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posted by Peaceandlove67
After fifteen days passed, Hank was finally able to retake his driver's test. Before Hank began his test, he took a few deep breaths and said to himself, "Don't overthink it. Just do it, just like Paul said." This time, it was clear that Hank was very focused. After finishing the test, the instructor said, "Well done, Hank. That was so much better." Hank smiled. He then returned to Paul and his mother. Hank said, "I did it. I passed the test." Paul hugged Hank and said, "Congratulations! I knew you could do it!" Hank said, "It's all thanks to you." Paul smiled. "I'm always happy to help. What do you say we go look at cars?" Hank said, "That sounds like a plan to me." Hank ended up getting a sports car. Contrary to what Hank's friends said, Paul did not end up getting a pink hippie van. He went with a simple mid-sized sedan. Once they made it home, Hank asked, "Paul, do you think your relaxation technique would help me improve as a football player?" Paul said, "I don't see why not." Hank said, "I think I'll try it at Friday night's football game. Will you come and watch?" Paul said, "Of course, as long as you promise not to let your friends beat me up." Hank said, "I promise if they so much as lay a hand on you, they'll feel the full extent of my wrath." Paul laughed. "I love you, Hank." Hank smiled. "I love you too, Paul."
The next day, Una and Everett went to the hotel lobby for breakfast. "Look at all the tropical fruit they serve here!" Una said as they approached the buffet.
Everett smiled to see her enthusiasm. He had woken up this morning still a little worried. He helped her to fill up her plate, piled high as usual, and carry it to the table.
"Let's go swimming today," Una said as they sat down. "I can't wait to see the beach!"
"It looks a bit cloudy," Everett pointed out, glancing uneasily at the sky. "Maybe we should plan an indoor activity for today. We could probably reach a shopping centre before the...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una and Everett were heading to Florida for their honeymoon. Una said, "I can't believe it. We're finally married!" Everett smiled and said, "I know! I'm very happy." She said, "I'm very happy too." They arrived at the beach house just in time for dinner. They ordered some takeout and ate after they unpacked their things. Una said, "I'm so excited to be in a house that's right on the beach!" Everett said, "I'm excited too!" She said, "This honeymoon is going to be a lot of fun." He said, "It certainly is." Later, they turned on the television to see the weather forecast. Everett said, "Oh,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The big day finally arrived. The wedding venue was decorated in teal. As Una was getting dressed, her mother knocked on the door. Una said, "Come in." Her mother walked into the room and said, "You look beautiful." Una said, "Thank you. This summer dress isn't exactly traditional, but I love it. I just know Everett will love it too." Her mother smiled. "That's all that matters." They hugged. After a pause, Mrs. Stratton said, "Your father would be so proud of you." Una said, "He is. Mother, there's something I want to ask you." Her mother smiled again. "Of course, dear, anything." Una asked,...
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"Una? Una, are you okay?"
Una opened her eyes. Everett was leaning over her, looking concerned. Una's face felt wet, and she realized she'd been crying in her sleep. As Everett came into focus, she threw her arms around him.
Everett held her and patted her on the back. "It's okay, Una."
Una nodded. "I - I know." She pulled back from Everett and gave him a watery smile. "It's just - I missed my father. I kept wishing he could be there to walk me down the aisle."
"Oh." Everett was sympathetic. "Is that what's been bothering you?" Una nodded. "I'm so sorry. I should have noticed...."
Una shook her...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Warning: You need tissues.

A few days later, Una heard back from one of the venues she and Everett were considering. The person who spoke to her on the phone said, "I'm so sorry. We are booked up through July and the rest of the year. We're a very popular venue. We tend to stay booked up throughout the year." She said, "Oh, okay. Thanks anyway." She hung up and sighed. Everett asked, "Was that another dead end?" She said, "Yes, it was. Finding a venue is harder than I thought." He said, "We'll just have to keep looking." She said, "I guess you're right." Pretty soon, they had everything ready....
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Over the next couple of weeks, the wedding started to come together. Everett's mother took Una shopping to find the perfect teal fabric for the bridesmaids' dresses, table covers, and such. Una had picked out some of her very best actress friends along with Kaitlyn to be her bridesmaids, and one of Everett's little cousins would be the flower girl.
Everett's father called up some caterers and arranged times for Una and Everett to come have sample meals.
"I don't want anything too, too fancy," Una said. "Nothing our guests won't recognize. I just want good food!"
Una's mother helped them look up...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una and Everett were looking through the bridal magazine to pick out a color scheme for their wedding. Finally, Everett said, "Since your favorite color is blue, and mine is green, why not use the color teal? It's the perfect combination of both colors." Una smiled and said, "Everett, you're a genius. It will also represent the two of us coming together as one." Once they picked out the color scheme and the decorations, they ordered some pizza and had it delivered to Everett's apartment. Una was quiet throughout dinner. Although she and Everett had accomplished a few things, her mind kept going...
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Everett was a little too stressed himself, when Una got back to his place, to immediately notice how she was feeling. "I've been looking at dozens of venues since you left," he said when she came in, barely looking up, "and I think I may have found three that might work. We should call them as soon as possible before they don't have any time slots when we need them." He ran his hand through his hair and turned to face Una, offering her the best smile he could manage. "But enough about that. Let's - are you okay, Una?"
Una immediately did her best to smile back at him. She hadn't meant to let...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una had lunch with her mother. As they ate, Una asked, "Mother, what was your wedding like?" Mrs. Stratton smiled. She said, "It was nothing fancy, but it was beautiful. Our wedding just had family and close friends, so it was small. Still, the flowers were beautiful and blue, since blue is my favorite color. It was also your father's favorite color. Anyway, before we got started, my father asked if I was sure this was what I wanted, because if I wasn't, I didn't have to do it. I said that I wanted to get married, so once the music started, he walked me down the aisle. Your father and I got...
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Una and Everett didn't wait long after their eventful proposal before getting straight to the wedding planning. They even ran ideas by each other while Una stayed with Everett during his recovery, but as soon as he was fully better they started planning in earnest.
"It's April. If we start now, I think we can have everything ready by July," Everett said.
He was busily making a list of all the things he and Una would have to arrange before the big day.
"Oh, yes!" Una brightened, her face barely visible over an armload of style magazines she had gotten for bridesmaid dress inspiration. "I'd love...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After Everett received his discharge papers and his crutches, Una asked him, "Are you hungry?" He said, "Yes, very." She said, "Okay. We'll get something to eat, then I'll take you home." After they ate dinner at a burger joint, they went back to Everett's apartment. Una decided to stay with Everett so that she could help him with whatever he needed. Mrs. Stratton approved of Una's decision. Everett's knee healed in a few days. After that, he and Una decided that they would start planning their wedding. It is a day that they are both looking forward to.

posted by Rubyrings
Una collapsed into a chair in the hospital's waiting room, knees shaky. She had been so determined to help Everett she hadn't even noticed how heavy he was compared to her until a nurse had taken him from her arms and helped him into an examination room.
Would Everett be okay?? She hadn't expected their nice romantic trip to the park to go like this! He hadn't even had a chance to ask her his question.... Which, not that it was important right now, she still didn't know what it was.
It seemed much longer than it really had been before a doctor finally emerged from the examining room.
"How is he?!"...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
By the next day, Everett decided to propose to Una at the park. He thought it would be the perfect place to do it. He figured that going there in the middle of the week would be best. That way, it wouldn't be too crowded. It would just be the two of them. It was beautiful and sunny too. What could possibly go wrong? When they arrived at the park, Una said, "This is so nice, Everett." He smiled. "I'm glad you think so." She said, "It's so quiet and peaceful, and the weather is perfect." He said, "Indeed." After a pause, he said, "Una, there's something I want to ask you." She said, "Oh? What's...
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posted by Rubyrings
And of course, Everett's parents did love Una.
"You must be Una," his mother said warmly, enveloping Una in a warm hug as soon as she came in the door. "Everett's told us so much about you, I would have known you anywhere! Please, make yourself at home."
"I've heard a lot of good things about you, young lady," said Everett's father, shaking Una's hand firmly. "Everett thinks very highly of you."
Kaitlyn, who already knew Una, waved cheerfully as Una came into the living room to seat herself with the family.
The visit was so comfortable, Una might have been part of the family forever. Everett's...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The next evening, Everett went to Una's house to pick her up for dinner with his family. He knocked on the door. Mrs. Stratton answered. She said, "Hi, Everett. Una's upstairs getting ready." He said, "That's all right, Mrs. Stratton." He then showed her the ring he had bought and said, "Look what I got Una." Mrs. Stratton said, "It's beautiful!" He said, "I'm glad you think so. I'm going to ask Una to marry me." Needless to say, Mrs. Stratton was thrilled. She said, "You definitely have my blessing. You've been perfect for Una." Everett smiled. He asked, "How did Mr. Stratton propose to you?"...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, I have something to tell you."
Everett's parents looked up from where they had seated themselves in their homey, comfortable living room. "Of course, sweetie," his mother said, but Kaitlyn grinned. "Oh, I bet I know what this is about."
Their mother smiled at her. "Well, let's let Everett tell us."
"Go on, son," his father encouraged him.
Everett took a breath and pulled out the box with the ring he'd gotten for Una. "I'm going to ask Una to marry me. I love her and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her."
Kaitlyn gave a little jump and clapped her hands. "I knew...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After giving it a lot of thought, Everett decided he was finally going to do it. He was finally going to ask Una to marry him. Of course, he needed a ring to present to her when he proposed. One day, he went to the jewelry store to pick out a ring. As he looked around, the owner of the store asked, "Do you need help finding anything?" Everett said, "Yes, I do. I'm looking for the perfect ring. I'm planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me." The store owner smiled. "Yes, of course. Right this way." The store owner showed Everett a very beautiful diamond ring. Everett said, "That will look...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una, Everett, and Kaitlyn had dinner at a nice restaurant. As they ate, Una asked, "So, Kaitlyn, what are you majoring in?" Kaitlyn replied, "Well, I'm a biology major. I'm hoping to be a veterinarian." Una said, "You're an animal lover. That's great!" Kaitlyn said, "Yes, I've always been an animal lover. How about you?" Una replied, "Well, I always wanted a dog, but my mother is highly allergic. With that being said, I'm so busy with acting, I'm not sure I'd have time for one now." Kaitlyn said, "That's true. Dogs do require a lot of attention. I'm hoping to get one after I finish with veterinary school and get more settled." Everett smiled as he listened to Una and Kaitlyn's conversation. He was happy to see that they were getting along so well. He thought, This is wonderful. I think it'll work if Una and I decide to get married.

posted by Rubyrings
That evening, Everett picked up Una from her home and took her to the bus station to meet Kaitlyn. Una scanned the passengers as they got off, trying to figure out which one looked like she would have the role of Everett's sister, but she didn't get the chance to guess before a voice cried out, "Hey, big brother!" and a young woman ran forward to throw her arms around Everett.
"Hey, little sister!" He returned her hug and took her heavy duffel bag from her, lifting it onto his own shoulder.
Everett turned to Una and opened his mouth, but before he could introduce her Kaitlyn said, "I bet I know...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"What do you mean?" Una once again prepared to listen. Everett replied, "While my immediate family was supportive of my dream to go into film editing, not everyone was kind. Lots of people told me that I couldn't do it: most of my schoolmates, some teachers, even my extended family." She said, "How awful!" He said, "I know, but I didn't let that keep me down. My father even told me that I should go for it, no matter what anyone says. I looked at different film schools, and I got accepted into one that is fairly close to where I grew up. Upon graduating, I started preparing to go to film school. I started that fall, and I got a job at the local diner to help my parents cover the apartment rent." Una added, "And that's where we met." Everett smiled. "Yes, Una. My life only got brighter from there." She said, "Aw! I say the same to you, Everett." With that, they kissed.