over for him.

Orion: *Hitting spikes into rails* Why does Pete need me to help you? You're perfect on your own.
Jeff: Actually, repairing track is very difficult on your own. I should know, I've done it before.
Orion: Well, I still think it's pointless.
Jeff: Would you prefer working on here by yourself?
Orion: No, I'd prefer doing what I'm supposed to do, and that is driving a train!
Jeff: Oh well.


Gordon: *Backs engine onto freight train* Okay everypony, you may load up the train now.
Workers: *Loading train with pizza ingredients*
Gordon: We need music for a working montage.
Workers: He's right. Get some music, now!
Random Ponies: *Playing music*

Song: link

Gordon: Ah, *Sits back in chair* That's more like it.
Ponies: *Loading pizza ingredients onto train*
Engineer: *Pushing caboose onto freight train slowly*
Gordon: *Checking fuel gauge*
Ponies: *Finish loading pizza ingredients onto train*
Other Pony: *Connecting airbrakes from train onto caboose*
Conductor: *Climbs into caboose*
Gordon: *Grabs walkie talkie* Everything is all good in my end. How are things going on your end?
Conductor: Fine. We got all the ingredients, the caboose is on, and now we're waiting for a green signal.
Gordon: *Sees green signal* Signal is green, all aboard. *Blows horn twice, and drives train*
Conductor: I'm supposed to say that.
Gordon: Well, I made the job easier for you. *Continues driving train*


Coffee Crème, and Gordon were at the train station in Cheyenne. They were waiting for another train to arrive so that they could work together, but decided not to talk to each other.

Hawkeye: *Arrives* You know, I think you two could learn a very valuable lesson from all of this. Our first lesson is to not cheat on somepony that you're dating. We also learned to make sure that the brakes are working properly on an engine before you use it, and the most important thing we learned....
Gordon & Coffee Crème: What is it?
Hawkeye: It's not good to be covered up in tomato sauce, pepperoni, and cheese.
Coffee Crème: *Laughing*
Gordon: Why is that funny?
Coffee Crème: I don't know.. It's just.. It's just... *Continues laughing*
Gordon: Funny. *Laughing*
Hawkeye: *Laughing*

Episode 48

Pete was signing papers in his office, when Metal Gloss knocked on the door.

Pete: Come in.
Metal Gloss: *Enters office*
Pete: Hello Metal Gloss. What can I do for you?
Metal Gloss: A very good friend of mine is getting out of jail after ten years, and he wants to throw a party for himself in the station.
Pete: What did he get in jail for?
Metal Gloss: Take a guess.
Pete: I'm gonna say he got in jail for robbing a bank.
Metal Gloss: Nope.
Pete: Robbing a jewelry store?
Metal Gloss: Absolutely not.
Pete: Robbing a restaurant?
Metal Gloss: Who robs a restaurant?
Pete: Anypony that wants free food. What did he do?
Metal Gloss: He got framed for another pony stealing the police commissioner's car. He was only fifteen, and he was in school at the time the car was stolen, but the judge wouldn't listen.
Pete: Well, I'm glad for your friend that he's out of jail. I'll make the necessary arrangements for this to happen.


Pete: Enough chit chat, let's get this party started. *Turns on record player*

This is the song playing: link

Ponies: *Dancing with each other*
Zack: *Sees Hawkeye, and Metal Gloss dancing, and walks up to the both of them* Hey Metal Gloss.. When you're done, can I talk to you?
Metal Gloss: You can talk to me now. Is that okay Pierce?
Hawkeye: Sure, go ahead. *Walks to get punch*
Zack & Metal Gloss: *Walk outside of station*
Metal Gloss: What's the matter? You look sad.
Zack: I wanted to get a job here, but they said I couldn't because of my criminal record.
Metal Gloss: That's not fair!
Zack: I know it's not fair, but they won't listen to me.
Metal Gloss: Alright, I'll tell you what. When I'm not busy, you can come here, and we can talk, and have conversations.
Zack: Yeah, okay. Thank you, I appreciate it.
Mirage: *Brings passenger train into station*
Zack: Who was that pony driving the train?
Metal Gloss: That's our newest worker, Nocturnal Mirage. He came all the way from Hungary to work for us.
Zack: He's Hungarian? Cool.
Mirage: *Stops train at station*
Jeff: *Walks off train* Come on Metal Gloss! Stop talking when there's work to be done!
Metal Gloss: Will you excuse me for a minute?
Zack: Sure.
Metal Gloss: *Runs to Jeff* Zack, and I are very good friends, and you two have something in common you know.
Jeff: We do? And what would that be?
Metal Gloss: Jail.
Jeff: *Gasps* Don't mention that word! It makes my legs wobble!
Metal Gloss: It does the same to Zack. He got framed for stealing the police commissioner's car. Now he's trying to work for us, but he can't because of his criminal record. Even so, it's time that we get another pony to help us. Pete needs to hire another pony as an engineer.
Jeff: Yes he does, and quickly.


Jeff: Who's there?
Mare: *Looks up* Do you work for the Union Pacific?
Jeff: Yeah, and I'm proud of it.
Mare: Well I'm Nicole. My special somepony named Ike is with me in this locomotive. We ran out of fuel, and we're trying to get away.
Jeff: But why are you here?
Nicole: We're escaping.
Jeff: From what?
Nicole: Jail.
Jeff: *Shivers* Wait a minute. Do you work for the Northern Pacific?
Nicole: I used too, but then I got fired. My boss threatened to kill me, so me, and my special somepony stole these two engines from them.
Jeff: Alright, I'll be glad to help. We gotta make it look like we're taking those engines away for scrap though.
Nicole: Got it.

Music: link

So they got to work. Jeff uncoupled his engines from the freight train, and left it in the siding, while he got his engines coupled up to Nicole's engines. While doing this, Ike was making markings on Nicole's engine, saying scrap.

Nicole: Don't you think it's dangerous to drive that train backwards?
Jeff: I don't have enough time to turn this thing around on a turntable, so here we go.
Nicole & Ian: *Climb into engine*
Jeff: *Drives backwards*
Railroad Police Pony: *Looking at train*
Dog: *Barking*
Railroad Police Pony: *Blows whistle*
Jeff: *Stops train*
Railroad Police Pony: A-ha! Caught ya trying to take two Northern Pacific diesels. You can't take those!
Jeff: But they're for the U.P. See for yourself.
Railroad Police Pony: *Looking around train* Alright, seems in order. Go ahead.
Jeff: *Drives away*
Nicole: *Looks out cab*
Jeff: *Shouting from his engine to Nicole's engine* Can you hear me?!
Nicole: Yeah!
Jeff: That was close!!!
Nicole: We had worse! I'll tell 'em to you when we get to where we're going.

And so, the three ponies continued on to Cheyenne, as the sun was rising.

Episode 49

One day, At Mirage's house, he was getting ready for work.

Mirage: *Breathing in fresh air, and looks all around him* Another beautiful day, and more time for me to work.
Colts: *Running to Mirage* Mister, we need your help!
Mirage: What's the matter?
Colts: Our bus is running late, and we need to get to school.
Mirage: Well, I suppose I could give you a ride, but next time, try not to talk to somepony you don't know. Get in.
Colts: *Gets in car*
Mirage: Stay there, I'll be back. *Goes to house, then gets on telephone* I gotta let Pete know that I'll be late for work. *Dialing Pete's number on phone*
Pete: *Signing papers in office, and picks up phone* Hello?
Mirage: Pete, something popped up, and I may be late for work.
Pete: Okay Mirage, get here when you can. Thanks for telling me. *Hangs up*


When Mirage got to work, he saw the same bus that passed him when he was giving the colts a ride to school. Nearby, were several ponies that just got off the bus. As Mirage was parking his car, the bus driver got out, and looked angry.

Mirage: *Gets out of car, and walks to station*
Bus Driver Pony: *Looks at Mirage*
Mirage: Good morning. Are you a new bus driver?
Bus Driver Pony: Yeah, and I think what I just did was dumb. If I knew I was bringing ponies to the train station, I might have crashed into a building!
Mirage: I'm glad you didn't. Our railway needs passengers, and we thank you for your assistance.
Bus Driver Pony: Lies! All lies! Buses will be the future of transportation. One day, all you ponies that work on railways will lose your job, and be homeless!
Mirage: That right there is a lie. Everypony here works their hardest.
Orion: *Runs out of station* Hey, Mirage, guess what!
Mirage: What?
Orion: I was this close to getting fired, but instead I got a three week suspension.
Mirage: Oh my god, what did you do this time?
Orion: I threw somepony's luggage onto the tracks, and a train ran it over. Well, I'm gonna enjoy my suspension! *Runs away*
Bus Driver Pony: You were saying?
Mirage: Okay, he's the only one that causes mayhem around here.
Gordon: AHHH! *Kicks pony out of station* Don't ever say that word in front of me again!
Random Pony: But I just said Moby Dick was a great book!
Gordon: Moby Dick is the worst book ever!! They should censor that word from the book, and everywhere in this world! *Walks to bus* Hey, get me to the bar. I need to get my daily dose of booze.
Bus Driver Pony: Get in. *Gets in bus*
Gordon: *Gets in bus*
Bus Driver Pony: *Drives away*


As Mirage was getting to a bridge on his train, he saw somepony waving a red flag. That meant danger.

Mirage: *Stops train*
Railway Pony: *Walks up to Mirage*
Mirage: What's wrong?
Railway Pony: I understand that you've been racing a bus to Denver.
Mirage: Yeah, where is he?
Railway Pony: Look no further. He's under the bridge, and got his bus stuck under.
Mirage: Oh boy.
Bus Ponies: We want our money back!
Bus Pony 35: That ass hat lied to us, and said he'd take us to another station to catch another train!
Bus Pony 13: Then he tried getting us to Denver by himself.
Bus Pony 6: The bus sucks. We're getting on the train.
Kurt: No you're not! How was I supposed to know that this bus was too big to go under the bridge?!
Bus Ponies: *Walk pass Kurt, and gets onto train*
Mirage: Well, looks like I got more passengers for my train.
Railway Pony: *Looks at bridge* It's risky, so go as slow as possible.
Mirage: Right. *Walks back to engine, and climbs into cab*
Kurt: Wait, what's he doing?
Railway Pony: Just wait, and see.
Mirage: *Drives slowly over bridge*
Kurt: Is he- is he going over?!
Railway Pony: Yep.
Mirage: *Getting train over bridge*
Kurt: *Looking at bus stuck under bridge* STOP!! YOU'LL CRUSH MY BUS!!
Railway Pony: It's not going anywhere. Relax.
Mirage: *Gets entire train over bridge*

Episode 50

Several miles north of Portland

January 5, 1951

Nicole: *Driving train through snow* There's not a lot so far, but when we start going uphill, we'll have to plow a lot of snow off the line.
Aurora: Casey Jones would have a hard time doing this if he was told to. *Shovels coal into firebox*
Nicole: Keep doing your best Aurora.
Aurora: Hey, when I was on the N&W, we had this great idea to keep ourselves occupied.
Nicole: What was it?
Aurora: We would sing songs. This one you have to speak russian.
Nicole: Oh, I know that language very well.
Aurora: Good. You ready to sing?
Nicole: Yes.

Song: link

More snow is on the tracks in front of them, but they continue working as they sing.

Nicole: Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi, Poplyli tumany nad rekoj. Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, Na vysokij bereg na krutoj. Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, Na vysokij bereg na krutoj.
Aurora: Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila, Pro stepnogo, sizogo orla.
Nicole & Aurora: Pro togo, kotorogo liubila, Pro togo, chi pisma beregla. Pro togo, kotorogo liubila, Pro togo, chi pisma beregla. Oj ty, pesnia, pesenka devichia, Ty leti za iasnym solntsem vsled. I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche
Ot Katyushi peredaj privet. I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche Ot Katyushi peredaj privet.

The train starts to go uphill, and more snow is in the way, but their train does not slow down.

Nicole: Pust on vspomnit devushku prostuiu.
Aurora: Pust uslyshit, kak ona poet.
Nicole & Aurora: Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu, A liubov Katyusha sberezhet. Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu, A liubov Katyusha sberezhet.
Aurora: Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi.
Nicole: Poplyli tumany nad rekoj.
Nicole & Aurora: Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, Na vysokij bereg na krutoj. Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, Na vysokij bereg na krutoj.

Their train made it to the top of the hill, and they reached Seattle on time.


The next day, Nicole was assigned to drive a freight train to Denver. When she got back, she was waiting at the trainstation so that she could drive a passenger train to North Platte Neighbraska.

Nicole: *Sitting on bench*
Mirage: *Arrives with Percy, and Jeff*
Pete: *On loudspeaker* Attention, the next passenger train will arrive in five minutes, bound for North Platte.
Mirage: Nicole, may we have a word with you?
Nicole: All three of you?
Percy: What we have to tell you is very important.
Nicole: Okay, what word do you want from me?
Mirage: Intelligence. We just heard that some ponies in the mafia are set up at Archer Hill.
Percy: And since you're driving a train to North Platte, you'll have to pass those gangsters.
Nicole: You think I can't deal with the mafia. Coffee Creme knows better. She says I'm sagacious.
Mirage: You maybe, good gracious, but-
Jeff: Don't say anymore Mirage. It's quite unfortunate, but this young mare will have to learn for herself.
Nicole: Oh, you think it's because of my age that I won't be able to handle a bunch of wise guys.
Mirage: Well, young ponies do tend to make a lot of mistakes.
Nicole: You're younger than me Mirage.
Mirage: Yes, but I learn from Hawkeye. He's an expert on railroading, and I'd listen to him if I were you.
Nicole: I've gone through many adventures before. I can deal with the gangsters.
Jeff: *Sees passenger train* Well, your train is coming up Nicole. Good luck.
Percy: Yeah, you're gonna need it.
Engineer Pony: *Stops train, then hops out of engine*
Nicole: No I won't. *Walks to engine, and climbs in*
Mirage: How long do you think she's gonna survive?
Percy: Not that long.
Jeff: When I rescued her from the Northern Pacific, I thought she would have more common sense, but I think she lost it all.
Mirage: You think it's from being in so many adventures?
Jeff: Not only that, but the fact that she got fired, just made her lose her mind. I've seen some ponies act like that before.
Percy: I hope she comes to her senses.
Conductor: All aboard!
Signal Pony: *Turns signal green*
Nicole: *Blows horn twice, and drives train out of station*
Mirage: Well, nothing we can do about it now. Let's get back to work.


So the gangsters took all of the money from the passengers. When they left, Mirage arrived in one of the trucks owned by the Railroad.

Mirage: *Stops truck by train*
Nicole: *Gets out of train*
Mirage: Hello Nicole. Are you being a good gracious pony? With all due respect, we don't like having any of our trains derailed. Pete's not going to be happy about this, but Percy, and Jeff will be most annoyed. Good bye. *Gets back in truck, and drives away*
Nicole: *Too ashamed to say anything*
Percy & Jeff: *Arrives in inspection cart*
Pete: *With Percy, and Jeff* You don't know how to deal with gangsters, do you?
Nicole: Well how is anypony supposed to deal with gangsters throwing grenades at you?
Pete: There was a gun in the cab of your engine.
Nicole: There was? Where?
Pete: Under the seat. We only use them to fight against the mafia.

The End.

Season 6 will begin in less than two weeks.
posted by karinabrony
"Oh, hey! I've been wanting to show you something!" Black Rose said. She got out the small box in her backpack and showed her the pet. "Oh! Where did you get this cute little critter at?" Silver Tune said as she got hold of him. "When I was in the bathroom, I got out of the door and he was right there." Black Rose said. "He sure is cute!" Silver Tune said. "Yeah, he is." Rose told her. "Here you go!" Silver Tune said as she handed her the mice. Suddenly, it landed on the seat and went on the floor. "Oh no!" Black Rose said. The mouse was running on the floor and it went straight to Star Shimmer....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Meanwhile, on the train

Bartholomew: *sees passenger*
Passenger: *looking at map of Equestria* Hey, dude. Do you know how long it would take to get from Germany to my place if I was driving?
Barthololmew: (Not this again.) Perhaps you should try looking at an actual world map instead of that peice of trash l:(
Passenger: Who asked you? Fine, if you're gonna be like that, I'll use my smartphone, and it'll tell me how to get there, and how long it will take.
Bartholomew: I hate my life *jumps out train*
Passenger: *looks up directions* What's his problem? *continues looking* WHHHATTT?!?!
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
While the train left Cheyenne for Denver, Bartholomew was checking the tickets of every passenger.

Bartholomew: Tickets please.
passenger: *gives ticket*
Bartholomew: *takes ticket* Thanks
passenger: You're not going to cut it?
Bartholomew: What?
passenger: You're supposed to use this hole puncher *points to tool* and punch a hole in it.
Bartholomew: Oh *puts hole in ticket*
passenger: Thanks, dumbass.
Bartholomew: What did you just call me?
passenger: You heard me you british peice of hell.
Bartholomew: *pulls passenger out of seat*
passenger: Ow! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!
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posted by Canada24
A day or two later.

The gang took a train down to Canterlot, Pinkie and Fluttershy were with them again,

Ditto was brought from still inside the orb.

Before getting on the train, Twilight had Spike send a letter about the events of the forest, and why the dark alicorn will be brought to her, so Celestia was waiting for them to arrive.

After what felt like a fairly long ride they finally arrived.

And they all climbed out of the train.

Eventually they met Celestia inside her castle.

"Thank goodness your all, alright" Celestia said to them.

"Yes.. We're fine Celestia" Twilight grinned.

"Soo.. What should...
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The whole scene around Ponyville was pretty somber, hell even the weather was around to match the emotions of everyone who was around at the funeral right now. The sky was a very foggy grey blue, no birds seemed to be out at this time, and the wind, although soft, gave off a violent chill to everyone.

At the funeral, everyone was gathered around the tombstone of Sweetie Belle, a picture of a music note with angel wings on both sides of it was etched onto the stone slab. Right now everyone stared down at it setting roses and their own teardrops onto it. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, with stitches...
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posted by Canada24
"W.. Who are you!?" AppleBloom asked frightenedly.

"I'm Ditto" the big black alicorn before them replied with a evil grin.

"Wait.. Your the one that abducted my mother figure! With those changeling freaks!" Spike cried, getting abit angry at the alicorn.

"Ohh yes.. The 'show called' princess. I'll tell you, she may be pretty, but past that, she didn't seem worth too much at all" Ditto laughed.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Spike screamed angrily, and the CMC's had to hold him back.

Ditto just cruelly laughed.

"What do want with us!?" Sweetie Belle angrily cried at him.

"Ya.. We're just kids" Scootaloo insisted....
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posted by mariofan14
(This story is going to be long as fuck. Forgive me for making it too long. Plus, this will be a story within a story. Enjoy.)

It was a busy day in the city of Canterlot, and all the ponies in the royal city were at their best in anything, even being fancy. They were pretty busy folk that they might not have any free time until the night arrives. However, at the castle, things were a little more easygoing. Queen Luna was taking a little nap, Princess Celestia had some guests to tour the castle, and Princess Twilight Sparkle was just about to tell a story to a group of colts and fillies.

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posted by Canada24

It was getting really late, and AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle still weren't back yet.

As you could imagine their sisters were getting super paranoid about it.

"Ohhh.. What if something happened to them!" AppleJack cried worriedly.

"We don't know that. They probably just got themselves lost.. It's a dark forest, anyone would" Twilight insisted.

"Still.. Can we try to find them, before anything DOSE!?" AppleJack said worriedly.

"Fine.. But as a group.. Can't risk anyone else getting lost" Twilight said.

Everyone agreed, and so they were off.

Unaware that "the visiter" was still in...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Seanthehedgehog presents

A ponified fanfiction based off a 70's movie

The Seven Up's

Near Grand Central Station in Manehattan

Buddy: *walking along street*
Ponies: *driving cars*
other ponies: *walking down street*
Buddy: *sees window washer* (He's above a building I have to go into)
Police: *waiting in alley way*
Buddy: *enters building*
store owner: Hello sir, how are you?
Buddy: Fine, just fine.
stallion: *walks downstairs*
Buddy: (This guy must be the burglar I have to stop. He stole a vase, and he's carrying it right in front of me)
delivery mare: *enters store* Good afternoon, where do you want this...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Douchebag was hurt, but his injury wasn't serious.

Pete: How is it not serious? You ran into a train!
Douchebag: I know! Don't rub it in for crying out loud!
Pete: So you crashed a truck into a train on your first day. wow, you're fired.
Douchebag: Whatever.
Pete: And you're fired too
Percy: Me?!
Pete: Yes you!
Percy: What did I do?! That idiot stole the keys from me, and just took off after I told him not too!
Douchebag: Desperate, so desperate.
Percy: I am not! That's what happened!!
Pete: Just get outta here.
Percy: *flies away* I can't believe this is happening

Percy went to the station when he...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It's the 11th Con Mane story, and it begins in Berlin Germany. Con's best friend Fenix Lighter, an agent for the German Secret Service, M.I.3 is on his way to a marriage. Con, and another pony is with him, until they run into trouble....

I was actually typing that while listening to the star wars theme song! LOL

Fenix: Are we almost there? How do I look?
Con: Relax Fenix.
German pony75: *flies near them*
German pony23: Hey look, there's a message.
Con: *reads it* Follow me.
German pony23: *follows*
German pony75: *lands*
Fenix: *gets out* What the fuck happened?
German pony75: Sanchez escaped,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
To celebrate the 10th Con Mane story, I've gone for my favorite James Bond movie, For Your Eye's Only.

Con was at a cemetary in Canterlot when the story began.

Con: *puts flowers on Rareesa's grave*
Reverend: Excuse me, Mr. Mane?
Con: Yes?
Reverend: The C.I.E just called, and said they would send you a helicopter.
Con: Perfect.
Discord: *yawns*
Equestrian pony: *lands chopper*
Con: *gets in helicopter*
E.P: *flies chopper*
Cat: Meow.
Discord: Wait a minute. They're almost there.
E.P: *passes bridge*
Discord: *pushes button*
E.P: *electrocuted*
Con: What's happening?
Discord: I live again!
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posted by allisonashe
Summery: One special day in Ponyville. A unicorn gave birth to an alicorn. Short after giving birth to the alicorn an rainbow was over them, only a fews minutes later another alicorn was born. Both from different families. After then both families vowed to never let there child meet one another.

hey guys there was the summery of my news book Young Love and here what the alicorns look like just so you know!!They will be at the end and heres some things about the book!

1. only goes to 30 chapters pre book

2. May not upload a lot

3. a lot of spelling errors

The last solstice

Chapter 23: Deadline

“Exactly who do you think you are?!” the Princess of the Night snapped at Mirage without any preliminary, as soon as she closed the large door of her office.

“Princess, I…” the stallion began.

“Silence!” Luna exclaimed, angrily raising her hoof. “Do you think you’re above me?! When I let you in to the menacing secret, I wasn’t expecting this! I was expecting achievements! It has been three weeks since your last report and when I finally have the time and strength to trot up there, what do I see?!”

Mirage looked around in the room quickly,...
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The last solstice

Chapter 22: Breakthrough – Part 3

“I tell you, something’s not right here, man.” the armored pegasus stated, turning to his partner.

“Tell me about it…! They’re at it again.” the other stallion nodded.

Even though they could not understand the words, the sounds of quarrelling clearly sifted through the large wooden door and every Royal Guard who posted in front of Luna's office knew something was wrong between the alicorns.

“I don’t care what you say, Cadence! This is taking far too long!” The Princess of the Night exclaimed, speaking on the archaic unicorn...
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>What is your OC's name?
> Tropical breeze!
>How old is she?
>13! ( LIKe me!)
>What is her hobby?
>Making smoothies and singing songs from musicals
>Does she have any relatives?
> She's related to flash sentry (her uncle)
>What is her personality?
>She's random, but not as random as pinkie pie. She's very serious at times
>Does she know how to make friends easily?
>YESH! She loves making friends
>Has she met any pony from the mane 6?
>She as meet twilight sparkle (soon to be be aunt) and has seen...
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At Celestia's castle...
Twilight: Princess Celestia?
Celestia: yes my star student?
Twiloght: we have a problem. the Generation 3 ponies have come and we can't seem to get them to leave.
Celestia: did you try asking them nicely?
Twilight: I was until Rainbow Dash tried to force them out.
Celestia: asking politely always solves your problems. :)
Twilight: thank you, Princess.
-back to the G3 ponies-
Twilight: excuse me G3 ponies, but could please leave?
G3 ponies: no.
Twilight: fine, have it your way. -runs back to Celestia's castle-
back in Celestia's castle...
Twilight: -pant- I tried. but they still...
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Before I start I just wanna say i apologize for not being able to finish "A day without Sugar" because i didn't have an idea. And I also apologize if you find this offensive. I'm just stating my opinion that I think Friendship is Magic is better than G3 of My Little Pony. So please respect my opinion. Now let's begin! :D

It was a pleasant afternoon in Ponyville...

Twilight Sparkle: girls, guess what?
Girls: what?
Twilight Sparkle: i just figured out a spell on how to open a portal from another generation!
Pinkie Pie: SHOW US! SHOW US! -is jumping-
Twilight: okay! -casts spell-
-portal appears-
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Spike was recaptured, and they continued taking him to Canterlot. Still, could be worse.

General Rosemeyer: Our soldiers have still not stopped Sean The Hedgehog, and his friends.
Robotnik: Fuck. Get in four trucks, three airplanes, and a tank!!
General Rosemeyer: Yes sir. *walks off*

30 seconds later

Fluttershy: Oh no! More airplanes!!
Rainbow Dash: *holds gun for Sean*
Sean: No, keep it. I have another one *grabs .44*
Rainbow Dash: If you say so.
Applejack: Why can't these humans give up?
Sean; They're Nazis, they don't know how to give up. *shoots at airplanes*
Airplanes: *pass*
Rarity: They're not...
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posted by _MockingJay_
It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Summer was over. Which meant it was time to go back to school. Applejack was organizing her backpack...

Applejack: Pens?
Applebloom: Check!
Applejack: 2 inch Binders?
Applebloom: Check!
Applejack: 85 pencils?
Applebloom: 1..2..3..4......15.....37......68....85! Check!
Applejack: Hmmm... 8 coil-ring notebooks?
Applebloom: Check!
Applejack: Colored pencils?
Applebloom: Check!
Applejack: Hmm... I guess we're done.
Applebloom: Phew. *smiles*
Applejack: *grabs backpack* Bye Applebloom!
Applebloom: *nods* Okay. Bye Sis!
Applejack: *checks watch* Oh no! I'm Late!

In school.......
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