One Tree Hill Club
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posted by Albiee
5.01 || 4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days

Nathan: Give me the bottle Luke, or Dan wont be the only Scott who shot his brother.

Brooke: I believe in our lives we were all meant to do something. It does not matter when your success comes, success can come whenever you want it to.

John Knight: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but rock & roll can't actually save the world.
Peyton: See, I disagree. Walk into any club on the strip tonight, and just look at the kids. Look into their eyes. I mean they're all looking for something to believe in, and I think that music can be the thing to change the world.

Brooke: Guys. Absolutely not! There is no way she gets on the cover of my magazine unless she gains 10 pounds, minimum. She looks unhealthy.
Assistants: We were just brainstorming.
Brooke: Brainstorm better. Anorexia is a disease. It is not a fashion statement.

Jamie: I think you drink too much.
Nathan: I think you're right.

Nathan: My dad's in prison and so am I.
Haley: Yeah, well you can walk out.

5.02 || Racing Like A Pro

Nathan: You don't get it, do you? I used to be somebody, Haley, do you understand that? Do you understand what that means? I used to be Nathan Scott, and I was great and I should have walked away okay I know that and I didn't do it, and now I'm nothing. And I have nothing.
Haley: You have nothing? You have a beautiful son who is here. I am here! You've gotta figure out who you're gonna be in this, Nathan. Because this version of you does not work for us. I cannot keep living like this, okay? Do you understand what I'm saying? One more night like this, Nathan, and I promise, you will have nothing!

Haley: [throws beer bottles, yells at Nathan] Are you going to say anything or are you just gonna sit there like you have for the past four months? You gonna get drunk, maybe pout, a little cry?

Brooke: [talking on her phone] Okay... I'm... I'm gonna need you to go ahead, stop yelling and listen to me. No, you are yelling. You are yelling and it's my company why are you yelling at me?... There is a boy here... yes... a boy... And he's... No... I do... just ... oh god ...[throws her phone in the river]
Peyton: Huh?
Brooke: Can I borrow your phone?

Brooke: So, I have a surprise. You're gonna like it. I made Jamie a little something for his race.
Haley: Okay.
Jamie: Look, mama.
Haley: Oh my goodness. Look at this, this is a real racing suit.
Brooke: Mmm-hmm. And I even made you a sponsor, P. Sawyer.
Peyton: Oh yeah? [looks at Jamie's suit] Oh ... "Peyton Sawyer Unemployed" ... Thank you.
Brooke: You're welcome.

Peyton: Well.
Brooke: Well. Oh don't look away, second and third greatest nights in your life just walked back into your world.
Peyton: You looking all rock star totally does it for me.
Brooke: It's very heroine chic Nate, I like it.
Nathan: What are you guys doing here?
Brooke: Well, Lucas tells me you can walk but you need a little incentive so we have come up with a drill.
Peyton: For every step you take we kiss.

Haley: The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is but for the most part you get what you give. Let me ask you all a question. What's worse: not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out it's not enough? The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now.

Skills: So what do you want to do today?
Jamie: I don't know, play I guess.
Skills: Yeah, me too.
Jaime: Don't you have a job?
Skills: What are you? The man? I don't see you paying any rent.
Jaime: That's because I don't have any money
Skills: Whatever makes two of us. Now let's just go over the drill. If we see any hot chicks today, who are you?
Jaime: I'm an orphan who needs surgery and you're paying for it 'cuz you're rich.
Skills: Good man.

Lucas: I talked to my mom and, we decided we want you to have it. Rent-free under one condition: that it becomes office space for your new label.
Peyton: Luke.
Lucas: And I've already talked to Brooke, so I don't think you have any more excuses.
Peyton: You know that four years ago I would have jumped at this.
Lucas: But what? It doesn't seem so cut-and-dry any more? Cause it's not. I wrote a novel and I can't write a second one. Mouth's boss apparently hates him, Nathan missed his dream by a breath. It's life. So, you couldn't change the world from Los Angeles. Change it here. I know you can do it, and so do you. Just think about it.

Peyton: It's like you touched my soul. And a few days ago I was ready to quit again but you saved me with the words you wrote about me in your novel. So if you're struggling writing the next one you should know that your art matters Lucas. It's what got me here.

Peyton: I was there Lucas. I was so proud of you, but we hadn't talked in a long time, and I saw you with Lindsey and I figured you guys were together. Which clearly you are. I like her. I do, but do you remember when you first joined the Ravens and you took all my sketches to Thud without even asking? And do you remember what you said that night when you first entered the gym?
Lucas: Your art matters. It's what got me here.

5.03 || My Way Home Is Through You

Lindsay: Lucas tell you he wrote all night?
Haley: No, I thought he's been blocked.
Lindsay: Guess he got inspired.
Haley: Oh, that's good. Isn't it?
Lindsay: Yeah. Yeah, as editor I'm thrilled obviously but as his girlfriend I can't help but notice the timing.
Haley: Oh, you're talking about Peyton coming back?

Haley: I think I'm realizing that I can't help everybody, and still somehow feel responsible. I don't know why I keep trying.

Peyton: Brooke, this place looks great. Think, if I can't sign any bands soon, maybe I can get a job here?
Brooke: I'm sorry, darling, you're not nearly bitchy enough to work in one of my stores.

Haley: What is this?
Nathan: It's the beginning.
Haley: Of what?
Nathan: Of the way it's going to be from now on. I know it's going to take a lot more than dinner, but I figure it's a start right?
Haley: I missed you.

5.04 || It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Lucas: Hey, ready to go?
Peyton: Hey, umm... actually I think I'm going to stay so, goodnight.
Lucas: He's not good enough for you.
Peyton: Hey don't do that.
Lucas: Do what?
Peyton: He's not good enough for you? I don't want you saying things like that to me, Lucas. That's not fair to me, it's not fair to Lindsey either!

Peyton: I'm really sorry about Jason.
Haley: It's okay. I've worked with self-centered musicians before. Chris Keller ring a bell.
Peyton: Only his own.
Haley: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Victoria: Good God. What is that?
Brooke: That is my assistant Millicent.
Victoria: Tell me again why you have an assistant who dresses like a Slavic bag lady.

Peyton: Hi Mrs. Davis. I just want to tell you, I think it's really great you're supporting Brooke's decision to stay. I know it means so much to her.
Victoria: Of course I support my daughter. But let's be clear. The only reason that Brooke returned to this backwater town is because her loser friend couldn't cut it in Los Angeles. That's why I'm here, to make sure that my daughter is not completely exploited by her parasitic so called friend. So you get your little act together before you ruin her life too.

Lucas: Much as some of us fight it, our parents have a mystical hold over us, the power to affect our thoughts and emotions the way only they can. It's a bond that changes over time, but doesn't diminish, even if they're half a world away, or in another world entirely. It's a power we never fully understand. We're left only to wonder that when our time comes, what kind of hold will we have on our children?

5.05 || I Forgot To Remember To Forget

Whitey: I want you to go home and hit the sheets ... preferably alone.

Haley: You should never be ashamed of your achievements, you know?
Nathan: The only thing I'm ashamed of is the person I've been for the past few months. That's all gonna change.
Haley: Hey... I know we're not the couple we used to be. We're gonna get there. I know it.

Victoria: I've been calling you all night. Maybe teen marriage is all the rage in Hicksville, North Carolina, but I swear if you marry this boy I'm gonna have annulment papers drawn up so fast...
Brooke: Mom relax, it was just a joke.
Victoria: Oh. Thank God. You have far too much to lose Brooke.
Brooke: And Lucas Scott was the one boy I might have lost it for.

Peyton: Okay. Can we take this back? Can we just pretend like you never woke up, please?
Lucas: I don't think we can.
Peyton: I'm afraid that this conversation is going to end with...
Lucas: Goodbye...
Peyton: Don't! Come here. Our dreams are going to come true Lucas. My music and your novel. It's gonna happen, I know it.

Lucas: Peyton! We've seen each other three times in the last year. We go days without talking. We trade few emails. We've already grown so far apart. Who knows where we'll be a year from now.
Peyton: Luke if you can't trust that our love can make it one year, I don't understand how we can be talking about forever right now!
Lucas: You're saying no.
Peyton: No! I am not saying no, I am saying not now. I want to marry you someday. Hey don't do that, don't pull away from me. Okay I want us to be together. I love you so much.
Lucas: Just not enough...

Peyton: No god. Luke honey, Whitey believes in you and Nathan needs you and if I ask you to walk away from your dream you're gonna wake up one day and you're gonna resent me for it. The same way I would feel if you asked me to leave LA.
Lucas: Peyton you get people coffee and deliver mail, you were doing more than that in Tree Hill.
Peyton: Well I love you for believing that but I have to prove that to myself. I mean... you see that's the thing, and we both have so much we wanna do with our lives and were only nineteen.
Lucas: And Nathan and Haley were a lot younger than that.
Peyton: Okay well we see how easy that's been. Come another year.

Lucas: I know it's a bit sudden okay, but yesterday was a great day. And I'm sitting on the bus and I realize that none of my great days in my life matter without you. You're the one I want next to me when my dreams come true. You're the one I want next to me if they don't. As long as I have you nothing else matters.
Peyton: There's... it's just not as simple as all of that okay. I mean there's a lot we have to talk about.
Lucas: I know that but we'll figure out all the details when we get back to Tree Hill.
Peyton: Okay I know that's home for you and I miss it sometimes, I do, but for me Tree Hill is two dead moms and a psycho stalker and some really painful memories. You know I actually had to move out to Hollywood to get away from all the drama. So right now this is my home and the only thing that's missing is you.
Lucas: Then I'll move here.

Lucas: Hey, when did you get here?
Peyton: I don't know, like an hour ago.
Lucas: You know you could have woke me up.
Peyton: Luke... what is this? I couldn't bring myself to open it but, uh I've just been sitting here thinking about how much I love you.
Lucas: Well... I wanted it to be a surprise but uh. Peyton, I love you and I want us to be together forever.
Peyton: Luke, wait okay?

Lucas: I feel lost Brooke. I don't know what to do without her.
Brooke: Alright. You remember when I started Clothes over Bros? It was right after we broke up and I was trying to mend my broken heart by focusing on my work and you need to do the same right now. You need to go out there and become the best person and the best writer that you can be and then you approach Peyton and if she comes back to you, you know it's meant to be.

Brooke: Okay, I think that might be the second stupidest thing you've done in the last 24 hours. Luke, we're not in high school anymore. And I love Peyton, and even if you don't wanna admit it right now, so do you. Okay?

5.06 || Don't Dream It's Over

Nathan: You said he asked you stuff. What else did you tell him?
Skills: Nothing much. Just the truth.
Nathan: Like?
Skills: The man killed Tupac and Biggie, never date girls named Bevin, and Santa Claus is black.

Peyton: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna pay rent. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'll figure it out, cause whatever this is, I don't feel right about it.
Lucas: It's called me being nice to you.
Peyton: It needs to stop.
Lucas: I don't know, maybe you're right.

Lucas: You gave up on me! That's why you didn't say yes, you didn't think I could do it! You didn't think I could get my novel published, maybe you just didn't care, because it wasn't about you, or what you wanted.
Peyton: Well, if that's the truth, if I never cared, (picking up a copy of Lucas' novel), then how come every time I see this stupid book I buy it, every stupid damn time Luke. You said I was great! You said I could be great! You said we were destined to be together, you said it to the world, you said it to me and I wish you never had because you did not mean any of it!!!

Lucas: I... I gave up on us?
Peyton: Yes!
Lucas: By proposing I gave up on us?
Peyton: No! By not waiting you gave up on us, and you know that's the truth!

Lucas: Insecurity? Right. Let me tell you how you get "Always" Peyton: when a man asks you to marry him, you say yes. You don't say no and call him insecure!
Peyton: I never said no! I said that I loved you and that I did wanna marry you some day and, oh God, Luke! I wanted you so bad - but you gave up on us.

Lucas: What's going on?
Peyton: Okay. I went by my old house, there's a teenage girl living there now. She showed me my closet door, and you know what that said? Lucas and Peyton, True Love Always. Always Lucas, that's what we were supposed to have until you showed up in L.A. three years ago and ambushed me.
Lucas: If by ambushed you mean proposed to you?
Peyton: Oh, yeah, out of the blue! A proposal that was driven by some insecurity that I have never been able to understand!

Lucas: I saw your lights on, which isn't that surprising, I mean I know how hard you work. You know, you haven't been yourself lately Peyton. I mean not the Peyton I remember.
Peyton: Well, I haven't been that Peyton for three years.

Peyton: Okay, so tell me again, what happened?
Haley: We walked in and Bitch-toria was there waiting.

5.07 || In Da Club

Peyton: I came back for Lucas.
Brooke: I know. You've had your "Lucas Stealing Face" since you picked me up from the airport.
Peyton: What "Lucas Stealing Face"?
Brooke: The only face you've got.

Lucas: We're having a tough time with the whole friends thing. How did you two do it so easily?
Nathan: I make everything look easy.
Lucas: Nate.
Nathan: Peyton and I were never in love.
Lucas: Yeah, well Lindsey is mad at me too.
Nathan: Yet you seem more upset about Peyton.

Lucas: Why are women so screwed up?
Nathan: Let me guess, Peyton.
Lucas: How did you know?
Nathan: Because she's sending you a drink with a check in it.

Owen: What's underneath all the clothes Brooke Davis?

Peyton: Lindsey. I... I'm sorry. I never wanted...
Lindsey: Lucas asked me to marry him.

Brooke: It has always been "Lucas and Peyton". You guys are meant to be together. It's the way it's supposed to be. So go and get your man. And this time, if he proposes please say "yes."
Peyton: Wait, if I came back for Lucas, then why did you come back?
Brooke: Duh! For Lucas. Game on, bitch!

Peyton: Well, it doesn't even matter now. He's with Lindsay.
Brooke: Honey, Lindsey doesn't stand a chance, trust me. I have been the "Lindsey" between "Lucas and Peyton" and it is not a great place to be.
Peyton: Yeah, neither is the place I'm at.
Brooke: Are you kidding? You're Peyton Sawyer. The guy wrote a whole book about how much he loves you.
Peyton: You think he still does?

5.08 || Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want

Peyton: Dear Molly, this is gonna sound a little strange but I'd like you to paint over my old closet door. The thing is there is never a time when you will be more honest, and your convictions will be stronger, and your motives will be more pure than they are right now. Which means you should chase whatever excites you. Be confident, and take risks, and paint over my words so you can start writing your own. My story may have inspired you, but I'm certain your story will inspire the next girl to live in our room. I want you to know you don't need somebody to write about you in order for your life to mean something. You can write about yourself... make your own destiny. Then years from now the next girl will keep what you write on that door long enough to remind you how inspired your life is. And you can tell that girl to paint over the door because you realize the words you wrote, the friends you had, the urgency you felt will always be there under the paint. The love you professed will always be there, the spark of something undeniable, a seed of hope, the truth for better or for worse burning fiercely just below the surface. Love Peyton.

Peyton: Hey... think maybe Whitey will let you out of practice early so we can catch a movie?
Lucas: What are you doing Peyton?
Peyton: Just pretending for a second that we're still seventeen and nothing's changed. Would you believe I actually met a girl that lives vicariously through us? At least us in the book.
Lucas: Sure I do. It was a great story to be a part of, but it also took place a long time ago.
Peyton: I know. I didn't come here to rehash the past. I was reminded today in a roundabout way that the most perfect act of love is sacrifice. It's what Keith did for Karen; burying his feelings for her for all those years so he could be a good friend. I love you Lucas. And I think I have since the first moment we locked eyes and it is going to suck but if what you want is for me to let go then I'm gonna do it. Be happy Luke. I want that with all my heart.

Peyton: Don't marry her Luke!
Lucas: Peyton you can't...
Peyton: Am I crazy? Do you not feel what I have felt every day that we've been apart for the last three years? Because I have felt there is this vital piece of me that's been missing. And I tried to fill it, Luke. I tried to fill it...with work and friends and music. And it stayed empty until last night when you kissed me. And my entire universe snapped back into focus. Lucas, look me in the eye & tell me that that kiss did not feel exactly the same as it felt three years ago.
Lucas: I'm in love with her, Peyton.

Mouth: Hi. I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and I get it. I wouldn't want to date you if you were sleeping with your boss either.
Millicent: Brooke?
Mouth: No, Victoria.
Millicent: Ew.
Mouth: I would totally date you if you were sleeping with Brooke.

Lucas: Suddenly it was as if the roar of the crowd, the echo of the final buzzers, the cheers of my teammates were all sounding from 1,000 miles away, and what remained in that bizarre, muffled silence was only Peyton. The girl whose art, passion, and beauty had changed my life. In that moment, my triumph was not a state championship, but simple clarity. The realization that we had always been meant for each other and every instinct to the contrary had simply been a denial of the following truth - I was now and would always be in love with Peyton Sawyer.

5.09 || For Tonight You're Only Here To Know

Haley: [to Peyton] The last time I was trapped in the school was the shooting. You know why Lindsay and I got so close? She was editing Lucas' book, and I still wasn't sure about her, 'cause I was rooting for Lucas to be with my friend Peyton, or maybe even Brooke. Anyway, she was working on the chapter about the shooting, and she said to me "I want this to be Lucas's best writing. The best he has in him, because Peyton deserves it. Jimmy and Keith deserve it, and that day deserves it." We've been friends ever since.

Haley: Peyton you don't know what you're talking about!
Peyton: It's fine Haley, daddy's gonna make everything better for the little rich girl who got everything she ever wanted!
Lindsey: He's dead, alright Peyton? He's dead. He died two years ago from cancer but not until he couldn't walk or talk or even recognize me, does that make you happy? Does that make you feel better? That his death is with me everyday, that I was the one was had to turn of the ventilator because my mother was too destroyed to do it. You wanna hear the sound he made to before he took that last breath. Oh cause I can still hear it, exactly how it sounded. Does that make you happy? Are you glad that my life isn't perfect ?
Peyton: [shocked] Lindsey, I-
Lindsey: I used to admire the Peyton from the book, she seemed so noble, kind. I wish you were here Peyton, that version of you. What happened to her?

Peyton: Oh, you didn't know?
Brooke: Peyton...
Peyton: Oh, is she gonna cry?
Lindsey: Stop it.
Peyton: Go ahead let's cry little rich girl.
Lindsey: I said Stop It!

Peyton: [singing] Her name is Lindsey, Man-faced Lindsey. And her fiancee proposed to me first, with the very same ring!
Lindsey: You're lying!

Lindsey: [singing] My name's Peyton. Fake blonde Peyton. I don't have a boyfriend. 'Cause I'm a bitch!

Mouth: Take a look at this picture. What do you see? There's a high school basketball game tonight somewhere in America and there's a great story there. But sometimes to find it, you have to look away, into the shadows on the fringe of the obvious. Can you see it? Look closer.

Brooke: I'm not gonna tell you how to be with Lindsey, but most of your life I've known you to take the high road.
Peyton: I know, Brooke. I just, I'm so sick of looking at her and her precious ring.
Brooke: Don't you mean YOUR precious ring?

Peyton: We all wanna get the hell out of here, okay? Don't yell at me.
Haley: Calm down. God.
Brooke: Just no mushroom.
Peyton: There,it's ordered. Are we all happy now?
Brooke: What did we get?
Peyton: No mushroom, Brooke. Okay? No mush, no room, no mushroom!

Haley: What's going on? What are you talking about?
Peyton: Brooke's gonna call Owen, her new bartender crush to get us out.
Brooke: I am not. It's too soon.
Haley: Brooke, we're gonna miss the game.
Brooke: I don't wanna call him. It violates all the rules of dating. And yet, I'm gonna look like a desperate. He has to do us a favor and then he can make fun of me for it.
Haley: Oh my god.
Brooke: Fine. I will call him. But if he does not sleep with me after this, it is your fault. All of you.

Peyton: Brooke.
Brooke: I don't want to.
Peyton: Brooke.
Brooke: I don't even know his number.

Peyton: There is somebody that we know who is not coaching or playing in this game.
Brooke: Don't ask me. I just moved here.

5.10 || Running To Stand Still

Dan: [to the judges] When I was 17 years old, I fell in love. Her name was Karen. And for a long time, she loved me back. We had a son, Lucas. But we never became the family we should have been. Instead my brother Keith assumed that role. And in my heart something died. I deserve to be in here. There's no excuse for the crime that I committed. And believe me when I tell you I spend every moment wishing I could take that fateful day back. Keith Scott is dead because of me. And that's something I have to live with for the rest of my life. So I'll just make ne pledge here today. If at some time you decide to grant me my freedom, know that I'll spend every living moment trying to mend the lives of the people that I hurt by my actions. Because I've lost more than my freedom. I've lost something far more important than that. My family. These young men stand at the dawn of their adult lives. So far, because of what I put them through, they've had it pretty rough. They deserve better. They deserve a father. I hope some day you'll give them that.

Lucas: [to the judges about Dan] My father abandoned my mother when she was pregnant with me. He left us to struggle on our own, even though he was a man of means. Growing up, I only had one person to look after me, Keith Scott. And this man killed him. His own brother, in cold blood at point-blank range. Next week, I'm getting married. Keith would have been my best man. But he's not gonna be there, just like he didn't see my state championship or see my first novel published. Dan took all that. And he did it with malice and premeditation. Dan is an educated man and if he is nothing, he's very persuasive. Do not let him fool you. He has a very dark and ugly heart. And he should never be allowed to walk the streets a free man.

Brooke: Rachel, what happened to you?
Rachel: Life, I guess.

Carrie: I need to get my stuff.
Haley: It's in the garage. Boxes are marked 'whore.'

Haley: It's a simple question Nathan. Did you kiss her?
Nathan: No, but she kissed me.

5.11 || You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side

Haley: Hi. I need to talk to you.
Lucas: Sure. Is everything okay?
Haley: No. You can't marry Lindsey.

Lucas: Hey. Look, I hope you don't feel too 'slided by the set-up.
Haley: To be honest, I kinda expected it from you guys, you being you and Lindsey. Your hearts are in the right place. You picked the right person to spend the rest of your life with, Luke.
Lucas: So did you.

Lucas: [voiceover] Albert Camus once wrote "Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken." But I wonder if there's no breaking then there's no healing, and if there's no healing then there's no learning. And if there's no learning then there's no struggle. But struggle is a part of life. So must all hearts be broken?

Lindsey: Morning.
Lucas: Morning.
Lindsey: Poor Nathan.
Lucas: Yeah, I know. If I'd have known he'd be here for a week, I'd have cleared my mom's room.
Lindsey: Have they even seen each other this week?
Lucas: No. I don't think they've spoken.
Lindsey: Right. Last thing I want Haley worrying about is throwing a bachelorette party when her marriage is strung.
Lucas: Skills could do it. I mean, he is so excited for my bachelor party.
Lindsey: Oh. That worries me.

Owen: [to Jamie] You helped me out, 'Whats under all the clothes, Brooke Davis?'
Jamie: So did you find out?
Brooke: [shocked] And with that, boy time is over. [to Owen] Let's go.

5.12 || Hundred

Peyton: He said 'I do', Brooke. The minister asked if he would love and cherish Lindsey forever and he said 'I do'.
Brooke: Bitch you need to stop!

Lucas: Linds.... It's just a story... So what, Peyton's car is a comet, you know... This is crazy! I love you.
Lindsay: I love you too, Lucas, I do and I always will. But your heart's conflicted and... I think I've always known it. I guess I was hoping someday... I could be your comet. It's an epic love story, Luke. But it's just not ours. And neither is this. [takes off ring]
Lucas: Lindsay, please, you can't just leave.
Lindsay: People always leave Luke, you of all people should know that.

Lindsay: [reading from Lucas' second book] It was more than just a comet because of what it brought to his life: direction, beauty, meaning. There are many who couldn't understand, and sometimes he walked among them. But even in his darkest hours, he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him, and his world would be whole again... And his belief in God and love and art would be re-awakened in his heart.

Jamie: Hey Daddy, when you married Mama, was it your best day ever?
Nathan: Actually, I think the day I graduated high school was my best day ever.
Jamie: How come?
Nathan: Well...'cause thats the day you were born.

Peyton: I'm sorry. I'm... I'm sorry, but you just... you can't, because I love you and because you fixed my car.
Brooke: Oh, boy.
Peyton: Remember that day? Because that day changed everything and I didn't know it at the time. But when you fixed my car, you fixed my heart. And when you proposed to me two years ago, I just wasn't ready. And I was lost and scared, so I said 'someday', but someday's now Luke, it is. Someday is now and I love you. Please don't leave me again. People always leave. [back to reality and as a voiceover] At least that's what I should have said, instead, I said nothing and he said:
Lucas: I do.

Minister: Lucas Eugene Scott, do you take Lindsey Evelyn Strauss to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you...
Peyton: Lucas, you can't!
Skills: That's what I'm talking about!

Peyton: Okay. How about this? How about Peyton puts on a nice dress, watches Lucas get married, gets wasted and has drunk, meaningless sex with some guy at the reception?
Brooke: Yes.
Skills: Hey, baby, I ever tell you how sexy you look in that dress? Maybe we should head in.
Brooke: Behave, or I will smack you.

Skills: How about this? I say we drug Lindsey first, even though I love her. Then we throw you in the wedding gown, so when Lucas lift up the veil. Bam! It's on.
Brooke: Um, skills? That gown is tailor-made, so, no. And Peyton is gonna be okay.
Skills: Right. You know I love you, P. Sawyer, right? But, baby girl, you are so far from okay, man, you ain't even in the same area code. Wait. Maybe Lucas will say the wrong name on the altar just like Ross did on Friends.

Brooke: They don't do that at real weddings, Skills.
Skills: They should, though. You know, that's good drama.

Skills: So, what up, P. Sawyer? You got a plan?
Peyton: A plan for what?
Skills: To steal Lucas back. Oh, so I'm the only one thinking like that, huh? Ok, look. Here's the drill. When they say,'does anybody have any reason that this thing shouldn't go down?' Bam! That's you.

Brooke: I want to have a baby.
Peyton: With me?
Brooke: No. I've spent four years working these endless hours to fill this void that all the success in the world is never gonna fill and I realized that what I actually want is to have a family.

Brooke: Sorry... Okay. Peyton, do you want to know why I came home? Besides to help you. I am 22 years old and I have made more money than I could ever hope to spend and I have never felt more alone in my life. You need to talk to him Peyton. Just talk to him. And if you let the fact that Lucas said 'I do' today to Lindsey while he was obviously lying to his own heart be the reason that you sit here and cry, I am gonna smack you across your pretty face.

5.13 || Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace

Haley: I love that he's here with me every week without fail. And I love that he holds himself accountable for his mistakes. And I love that he's so protective over me and Jamie. And I love that shirt that he's wearing... And maybe the way he wears it...

Peyton: Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Lucas: Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, the next smile. The next wish come true.
Peyton: But if you believe that it is right around the corner. And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it. To the certainty of it.
Brooke: You just might get the thing you're wishing for.
Nathan: The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it?
Haley: Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart.

Haley: Hey. I was thinking um... not sleeping in this bed, might not be too bad tonight if you wanted to try it with me... Got anymore of that sexy talk?
Nathan: The kind stuff or the sexy stuff?
Haley: Sexy.
Nathan: You have a serious ass Haley James.

Nathan: How you sleeping these days?
Haley: So, so. Jamie tosses around like a Tasmanian devil.
Nathan: He should probably get back to his own bed soon, the separation thing. Or he could sleep in the spare bedroom with me. You know, sometimes I find your goodness staggering. I didn't get to tell you in the session, but your kindness is overwhelming, Haley. You saved my life. And if I haven't said it lately, you're sexy as hell.

Nathan: It's quiet around here without Jamie.
Haley: Yeah, he's with Brooke, baby steps.

Brooke: [to the adoption agency woman] Do you know what my mother said to me when I told her I wanted to start a company? She said "your chances are one in a million" and I said "Maybe I'm that one" and she said "you're not.". And she was wrong. And whatever she thought she saw in me was wrong... Because I am one in a million and there is a child out there who has something so special inside of them but whose life is miserable because they think that nobody wants them. And I could be a great mother to that child, no matter their age or race or sex. I could help them find what makes them special. And if you can't see that, then you're wrong, just like my mother. Why don't you go ahead and write that down?

Peyton: My Mom used to sing to me, I don't think I've ever told anyone that before, it was like our little secret. But every night she'd come in and she'd tuck me in and she'd sing something, like lullaby's or album rock stuff. And after she was gone I remember lying in bed for the first time and just feeling silence, you know. Then realizing for the rest of my life that it was gone, all her songs were gone, her voice and the way it used to soothe me, just all of it. So I guess I tried to find new songs to fill that quiet, but none of them ever really have. Now she's gone and Mia's gone... and Luke is gone. There's just silence...There's just silence. I come in here and I sit in silence and hear the echoes of who we used to be. And so I wish for patience, and grace, and strength to just let him be happy. Mostly I pray for the strength to not make his life worse because of what I want. That's the toughest part, letting go, you know? That's the part of grace that really sucks.

Nathan: When I was a Junior, in High school I took some stuff to help me with my game, drugs and it was a stupid thing to do. I ended up collapsing on the court and my Dad was all about covering it up for the scouts. Anyway when I left the hospital I went to see Haley because I needed to know if she could forgive me, I wanted to see if I still had the chance to be great in her eyes, and when she did, when she forgave me- that was the moment that everything changed for me. That was the moment that I fell in love with her. This girl who could see past all the mistakes I have made. Now, I guess maybe sometimes I screw up because I want to feel that again. I suppose that sounds pretty broken...

Nathan: I'm not good with being vulnerable, in fact this is probably the closest I've come to it, or the second closest.
Olivia: What was the first?

5.14 || What Do You Go Home To?

Dan: [voiceover] It's been said that the saddest thing a man will ever face is what might have been. But what of a man whose faced with what was? Or what may never be? Or what can no longer be? Choosing the right path is never easy. It's a decision we make with only our hearts to guide us. But sometimes we find our way to something better. Sometimes we fight through the regret and remorse of our mistakes, our malice and our jealousy and the shame we feel for not being the people we were meant to be. And that's when we find our way to something better. Or when something better finds its way to us.

Chase: Anyways, call me if you need anything, someone to talk to... move carpets... I don't know, a husband?

Lucas: So you got her a purple monkey, huh? Just like you had.
Brooke: You remember that?
Lucas: Of course, I do know some things about you, Brooke Davis. And you're gonna be a great mom.
Brooke: You think she'll like the purple monkey?
Lucas: I think that she's gonna love the girl that gives it to her.

Lucas: Lindsey. She's the first thing I think about everyday. How is she? Does she miss me like I miss her? How do I get her back? And then another day without her begins.
Peyton: Lucas.
Jamie: Chester.
Brooke: Brooke. OMG, I have to pee!
Skills: What day is it? What time is it? What the hell did I drink last night?
Mouth: Hm, Millicent, you smell so good. I have to go to work. Sure I guess I could be a little late. What do you mean I'm fired. I wasn't even that late. How am I going to pay my rent? Would you like fries with that sir?
Haley: Jamie.
Nathan: Jamie. God my girl's hot.

Quentin: There he is! I said it's J. Luke Scott the boy is hot. Wherever he goes, homey, that's the spot.
Jamie: His name is "Q" he's better than you. If the spot is hot then, he's there, too.
Nathan: I'm the dad and I'm not so bad. I--

5.15 || Life Is Short

Skills: These don't look like virgin underwear. [holding up Millicent's panties]
Mouth: Give me those!
Skills: I'm just saying if they belonged to my girl, she ain't gonna be no virgin no more.
Mouth: Dude shut up, and how do you even know about that?
Skills: Fergie.
Mouth: How did he know?
Skills: Junk, you know he tried to get with her right? I'm just playing man, he overheard you two talking the other night! You know these walls are thin.

Lucas: What do you think about this one? You think Lindsey will like it?
Haley: I think it's just like the other four shirts you tried on.

Nathan: Guess who i saw this morning!
Haley: I get the feeling I'm not gonna like this.
Nathan: Dan showed up at the gym!
Haley: Don't you find it creepy that your dad hangs out round a high school gym?
Nathan: He's Dan, it's all creepy!

Haley: Peyton are you really in love with Lucas or are you just in love with the idea of Lucas?
Peyton: If I'm being honest, maybe a little bit of both. I think I miss what I thought we would be.

Lucas: Sometimes when you're young you think nothing can hurt you. It's like being invincible. Your whole life is ahead of you and you have big plans. Big Plans. To find your perfect match, the one who completes you. But as you get older you realize it's not always that easy. It's not until the end of your life that you realize how the plans you made where simply plans. Because at the end when you're looking back instead of forward you want to believe you made the most of what life gave you. You want to believe you're leaving something good behind. You want it all to have mattered.

5.16 || Cryin' Won't Help You Now

Dan: So that's're just going to make that decision?
Nathan: You made that decision for me, the moment you pulled that trigger.

Lucas: How's it going? Better?
Brooke: Yeah, I'm starting to get it down. She's sleeping through the night now.
Lucas: See? I told you you'd be a good mom.

Brooke: And anyway, Angie is scared of her creepy Aunt Peyton, isn't she? Yes. We like Uncle Lucas better.
Peyton: Hey!
Brooke: I'm kidding. [to Angie] We're kidding, aren't we? Yes.
Peyton: I mean it is pretty great that he's helping out. Its kind of Mr. Mom, but its nice.

5.17 || Hate is Safer Than Love

Lucas: Peyton, I hate you. I wish you'd never came back. You ruined my life.

Mia: So am I allowed to ask what's going on with you and Lucas? Or is that like saying Voldemort?

Brooke: How long's it been?
Peyton: About an hour.
Brooke: You said that last time I asked.
Peyton: Well, hon, that was thirty seconds ago.

Lucas: Most of the time, love doesn't really need words.

Skills: You know what heals a broken heart more than anything?
Lucas: What?
Skills: [sniffs] Bacon. Thank God for Millicent.

5.18 || What Comes After The Blues

Haley: You still make my heart race. Seriously, feel this. My heart is full of joy and love and pride for you.

[Lucas is dialing a number from his phone ... Peyton, Brooke and Lindsey all pick up theirs]
Peyton: Hello?
Brooke: Hello?
Lindsey: Hello?
Lucas: Hey, it's me. Look, I'm at the airport. I've got two tickets to Las Vegas. Do you wanna get married tonight?

Lucas: I don't hate you. I remember the first time I ever saw you, all skinny arms and tangled mess of hair. It was hard letting you go Peyton. You know? It was hard losing you and it was hard seeing you again and it's still really hard.
Peyton: I know. While I'm asleep, I have this dream where we're back in that hotel room in L.A. and you proposed to me and every single time I say "yes."
Lucas: It's just a dream, right?
Peyton: It's my dream.

Haley: [to Lucas] You know that romantic notion that all the garbage and the pain is really healing and beautiful and sort of poetic? It's not. It's just garbage and it's pain. You know what's better? Love. The day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you're wrong. The only thing wrong with love and faith and belief is not having it.

Peyton: That's what he writes. But what he says is a totally different story.
Haley: Sometimes people write the things that they can't say.
Peyton: Yeah... you know Ellie once told me not to be afraid of the music, just cause it might end. Thanks Haley, you really are a good friend. And I am so happy I never shared any of my secrets with you.

Peyton: Alright. How about, I hate you bitch you ruined my life. Does that do anything for ya?
Haley: [laughs] You know what, I do have some words for you, even though they're not mine. Lucas and I, we use to write our predictions every year, before the school year started. Sort of what we'd hope would happen.
Peyton: Lame.
Haley: You know you're jealous.
Peyton: Kind of.

Haley: The point is, I was so scared that night, I was falling in love for the first time and I was so unsure and I did it. And while it hasn't been easy, it has being everything. We're not kids anymore Luke you know, it really hurts me what your doing.
Lucas: Lindsey said no Hales, I said yes.
Haley: Don't give me that Luke. I'm being honest with you now right now and you need to be honest with yourself. What do you want? If Lindsey's the girl your in love with great. If it's Peyton, great and if it's Brooke just please, stop hiding your heart. I mean it.

Lucas: You mean your, slutty little tramp stamp?
Haley: I am so barely your friend right now.
Lucas: Sorry.

Haley: Alright, all clear you goof!
Lucas: No Peyton?
Haley: No, you need to apologize to her.
Lucas: Hey, remember all the water balloon battles we use to have up here?
Haley: Don't change the subject. Actually now that you mention it, it was Junior Year the Boy Toy Auction, we had that water balloon fight up here and you saw my tattoo of Nathan's jersey number for the first time.

Nathan: Have you seen your head?
Lucas: Not lately.
Nathan: You have a Mohawk.
Lucas: I do?
Jamie: Awesome. Can I get one, daddy?
Nathan: Sure, if you wanna look goofy like your Uncle Lucas.
Jamie: Kinda like he has a tail, just on his head.
Nathan: Jamie, why don't go get Luke a bottle of water huh?
Jamie: Okay.

Jamie: [to Lucas] I think you drink too much.
Lucas: I think you're right.
Nathan: Damn, at least someone got thrown into a plate glass window. Dude, it seriously does smell like ass in here.
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