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1. Regina Mills

Anyone who has seen me on this spot probably knows that I love Madam Mayor more than I probably actually should. :P And a few people probably want to know why. A while back I wrote an article on the matter, I've been meaning to re-type that so I'll do so here.

For one I love the complexity and back story she gives to Disney's original Evil Queen. I like how Once took a character who tried to kill a girl simply for looking better than her and turned her into a character whose mother abused her (verbally for sure and implied physically) and killed her love. I like how she's not one dimensional; how she was once a really loving and innocent girl. How watching the light leave her lovers eyes right in her arms twisted her from this innocent girl to the Evil Queen we grew up reading about.

That being said I think it's interesting that she managed to pin this on a little girl. Do I think it's right/okay, no I don't. But I do find it interesting. I feel that Regina just didn't have the heart to blame it on her mother, a mother who was supposed to protect her. So what does this have to do with liking Gina? I see this as some sort of mental ailment and anyone who knows me knows that I love crazy characters. Something must have snapped if Regina thinks she's in the right. And that's what I like about her; the fact that she's twisted enough to believe that the pain she caused is for the greater good. I always thought that the most dangerous villains are the ones who think they are doing the right thing. The fact that she firmly believed that the people would love her upon the misery she bought them is twisted, and I like that.

That being said I do like how despite it all she still has the capability to love. A good number of villains simply can't love. But Gina's evils are all in the name of love. She's not going after Snow for some selfish purpose like getting power (magical or theft of a crown) she is doing it for Dan. She's doing it for her lost love. She thinks that Dan would want that of her. Everything that she's done was for him, towards the very end she whispers to the ring he gave her "We got her Daniel." I do like how her motives as a villain aren't out of sheer evil. On the topic of the ability to love I also admire her will to change for Henry. Of all the villains I ever liked, Gina is the only one who tried to change. I defiantly admire how far she went to prove to Henry that she loved him. The fact that she risked her life absorbing the curse on the well so Snow and Emma could come through, risking her life in season 2's finale for Henry. It takes balls. And I like that.

Speaking of things that take balls to accomplish. I think Gina is brave. A lot of people say she was a coward to hide behind the curse. But I think it's the opposite. She went into that curse well aware that if she screwed up or if the curse broke she would lose everything. But she did it anyways, thought it was diabolical it was pretty brave. Going back to the redemption thing; that also takes bravery. To put yourself in such a vulnerable position in order to change yourself, that's scary. Even admitting that you need to change is scary and embarrassing. So for her to actually go out and ask Archie to help her with that, well that takes a lot of nerve. As mentioned above the two times she risked her life to save people she doesn't even like, who she felt wronged her. That takes balls too. Risking your life in general takes a lot of bravery, with that in mind, bravery is another reason as to why I like Gina.

I also adore Gina for her smarts. While some of the things she did weren't the brightest she definitely knew what she was doing. The fact that she was able to maintain a curse for 28 years, undetected by the outside world is impressive. Though evil and vindictive they way she got Emma to admit she didn't believe in the curse right as Henry was getting home from school was a pretty smart move on her behalf, it definitely shook things up between Emma and Henry for a bit. The way she got Emma to make her look like a good person in front of the city council was smart too. She managed to get Mr. Glass to trick Emma into fining out about the missing funds. She got Emma to accuse her of stealing the town's money for a selfish whim, only to reveal that she was building a new playground for the children. Thus making herself look good. Evil(ish) yes, smart? Also yes. The woman knows what she's doing and I like a villain with brains.

I'll combined the two shallower reasons into one; I like her for her magical power and her beauty. Of course with the love of a character comes the appreciation of their physical beauty and power. So yes, I do like Gina for both of those as well.

But enough about Gina, I'm pretty sure you all get the point. Here's the rest of my top five.

2. Ruby Lucas

To be honest I'm not quite sure why I like her, there's just something about her that sparked my interest. I guess you can say it's the spunky attitude that caught my attention. Under the curse Ruby had that rebellious badarse attitude that caught my attention. I also enjoyed the plot twist that was her being both little red and the wolf. It's original, I like it.

I also see Ruby as a brave character. She was willing to go hunt for the wolf (before she knew it was her of course). And how she was always willing to protect Snow.

3. Cora Mills

At first I hated this woman and was practically wishing for her death. But as season 2 went on I started to grow quite fond of her. As a sucker for villains I couldn't not like Cora. This woman was pure evil. And next to Regina the best villain on this show in my opinion. Like Regina, in killing Dan this woman was like 101% sure she was in the right. Like 101% she was doing what was best for Gina and that fascinates me in a dark and twisted way.

Much like her daughter I love the manipulative and smart nature to her. This woman also knows what she's doing. She definatly played mind games in the race back to Storybrook. She managed to play both Hook and team Emma. And when her plans to get back to Storybrook failed, she had a plan B. Despite my hatred of this particular action; it was pretty smart to 'kill' Archie in order to get her daughter back.

Last but certainly not least; every good villain needs a good back story and a good set of motives. Cora's come from a life as a poor and mistreated miller's daughter. Though her motives are more selfish than Gina's it's good to know that she's not just evil for the sake of being evil. She felt mistreated and vanurable and logged to put herself somewhere where she'd never feel such again.

4. Archie Hopper

I have grown to like Hopper because he is such a sweet guy. Through out all of everything, Dr. Hopper was the only one to remain level headed about everything and treat everyone kindly. Despite it all he was willing to help Regina, he even approached her and offered the help. But at the same time he was willing to help everyone else too. He's just an all around good guy.

5. Emma Swan/Hook

This was basically a tie. I like both Hook and Emma a lot. So starting with Hook; I like him because I find him funny. Though his dirty humor gets to be a bit much I do think he is quite the comedian.

I like how he seems pretty willing to change himself for the better. Even if he isn't as vocal about such.

I like his back story. He's not just some silly one-handed pirate. He was a man who loved a woman. Unfortunately this woman loved him and another. In this Hook lost both a over and a hand. It adds some depth to Captain Hook.

And finally Emma; she's tough and I like that. She doesn't let people bring her down or push her around. She sticks up for herself and the people she cares for.

I like her never give up attitude, yes she was about to run away from her problems but in the end she pulled through and saved everyone.

I also really liked that she was willing to give Regina a chance despite it all. And that she believed Gina about the supposed death of Dr. Hopper. The fact that Emma was and still is willing to give Gina a chance is pretty important to my Evil Regal arse. :P
added by iMiku
added by LLheart
added by LLheart
added by zanhar1
Source: stevenrogered
once upon a time
colin o'donoghue
jennifer morrison
added by zanhar1
Source: exodusofmetaphors
added by Saejima
Source: fairestcharming @ tumblr
added by csiAthens96
added by tarabrina
posted by zanhar1
Got board decided to write a little fanfiction. I did post this on fanfic.net too so if you see it there, just know it wasn't stolen from me nor did I steal it from someone else.
This fanfic takes place sometime after Regina, Emma, and the others arrive in Neverland. It starts out after they managed to locate Peter Pan.

“Do you want him back that badly? So badly enough that you’d be willing to do anything for to get him back?” Peter asked motioning to very displeased looking Henry.
“Yes. I’ll do anything you ask exchange for my son’s safe return.” Regina nodded.
“Anything at all?”...
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I rewatched the first five on my DVD last night and I caught a few things. They may have been noticed, but I just want to list them and other random things.

1.The Tinkerbell windmill shot ( cameo)

2.At the War Council meeting, Granny is knitting a blanket and its Emma's iconic baby blanket

3.The Wardrobe,is a nod to Narnia

4.The flowers in Snow's hair, are the ones in the little vase she puts by Davids bedside on her rounds at the hospital

5.Granny's Diner has Forest/Woods wallpaper and its where Ruby works ( Little Red Riding hood, dont go walking in those spooky old woods)

6.Regina has an Ornate...
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EDIT: As of episode seven, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, we now know that Sheriff Graham was, indeed, the Huntsman. Hooray for everyone who guessed right!

We haven't been told yet who is Sheriff Graham's fairy tale counterpart (or rather, who he really is), but I strongly suspect that he is the Huntsman from the Snow White fairy tale. To refresh your memory, in the fairy tale, the Huntsman was ordered by the Queen to take Snow White out into the forest, cut out her heart (or her liver, tongue or other internal organ, depending on the version) and bring it back to her as proof that Snow White...
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added by Princess-Yvonne
added by Princess-Yvonne
added by Princess-Yvonne
added by jennyannjenkins
Source: http://twitter.com/jennyannjenkins