My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

St. Foalis Maressouri, 6 PM.

A crowd of thousands of ponies gathered at the Gateway Arch to experience a comedy show that was being filmed live in 4k. The comedian? Tom Foolery.

Crowd: *Clapping, and chanting* Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!
Tom: *Arrives at a temporary stage under the Gateway Arch*
Crowd: *Cheering, as they continue to clap*
Tom: Thank you everypony.
Crowd: *Continuing to cheer and clap*
Tom: Thank you very much.
Crowd: *Continuing to cheer and clap*
Tom: And shut up.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: *Looks above him* Wow. St. Foalis. Never thought I'd end up here, but I'm very glad to be performing for you.
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: I was getting really tired of social distancing.
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: I mean what the fuck is so social about it?!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: It defeats the whole purpose of being social to everypony you meet!
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: Hello Clyde, get away from me!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: If you're really nervous about getting close to ponies in general, stay in your house.
Crowd: Right!
Tom: Then grab a stool, and some rope, then set your whole house on fire. After all, there is a rumor that heat can kill the coronavirus.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Let's test that theory, shall we?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And while we're at it, let's test out a few more things. How many more camera's do you think the new I-phone can handle?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Next year's model will probably have 30 of them.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Let's see if we can actually get an electric car to charge faster than 3 hours!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: I am tired of having a nerd with bad eyesight, and bad hygiene coming towards me, and lecturing about how electric cars are better!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I'll begin to listen when you can get the battery fully charged as fast as you can fill up my car's gasoline tank!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: It might come in handy if Tesla considered putting a pantograph on their cars from now on.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Charge the battery while you're driving.
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: If Amtrak can pull it off, you can easily do the same for a car.

A train was then heard running in the background.

Tom: *Looks behind him* Well, look at that. Not exactly Amtrak, but close enough.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I've always wanted to perform live standup comedy, but I never thought I'd do it outside. 95% of you will agree with me when I say, thank god it's not raining!
Crowd: *Clapping while cheering*
Tom: A lot of ponies are lecturing others to go outside more often, but there are some advantages to being inside, especially when you're alone. There's many things we do while we're alone, but not while we're with other ponies.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Here's one of my personal favorites, running around the house with your underwear on your head, and a whole roll of toilet paper strung around the hallways!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Turning on the heat when it's cold.
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: My marefriend gets mad at me for that, because she wants to save money.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Here's another thing we only do when we're alone, reading a book, and pretending that it's a movie. You do all the different voices for the characters, and mimic the sound effects.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Playing an app on your cell phone, with the volume on.
Crowd: Yeah! *Cheering*
Tom: No one ever has the volume on when they're near another pony!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: One more thing we do when no one else is around, watching porn.
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: Because if you're ever caught by your special somepony, you will most likely spend the rest of your life alone.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You know one thing I like to do when I'm alone? Rewatch some episodes of On The Block.
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: Not only do I enjoy comedy, but I also enjoy being an actor. It's the only job where you can get away with murder.
Crowd: *Quietly laughing*
Tom: Unless you're Robert Deniro, and the main protagonist is Al Pacino.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Seeing those two together was a lot of fun, but what really surprised me was seeing Pacino as a cop. He's normally the criminal, but I still got a kick out of hearing him talk. There's a reason Bill Hader loves impersonating him.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: *Impersonating Al* Whaddaya shay I buy you a cup of coffee?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I wish Al pulled me over, but you don't wanna drink too much coffee. Otherwise you'll have enough energy to bounce up to the moon!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And I don't understand what the fascination is with coffee. Equestrians are hooked on this stuff like the British are with tea.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Half of my friends literally need this shit to survive! Do you ever feel that way?
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: And supposedly you can't stay awake without it. Ever heard of an alarm clock?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: It's a really fascinating device, set it up at the time you want to wake up, and you're awake. No need to drink anything!
Crowd: *Laughing, and clapping*
Tom: Well. *Scratches the back of his head* I could be wrong there. Your mouth might feel dry, so it does help to drink water.
Crowd: Yeah.
Tom: In fact I'm gonna do that now. *Heads for a water bottle to his left, and takes a sip* If we had this in the cup, a fly would likely be bathing inside.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: That's another thing I don't like about this so called pandemic, outside dining. When it's warm, you either have to deal with flies, or too much wind blowing things off your table!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I remember one time I was at Chimney Rock Inn in Ponyville, and the menu kept getting blown off my table. That's when they offer, the digital menu!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: You have to use the camera on your cell phone to scan a code, and download the menu. Unless you're out of memory. What do you do then?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You have a lot of things on your phone for a reason, you can't delete any of them! *Looks down at his left hoof* Hmm, I can't delete this video, since I need to put it on Facebook. I can't delete Facebook since I have to upload some things on there.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Angry Birds is totally out of the question.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You need that to keep yourself from getting depressed, and killing everypony that lectures you for not wearing a mask.
Crowd: Yeah!! *Clapping*
Tom: The only mask I like is the movie with Jim Carrey!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I made an exception when I was visiting a Wal-Mart. I found a mask with the state of Neigh Jersey on it, which also features straps you can control. Yet everyone I encounter wants to wear those crappy blue surgical masks.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: There's literally no end to seeing these ugly things! Can't we have some variety, and find somepony wearing a different type of mask?!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: Anyway, I bought the mask because it said Neigh Jersey on it, since that's the state I live in, but I've always wanted to come to St. Foalis, so just before the show started, I bought another mask from another Wal-Mart.
Crowd: *Quietly laughing*
Tom: And this one has the gateway arch on it. It seemed appropriate since I'm currently performing for you under the arch.
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: I don't know what's worse, this covid pandemic, or the presidential election.
Crowd: Yeah!!!
Tom: I don't trust either Trump, or Biden so I'm not going to vote. *Talks like a filly* But Tom, it's important for the economy!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Losing jobs, and spending money on taxes is not good for the economy!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: I don't give a fuck what ponies tell me. I don't trust the president, I don't trust the princess, I don't trust anyone that works for the Equestrian government! Why? Because they want to steal your money, and take away your jobs!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: The fucking princesses don't even do shit! All they do is raise the sun, and the moon. A job that can already be done by itself.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You go to the library, find some books about space, and everything else around our planet earth, and you'll see that Princess Celestia has assigned herself a mediocre task.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And she did the same thing to her sister, and a purple stranger.
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: It's all mediocre, just like this presidential election. Just for once, I'd like to see what would happen if no one, not a single pony voted for any of the candidates!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Our government would collapse just trying to think of a solution to the crisis!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You know what I imagine? I imagine a special room under the pentagon that no one knows about. Well, almost no one since I'm sharing this with you.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And in that secret room you have a stage held exclusively for having other ponies fight each other. If none of the candidates received a single vote, they would have to duke it out in....Sudden death!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Whoever kills the other candidates gets to become president! But it doesn't simply end there, no. I imagine more secret rooms with more challenging obstacles that have spikes, dynamite, holes filled with crocodiles, balancing boards that move by themselves, and dozens of other challenging obstacles that would make even the toughest drill sergeant cry to their mom in horror!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Crowd: *Laughing, and clapping*
Tom: And only then, you will become president of the United States of Equestria. But after going through all that crap, I don't think you would want to be president anymore.
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: Presidential candidates are always a good target for comedians to make fun of, but you know what another popular target is? Black Lives Matter.
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: Many black ponies are accusing millions of ponies of the Caucasian race, for something only one police officer did in the Midwest!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Who's the racist now you assholes?!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And do you really think that every single Caucasian hates blacks?! When did we time travel back to the 18th Century?!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Even the majority of black ponies believe that the Black Lives Matter movement is a waste of time! This group also wants to do something else that's a waste of time. Defund the police departments!
Crowd: *Cheering*
Tom: If you do that, that's a surefire way to increase crime! Take all the power away from the police so that they can't protect the innocent victims that get murdered by violent protestors who want rights which they already have!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: All they want is equal rights. But hey...YOU ALREADY GOT 'EM!!!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: What's worse is that they not only want to defund the police, they want to kill them. Well guess what BLM? Did you know that some black ponies also work for the police?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: This plan is so fucking stupid! They're going to kill other black ponies, just to give themselves extra rights!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And if there's anypony that's not convinced, I suggest you stop watching the news, and take a trip to the library.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: No one ever does that anymore. Now they're focused on generic news, and Call Of Duty!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: The only reading ponies do nowadays are when they receive text messages, and e-mails.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: That's if they have actual words, and not emojis.
Crowd: *Laughing, and clapping*
Tom: Does anyone else feel like we have too many emoji's to keep track of?
Crowd: Yeah!
Tom: It first started off as a bunch of yellow faces. Now we have skateboards, skyscrapers, traffic signs, traffic lights, trains, planes, and automobiles.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: That was a good movie by the way, but there are also some emojis that are fucked up, and unnecessary. First one being a cat. Why are we so attracted to these things?!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: It's bad enough that we're getting flooded with cat videos on social media, we don't need a fucking emoji of one!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Up next is the poop emoji!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: It's a pile of poop made to look like chocolate pudding with a smiley face.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: With the exception of rednecks, no one is interested in looking at their own feces! Let alone, one with a smiley face!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Finally, there's the human hands. Ponies don't even have hands, why are we using them as emoji's?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: The only one I like to use is the middle finger!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Send it to the nincompoops who thought it was a good idea to create...The Emoji Movie.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: These things are so popular they had to make a movie about it. And of course being a modern movie, it was only created to follow a trend, and make money. Not to tell a good story like it's supposed to.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: I am glad that's not the case with all of the modern movies, but the fact that we've been doing this since 2006 is unacceptable.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: As much as I enjoy being an actor, when I'm not entertaining you with jokes.
Crowd: *Quietly laughing*
Tom: I always want to make sure the movie I'm in is good. They're not all comedies, my most recent film, Suicide was actually quite dark. Yet for some reason, comedians feel like it's a great way to improve their career. Correct me if I'm wrong, but being in a dramatic R-rated film will not improve your comedy career.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: That's why no one knows who Jim Carrey is anymore.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: His recent role as Dr. Robotnik in Sonic The Hedgehog was funny, yes, but everypony is too busy focusing on Nintendo to watch a film made by their biggest rival.
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: Ray Romano is also in a slump too. Well, actually, he decided to take a break from comedy anyway, but he's the only exception.
Crowd: *Quietly laughing*
Tom: Aside from myself of course. I only do it, because I want to be an actor, as well as a comedian. Richard Pryor pulled it off, I don't see why I can't either.
Crowd: Yah!
Tom: Being an actor can be hard work, but I had one job that was even tougher. You probably never heard of this before, because this job is very exclusive to Neigh Jersey. Gas Station Attendant!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Started when I was 18, and thought it would be a lot of fun, you know? Young stallions are typically gearheads. They love cars. This seemed like an easy way to make money, while enjoying the variety of cars travelling through my old hometown of Ponyville. *Makes a buzzer sound*
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Doesn't work that way. You get a lot of ponies who are in a rush to get overweight by eating ribs, and french fries at Applebees.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: While many others are just looking for an excuse to be a jackass to some random stranger.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And they always seem to make mistakes. Excuse me ma'am. Why did you come through the do not enter section?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: *Making a mare's voice* Because you're disrespecful!
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: No one likes being called out on something they did wrong, but you have to do your job, and make sure everypony is safe. Safety is always a high priority in Equestrian businesses. That's why we get injuries, and law firms sue them to make big bucks.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Despite the stupidity of customers, the managers are no better. The WaWa I was working at was on the left side of Church Street, while a bank was on the right side. One day someone decided, hey. Let's move the buildings to the other side of the street.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: All that hard work just to move a gas station to where the bank was, and vice versa.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: You could have used the thousands of dollars spent to move those buildings, on something more important like, upgrading the equipment. Nope. Too expensive, we need to save money by continuously investing in unreliable equipment!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Now, most of you probably don't know this, but we all have several things in common. I'll give you an example. We're all here together, in the greatest city in Maressouri.
Crowd: *Clapping*
Tom: I have some even funnier ones. When you're in your car, and you stop at a red light. Do you ever try to move an extra inch or two?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: But when you see other cars in front of you, you're in no rush to get as close to the other guy as possible. You just coast to the red light.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Coast to the red light, then all of a sudden it turns green, and you floor it to the entrance to the highway where you go even faster!
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Do you have a conversation with someone about the weather?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: That seems to happen everywhere you go, and when it rains, your new acquaintance says, it'll be good for the plants.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Well we're not plants. We don't want rain. It ruins everything, because now we can't do stuff! We can't go sky diving, we can't ride our bicycles, we can't even go out for a simple walk.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And sometimes, the pegasi fuck with mother nature.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: They move the clouds away from where they're supposed to go, and sabotage everyone else's day with an unexpected rainstorm.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Have you ever noticed that there's no Koreans named Dustin?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And why is it that whenever we go on Netflix, we can't find what we want to watch right away?
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: We just look around forever, and say, hey. This looks like a decent flick. Nah, let's keep looking.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: And you continue your search until you find a movie that you already own on DVD.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Tom: Thank you for joining me everypony, but my director is here with my meatball sub, so goodnight. *Runs off the stage*
Crowd: *Clapping, and cheering*
Tom: *Climbs into a black Impala*

The crowd continued to cheer as they saw Tom leaving the gateway arch in a car being driven by his director.

The End

SeanTheHedgehog Productions. Copyright, 2020
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Julia was driving the M4 Police car, patrolling the Round Freeway, with Tim sitting next to her.

Tim: Did Dan tell you the bad news?
Julia: Dan hasn't spoken to me in two days. What happened?
Tim: He, and his partners were pulled out of the Blue Fedora, and Aqua Marine case.
Julia: They must be upset about it.
Tim: Yeah. It was because of something Andy did. He shot a pony when he wasn't supposed to.
Julia: Why? What was the other pony doing?
Tim: He was just visiting a friend, and was taking some things with him. Some apples, a carrot, and he borrowed a PS2 controller, because his wasn't working....
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Void - You wanted to meet me.
Dan - Yes. Do you know what holds Valkyries core?
Void - Same as old PCS is SLS.
Dan - Saftey Lock System... So safe that it can be open. We called it overlock.
Void - So?
Dan - Use it too long and you simply die.

Nyx - Hmmm... You smell it. The storm is coming.
Blaze - Yes *looks over him* Butyful.
Nyx - So my dear. *looks in he eyes* It's time to interrupt their fun event.

operation shadow raid

Dan - Phase 3 end. Phase 4.
Void - Let-
Blaze - Well well well.
-Blaze shows in same Valkyrie but black and red colored-
Blaze - *shoots something to the ground as it...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: February 14, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 9:46 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Ponies: *Listening to the loudspeaker at the station*
Loudspeaker Pony: Attention all passengers, happy Valentines Day. The next train arriving is The City Of Denver. It's really big, so make sure it doesn't hit you.
Audience: *Laughing*
Hawkeye: *Kissing Metal Gloss as he drives a freight train out of the yard*
Metal Gloss: I feel so warm.
Hawkeye: Your face is red. Perhaps it's something I did.
Metal Gloss: Oh, no the heater is too high. *Lowers the temperature on the heater*
Audience: *Laughing*

continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: February 9, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 8:16 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Pete: *In his office* Why, are we back here? Go follow Stylo, I know what he's doing.
Audience: *Laughing*
Pete: I wish him good luck too.

Song: link

Two days later at a bar

Stylo: *Drunk, resting his head on the counter in front of him* Oh fuck!!!
Pony 85: *Arrives* Hey.
Stylo: *Picks up his head, and looks at the pony to his right*
Pony 85: I've heard of you.
Stylo: I'm sure you have, now if you don't mind, I'm trying to have a hangover.
Audience: *Laughing*
Pony 85: Somepony named Pierce Hawkins told me about you....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 17 is beginning

Rainbow Dash: Okay, here's what we're going to do. *Loses connection*

Rainbow Dash has left the game

Pinkie Pie: I like that idea. Let's do nothing.
Twilight: She rost connection. It's up to us.
Pinkie Pie: Right you are Twilight. Let's go use the teleporter.

As they were running, twelve zombies started to chase them.

Twilight: *Throws a monkey*
Monkey: That tickles. *Lands between the horde of zombies*
Zombies: *Staying around the monkey*
Monkey: *Kills the zombies* Better luck next time zombies.
Twilight: You give me great honor.
Pinkie Pie: *Turns on the teleporter, and plants...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
"They said to colonise the orther world. Noone knew it would end with millions of dead. Officials say that they can be heated as new generation of PCS come out under new name : Valkyries. These one are bigger, in size of typical Ponyville building and are created on look of human. Ponies enlist to army to take on monsters on orther side of gate, where -60 C cold wildness meet them."

Dan - You will not fall back from battlefield!

SomeoneButNoone presents.

Dan - Squadron V-2 are present :

The newest project.

Dan - V-1.1 Captain-Liberator Void V-1.2 Second Lieutenant Snowflake.

And the main project...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 8 is beginning

Rainbow Dash: *Sees a green light on the map* The mystery box is on the bottom left portion of this map.
Applejack: What are we waitin' for? Let's buy some guns.

Lead by Rainbow Dash, the ponies ran up the aisle, heading towards the room they started in, and turned right, to buy the next room.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, time for one of you to buy the door now.
Applejack: No Pinkie, you do it. You have enough points to buy both this door, and a gun from the mystery box.
Pinkie Pie: Do not argue with your leader, and buy the door! One of you!
Rainbow Dash: I'll be the mature pony, and buy...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
>>>rebooting system

Equestrian Labs.
Steven - *reads papers* Mhm... I see... Alright *drops paper* Alright... Dan left you unfinished. Time to polish you.

1 hour later*
Steven - OK
Scientist #1 - *gives half mechanic heart to Steven*
Steven - *puts heart inside* You will feel great... And be allowed to use over-trance.
Scientist #2 - We are ready for additional repairments.
Steven - Splendid! Let's start right away!

4 hours later
Void - *wakes up* where.. I am?
Steven - Welcome! You were dead for one year.
Void - Dead......
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Joel - You guys know there is way to clear my account. Pilot!
Pilot - Aye?
Joel - To FBI HQ!
Pilot - Yes sir.
Joel - *wears Kevlar* Those prison clothes are uncomfortable.
Steven - What's the plan?
Damien - Yeah...
Joel - Arson. We burn the hall and take server with my data and break it.
Damien - Sounds easy.
Joel - Oi... Nothing is easy...

After action - safehouse
Joel - Woo good to be free.
Damien - You talk like you were there for ages but it wasn't even 12 hours.
Steven - Heh...
Joel - Give me a break..

Dimitri - Good job boys. Your debts were paid... Good luck in your life!
FI - Well guys first...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Dimitri - Do you liked the mares I sender to you? They didn't wanted it but with some money... You guys live like kings in the penthouse I bought for you. But it's action time. Time to work on the work. I left you some heavy armor to wear. You gonna go with truck as watch dogs. If anyone will try to steal it kill them. If police gonna check the truck kill them. Money need some laundry so you know. Anyway that's pretty much this.
FI - Heard the old pony. Sit there and don't move an inch and everything will be OKAY.

Damien - Eh it takes long to get there.
Steven - Yeah...
Joel - Hey new how is it...
continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
FI - Gentelmans we will move onto bigger shit from now.

Hour : 06:28

FI - My old informator need help, his name is Dimitri, he have Russian Mob on territories of Ponyville and Canterlot, we are doing job for him.

Location : Canterlot

FI - Some Ponies started stealing his cocaine and use it in their little ghetto. Dimitri want you to "pay them a visit" and take what his. He will reward us with money. He trusts us so don't screw it up. No police - only you and junkies. Easy right? And it gives us enterance into Canterlot affairs.

Action Start

*Van appears at ghetto*
Junkie - What the hell.. Cops or...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
It was 8:57 PM when Tim arrived at the green house next to the train station. There, he would visit Brielle.

Tim: *Walks to the front door* I wonder how she's able to answer the door. *Rings the door bell*

The whole house vibrated from the bell being rung.

Tim: Guess that answers my question.
Brielle: *Opens the door while holding a piece of paper that says hello*

Song (Start at 0:15): link

Meanwhile on Malpaso Avenue, disaster struck

Pony: *Driving a Mitsubishi in the dark*
Deer: *Runs into the road*
Pony: *Brakes, but hits the deer*
Honda Pony: *Hits the Mitsubishi*
Volkswagen Pony: *Crashes...
continue reading...
Saten and Spike: Starlight Glimmer?

Twilight: I was sure I saw her, boys. But when I looked again, she was gone! I'm just worried what she could be up

Spike: Nothing good, I bet. I heard she wasn't very happy the last time you saw.

Saten: (sarcastically) You don't say.

Twilight: Look, forcing everybody in her village to have the same cutie mark wasn't right. We had to do something!

Saten: More like you had to do something.. I loved her town.

Twilight: (annoyed) No you didn't.. You just thought she was hot.

Saten: ... Still do.

Twilight: Well, you won't be thinking that after she tries to kill you.

continue reading...
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Episode 2

"The battle aginst fool"

Darkness - Really...
Gatekeeper - Only one pony to pass this point.
Lightning - Why?
Gatekeeper - Or else another Ponies will die.......
Whiteheart - I'll go!
Darkness - Let me... I have power of creation...
Gatekeeper - Everypony else should follow me *walks*
Lightning - Watch out there... OK...
Darkness - Alright... *walks to Golden Hall*
Dan - *stands in middle of hall slightly smiling* You couldn't play by my rules....
Darkness - ...
Dan - Its a butyful day isn't it...
Darkness - ...
Dan - You know what is special in this Hall, if someone dies he come back. Well...
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Meanwhile, Saten Twist catches up to an unnamed stallion, near an empty building.

Saten: (angrily) Hey, buddy.. Give back Lemon's purse.

Stallion: (holding beer bottle) And why would I do tha- (Saten steals the guys bottle) Hey!

Saten: (looking at the bottle) this must of been expensive.

Stallion: Not really.. It was on sale.

Saten: Oh.. Good.. Than the only thing this will damage is your head, not to bank account.

Stallion: What you mean my he-

Saten: Last chance to give back to purse.

Stallion: Fuck you.

Saten: I figured your say that.. (suddenly he breaks the bottle on the guys head, causing the...
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Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*
Stylo: *Looking at orders on paper*
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posted by SomeoneButNoone
Episode 6
End of Pulse

Lilly - You can't go alone!
Shadowknight - ...
Lilly - I'll send army with you-
Shadowknight - No it will make an international problem.
Crimson - I'll go with you...
Shadowknight - You?
Crimson - I'm talented thief and assasin. Let me go with you.
Shadowknight - Alright *grabs his sword and Shield*
Lilly - Are you mad you will be outnumbered!
Shadowknight - I don't care, I was given care and home by those Ponies and I won't leave them like that, I wouldn't never do it!
Lilly - ... I'm not stopping you then.
Rebel - Hehehe miladies.
Emerald - Stay away...
Pearl - *cries*
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The next day, a State Trooper suburban arrived towing a trailer with two snowmobiles on it.

Captain Jefferson: Finally, it's about time they got here.
Tim & Julia: *Walk out of the building, wearing helmets, and thick coats attached to pants*
Captain Jefferson: Are you ready?
Tim: Yes Captain.
State Trooper Pony: *Gets out of the Suburban*
Captain Jefferson: This is Neigh Jersey State Trooper Sargent Timothy Dunkirk.
State Trooper Pony: Hello.
Tim: Nice to meet you Sargent.
State Trooper Pony: We believe we've located the home of one of your suspects. Both of them could be there. We saw...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The next day, Tim went into Captain Jefferson's office.

Captain Jefferson: What can I do for you Tim?
Tim: It's about those two ponies on snowmobiles.
Captain Jefferson: Did they get away from you again?
Tim: Yes.
Captain Jefferson: I thought so. That's why I called the State Troopers to get us two snowmobiles for you, and Julia to use.
Tim: Oh great. That's what I was going to talk to you about.
Captain Jefferson: Now with that out of the way, it's time for us to go have our briefing.

Tim walked with Captain Jefferson into the briefing room, where the other officers were waiting, including...
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