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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I walked inside Embry's house, wondering where he was at. His mom had gone on weekend trip to go see her sisters. They were fine with Embry and I staying home alone together.
"Emrby are you here," I yelled as I sat my backpack in the bedroom that i was staying in.
No one answered, he was somewhere are La Push. I could find him easily since this town was so small.
I hopped on my bike and went towards my house. I knew if anything was going down it would be there or at my old hose. That was pretty much their only meeting places. That I knew about.
I passed my house and did not see them so I went a little ways down to where I use to live. Sure enough, Embry was there. Along with the whole gang.
"Embry," I said as I walked up to them.
He turned around, looking at me hopeful. To the gang I was just another witness.
"Lila, get out of here," Sam demanded.
"Not without my Embry," I stated.
"Lila go home," Jake demanded, "Billy does not want a repeat of last night."
"You sound so sad about that," I stated, "No way, Embry helped me out, It is my turn to help him out!"
"Lila," Sam and Jacob growled at the same time.
"Whatever, Embry, let's go back to your house," I said.
Embry started walking away but Sam grabbed him by his arm.
"Let go of me," Embry demanded.
"Listen to yourself man, you want to stay," Sam said, "do not let some little baby tell you what to do!"
"I am not a baby," I stated.
"She is not telling me what to do. I know what is best for me," Embry said.
"No you do not," Sam said.
"Stop trying to control me," Embry said.
"You all leave him alone," I demanded.
"Let, go, of, me.." Embry demanded, "or else!"
"Oh no, I got the 'or else'," Sam said sarcastically.
I went over to Embry and tried to pulled Sam's arm off of Embry. But it did not go according to plan. Sam's hand came back and whacked me across the face.
"First Jake, and no you, Sam," Embry said, "You do not hit girls! What did your parents teach you?"
"She had it coming," Sam and Jake said together.
Embry came over and wrapped an arm around me.
"I am leaving this group that is final! No one is telling me how to live my life or how to treat people outside this gang," Embry said.
"Listen to yourself," Sam said as he tried to convince Embry.
"No, you listen to me. I am done with all of you," Embry said.
Sam went over and pulled Embry away from me.
"I gave you a warning, Sam," he said.
Sam still had not let go of Embry's arm. So Embry slugged Sam with his other fist.
Several of the guys had gathered around Sam and Embry. I ran over to Embry who was laying on the ground. I tried to cover his body with mine but it was not working to well. He was so much bigger that me. The left side of my body covered his his right side and I put my left arm by his head to hopefully cover it. I then tried to put my right arm over his left arm. I could feel their kicks. I was in so much pain that I was crying.
"Everything is going to be okay," I said softly to Emrby as we laided their taking there kicks.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End, It Should Be Okay Chapter 2N2P
We got to the up-scale resturant. We pulled to the door and got out. James handed a key a guy and he drove off.
Hey he's taking our car. I said.
He is suppose. James said.
That's pretty sketchy for a nice resturant. I said.
Alex started laughing.
No that's suppose to be a fancy thing. Alex said smiling.
Oh. I said.
We went inside and the guy asked to take my coat. I told him no because I might get cold. I didn't tell him that my iPod was in my jacket. We sat down and they took our drink order. We had cloth napkins so I didn't have any where to put my gum so...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In the End, It Should Be Okay Chapter 1N2P
Hey Lilly, Mom is opening-
Lilly Rose Bradley! Mom yelled.
-Your repot card. Alex finished.
I didn't bring it home. I said.
Yeah your teacher tracked me down and gave it to me. Kyle said.
Why? I asked.
Lilly Rose get down here. Mom yelled.
Don't make me go by myself. I said.
Alex and Kyle followed me down stairs.
Please explain to me why you have a "D" in science. Mom demanded.
I don't understand science. I said as I shrugged.
How come you can't get good grades like your older brother? Mom asked.
I looked over at Alex and for help.
Mom it's a proven fact that girls...
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New Begining Chapter 70N2P
We were back at the school.
So what now? I asked as we got out.
You go to class. Nolan said.
Can I go get a shower? I asked.
Sure, you have an hour before your other class. I am going to go give the office our passes. Nolan said.
Okay thank you guys so much! I said.
I headed up stairs to my room. It was aittle bit after 12. I had just missed lunch. I was starting to get hungry. I jumped in the shower and I thought I heard someone come in so I hurried up and got out.
Is someone here? I asked.
It's just me. Violet said.
Hey what's up? I asked.
Well I need a roommate and I was...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 25
Cassidy's POV
I couldn't help the glare I was giving Jackson. Why would he risk people liking us? We had enough drama on this island already! Lex was going to plug the tape up so everyone could here it. I was ready to flea this place. Once they figure out that I am on probation they were going to reject me from this group. I stood back a lot from the group. I was ready to grab my pack and get out of this place!
Jackson why did you do this? I asked hushed.
They needed to know. Jackson whispered back.
Why her? Why not back home or before we die? I asked.
Don't say that! Jackson...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We walked a little but further and my clothes were under grass and soaking wet. Stephan carried them and I just followed him. I was scared I was going to step on something sharp or something would bite me.
I finally made it to sand. I was happy that I wouldn't have to look down at my feet while I walked.
Cassie! Melissa yelled.
I haven't been called that since I was a baby.
Yeah. I said.
We found out what is wrong with Jackson! Melissa squelled.
No way! What's wrong with him? I squelled.
It was such a relief to know that he would be okay.
He had some bad water. Melissa said.
I thought he was smarter...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Begining (Scarlet Malone) Chapter 62

Sam I'm gonna go. I am going to make peace. I said.
Scarlet don't do that! They will have to go away. Sam said.
Not unless my stupid roommate brings them in. I said.
Oh but they won't do anything in front of her. Sam said.
Sam there fast and they can snap my neck in less than a second! I said.
Oh yeah. I don't know. Sam said worried.
I'm gonna go. I said.
Okay when you get done call me! Sam said.
Okay bye. I said.
"knock, knock
I took a deep breath to calm myself. I wish they were here! It would make everything better.
I had my hand on the door. I slowly turned...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 22
We laid Jackson in the tent and then Dailey and Melissa were trying to narrow it down of what he had. I couldn't do anything. I was useless when it came to dealing with medicine. Melissa was about to cry, it was weird. Eric and Nathan went on with their chores. I didn't know if I should or if I shouldn't. I mean Jackson is my best friend but right now he hated me. I shouldn't have played that trick. I should have woken up like I should have.
I was sitting on the beach since Melissa was sitting in the tent. Appearently she thinks there is something to do for him. There...
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Fulneck Boarding School...
Fulneck Boarding School...
New Beginning (Scarlet Malone) Chapter 60
So I couldn't find the right time zone for Italy so I am going to say it is 5 hour after Forks. Lol and I figured it was about time that I came up with a title! Tell me whatcha think!!!!

I walked into the school carrying my bike and rolling my trunk. I felt all eyes on me as I stood at the door. I was the only one in regular
clothing, everyone else was in their uniforms. It was the middle of the semester and classes would be over since it was after 3. Was it after 3 in Italy? If they were five hours ahead of us than it would be 11 in the morning back home....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 21
It was dark outside and there was nothing to do while it was dark so everyone usually went to bed. I hated going to bed right when it got dark. I was a night owl so I loved staying up, the only problem with that was Dailey liked to get up early and get things done. I don't know how she did it. Being a morning person had to be aweful. Why would you like to get up in the morning? She was just weird.
What are you thinking about? Stephan whispered as he sat down beside me.
How I am not a morning person and how Dailey wants me up at the crack of dawn to pick fruit. I said...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Eric had a ton of advantage over me. He was wearing shoes so he didn't have to worry about stepping on sharp sticks or anything. He was wearing clothing so it was a little padding. I was just in my underwear which did nothing for me when it came to fighting.
I put my fist up so I could protect my face as long as possible. We started going in circles and we were getting closer to each other.
Are you going to dance or are you going to fight? Eric asked.
I put my hands down and he delivered a blow to my cheek. It knock me down to the ground. I stood up and shook the pain off.
Don't ever let your gard...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 18
Cassidy's POV
I open my eyes and I wasn't sitting under the tree. How did I get back to camp? How come I was so cold?
Jackson? I asked weakly.
There was no answer. Am I dead? If I'm dead am I a ghost? That would be so cool! I could scare the crap out of Eric. Jackson, what would he do? Would he be happy that he wouldn't have to look after me or would he be sad?
Jackson walked into the tent.
Cassidy your awake! Jackson exclaimed.
Am I dead? I asked.
No, your really sick. Jackson said smiling.
Are you about to cry? I asked.
Yeah a little bit. Jackson said.
Why? I asked confused....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 17
Okay for some odd reason I am having writers block so it's probably not gonna be that god :(!
Jackson's POV
Cassidy? I asked or yelled through the down poor of the rain.
I went over to what looked like Cassidy to be huddled by the tree.
Cassidy? Is that you? I asked.
It had to be her. Who else could be on this island?! Who ever it was they were shaking because they were so cold.
I bent down beside the Cassidy looking person. She halfed looked up and was startled by me. She back up a little bit. She look tired and weak.
It's okay Cas. It's me Jackson. I said soothing.
She looked...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 48
No one was in the parking lot of the school. No one was outside, everyone was inside. I quickly went to my locker and than my class room.
Miss Malone. You are late...again! The teacher yelled.
How was I going to survive without Jesse?
I stared at the teacher.
Take your seat and I want to see you after class. He said.
I sigh and took my seat in the back. Jesse use to sit infront of me and now the desk was empty like my heart. Jesse made me happy he completed my life along with the Cullens. But Jesse he was special. He was my best friend in the entire world.
The bell rang so...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 43
Josh's POV
I was thankful that Scarlet was wake and doing okay. I don't know of okay could really cover it. You can tell that she feels guilty and has a lot of sadness. She is already depressed it seems like. She will only answer you if you ask a question. She won't start a conversation or anything. All she does is sit in the hospital bed stare at the wall and cry. I hate just sitting by her bed and watch her cry but there is nothing I can do for her. I have even gotten Edward to try and cheer her up or get her to talk but she won't. Usually Alice can get her to talk...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I just went with it. I mean it was probably just someone messing with me.
I can do whatever I want! You can't tell me what I can't do. Eric said.
You can't go looking around in my bag whenever you feel like it. I said laughing.
Good point but you can't tell me what to do. Eric said.
Quit trying to pick a fight with me. I said.
Your picking a fight with me. Eric said.
No I am not. I said.
Are you sure? Eric asked.
Postive! Your plan is not going to work. I said as I got out of his grip.
I found and apple on the ground and threw it at him.
Woah relax. I was just messing around with ya. Eric said as he...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 8
Sorry if there are mistakes!! I am writing on my iPod because my computer cord broke!
I slipped my converses off and socks. I rolled my pants up to my knees. I jumped up on the tree. It was the kind that curved.
Cassidy, don't do this. You are going to get hurt. Stephan said.
Just hearing him say my name made my heart skip a beat.
Yep. I said as I grabbed onto the tree.
My arm was in the sling so it made it a little bit harder to climb.
How are you climbing with one are? Stephan asked.
I ignored Stephan and continued to climb.
I moved my hand up and pushed up with my feet. I...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 33 need to publish
So I am not very good at writing weddings and stuff but here it is! lol
Sort for all these type-o I have been having to wrte on my iPod since my computer won't work :(!
Scarlet Malone Chapter 33
Joel and Chaotte enter and came and sat at our table. Soon it was time for the father-daughter dance. Charlotte danced with her father; they were great at dancing. Then all the little girls and their father went out and danced. I was sort of sad that dad wasn't here. Joel came over and asked me to dance.
Scarlet would you like to dance? Joel asked.
I don't know how...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 3
Jackson don't! I said as I laid down on my bed.
Cassidy; just hear me out. Jackson pleaded.
Goodnight Jackson. I said as I pulled my covers over my head.
Cassidy; listen to me! Jackson said.
Why should I listen to you? I know what your going to say. I said.
Not this time. Jackson said.
Fine; get it over woth. I said.
Okay; you need to make friends because when someone there might tell them about you and adopt you. What are you going to do when I leave highschool and try want let me adopt you or I have to go to college? Jackson asked.
I don't know but I will figure it out when...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Jesse's POV
Jesse lets talk. Joel said as Charlotte his finace sat down beside him.
I know you do not want to walk down the asle with someone my age since you are the bestman; we thought that you would like to pick the person that you will walk down the alse with. Charlotte said.
Are you postive? I asked.
Yes, we want you to choose. DO you have any one you would like to walk down the asle with? Joel asked.
Yeah, my friend Scarlet that is coming over tonight but I don't know if she will do it, I do not think she is the type of girl who likes weddings. I said.
Oh well, it never hurts to ask. Charlotte...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 12
I went inside since dad was mad that I had been standing outside for 3 hours in the freezing cold. Dad Alice is coming by. Can you just send her to my room when she gets here. I said. Sure. Dad said. I walked up the stairs and went over to my iPod dock and started playing "Incomplete by The Backstreet Boys". I put it on replay, the song replayed atleast five times before Alice called. My phone rang it was Alice. Hey Alice! I said. Hey, I am sorry but I am not going to he able to come over. Alice said. Why? I asked. I could feel my heart sinking. I need to go hunting....
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