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1. When a twilight fan says 'twilight rocks' say 'rocks made of twilight?'
2. Go up to a twilight fan, scream 'Bella! Bella! BELLA!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!' when they say 'I know right!' say 'Oh no I meant Bellatrix'
3. Ask them all questions about twilight that you can think of. When they ask why say 'I'm doing a book report on the most boring books of the world'
4. Get all the boys and twilight haters (better for them to be Harry Potter fans) to start saying 'Edward, Edwardo, Eddibear, sparkle sparkle'
5. Say that you hate Stephanie Meyer, she's a horrible author and her books make want to poke your eyes out with a pencil. Then say that reading JK Rowling's books are like reading books sent from heaven.
6. Tell them that people like Dracula and Voldemort are way more famous and that they can kick Edward's ass!
7. If they tell you that Twilight are the bestselling and most popular books ever, go on Wikipedia with them, search bestselling books, scroll down and show them that twilight is not there. Then go to best selling book series, scroll down, down, down, down past Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Nancy Drew, Captain Underpants etc. when you finally see twilight say 'Oh look there's twilight right there. Almost at the bottom.'
8. Tell them you went online and gave the new twilight movie one star, when they ask why say 'because Robert Pattinson was totally wearing lipstick!'
9. Remind them Edward Cullen/Jacob Black isn't real.
10. Tell a fan that you'll send her a T-Shirt with Edward Cullen on both sides. After the two days go by, don't send her anything. When she comes up and asks you why, tell her because you wanted to give someone that handsome to her in person. When she gets excited, give her a T-Shirt with Hagrid on it.
11. Tell them 'real men don't sparkle' when they ask 'who said that real men don't sparkle?' say 'Have you got ear problems? I said Only gay men sparkle. Jeez.'
12. When they try to force you into watching twilight, try to force them into watching Harry Potter. If they say 'But I hate it!' say 'Well I hate twilight!' and when they say 'just watch it and you'll like it!' say 'No, you watch Harry Potter and you'll like it!' etc.
13. Wen they tell you they dreamed about Edward Cullen say 'oh my goodness what a nightmare!'
14. When they say the dreamed about Edward Cullen say 'well I dreamed about Voldemort, they're equally hot right?'
15. If you catch them reading twilight, snatch the book, throw it in a trash can, say 'oh man I dropped it'
16. If you catch them watching a twilight movie, wait for the part that Edward or Jacob (depending on who the fan likes more) take his shirt off, when this part comes jump in front of the screen and scream 'FRED AND GEORGE ARE HOTTER! FRED AND GEORGE ARE HOTTER!' when the part ends walk away from the screen saying 'oh never mind'
17. When they ask 'why do you hate twilight so much?' say 'I don't hate it, I actually love it' when they say 'really?' say 'Yeah it's my favorite part of the day. You know after the sun sits and the sky is like all purplish and all.'
18. If you find a twilight book in their bag, take it and replace it with a Harry Potter one.
19. Tell them that Edward is a "hand-me-down" because twilight got him after Harry Potter was finished with him.
20. Say that Stephenie Meyer totally stole the names Bella, Alice, James, Black and Clearwater from JK Rowling
21. List every power that a wizard can have and use all at once (seeing the future, reading minds, etc.), that a vampire would only have one of.
22. Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they meant Wormtail.
23. Say that Bella Swan and Argus Filch would make such a romantic couple.
24. Flinch whenever they say Edward and tell them to say You-Know-Who
25. Explain how Twilight werewolves are really Animagi, and ask whether they're registered with the Ministry of Magic.
26. Tell them they're so crazy they have to go to St. Mungo's
27. Always remind them of the Dumbledore quote 'It does no good dwell in dreams' then remind them that the idea of twilight came to Stephenie Meyer in a dream.
28. Compare Edward Cullen to Mad Eye Moody. Compare silly stuff like their hair, skin color etc. that of course are going to be similar. Then say 'how could you fall for someone who looks totally like Moody?'
29. When they remember Edward say 'Edward who?' when they say 'Edward Cullen' say 'Edward Swollen?'
30. If they say Harry Potter wears weird glasses, say 'Well at least he WEARS glasses. He doesn't sparkle like glasses. Unlike Edward Cullen over here!'
31. When they say Bella is was so brave, remind them what she did when Edward left her, then what Hermione did when Ron chose another one, then what Ginny did when Harry Left her. Compare them and then say 'Now you tell me, which one would you choose to do?'
32. Whenever they mention anything/anyone related to twilight say 'STOP BLOWING UP MY EARS!'
33. When they say they dreamed that Edward/Jacob kissed them, say 'A dementor kissed you?'
34. When they beg you enough to read twilight, say okay. Open it,start reading aloud, at the end of every sentence, make fun of the sentence you read.
35. Ask them 'how come Edward Cullen is a vegetarian? I thought vampires can't eat vegetables or fruits.'
36. Grab an empty notebook and a pencil, sit next to them, write Stephenie Meyer a very long hate letter, and mutter what you're writing out loud.
37. When they call on the phone and start talking about how hot is Robert Pattinson playing Edward Cullen, interrupt them and say 'Hey I just saw Daniel Radcliffe walking on my street! I'll go say hi and remind him of the stupid choice Robert made' then hang up in their face.
38. Tell them ' I heard there will be another book' when they get all excited, tell them 'You do know I mean another Harry Potter book right?'
39. Tell them Harry Potter is better than twilight, when they start to argue keep muttering 'Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter. Twilight sucks Twilight sucks Twilight sucks' like crazy.
40. Tell them that you think Voldemort is prettier than Rosalie.
41. Tell them that vampires and werewolves don't exist, when they say 'Wizards don't exist either' say 'Oh yes we do!' then take a stick, point it at them and shout 'Avada Kadavra!' When it doesn't work keep on poking the stick and shouting the same words. Extra points if you poke them at least five times.
42. Tell them that JK Rowling got her book published with only one chapter while Stephenie Meyer got twilight barley published with the whole novel.
43. Tell them Hermione plays piano way better than Edward.
44. Tell them the Volturi are too stupid to walk all the way from Italy to Forks and not fly.
45. Tell them if you meet Bella you'll slap her in the face.
46. When they start talking about twilight pretend to be staring into space. After a few hours of their talking, when they finally finished say 'huh? what? Sorry I didn't hear you. I was thinking about Harry Potter'
47. When they tell you to get a life, say 'why? Edward doesn't have one'
48. When they say they love Edward ask why, when they tell you the reason, ask why once again. Keep on asking why after everything they say.
49. Go to her room with your friends, remove all the twilight posters, pillows, bed covers etc. burn them, replace them with Harry Potter ones. Extra points of you do not get caught and she never finds out it was you who did it.
50. Buy a twilight pencil, when she says she wants it. Tell her 'okay, let me just sharpen it for you.' sharpen it until it's all gone, then say 'aw man!I'm sorry there's nothing left of it.' Extra points if she searches the trash can like crazy looking for the pencil cores.
So I've come to notice how much overrated as been being used across fanpop. And on top of that, a good number of people really don't know what it means--or so it would seem. So I wanted to make an article of it since I seem to be making the same comment over and over again explaining overrated across the site; it's just so much easier to have an article to link to. Yes, parts of this are taken from my comment on my overrated poll.

All of the italics are from old comments

First and foremost; what is overrated?
A lot of people seem to have it mixed up (not just on this fan club either).
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added by xzendor7
Source: Rolando Burbon aka Xzendor7
added by mmzeoscouts
added by loonybug
Source: tumblr
added by ladolcevita
Source: Hmmm... Um,well EW.com, Everglow, Mugglenet, me!, forgot the last
As many of you know I made a list of 20 favorite animated heroes, which fanpop actually advertised on the fanpop page in the pop culture section. I'm so happy about it and feel as if I was famous or something. Anyway just like with my favorite animated heroines list I'm going to be making a list of the worst animated heroes. I just love to do these hate articles just as much as my favorite ones, sometimes a little bit more. Doing hates are just more fun because you get to make more jokes and make fun of that character. Please leave a comment and keep in mind this is just my personal opinion,...
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Part 4 - but still in no particular order

Name: John Hannah (Actor)
From: The Mummy/Sliding Doors
Character: Johnathan/James
Attraction: His scottish accent even though I know he doesn't have it in The Mummy - I still like him

Name: Calvin Harris (Singer)
Attraction: His voice - when I heard I'm Not Alone I just couldn't get enough of it - his voice was just beautiful to me. Alas, he is also Scottish

Name: Jonas Altberg (Singer)
From: Basshunter
Attraction: Well just look at those gorgeous eyes

Name: Mark Strong (Actor)
From: Stardust
Character: Septimus
Attraction: I suppose...
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1. AT DINNER: Look at your parent with crazy eyes, and whenever they say something, repeat the last word.

2. When they say, "What are you doing?", say, "What are YOU doing?" (emphasize the YOU)

3. IN THE LIVING ROOM: Tell your sibling to hide behind the couch until you give them the signal. Call your parent into the room. Start crying and say "Mom! Dad! (sibling's name) ran away! Call the police!" When they call the police, give your sibling the signal. Enjoy parents reactions. (WARNING: ATTEMPT THIS ONE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!)

4. WHEN THEY MAKE SOMETHING GROSS FOR DINNER: Ask them which restaurant...
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posted by TDAPlayer158

60. Matthias
59. Thaddeus
58. Asia
57. Ananias
56. Syria
55. Ephesus
54. Esau
53. Mt. Zion
52. An-ti-och
51. King Nebuchadnezzar
50. Macedonia
49. Jacob
48. Moses
47. Judah
46. Abraham
45. Kerith
44. Sapphira
43. Ahab
42. Rehoboam
41. Jeroboam
40. Baasha
39. Mahar-shalal-hash-baz
38. Maale-akrabbim
37. Isaiah
36. Je'ho'sha'phat
35. Ahaziah
34. Queen Athaliah
33. Pastor Eric
32. Zechariah
31. Joel
30. Pastor Ian
29. Jeremiah
28. Brad
27. Abijah
26. Ahijah
25. Uzziah
24. Thessalonians
23. Jerusalem
22. Titus
21. Tabitha
20. Thaddeus
19. Pastor Kerry
18. Tirshatha
17. Dalmatia
16. Simon-Peter-Leaka-tepha-lika
15. Hezekiah
14. Barrabas
13. Tarpelites
12. Demetrius
11. Deuteronomy
10. Exodus
09. Leviticus
08. Ezekiel
07. Gethsemane
06. Mary
05. Gabriel
04. Matthew-Mark-Luke-Johnaliqua
03. Gettah Hepher
02. Kadesh Barnea
posted by blaise_jez
I found this on the internet.
Add up all of the letters in your first
name using this:
A=100 N=450
B=14 O=80
C=9 P=2
D=28 Q=12
E=145 R=400
F=12 S=113
G=3 T=405
H=10 U=1
I=200 V=10
J=100 W=10
K=114 X=3
L=100 Y=210
M=25 Z=23

60 points and under= not sexy
From 61 to 300 points= not too sexy
From 301 to 599 points= pretty sexy!
From 600 to 1000 points= very sexy!
From 1000 to 1500 points= very, very sexy!
1501 points and over= very, very, very sexy!

Carly {my name}
9 + 100 + 400 + 100 + 210= 819 points
819 points = very sexy!
found this on the net:

20 Ways to Annoy Public Bathroom Stallmate

1. Stick your open palm under the stall wall and ask your neighbor, “May I borrow a highlighter?”

2. Say, “Uh oh, I knew I shouldn’t have put my lips on that.”

3. Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise.

4. Say, "Damn, this water's cold!"

5. Drop a marble and say, "Oh sh*t, my glass eye!!"

6. Say, "Hmm, I've never seen that color before,. . ."

7. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantelope into the toilet bowl from a height of 6 feet. Sigh relaxingly....
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added by adultswimperson
Source: Google
The List

1. Throw popcorn in the air and yell, “It’s snowing!”
2. Go, “Oooooh…” whenever anyone kisses.
3. Clap when the good guy gets killed.
4. During the previews, yell, “Can you fast-forward it?”
5. Whenever the bad guy is doing something devious, say, “Watch out!”
6. Laugh very loudly at all the corny jokes.
7. Tell the man selling popcorn that the bathroom is flooding.
8. Yell out what is going to happen.
9. Wear a cape and when its your turn to get popcorn yell, “I’m...
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1.1 out of every 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online?

2.New York City has 578 miles of waterfront?

3.In New York, at the top of a skyscraper it is possible for people to see snow falling while people on the ground see rain?

4.Passports issued by the US after January 1, 2007 have always-on radio frequency identification chips?

5.Shopping is the most popular domestic trip activity by American travelers?

6.There are almost two million women veterans in the US?

7.The average American woman weighs 140 pounds?

8.The average clothing size for women in America is size 14?

9.The longest street...
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posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Hey, this is my piece for my drama exam, without the stage directions. I started writing it out on here as a way of learning it, then I thought, why no post it? I may as well, it's going to do no harm. :D
So here it is, its rather depressing though. So if you don't need to be depressed right now, then I suggest you don't read it. :)

[Give me a break. You’re going to go back to your friends and either forget all about us or tell a story about the hideous freak you met tonight. You don’t know me, if you did, you’d never think we’d be friends. I don’t have friends - except my brother....
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I'll do my best not to give out spoilers.. Would be hard though...

"Give the Devil my regards."
"Give the Devil my regards."

Lets start the obvious choice. The man we all know.. Johnny Marston.

When we met him. He a man on a mission.. Track down everyone in his old gang, so he can return to his family.. His sassy nature. Badass look. And introduction to 'deadeye', quickly regarded John as one of the most memable protagonists of Rockstar games. Extra points cause, Bill and Javier are expert fighters. John is just "that good" by comparison.

I can't really say much without spoiling the end of...
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Beauty and talent don't always go hand and hand, but Natalie Wood was a perfect example of both. When I last made my list of "Most Beautiful Women That Ever Lived" I put Natalie at like number six or something...Boy, was I stupid! I've been watching some of her movies lately and I couldn't get over what a knock-out she was. She is definitely number one! She had such beautiful dark hair, big doe eyes, pretty lips, an adorable nose, a heavenly complexion, and a perfect body. I've been having her in my dreams lately...I've got a huge crush on her! The other night, I was dreaming about her and...
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When we watch a show, we enjoy characters for their heroic actions, brave hearts, and winning personalities. We like them basically because of the kind, sweet people that they are. Well...THIS IS NOT THAT LIST. This list is about the characters who are known (and even celebrated) as downright jerks. Granted, most of these characters do have good hearts but what makes them memorable is their extremely flawed personalities. Whether it be cockiness, grouchiness, racism, or just bossiness. These characters have a place in our hearts despite their unpleasant personalities, because we just can't help but like them.
10. Maxwell Smart from "Get Smart".
10. Maxwell Smart from "Get Smart".
9. Alexandra Cabot from "Josie and the Pussycats".
9. Alexandra Cabot from "Josie and the Pussycats".
8. Vernon Fenwick from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
8. Vernon Fenwick from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
7. Archie Bunker from "All in the Family".
7. Archie Bunker from "All in the Family".
6. Helga Pataki from "Hey Arnold".
6. Helga Pataki from "Hey Arnold".
5. Miss Finster from "Recess".
5. Miss Finster from "Recess".
4. Binky Barnes from "Arthur".
4. Binky Barnes from "Arthur".
3. Barney Fife from "The Andy Griffith Show".
3. Barney Fife from "The Andy Griffith Show".
2. Skipper from "Gilligan's Island".
2. Skipper from "Gilligan's Island".
1. Fred Flintstone from "The Flintstones".
1. Fred Flintstone from "The Flintstones".
added by tanyya
posted by deathding
Welcome to my list! ^__^
Welcome to my list! ^__^
Ah, the Sega Genesis. Such a classic video game system that so many of us played when we were just kids, and it's time I started showing some appreciation for this fantastic system.

But before I do, for those of you who aren't familiar with the console, the Sega Genesis was released by sega around the late 80's and was meant to compete with Nintendo, and it actually WORKED!

Yes I said that, another human being company actually had a chance to beat Nintendo.

My reaction: &*#!$%*@&%$&@*W$%&@!!!!!!!!!!!!

But to avoid wasting my time and for you to get more detailed information, just...
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