My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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This is another American Dad episode, this one would probably need Saten a bit more unlikable than usual, but it can still work.

In this one Sword and Derpy are staying at Saten's and Trixie's apartment, not having enough money to live on their own. But overtime Sword's annoying antics get to Saten, and the clostabiba of having all 4 of them cramped into apartment doesn't help things either. Saten is awakened by the TV blasting, Saten seeing the time is like 1am.

Saten: Those two are killing me!

Trixie: (in sleep): I don't care if you are Sean Connery, that's my jet ski.

Saten groans and goes out to the tv room, behind it is a few family pictures, and one of Trixie along. On the couch Derpy is seen reading magazine while Sword is sitting infront of the tv, with some popcorn. The others are shown in photos, but Master Sword is a short earth pony with short light blonde hair, blue eyes, short blonde tail, and bright green fur.

Saten: You know what time it is!?

Sword: Shh, Bones.

Male Voice: Hey, Bones, look at this bone.

Female voice: I know. But did you see 'this' bone?

Male: Where'd you find that bone?

Female: Same place you got your bone. It was just sitting here, next to this other bone.

Saten groans and leaves.

Female 2: Dr. Brennan, Bone call. They said it was important. Something about a bone?


The next morning the four are gathered around the table with some pancakes.

Saten: Can I get the syrup?

Sword: Sure thing dude. (however before he does he literary pours the entire container onto his plate, til it makes the fart sound which he chuckles over).

Saten: (angrily pounds table): DAMMIT!

Trixie: Saten ple-

Saten: He took ALL the syrup! I asked for the syrup and he took all the syrup! I work hard! Why do I have to share with these assholes?!

Trixie: Cause Derpy's your cousin, which also makes her mine. And I don't kick out family.

Derpy: Dawww (Trixie smiles at her)

(the two side hug, sitting next to each other, Saten and Sword on lone corner seats).

Saten: Fine but can we at least kick Sword out?

Derpy: No we're married now, and we want to move out just as bad as you want us to, but we both only make minimum wage.

Sword: Even together we only make $938 a month.

Saten: That's almost a thousand dollars, I could easily live on that.

Sword: I'd love to see you try doucheface.

Saten: Are you calling me out bro? Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Trixie and I are going to live out of this house for one month on $938, just to prove
to you guys how easy it is. If we succeed, then you two mooches have to move out!

Derpy: Oh, you are on cousin.

Sword: Yeah and while you're gone I can make those hot wings you and Trixie hate so much.

Saten: Fine whatever.

Trixie: I don't know babe, A reverse Brewster's Millions? Is this really necessary?

Saten: Absolutely!

Trixie: Okay, a reverse BM it is. Hey, that came out funny. Was that a joke you think?


Turns out the only place Saten and Trixie can afford ends up being Stab City from San Andreas, again confirming the GTA universe to exist here, except they are all ponies. Having spent most of the money on one of the trailers alone they barely have enough for a pizza to eat, and basically have to camp as all they could afford was one lone lamp, as outside the Lost MC are having a party, Carly heard there two, but sounding drunk.

Lost MC Member knocking on neighbour trailer: Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you in there, bitch!

Female Voice: Leave me alone!

Trixie whimpers fearfully, Saten holds her.

Saten: It's okay, it'll be okay. We have light. As long as we have light, we're okay.

Suddenly Johnny Klebitz pokes his head though the window, and wordlessly grabs the lamp.

Johnny: I got more for the fire! (distant cheers)

Lost MC Member knocking on neighbour trailer: Open, bitch!

Trixie: Oh, can't we just let Sword live at the house?

Saten: And encourage his freeloading lifestyle?! No way! Look, it's just one month. We'll get used to it.

(the LostMC guy bursts down the door and gunshots are heard):

LostMC Member: Haha, you dead bitch!

Poor Trixie quietly sobs.

Saten: (holds her) It's okay. She's dead. She's finally dead. (kisses her forehead) She's dead now.

(Trixie is clearly not comforted by this, though he still acts like she is)


The next day, now broke, Saten and Trixie are at a local shoppers, both now covered in her, and her hair all a mess as well. They are also starving, Trixie being too scared to ask the LostMC for food, even Johnny scares her. He not exactly doing anything to make her feel welcome either.

Trixie Lulamoone: Babe please, I don't want to do this.

Saten: You're hungry, right? Just trust me, this will work. (approaches free samples) Ooh! What are these?! They're Jonah's Pizza Nosh. Made with three cheeses. Great for a snack? (eats one) Mmm! Lisa, try one. This might be the taste you've been looking for.

Trixie nervously eats one.

Saten: And is this one a different flavor?

Lady: No, they're all the same.

Saten: Lisa, try the other flavor and tell me which one we should buy. (Trixie eats it nervously) Good, right? Now, I'm sometimes has to shovel food in my mouth like a bear. Will these accommodate my fast-paced lifestyle? (shoves all the samples in his mouth) They do!

Trixie: Alright enough.. (angrily storms out)

Saten: No, wait!


Saten flew outside and catches up to her.

Trixie: I'm going home, Saten. Face it, we've lost! We've got no food, we're camped with bikers, and I'm still starving here!

Saten: No don't give up w-

Trixie: No Derpy was right. Minimum wage isn't enough to live on. I'm done! (she goes to a bus stop and waits) Least we have our bus pass, I'm taking it home. I'm not going back to the biker cqmp, I don't like being a girl there.

Saten (one of his few times he's angry at her): Fine bitch, go home you quitter!

Trixie rolls her eyes and goes the bus. Saten has a last second change of heart and runs over.

Saten: No wait, I'm sorry! Don't go honey!

But it's too late the bus leaves, and worse the lady from before has returned.

Lady: That's the guy, Jonah.

Store Manger: So I hear you like to sample things excessively and then not buy. Is that what you like to do?

Saten: No I ju-

Manager (leaps onto him, holding him down) Those pizza bagels are my life. I make those tiny bagels by hand!

Lady: That's right, Jonah, mush that face. I love you, baby.

Manager: You are my queen, Rebecca.

Saten: (Mmmmp! Mmmmp!)


Only one hour later Saten Twist managed to get bailed out by Johnny, who was watching from a distance and openly mocked the red pony about the whole trying to live on only a thousand dollars for a month. Saying he's surprised that the "pretty girl'' lasted as long as she had, saying Carly felt bad for her but didn't know how to approach them without scaring them.

Johnny drops Saten off a burgershot, giving him some money for a meal before he drives off, proving himself to a nicer guy then Trixie expected, she just had left before got to find it out. Saten ate a burger and fries but once done he quickly realizes he's broke again and asks the manager for a job, but is rejected due to his messy demeanour. Enraged Saten Twist steals the man's shoes and runs off.

Manager: Wait! You can have the shoes! Just leave the orthotics! They were specifically designed by Dr. Ross for my feet only! I pronate! They help reduce the stress to my ankles!.. (he tries to walk but break his foot immediately) Yah, God!


Later that same evening. Saten is seen on the streets while various people pass him, Saten holding the shoes he stole.

Saten: Shoes... Burgundy dress shoes... New shoes, man? Only 40 bucks.

One pony stops.

Pony: Nice stitching... wooden sole... Where were these made?

Saten: What? I don't know. Just, get out of here, man!

(the pony glares leaves, next comes a pony verison of Roland Brown, a minor character OC).

Saten: Shoes. Got shoes here.

Roland: Where'd you get those?

Saten: Don't worry about it. They're my shoes, okay?

Roland: They look too small for you.

Saten: Just 40 bucks, man. What's it matter where they came from?

Roland: It matters cause I'm a cop.

Saten pauses than flees, Roland chases but Saten gets away.. Only to get himself ran over by a car.

Pony Sally: (driving car) Oh, my God!

Pony Dashlene: It's fine keep going.

Sally: I think we hit a homeless guy!

Dashlene (nonchalantly): We killed him, keep going.


Saten stumbles weakly to a free clinic, finding Lily Palmer.

Saten: Help, please... I've been hit...Leg is busted... Bleeding out.

Lily: Excuse me, Rude-y Huxtable. This is a free clinic. If you can't afford insurance, you got to wait.

Saten turns to see a long line and stumbles the back, finding himself behind Wade, who's pony is all white with clown face, and short hair.

Saten: How long have you been waiting?

Wade: Six, seven hour.

Saten: What are you here for?

Wade: My elbow feel funny. My elbow feel strange.

Saten: I-I am, I am just, I am very near death. Can I go before you?

Wade (glares): No. My elbow feel funny.

Saten groans and instead steals some needles and a kit taking it outside and stitches himself, and uses a newspaper to cover his broken leg, while doing so he's approached by pony Trevor Phillips. Who's shown at the bottom photo.

Trevor: Sign your cast? (signs the name "Alex" on the cast) Trevor's the name. You want some B.M.? (holds out bong) It'll make you all better. it's a natural remedy!

Saten sighs and smokes it, his eyes turning blood shot.

Trevor: Whoa, hey, hey, We's sharing. (smokes it before handing it back) Now.. I'm thinking about pulling a job. A rob job.

Saten: (smokes) Yeah...

Trevor: We do this job. One last (hiccup) jobber.. And then we're out of the game for good... I means it. One... final... jobber.

Saten: Hmm.. I know just the place.


Said place turns out to Saten's own apartment, Saten grabbing a fake rock outside.

Trevor: A fake rock!? This world never ceases to amaze and inspire me!

Saten: Shh.

The two sneak in.

Saten: Grab that lamp. It's a real Schtibly.

Trevor: A Schtoobly?

Saten: No, a Schtibly.

Trevor: A Schtibly, sounds stupid (knocks it down breaking it)

Sword hears them while cutting some carrots in the kitchen.

Sword: Intruders!

Saten: Great you broke it.

Trevor: Well it was a dumb la- Sword jumps on him with a knife and stabs him repeatedly)

Sword (stabbing him repeatedly): Die home-wrecker! (Trevor seems weirdly into this and actually grabs Sword's hands and pushes it deeper into himself, giving a creepy slasher smile).

Derpy (flips on lights): Saten?

Trrixie: Babe what are you doing?!

Saten (falls to knees sobbing): I'm robbing us!

Derpy goes over comforting him.

Saten: It's just, I just, it's too hard! You guys were right. You can't live on minimum wage. I did things out there! Awful things!

Sword: It's been less than three days.

Derpy: So, I guess this means we can stay?

Saten: You can stay here as long as you need. (hugs Derpy) I'm just so happy that your here and safe with with me. (teary eyed) This, this huff has just got me
so emotional. I love you all so...

Trevor: (springs up on Sword) AHHHH! (he ends up impaling himself in the back with knife)

Sword (frightened): Who is this guy?!

Trevor stumbles over the wall and begins using his own blood to make a triangle on the wall with his own wound.

Derpy: What's he doing?

Sword: (dryly) He's dying.

Derpy: No, he's drawing something.

Trixie: Ooh, I love Pictionary! Is it, uh, is it an angel? No, Pyramid? Pyramid of Giza!

Trevor gives her thumbs up before falling down onto his stomach, the knife flips out of his back and flies into his top head.


The real episode ended there so guess I'll end mine..

Don't worry about T. He'll just respawn XD..

Here's the only photo I can find of a pony Trevor..
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con ran to the parking lot where he put his car. The adaptive camouflage was still on, so no one could see it.

Con: *Gets in car* P, set up an airstrike on the Ice Hotel.
P: Roger that.
Zao: *Comes to parking lot*
Chinese Pony7: *Riding snowmobile*
Zao: *Sees snowmobile*
Chinese Pony7: *Crashes into car*
Zao: *sees crash* All units report, now!
Con: *Drives off*
Chinese Pony7: *Shooting at car*
Zao: *Runs to his car, and puts on thermal imaging* I see you now. *Activates machine gun*
Con: *Driving faster*
Zao: *Shoots at Con with machine gun*
Car: Warning: Too much damage. Adaptive Camouflage turned off....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Lady took Con to her house.

Lady: How are you going to get us back here without a time machine?
Con: With this *Shows remote* I just have to hit the button on here, and we're back into the year 2014.
Lady: What does the future look like?
Con: Not as good as 1958, I'll tell you that. Are you ready?
Lady: Yes.
Con: Alright. Here we go. *Hits button*

It worked. Con, and Lady returned to Canterlot on the year 2014.

P: Well done Con. That was quick.
Lady: *Looking around* This is a nice place you have here.
P: Thank you Lady. This cost us a lot of money.
Lady: I see.
P: Now, we're going to have you...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor, tumblr, deviantart
Spike:Ugh,another beer I say.I want more.
Peter:Hey,my friend.Get a job!You have many money to pay!
Spike:When I win in the casino,I will give you them all.
Peter:See,you know,I don't want those moneys.I..
Spike:You want money,we get it.Now,beer.
Spike:Hey,a little girl is looking for her daddy!Is that someones daughter?
Peter:No,it's yours!!
Spike:No,Harmony is with Rarity and...
Harmony:Daddy,it's me,Harmony!
Spike:Oh dear.I got to go to the bathroom!
Peter:It's over there.
Spike:Cover me!
Harmony:*enters*Hey,where is my daddy?
Peter:This place isn't for filly's,so I am pleased to say:GET...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Running from Chicacolt to San Franciscolt is a railroad called the Union Pacific. It's the largest railroad in the United States, and is run by thousands of ponies. This is the story of some of those ponies that run the rails, aka railroading.

Episode 5: War pony

May 15, 1951

The korean war has been going on for months. Everypony on the Union Pacific was doing their best to deliver supplies to Las Pegasus for use in the U.S military.

Gordon: *doing yard work*
Pete: Gordon, I have something for you to do.
Gordon: Great! I'm doing a lot of that here.
Pete: I want you to go to Las Pegasus.
Gordon: Cool....
continue reading...
posted by TimberHumphrey
Like a shadow loves to follow
When the sun's shining bright
I'll be around
Oh, i'll be around

And how the moon can move the water
When the stars are in the sky
I'll be around
Oh, i'll be around

I've always got your back
I'll always hold it down
I'll be around
And anything you need
won't have to make a sound
'Cause i'll be around

And when the times get harder
We can take off
You don't have to worry
if we get lost
'Cause i'll be around
I'll be around
And you don't have to wonder
We can be free
Anything you want,
you can count on me
'Cause i'll be around
I'll be around

And it's much better than a promise
It's more like...
continue reading...
I know.. Liam is a cliche, he's tired of it.
He's always saving people in a very similar formula.
But.. He's still LIAM NEESON.
This guy can read a book too children, and it would be the coolest sight ever..

The Happening.. Oh the Happening.. You really must of been fucking AWFUL if your able too get a bad performance out of Marky-Mark Wahlberg..
I actually like him more in movies like TED.. Mark has a certain charm that he brings into the performance..
But hey, watch SHOOTER and LONG SURVIVER to see him kicking ass*. He doesn't really have any real TypeCast.....
continue reading...
added by Jade_23
Source: Equestria Daily
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Joel - *drinks drink while watching sunset from his penthouse*

-Everything was chill they were thinking. So did I.-

Mare - Phone Hun. *view him phone*
Joel - Yup?
Dimitri - Look outside old friend.
Joel - *notices SWAT* what the. Dimitri it's you right what is happening!
Dimitri - Don't act dumb. BlackNET got Leaked. We has a rat inside all along. Run away.
Joel - I have kids and wife!
Dimitri - We got them in Van. Jake is waiting at safehouse. Same location.

-some time later-

Joel - *opens vault* Alright. *takes shit and wears it*

-Well. I rather think that this is more normal than chill life-

Joel -...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
After a few days of training, Guy was back in his tent with Black Tuesday.

Guy: Three days of running, obstacles, and all that other shit Sargent Pride is making us do.. If the Vietcong don't kill me, the training exercises will.
Black Tuesday: It's not all that bad. You just try to run too fast.
Guy: Do I now?
Black Tuesday: Yeah. Didn't you notice everyone else was behind you when you were running?
Guy: No. I think I was just too busy trying to complete the damn thing to notice anyone behind me.
Summer Pride: *Blows a whistle* EVERYPONY OVER HERE ON THE DOUBLE!!!!
Guy: *Runs with Black Tuesday towards...
continue reading...
added by Jade_23
Source: Deviantart, Tumblr
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Slash - *looks around the murder scene wich is pinkies house*
Ace - I see nothing.
Slash - Well I do see some apples. The died out of strong kick I assume.
Ace - UT the autopsy say-
Slash - Poison. Fox used poison. But second coming was another Killer. Wich is... *looks up on cealing* Haaa... *looks on table and points on apple pie* AppleJack.
Ace - What! How can you be so sure.
Slash - She came In and gave Pinkie the apple pie. Problem is. *cuts pie in half* Half of it is poison. While second part is hallucigen. She probably saw monster or something kicked her almost dead body and ran away tripping...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 7 is beginning

Pinkie Pie: *Gets into the teleporter with everypony else* Now remember, we won't use the teleporter until a zombie gets near us. That way, we can kill it with the lightning that comes out.
Twilight: Rightning?
Pinkie Pie: Das is correct.
Zombies: *Appearing from barriers*

The theater started to shake.

Rainbow Dash: Uh-oh. I think we got some new friends coming to join the party.
Applejack: *Shoots a zombie* You see what happens when you touch Applejack?
Rainbow Dash: But he didn't even touch you.
Applejack: Exactly.
Pinkie Pie: *Sees a zombie getting very close* Now! *Uses the...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
Spike: Uh, Twilight? Where's your castle?

Twilight: The map pulled us back, but whatever Starlight did in the past changed things here!

Spike: But why? And how did we get here? Where's here?

Twilight: More like when.

Saten: (annoyed) Please Twilight, that's such a douche time-traveler thing to say.

Twilight: Whatever.. Point is, Starlight altered Star Swirl's spell, then somehow used it on the map to travel into the past and change something!

Saten: It's obvious what it i-

Twilight: Saten, please.. Anyway. Once she did, the map pulled us back to the present!

Spike: So we're back where— I mean, when...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
When the shift was over, Candy was thinking about something.

Tim: *Turning right into the police station's parking lot* What's on your mind?
Candy: I'll tell you tomorrow.
Tim: Can't you tell me now?
Candy: I'm thinking about how to stop that suspect. I haven't worked out all the details, but when I do, I think it will work.
Tim: *Parks the car in the parking lot* Can't wait to hear what you have planned. *Walks away*
Candy: *Watching Tim get into his Viper, and drive away*
Julia: *Arrives* Hey, what happened?
Candy: With what? The pursuit?
Julia: Yeah. My partner gets sore when he doesn't catch a...
continue reading...
Shadow - Will he mange to do it?
Dan - He is smart... How I created Him.
Shadow - What if he rebel?
Dan - Don't worry, he believes in friendship.
??? - Friendship IS Magic...
Dan - Hahaha... Right... I hope he will use his new power well
Shadow - Power of Creation?
Dan - No... Power of free will... They both have it now. And he can change slomeone soul with it. I hope and I believe he can do it.

Episode 10
When creation gain free will

Darkness - Huh. Where are you...
Hunter - HAHAHAHAHAHA *attacks him from behind*
Darkness - *there is tree that blocks an attack*
Hunter - *but tree fall under force*...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
Twilight: Those look yummy, Pinkie! Let me help you! But we better cover them up so they don't get spoiled.

Pinkie: Why would they get spoiled? We're all gonna eat them super soon!

Saten: Oh, didn't anybody tell you? Shining Armor and Cadance are held up. They may not arrive 'til Saturday.

Pinkie: Whaaaaaaaaaat?! [hyperventilating] You mean... [breathes] I have... [breathes] to wait... [breathes] another whole day?! I don't know if I can!

Twilight: Pinkie Pie, do you have something you need to say? You seem like you've been keeping something in.

Pinkie: [inarticulate yell]

Fluttershy: We're here...
continue reading...
As the group of heroes made it upstairs, Sean had a plan.

Sean: Charmy, you go with Knuckles, and find two boats for us.
Charmy: You got it.
Knuckles: We'll go find them for you. *Flies off the boat with Charmy*
Sean: Dash, take these. *Gives her time bombs* Put these around the hall. Vector, and Mighty, you go with her.
Vector: Roger.
Sean: The rest of you on me. *Walks towards Sonic*

Rainbow Dash was planting one bomb on a wall, when Twilight appeared.

Twilight: Well well well, look who we have here.
Rainbow Dash: Twilight Sparkle. You're still working for Eggman?
Twilight: Fuck yeah man,...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
"Well.. I guess I should get going" Ditto said, starting to leave.

"Wait.. One last favour sweetie... How would you feel about being the next captain?" Celestia asked.

".. What?" Ditto asked, a bit confused.

"As you may or may not being aware.. Shining Armour and his lovely wife are too busy with The Crystal Empire.. So the guards need a new leader. And they saw how skilled of a fighter you are.. So they want you" Celestia replied.

"Oh.. Well., Guess I could do that.. I mean.. Why not" Ditto replied.

"(kisses his cheek) Good boy.. Let me show you to your new office" Celestia said, and lead him further into the castle.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is it
This is it
The Low Riders were still waiting on the bridge going over the train tracks from the station.

Cavalier Pony: *Arrives in a red Cavalier*
Corvette Pony: Here he is.
Cavalier Pony: *Gets out of his car* What are we waiting for? We gonna race?
Corvette Pony: Yes. Let's do it.
Julia: They're getting into their cars.
Tim: *Gets on the radio* GT24, we're still observing the suspects. Another pony joined them in a red 1995 Cavalier. So far, we can't tell if the car has any license plates. We can only see the front of it.
Dispatch: Ten-4 24. What is your current location?
Tim: Round Freeway. The four...
continue reading...