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posted by irena83
You devastate this land of mine,
Where breeze used to touch the rose petals.

On this field of my innosence
You took away the cloudy days,
On this desolated field no rain will fall,
No sun will shine,
Those soft petals are dry now
On this field of mine.

But yours,
You grow your Oleander and Ivy,
Your poisonous land as your twisted mind,
You stole water to dry mine,
I see your Oleander now,
Beautiful and gentle as my rose is never going to be,
Poisonous but never meant to cure me.
posted by juicyjossy9
There is certain bliss about the darkness; that light only brings to clarify things we would have preferred not to see, forever engulfed in the darkness of our own ignorance. It’s a spark once ignited, it never completely loses its heat and fades away into the air. Dime as it may glow, how short of a distance its light travels, nonetheless, it shines. Such is the heat of curiosity. It’s the tide that carries us away from the land of the self onto the uncharted world beyond the boundary of reason. You can never go back to the land you left behind or else you will return a stranger in...
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posted by irena83
I can't smile,
i can't think,
my mind is poisoned,
my mind is trapped...

So many thoughts,
the fear is coming,
it's waiting.

How strong are you to
how weak are you to

Don't find me,
i'd rather stay here,
so far away from
your ruthlessness.

Tears of despair
are calling your name,
and you want to drag
me there...

The way you possess me
is so cruel,
why don't you leave me alone?

I'm not like the others,
they might be stronger
or weaker,
it depends how you
see it.

The darkness is all over,
poisoning my mind,
the fear is itching,
it's everywhere,
won't go away!

It stains my soul,
i'm shaking,
despair won't let me.

So many thoughts,
but nothing's resolved
it's just fear
holding me,
hauling me deeper
into its ruthlessness.

I don't want this,
so be gone,
you live inside me,
but you don't know.

Tears of despair
are calling your name,
they want to drive you away,
so i could feel safe,
so i could be far away,
so far of your ruthlessness.
posted by juicyjossy9
Wait on the sunset
Move through your day
This quiet space that you fill

Here by a dark moon
Filled up from the rain in my eyes
My fingers are cold on your skin

Dream me away
Before the night becomes day
You'll see it all come true

This water is deep
You go to sleep
And silently
Dream me away

I have a picture
It rests in my hand
I opened my window tonight

I have a feeling
It will be okay
My senses will guide me through

I'll dream us away
Before the night becomes day
I'll see it all come true

This water is deep
We’ll go to sleep
And silently dream us away

And silently dream
And silently
posted by HouseMindFreak
A cold fog floats among the meadow
The moon above, full and bright, casts an eerie glow among the mist.

A gentle midnight breeze whistles through the winter trees
Waving ridgedly to the winter rhythm
The ground is hard from the freeze, the dirt cruches under your feet

In the distance a wolf howls, its haunting voice pierces your soul
The ghosts of the forest creep from the trees
Their cold embrace freezes you to your core

Desperate to escape you look into the shadows of the forest
A light in the distance softly shines, beckoning you to join it.

You run, ignoring the distorted screaming faces from the trees, desperate to reach the comforting light.

You finally come to it, the light is bright, warm and welcoming
As you get closer it engulfs you, sucking you into its protective glow

Soon you emerge into a different world but it is the same from where you came

A mirror world...
Darkness to Light...
posted by HouseMindFreak
Once again, another one of my short yet dark poems...
I hope I don't cause any depression to anyone!
*NOTE* I am planning on writing a more spiritual poem


My life is controlled and I'll never know what its like to be free

I will never get out of this hole of sorrow and I will become burdened with a lifeless soul

I dont believe anything will change as I stay captive like an animal in its cage

The rage of my misery will never see the day of freedom even though I long to fly above the trees to get away

But how can I if I am a prisoner?
posted by HouseMindFreak
I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this poem because it is quite personal but I figured why not...


Are you my brother or are you a vicious stranger?
How could you stand there and look at my innocent young face with such disgrace and treat me as if I was just trash to be thrown away?

You wear a mask of sweetness but I know what lies behind that fake gentle face you portray nothing but lies and hate...

Day after day you throw your hand at me and then return for my forgiveness but now I am through with you...

No longer will I take your wrath of cruelty and you will see what a better person I have become after living in your world of misery

While you will sink further into your wretched world I will rise higher...away from you
posted by BlackPetals
(I'm just gonna put this here...)

The butterfly on my wrist
Gave me a goodbye kiss.
I broke my promises
And now look at this.

Tonight I'll stay up late.
Four AM, still awake.
With my smiles so fake,
This will make her heart break.

I know that I'm loved.
I always return your hugs,
But my thoughts are like thugs,
And the razor my drug.

This isn't the last time,
And I will pay for my crimes,
I'll pay for each self-made line,
But keep saying that I'm fine.

So tonight I'll sit and think.
From bitterness I will drink.
With the fading wounds pink,
And stains filling the sink.

If you promise to stay,
Don't leave me or push me away,
Then I promise to try.
I promise to not die.

I'll slow down just for you.
Because of all the things that you do.
I will try to stop bleeding
If you say "I love you" like you mean it.
posted by eyebello
Once upon a time,
The beginning of all stories,
But this is not a story,
So once upon a life,

I saw a young and beautiful woman
Who wears a golden face,
And she has a shining smile
One stair at her & my heart gets stolen,

I tried to stay away but I was blinded with only her image.
The image has your reflections, which makes me feel so free.

Pretending to know the future but yet the faith is endless.
As she turned n looked at me she became the deepest feeling.
I went to ask her name, and then I found it was you.
added by fanfly
Poem by Emily Dickinson. Kinetic Typography by tl794
kinetic typography
emily dickinson
posted by Caleigh210
At the end of the day
The only thing I can do is pray
When the loneliness finally breaks me
There's no one there to see me
Lying in pieces rejected
No one calling no light being reflected
And the cold starts to seep through my skin
My hope dies because no one's here to listen

All the reasons why I am falling apart
Why I have nothing else but my heart
Is because all the love ran dry
All this love ran dry
Why I believe I'm not a work of art
The reasons to why I just gave up
When I needed you most you left me
Alone and miserably broken

My days are pitch black
But no one cares enough to change that
I fell into this...
continue reading...
posted by Caleigh210
A broken heart, fake remedies
With eyes shut I can't scream
Emptiness, lost dreams
Fake love, dying hope
Trying to find the right road
All alone, in this cold

I lie wide awake and I try
To see clearly with my eyes
Can't seem to clear my mind, I can't decide
Why all this is going so fast
Remembering all of my past
And I want to cast
It all outside my memories
Cause I can't hold it all in my hands
And it ruins all my plans
I just want to go to sleep tonight
To believe that it's all alright
That someday I'll see the light
But all these lies die
Life, please rewind
LIfe, please rewind

Dark days, all in grey
People with...
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posted by Caleigh210
I admit it's just a dream
But it actually really did seem
Like you felt the same as I did
Though it turns out I was just blinded

I tried and I tried to be more careful
The last time I fell I was really hopeful
Yet he didn't catch me
It was too late to do something with what I see

Time and time again I relive my mistakes
Mindlessly falling trying to erase
My past my wounds the cuts deep within
Trust me I know that I'm pathetically trying

You waltzed into my life with your big blue eyes
And successfully got me mesmerized
Playing my mind games and etched yourself in my mind
Dammit I knew I was falling harder...
continue reading...
posted by Rue24
Airs Above The Ground
Airs Above The Ground
Theres beauty in his native world
Where broad-winged eagles fly.
The fences that encircle him
Are Mountains, stream and sky.
There's beauty in his regal heart
And in his gentle face,
And in the swiftness that combines
Such power, poise, and grace.
There's beauty in his noble stance
For it will always be
A part of all that untamed land

Credit to Herrmans Royal Lippizans Mayaka City,Florida

This was painted on the wall of their barn
i really applied to the Lippizans they had there
posted by SaturdaySurpris
I can´t take this anymore. Where ever I look, there they are. My hopes shattered to pieces. People walk around, looking forward for their activities. I won´t even think about trying something new. Everything I do just fails, so why should I try, try again to succeed? I just end up on the floor again, humiliating myself.
I tried to do something, something only I can do. But then someone comes along, with that talent. I become excited and take him as my image. But what began as fiery passions, ends up in heart-broken pictures, floating away with the wind. Nothing works out, everything is slipping...
continue reading...
posted by arcticflake
What do you do
when your strings are snapped
your roots detatched
your vesel cracked?

When you're filled with anger
Fear and hate?
And there's so much water
that you sink?

Or when the metaphors
you thought applied is bent
or worse, snapped

The word jumbles
The thoughts collide
Until you just cry

What do you do then?
When your life is in pieces?
And people can see the real you

Will it kill you?
Knowing your carefully crafted wall
has tumbled
chunks of ruble flying everywhere

That ruble kills, so you stay away
killing yourself
All you've known

posted by sawfan13
While my friends are out on the town

I stay home alone

All by myself

And no one calls the phone

Silence except the t.v on

Keeping me company

People think I'm lonely.

Yet, they don't understand

That I feel no void being alone

I enjoy it, so much

That it's become my crutch

I write

I draw

I use my mind for it all

Yet again

I wouldn't mind

To be invited somewhere.

Is it a problem that I like to be alone?

I don't think so

Yet others do

But once they're alone

They'll know not what to do

As for me,

I'll know what to do

I'll sleep, write, draw, or watch movies

Because even though no one's there

I do not have a problem being alone.
posted by sawfan13
Hey there!

How are you?

How have you been?

Life's been hard

Yet, I'm making it through.

I wish you were here

To live with me

Like the good ole days

Like back when we were kids

And a little bit older

I miss you.

Hey there!

It seems like it's been forever

How's life treating you?

How's the kids?

I would love to spend time

With you again

Yet, time goes by

It seems so quick

It can steal your youth

Or your energy

I've been so busy

With work and what not

So please forgive me

For not calling or emailing.

I missed you

Still miss you

I wrote to you four years back

But you never replied

So I was scared

That our friendship died.

Now I know

That it's not us

But it's just time

It won't slow down

It just keeps on.

So I'll conclude this conversation

By saying a goodbye

I know it can be painful

But I will see you again

posted by arcticflake
My tears freely flow
Attempting to wash away the pain, the sorrow, the hate

The chrimson blood that flows hrough my vains boils causing an explosion

They say to trust, to just BeLIEve
But then they lie and double cross, shattering my heart

When all the tears have been cried,
and all the hate released

Then I'll be ok

Not todayNot tomorrow
You'll know when I'm ok

Any substancial love is gone
Set aflame by hate and lies

Love, gone, lost forever

Hate growing, remembered forever

Crying untill my eyes hurt
wishing you were here

Wishing I was ok
Wishing you were ok
Wishing WE were ok

Feeling your touch
Needing your touch
Regretting everything

Slowly dying

I'll never be ok
posted by sawfan13
My dearly love
I have awakened
In the morning light

The aftermath from last night
I feel so alive again
No more madness in my life now
I feel complete

The beautiful sunlight
Amazes such nocturnal souls such as us
Yet the morning is still so beautiful

I feel new and alive
Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon
The birds in summer's morning air
They sing and welcome the new day

Flowers opening up to the morning glow
Oh my dearly beloved
How morning is so beautiful and young
This day shall be beautiful
As I feel alive again

The night's sleep was so relaxing
The morning makes me feel so much better
Oh how beautiful my day is

As we lay down to rest
This day is like artwork
It will always be in my memories
Of you and me in the morning.
posted by tiny_princess
Deep scars are over the remains
Of my hope , as the dark cloud rain

It was a forbidden dream that ignite
my fears and all of my salty tears

I never thought that handling the glory
could end up my misty story
as it all starts with a forbidden dream
and ends up with a hope and a mean
reality that refuses the fate`s humility
it’s a fraction of the human begin poverty
of hate and pain

as the cloudy sky rains again
my genuine faith will always appeared to deny
all of your forbidden dreams lies