My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Tom: Now this section of the video focuses on parts of our show where the Mane 6 made special guest appearances, or played as characters in skits. For instance, Rainbow Dash played as Marisa Sayers in The Ass Ass Inn skit.

We're starting off with that female alicorn with the voice of Ice Cube, Twilight Sparkle

Audience: *Cheering*


Twilight: Whad up niggas?
Audience: *Clapping*
Twilight: Let's start off our first day of school with some arithmetic. What is one plus one?

Link to how Pinkie Pie is talking: link

Pinkie Pie: Nein nein nein nein nein nein nein!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Pinkie Pie: I'm pretty sure the answer is nein. My best friend Rarity told me.
Twilight: Unfortunately, you're wrong.
Pinkie Pie: Screw that sex addict for giving me the wrong answer.
Audience: *Laughing*
Pinkie Pie: Though, I'm pretty sure someone else is doing that to her already.
Audience: *Laughing*


Celestia: *Gets a star* Now you will all taste my wrath! *Crashing into everypony*
Twilight: Man, your powers are good, but mine are better. *Gets a powerup, and is now driving a sports car*
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight: Introducing the Twilight Mobile. *Gets a power up*
Car: Defense mechanisms, on.
Twilight: *Shoots missile at Alexis*
Alexis: *Gets hit by missile*
Twilight: Vengeance! Would anypony else like their plot to be kicked?
Derpy: Did everypony forget about me? *Driving a tank*
Audience: *Clapping*
Celestia: *Sees Derpy's tank* What's that?!!!?
Audience: *Laughing*
Celestia: This isn't a race anymore! It's a combination of screw ups, and insanity!
Twilight: *Drops banana peel*
Derpy: Do you really think that'll stop me? *Drives over banana peel, and gets her tank to land on it's side*
Audience: *Laughing*

Twilight won the race.

Celestia: *Very angry* Derpy you unreliable dumbass!!
Audience: *Laughing*


"Okay, let's see what you wrote down." Said Alex. He looked at Twilight's podium, "Twilight, you wrote down, the letter N. You wagered, igga."

The audience laughed, clapped, cheered, and whistled.

"Freedom of speech nigga! I can say whatever da f*q I want!" Shouted Twilight, causing more laughter to come from the audience.


Derpy: *Enters office* I have something very important to tell you. We are back in On The Block
Audience: *Laughing*
Celestia: Oh really? I didn't know that.
Audience: *Laughing*
Celestia: But it's great to be back. Hopefully Twilight Sparkle doesn't try to-

A hammer appeared from Celestia's desk, and hit her in the face. The back of the hammer said this is 100% Twilight Sparkle approved.


"And welcome back to Celebrity Jeopardy." Said Alex, "I'd like to once again apologize for the lack of color in this episode, but we ran out of money."

The audience laughed at this unfortunate event, and Alex continued, "With that said, let's take a look at the scores. Twilight Sparkle is in first place with negative $82,300."

Laughter, clapping, and cheering could be heard from the audience members as Twilight said, "Yo, what's good niggas?"

"Wooooh!!" Cheered the audience.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't say that word ever again." Said Alex.

"But I'm black, I got the right to say whatever the f**k I want! Your just a racist bastard!"

The audience laughed, and clapped at the same time after hearing what Twilight just said.


And now, it's time for fanmail from your favorite six ponies, the mane 6!

Audience: *Cheering, whistling, and clapping*
Announcer: Just one thing we need to tell you. Twilight Sparkle did something bad, and Celestia has punished her, by giving her the voice of Ice Cube.
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight: Man, it ain't funny! Da f*q does everypony have to laugh at me for?
Pinkie Pie: Come on Twilight, I think you sound great with your new voice.


Alex said, "The correct answer was two. You have two eyes. Twilight Sparkle, will you pick a category?"

The purple alicorn looked angry, and said, "Why do ponies today need to curse with their mouth?"

This caused some ponies in the audience to laugh, and Twilight continued, "We should be setting an example for the young ponies. All they do is walk around listening to rap music."

More laughter aroused from the audience, and Twilight continued talking, "That is why they lie, cheat, and steal!"


Twilight: Man, I didn't get any letters!
Heartsong: *Gives Twilight a letter*
Twilight: *Reading letter* This letter is from the hood of Compton, L.A. Dear Twilight Sparkle, how does it feel to be one of us now?
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight: Man, I ain't one of you. I ain't no N word. Am I allowed to say the actual word?
Audience: *Laughing*


Next day, Princess Celestia was walking through her castle when she saw a talking cactis.

Timothy: *Is the cactis* Princess? Please help.
Celestia: Only if you promise not to eat all of my bananas.
Audience: *Laughing*
Timothy: I promise.
Celestia: *Turns Timothy back to normal*
Twilight Sparkle: Aw hell no! *Turns Timothy back into a cactis, then turns Celestia into a fish*
Celestia: What are you doing now Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: Just being myself.
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight Sparkle: I am turning everypony into random objects, as well as characters from TV shows.
Chrysler: *Is Spongebob Spuarepants* When I said I wanted to be Spongebob, I didn't mean like this!
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight Sparkle: Adios nigga.
Audience: *Cheering*
Celestia: God I hate when she says that.

Up next, Rainbow Dash

Narrator: One lovely morning, Rainbow Dashed arrived at Sugarcube Corner.
Pinkie Pie: Hi Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Shut the f**k up.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: Can't you see I got a hangover? My head feels like a bomb is about to go off.
Twilight Sparkle: My head is a bomb.
Audience: *Laughing*
Twilight Sparkle: Are you going to help me learn how to clear clouds?
Rainbow Dash: Forget that, I need a drink.


Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm off to The Ztables.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Rainbow Dash looked forward to her daily visit to the Stables. Even if it was a silly name for a bar. As she got there, Rainbow Dash saw Rachel, the grey unicorn.
Rachel: Hello my little pony.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: There's no need to advertise.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Said Rainbow Dash, who was actually taller then Rachel.

Just then, Princess Celestia walked into the bar.

Princess Celestia: What's all this horsing around?
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: Mind your own business you celestial princess.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: And without hesitating, Rainbow Dash punched Celestia once, really hard in the neck, killing her instantly.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: The princess was about to fart at the time.
Audience: *Laughing*


A police car heads towards Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: *Smoking a cigarette* Uh oh. Here comes P.C. Pullman.
Officer Pullman: What's going on Rainbow Dash? Have you been drinking?

P.C. Pullman turned out to be an oversized lego policeman, and was twice the size of Rainbow Dash.

Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: N-no sir.
Narrator: And she soon threw up all over the policeman. It all turned out well in the end. Rachel went to Manehattan to become a prostitute.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: And Rainbow Dash was sent to a doctor about her drinking problem, but ended up being executed for killing Princess Celestia.
Audience: *Laughing*


Rainbow Dash: *Gets letter* Dear Rainbow Dash, you are very arrogant. *Angry* Okay, if being loyal is arrogant, than saying good morning is a death threat.
Audience: *Laughing*


Mail Pony: I got mail for you.
Marisa: Ah great. He probably wants to blackmail me into ma******ting for some video on the internet.
Audience: *Laughing*
Mercury: *Takes his mail*
George: *Takes his mail*
Mail Pony: I got one more letter for a mare named Marisa Sayers.
Marisa: Can somepony please get it for me?
Donovan: I got it. *Takes letter, and gives it to Marisa*
Mail Pony: *Looks at Marisa* There you are. Not only did I want to deliver that letter to you, but if you don't ma******te in that video, I'll show everypony in here an embarrassing photo of you.
Marisa: Typical. Everytime blackmailing occurs, an embarrasing photo is involved.
Audience: *Laughing*


Alex: In the lead, we have Rainbow Dash with negative $22,400, due to her arrogant behavior.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: Hey, who are you calling arrogant?! I happen to be one of the nicest ponies ever!


Alex: Rainbow Dash, let's start with you.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, potent potables, I don't know what that is.
Alex: It's about alcohol.
Rainbow Dash: Then in that case, I'll take potent potables.
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: *Surprised* For how much?
Rainbow Dash: How about a glass full? Come on, hand it over. I want some cider.
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: We don't have that.
Rainbow Dash: I thought so, that's why I brought my own. *Drinking cider*
Audience: *Laughing*


Alex: You know what? Rainbow Dash, you take the board.
Rainbow Dash: I am bored. I am bored!
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: Do ponies actually watch this show?
Alex: Yeah, it's pretty popular.


Mercury: *Turns head, and sees Marisa with George* George, you either have her do that to you somewhere private, or don't do it at all!
Marisa: *Stands up*
George: Come on, she was just putting a tattoo on my hoof.
Audience: *Laughing*
Mercury: You mean she wasn't...
George: No.
Audience: *Laughing*


Alex said, "Rarity, we'll start with you."

The white unicorn replied by saying, "I'll take masturbation for 1000." This made the audience whistle, laugh, and clap at the same time.

"How many eyes do you have for 400. Good choice." Said Alex.


Rarity buzzed in, and before she gave Alex a chance to speak, she said, "I've got a nice ass. Who here wants to f**k me on stage right now?"


Alex said, "US/Japan Relations for 600, and the answer is, This is what caused the US to become allies with Japan in 1945."

Rarity quickly buzzed in, and shouted, "Hentai! Anime porn!" The audience laughed, and clapped at the same itme.


"Right." Said Alex, and looked at Rarity's board. "Moving on. Rarity wrote down.. Nothing, and wagered, twenty five dildos."

The audience laughed, and cheered.

"I had to wager something related to sex." Replied Rarity. The audience clapped.


Rarity: Well I know none of my letters will be bad. *Opens envelope* Here's a letter from Hank, age 19. *Nervous* Dear Rarity, why are you a really big sex addict? Every picture I have seen of you is porn.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rarity: *Hiding under table*

Now for Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie: Oooh, ooh. I want a letter!
Annie: *Gives Pinkie Pie a letter*
Applejack: I'd be surprised if someone wrote something nice to her.
Pinkie Pie: *Reading letter* Dear Pinkie Pie, do you take drugs during any of your parties? No, because drugs are bad, and they're for stupid ponies like Applejack.
Audience: *Laughing, clapping, and cheering*
Applejack: *Sarcastic* Thanks Pinkie Pie. I love you too.


Gary: It's a disgrace to have your car in pink. That color is just unacceptable.
Pinkie Pie: *Appears out of nowhere* How dare you say the color Pink is a disgrace!
Audience: *Laughing*
Pinkie Pie: It's a very good color. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to break the 4th wall somewhere else.
Audience: *Laughing*
Pinkie Pie: *Goes through a wall*
Audience: *Laughing, and clapping*
Gary: *Looking at hole in wall that says number 4* Would you look at that? She really did break the 4th wall.
Audience: *Laughing*

Now for Applejack

Rainbow Dash: What letter did you get?
Applejack: Let me check. *Reading letter* Dear Applejack, are all rednecks as stupid as you?
Audience: *Laughing*
Rainbow Dash: *Laughing*
Applejack: Well you wouldn't be laughing if you got a disrespectful letter like that.
Rainbow Dash: No one would dare to send me a hate letter. I'm Rainbow Dash!

A light was shining on her, and angels started playing lyres.


Alex: Moving on. Applejack has no score at all, because, she's mostly been talking about her recent marriage with her brother.
Audience: *Laughing*
Applejack: Big Macintosh my love, if you're watching this, make sure to put on Appplebloom's diapers before supper, and she's not allowed to leave the farm until I get back.
Audience: *Laughing, and clapping*
Alex: That's... Beautiful.


Alex: Alright Applejack, we'll start with you.
Applejack: I'll take giraffes for a billion.
Audience: *Laughing*


Alex: Okay Applejack. Sadly, it's still your board.
Audience: *Laughing*
Applejack: I'll take T.V shows, and movies about my wedding for 300.
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: For the last time, that's not a category.


Alex: The category is Album Cover, and the answer is, The Beatles' White Album Cover Was This Color.
Applejack: *Rings in*
Alex: Applejack?
Applejack: Who are The Beatles?
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: I'm sorry, that's wrong.
Applejack: No, I'm asking you who The Beatles are. I never heard of them.
Audience: *Laughing*
Nick: *Rings in* Ah yes, The Beatles, yes. What if they were The Vriendscoupe Beatles? Yes. They'd be in the back seat singing, I wanna hold your five Fig Newtons. Yes.

Author's note, Vriendscoupe is the MLP version of Volkswagen.

Alex: For the love of god, shut your mouth.


Alex: Applejack, asked herself this question. What sound does a doggy make?
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: Fine. Her answer is.. *Finds out that she doesn't know the answer* You didn't know the answer.
Audience: *Laughing*
Alex: You couldn't answer your own question?
Applejack: It was hard.
Audience: *Laughing*

And finally Fluttershy. This was the only part she got in this show.

Fluttershy: *Takes letter* Here's one for me. Dear Fluttershy, when are you going to stop being a coward?
Rainbow Dash: When computers start growing arms, and legs.
Audience: *Laughing*
Fluttershy: *Very sad* I like myself just the way I am.

Tom: Don't worry, we'll give Fluttershy more roles in this show later on. As for the rest of the video, the next part will show the good times me, and my friends had. Stick around, we'll be back.

2 B Continued
,"You need a three-pony crew to drive this clanking cannon"
,"You need a three-pony crew to drive this clanking cannon"
Twilight was surprised to see a tank and several boxes of artillery shells. Sparkle rushed over to the gate and told the guard she needed Spike to help her. As the stallion opened the gate, the assistant hurried to his friend. ,"What do you need my help with Twi?" the dragon asked. ,"I need you to steer a tank" when the librarian said this, Spike's eyes broadened and his mouth opened in astonishment. ,"uh....okay" he said nervously.

The dragon took a peek and awed at the metal giant that stood before him. At that exact moment a voice echoed ,"You need a three-pony crew to drive this clanking...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Pierce was very mad. He ran towards a truck, and started raging.

Hawkeye: A perfect time to scrap engines, just because they run on steam! *breaks truck window*
Jeff: Hawkeye? What happened?
Hawkeye: Pete is going to scrap an engine!
Jeff: Which one?
Hawkeye: I don't know, some 2-8-0.
Jeff: Oh. Sorry for your loss. *walks away*
Hawkeye: AAHH!!
Gordon: *Walks up to Hawkeye* Hey! Nopony is supposed to do idiotic things but me.
Hawkeye: Fuck off Gordon, I'm in a bad mood right now.
Gordon: No, I'm not fucking off, I just want to know why you're acting like this.
Hawkeye: Pete is scrapping a steam engine....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 13

The episode with a title that was too long, and needed a shorter title.

October 10, 1952

It was windy in Cheyenne, and Pierce just finished delivering a freight train into the yard.

Red Rose: Ok Hawkeye. Now you just gotta take the engine into the servicing facility.
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posted by Dragon4322
she sighed and understood..
she sighed and understood..
We didn't know what we were getting into....My name is Scootaloo. I've been through so much since that war. When i say war, I mean the brutal conflict of battles I fought, My friend Sweetie Belle managed to enlist with me. Here's the story: On a night like no other, I was loading my rifle and putting the bayonet on it. I pulled the bolt back then pushed it back in place ,"Scootaloo are you ready to charge at the changelings?" Sweetie Belle asked me. I nodded and prepared. They blew the whistle to signal us to charge. I ran as fast as i could uphill and fired a shot at a changeling armed with...
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posted by _Laugh_
Coffee Crème and Snow Flake walked toward Trixie. Trixie rolled her eyes and sighed. She stared at the two angry ponies.

CC: Excuse me, Trixie, may we have a word with you?
Trixie: Why, of course.
SF: Who are you going to the prom with? Huh?
Trixie: Strong Charger, duh.
CC: What about Blue Beat? *raises eyebrow*
Trixie: *gulps* I.. I don't know what you're talking about.
SF: Of course you do.
Trixie: *growls*
CC: Strong Charger would never want to go to the prom with you.
SF: And Blue Beat is a nerd. You just want him to do your homework.
Trixie: Listen, you two brats, step out of my way. Strong Charger...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Do you remember that nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat, and his wife? Neither of them ate the same thing, but between the two of them, they got the job done. That's kind of like with me, and Leo, except the fat, and lean are words, and pictures. Make sense? I do the talking, and Leo takes care of the drawings.

Leo speaks to me sometimes, but that's about it. Conversation just isn't his thing. If Leo wanted to tell you your house was on fire, he'd draw a picture to show you. But he's a great artist, and if it's true that a picture's worth a thousand words, then my buddy Leo has more to say then...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
On the road

Dexter: *driving* What we got to do next is assassinate the Flim Flam brothers. They've been causing a lot of mayhem to every pony. Not just the ponies of your gender, but every single pony in the world. They must pay.
Octavia: You must hate this whole slavery thing, don't you?
Dexter: I have been a slave. Believe me. It was back when the british kidnapped my parents. I was only a little colt.
Octavia: Can you tell me about it?
Dexter: Eeh, not right now. Maybe later. *stops car*
Octavia: What are you doing?
Dexter: I wanna buy you an outfit.
Octavia: Ok, cool.

They both walk into the...
continue reading...
"Snow... the butyfull small think... but make fillies happy... stars... have magic powers... and make happy everypony... Stars plus snow is a great idea... The winter night... too..."

Dan : You got EVERYTHINK!
Shadow : I think I have
Dan : great... lets go *run to door*
Shadow : Is this a good idea?
Dan : dont worry just follow!

Dan, Shadow and Natalia present

Cold War

Episode 1

The Winter Night

"Did I say... who I am... no? that too bad... Im the one who creat somethink that make ponies hurt... I - am - DEAD"

Dan - oh comon
Shadow - uhuh *run*
Dan - ok... w here...
From Snow comes big castle... from ice...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Later that day, Pete called everypony down to the station. Gordon was already there, because of his timeout.

Pete: You all did an excellent job. Tomorrow, none of you need to come into work.
Ponies: Oh sweet.
Pete: But.....
Ponies: *Waiting*
Pete: I do need two volunteers to work the night shift.
Gordon: The night shift, how do you do that?
Pete: You got to carry a train of Chevy's to a dealership in St. Foalis. You can ride another train back here when it's done, and enjoy your day off.
Hawkeye: I'll do it.
Pete: You'll need a fireman. Anyone will do.
Hawkeye: Ok, uh Red Rose?
Red Rose: Sorry,...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Jack woke up at the cemetary

Zero: *Wimpers*
Jack: What have I done? I realized, I ruined christmas, and it didn't go the way I wanted it to. We've got to fix this now *runs out of cemetary*
Zero: *Following*

Somewhere between not far away, and far away

Oogie Boogie pony: And now that I've got two ponies I'm holding prisoner, let's roll the dice, shall we? *rolls dice* WHAT?! Snake eyes? Aah *hits table*

The dice soon ended up on a six, and five

Oogie Boogie pony: Ooh, much better. And now, to kill you two by lowering you into the lava below. Hahahahaha!
Jack: *Appears behind oogie boogie pony* Hello...
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Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Hawkeye: *stops train at station* Hi. My name is Peirce Hawkins, though someponies prefer to call me Hawkeye. For ten episodes of this season, I have made many readers of this series very happy, and gave them a good laugh. Well, not all of them came from me, but I tried! Now let's take...
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posted by TotalDramaFan60
Pinkie Pie:Don't forget! Tomorrow's my B-day Party!
Rainbow Dash:Yeah, yeah, stop blabbering about your B-day.
Twilight Sparkle:Fluttershy! Fluttershy, wake up!
Fluttershy:Hmmm? What?
Ponies:GET UP!
Twilight Sparkle:EVERYPONY! Just go to sleep!
Everypony:Got it, Twilight! (Immedeatly everypony falls asleep)
Twilight Sparkle:Good. Now sleep. (Falls asleep too)
Narrator From PPG:The city of... Ooops! Wrong show!
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Jack continued working about why the green light appeared after what he did. It was so bright that Sally saw it, and decided to escape the room she was in.

Sally: *grabs bag of supplies* This oughta help.

The door was locked from the other side, so Sally had to escape through the window. It was a long drop down, and Sally had to be careful.

After tying some string onto the window, Sally had to climb down. She was carrying the bag of supplies, but when she went down, the string snapped. Sally then fell to the ground, and her arm fell off.

But, what's this? Sally didn't die somehow, and she started...
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posted by karinabrony
"The mall is so...big..." Black Rose said. She was passing by a tuxedo store and Silver Tune saw Nocturnal Mirage in there. "LOOK! Nocturnal Mirage is in there! Hide behind the clothes!" Silver Tune said. Black Rose and Silver Tune hid behind the racket of tuxedos. "Hello, may I get a black tuxedo? I want my date to be perfect." They heard Nocturnal Mirage say. "Mmmhm! He is so into you, Black Rose!" Silver Tune said. "Oh, come on! It's just a date." Black Rose said. Silver Tune laughed. "Yeah, JUST A DATE. Come on! Let's go to Canterlot Styles so you can look perfect tonight!" They both went...
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posted by _Laugh_
Snow Flake sighed. Silver Tune took a deep breath and smiled.

ST: Lets.. Just forget what just happened.
SF: Are you sure? Don't you want to talk about it?
ST: No, it's.. It's okay. Don't worry.
CC: Are you sure?
ST: Yep.
CC: Very well then.
SF: Silver Tune, do you have a date for the prom?
ST: Uhh.. No.
CC: But the prom is in three days!
ST: Do you guys already have dates?
CC: I do. I'm going with Cinnamon Twist.
SF: I'm going with Lightning Speed.

Coffee Crème and Snow Flake giggled. Silver Tune lowered her head and blushed. The brown mare gasped and stopped laughing.

CC: Silver Tune, we weren't laughing...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Seanthehedgehog presents

In Association with Disneyfan333

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Twas a long time ago. Longer now then it seems, when a town near Canterlot remained isolated from other places for a long time until a chain of events occurred. If you never heard about this story, I say it's time you begun

This song starts playing link

Everypony sings along to it

Colts, and Fillies of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us, and you will see
This our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everypony...
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posted by _MockingJay_
Silver Tune stopped laughing as she saw Trixie approaching her. Coffee Crème and Snow Flake rolled their eyes. Trixie smirked as she stared at Silver Tune's dress. She laughed.

Trixie: Hey Silver Tune. Have you had any luck?
ST: Uhh.. With what?
Trixie: Uh, with your weight loss, of course. Because it sure doesn't look like it.
ST: *growls*
CC: What did you say to her?!
Trixie: Shut up, Coffee Cheese. Was I talking to you?
SF: Her name is Coffee Crème!
Trixie: Pfft. Like I care.
CC: *rolls eyes*
Trixie: Anyways pig, I wouldn't try too hard. Maybe your just meant to have a little extra grease.
SF: *gasp*...
continue reading...
The last we viewed our heroes, Snowflake and Rocko, a cock-of-the-rock, were making their way to Cloudsdale to free Rainbow Dash. They would need her in order to get close to King Cobra. As they travel, let's turn to the King himself. He had dispatched Cheerilee the night before, and now lay thinking in Twilight's library. A sentry burst into the study, startling the King. His hood shot out, and he hissed in annoyance. The sentry came to a screeching halt, and bowed with his face to the floor.

Sentry: News for the King!

King Cobra: Come on, spit it out. What is it?

Sentry: The troops are currently...
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The last solstice

Chapter 26: The Sun and the Earth

Nocturnal Mirage has always considered himself as a stallion who can hide his emotions effectively. His face usually conveyed neutral calmness, which is why ponies thought of him as an apathetic, cold and calculating being. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. His origins were responsible for his behavior. While most ponies were extroverted and easily showed their emotions, the place where Mirage was born had different standards. The isolated land, far away in Eastern-Equestria has existed for countless centuries without the knowledge...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Soon we landed, and the care package was not far away.

Sean: *runs to care package*
Shredder: *arrives*
Sean: *opens care package*
Shredder: *Take backpack*
Diamond Tiara: *takes backpack*
Silverspoon: *Takes Backpack*
Sean: *notices Colgate is missing* Where's Colgate?
Ponies: ?
Shredder: Well, last time I saw her, she drifted toward those trees. *points at trees .3 miles away*
Sean: Alright, spread out. Look for Colgate. *walks away*
Diamond Tiara & Silverspoon: *looks together*
Shredder: *looking*
Diamond Tiara: *finds Colgate* SEAN!!
Sean: *walks toward others*
Shredder: *follows*
Sean: *looks at Colgate*...
continue reading...