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posted by Peaceandlove67
After fifteen days passed, Hank was finally able to retake his driver's test. Before Hank began his test, he took a few deep breaths and said to himself, "Don't overthink it. Just do it, just like Paul said." This time, it was clear that Hank was very focused. After finishing the test, the instructor said, "Well done, Hank. That was so much better." Hank smiled. He then returned to Paul and his mother. Hank said, "I did it. I passed the test." Paul hugged Hank and said, "Congratulations! I knew you could do it!" Hank said, "It's all thanks to you." Paul smiled. "I'm always happy to help. What do you say we go look at cars?" Hank said, "That sounds like a plan to me." Hank ended up getting a sports car. Contrary to what Hank's friends said, Paul did not end up getting a pink hippie van. He went with a simple mid-sized sedan. Once they made it home, Hank asked, "Paul, do you think your relaxation technique would help me improve as a football player?" Paul said, "I don't see why not." Hank said, "I think I'll try it at Friday night's football game. Will you come and watch?" Paul said, "Of course, as long as you promise not to let your friends beat me up." Hank said, "I promise if they so much as lay a hand on you, they'll feel the full extent of my wrath." Paul laughed. "I love you, Hank." Hank smiled. "I love you too, Paul."
posted by Peaceandlove67
The next morning, after Anjanette and Ferdinand ate breakfast, Anjanette asked, "Would you like to go hang out at our favorite restaurant after I get done working at the rescue center?" Ferdinand said, "I'd love that!" She said, "Great! I'll let you know when I'm finished." He said, "Okay. I'll see you later." She said, "See you!" Not long after that, Ferdinand got a message that his uncle was in the hospital. He knew he had to go, since it was a family emergency. He sent a message to Anjanette. He texted, "Hi, Anjanette. I'm sorry, but I can't make it tonight. My uncle is in the hospital,...
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posted by Rubyrings
One night in late fall, Anjanette and Ferdinand were having a sleepover at Ferdinand's house. Unlike most of their past sleepovers, it was just the two of them, and Ferdinand's mother had actually encouraged them to build a fort of blankets in the living room and eat popcorn and cupcakes on her floor and stay up till all hours of the morning with a flashlight telling stories. It only occurred to Anjanette more than halfway through the night how she hadn't even thought about what her parents would have said to find her spilling popcorn on their floor.
"You know, some would say ghost stories would...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"What lead you to the club where you first saw us, Henry?" Les asked. Henry replied, "One of my neighbors told me that a rock band called A Wave Tossed in the Ocean was going to perform at the club that had opened the previous week. I thought that the name sounded interesting, so I asked him what kind of rock music, and he said, 'I think it's stuff from the sixties and seventies.' I was eager to hear the songs from my youth. When I saw you perform, I knew you were the right fit. Of course, you know how we met backstage." Jimmy said, "And the rest is history." Everyone laughed. "Yes," Henry said. "The rest is history." Just then, Felix looked at his cellphone and said, "It's 10:00, guys." Henry said, "We better go to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow." The boys all said, "Okay. Good night, Henry." Henry smiled and said, "Good night, boys. Pleasant dreams." With that, they retired to their beds for the night.

posted by Rubyrings
"After that, I made sure to stay in touch with my mother," Henry went on. "I called her regularly and flew in to see her as often as I could. I'm happy to say I was able to be with her in her final days."
The boys smiled a little sadly.
"My life was fairly normal after that," Henry recalled. "I continued to travel and to work as a music producer. But then one day I decided to retire. I was getting on in years, I thought, and surely it was time to stop working."
"But it wasn't?" Felix prompted.
Henry shook his head with a smile. "I soon discovered I could never leave the music business behind. I'd...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The boys' looked sympathetic. They all said in unison, "Oh, no! Not another tragedy!" Henry nodded. "Yes," he said, "another tragedy." He sighed. "It was the summer of 1982. I had been producing a new record, and I was told that I had a phone call. I answered it. It happened to be my mother." He held back some tears. "She told me that my father had been having health issues, and they seemed minor. One day, he collapsed at home. He was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctor said that he had a heart attack." Henry couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Les put a comforting hand...
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posted by Rubyrings
"So what happened after you decided to stop being a hippie?" Jimmy prompted him.
Henry settled back in his chair. "Well, around that time I was beginning to get tired of always being on the road. I loved the adventure in my youth, but I started to miss not having a proper home - or neighbourhood, since I knew by then I wouldn't be getting married. I was just over thirty when I decided to quit being a roadie. My travels had taken me to North Carolina, and I knew I wanted to settle there. I was near the ocean which I loved, and it was near where I grew up but not too near - I knew I wouldn't want...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After a moment of crying together, Henry and the boys dried their tears. Henry said, "Okay, how about something happier now?" The boys nodded "yes". Henry said, "A year had passed. It was 1967, the Summer of Love. Arguably, that's when the hippie scene started." Charles asked, "Were you a hippie back in the day?" Henry said, "Well, kind of. I dabbled in the scene a bit. I grew my hair long." Les said, "I never thought you would have long hair." Henry laughed. "I've got a picture to prove it." He took a picture out of his wallet. Sure enough, it was a younger version of Henry with long hair....
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posted by Rubyrings
The band gathered round to listen closely, drawn in by the faraway, almost dreamy smile that had come over Henry's face.
"It was also in '65, I believe, on a warm summer's day. She was sitting next to me in the stands, the prettiest girl you ever saw. And so excited to see the Beatles, you could feel it. Her smile made you want to smile too." Henry paused for a moment as if savouring the memory of all these details. "I wanted to lean over and introduce myself, but you boys know how loud the Beatles' concerts were. No chance at all of her hearing me. Everyone was cheering as loud as they could...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The boys perked up when they heard that Henry was once a roadie. "We'd love to hear about those days!" they said. Henry said, "Well, after I left home, I made my way to Memphis. I'm sure you know it was the birthplace of rock and roll. People did have a hard time taking me seriously at first." Charles asked, "Was it because you looked young for your age?" Henry nodded. "Yeah. I didn't look seventeen. People thought I was more like fourteen, and they were surprised I was able to drive. They soon learned to take me seriously when they saw how I was able to lift heavy equipment with ease. Just...
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posted by Rubyrings
"I was born in Tennessee," Henry began. "My father was a miner in the coal mines, and my mother stayed home to cook and clean and raise me. You didn't see a lot of women with jobs in those days," he added, as the band members leaned in closer to listen.
"My childhood was nothing terribly unusual," Henry went on. "I went to school, and I was a good student - not top of the class by any means, but my parents never complained about my grades. I went to church and Sunday school, and in the afternoons and on weekends I would play outside with the other boys in the neighbourhood. My parents were strict,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
This fan fiction is dedicated in loving memory of my grandfather. Thank you for everything you've taught me, Grandpa. Love and miss you always.


A Wave Tossed in the Ocean had just released their second album, and they were on tour promoting it. It was March. It was a cold winter night, so the members of A Wave Tossed in the Ocean, and their manager, Henry, were staying warm in their hotel room. They were taking turns telling funny stories. Henry laughed and said, "I know I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you're like the sons I've never had." Charles, not really thinking...
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added by Roldan13
Source: Birthday Greetings for Friends
added by RetroRock64
Source: Google Images
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
A few hours later, Una and Everett were comfortably snuggled up together on the couch, sharing the last of Una's chocolates which lay in the open box between them, as the credits rolled on the movie.
"That was so good," murmured Una, her head resting on Everett's shoulder. "You know - I was looking forward to your plans, whatever they were going to be, but I was really hoping we'd be able to watch this."
Everett gave a small laugh and shook his head. "I wish I'd known. I could have saved myself all this trouble."
Una grinned. "This year, our Valentine's Day plans were on me," she said. "Next year I expect it to be your turn."
Everett felt a warm rush at the thought of next year, that Una was so certain they would be celebrating Valentine's Day together next year. But then... of course, Everett though. He wouldn't have considered anything different.
"I love you, Una," he said.
"I love you too, Everett," she said.
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
posted by Peaceandlove67
Valentine's Day had finally arrived. Everett still had nothing special for Una. He felt ashamed of himself. A part of him wanted to tell Una that he was sick but lying to her wouldn't solve his problem. He had to tell her the truth. He proceeded to get ready, and he went to Una's house. He said to himself, "She's going to be so disappointed. What if she decides to break up with me?" He then said, "It's a risk you'll have to take, Everett. Honesty is the best policy." He then rang the doorbell.

Una had just finished getting ready when she heard the doorbell ring. She said, "I'll get it." She...
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posted by Rubyrings
“You don't have any tables for that night? Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.” The gentleman's voice on the other end of Everett's phone was polite but firm. “Most people book weeks in advance for a popular time like Valentine's Day.”
Everett sighed, thanked the man anyway, and hung up the phone. His chin dropped into his arms on the table. That was the fifth fancy restaurant he had called, and every one had told him the same thing. No one had any space for him to make a reservation, even really early or really late.
No special necklace... no fancy dinner... What was he going to do? Una was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Everett went to the mall the next day, trying to figure out what to do for Una for their first Valentine's Day. He then noticed the jewelry store. "That's it!" he said to himself. "I'll get Una a beautiful necklace. I know she likes necklaces. She has so many of them. She never wears the same one every day." He then saw a sign advertising a beautiful necklace on sale. It was fourteen karat gold, and it had a star on it. Una was sure to love it! He went to talk to the woman at the front desk. She said, "I'm so sorry. We just sold out." He said, "Oh, that's too bad." She said, "I could special...
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posted by Rubyrings
Everett flipped the calendar page from January to February one mild winter morning, wondering why something felt more significant about February than it did every other year. Then his eye wandered down the page to the fourteenth, and he laughed and shook his head. Of course, he reminded himself. Most years, he didn't think too much about Valentine's Day beyond giving his parents a call and wishing them a happy one. But this year was different. This would be the first Valentine's Day that he and Una would spend together.
Everett's heartbeat quickened. He had to do something big for Una - something...
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