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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I walked inside Embry's house, wondering where he was at. His mom had gone on weekend trip to go see her sisters. They were fine with Embry and I staying home alone together.
"Emrby are you here," I yelled as I sat my backpack in the bedroom that i was staying in.
No one answered, he was somewhere are La Push. I could find him easily since this town was so small.
I hopped on my bike and went towards my house. I knew if anything was going down it would be there or at my old hose. That was pretty much their only meeting places. That I knew about.
I passed my house and did not see them so I went a little ways down to where I use to live. Sure enough, Embry was there. Along with the whole gang.
"Embry," I said as I walked up to them.
He turned around, looking at me hopeful. To the gang I was just another witness.
"Lila, get out of here," Sam demanded.
"Not without my Embry," I stated.
"Lila go home," Jake demanded, "Billy does not want a repeat of last night."
"You sound so sad about that," I stated, "No way, Embry helped me out, It is my turn to help him out!"
"Lila," Sam and Jacob growled at the same time.
"Whatever, Embry, let's go back to your house," I said.
Embry started walking away but Sam grabbed him by his arm.
"Let go of me," Embry demanded.
"Listen to yourself man, you want to stay," Sam said, "do not let some little baby tell you what to do!"
"I am not a baby," I stated.
"She is not telling me what to do. I know what is best for me," Embry said.
"No you do not," Sam said.
"Stop trying to control me," Embry said.
"You all leave him alone," I demanded.
"Let, go, of, me.." Embry demanded, "or else!"
"Oh no, I got the 'or else'," Sam said sarcastically.
I went over to Embry and tried to pulled Sam's arm off of Embry. But it did not go according to plan. Sam's hand came back and whacked me across the face.
"First Jake, and no you, Sam," Embry said, "You do not hit girls! What did your parents teach you?"
"She had it coming," Sam and Jake said together.
Embry came over and wrapped an arm around me.
"I am leaving this group that is final! No one is telling me how to live my life or how to treat people outside this gang," Embry said.
"Listen to yourself," Sam said as he tried to convince Embry.
"No, you listen to me. I am done with all of you," Embry said.
Sam went over and pulled Embry away from me.
"I gave you a warning, Sam," he said.
Sam still had not let go of Embry's arm. So Embry slugged Sam with his other fist.
Several of the guys had gathered around Sam and Embry. I ran over to Embry who was laying on the ground. I tried to cover his body with mine but it was not working to well. He was so much bigger that me. The left side of my body covered his his right side and I put my left arm by his head to hopefully cover it. I then tried to put my right arm over his left arm. I could feel their kicks. I was in so much pain that I was crying.
"Everything is going to be okay," I said softly to Emrby as we laided their taking there kicks.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Sixty One
Seth's POV
Day 1 - Monday
I think the first week or so is going to be the hardest on Mattie but it will also be really hard on me too. Because I love Mattie and I hated to see her in pain or anything like that.
That morning Mattie's head laid on my lap.
"Seth, Mattie it is time to get up for school." Esme said as she walked in. Her voice was just like a mom's voice. So kind and loving. "Would you two like breakfast?"
"I would love some!" I said. "Thank you Esme."
"It is no problem." She smiled and walked off to the kitchen.
"Mattie, wake up. I said. "You need...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Did I really just here that right? Did Seth really say he imprinted on me?
I imprinted on you. Seth said.
M-m-me? I stuttered.
Yes you. We do not have to be more than friends, we can still be just friends. I will be here when you need me. I can be your best friend or a boy friend whenever you are ready. He said.
Why me? I asked.
Why not you! You've known me your whole life. You are wonderful, beautiful, and smart! He said.
Um, thank you. I said.
You are welcome. Anything I can do to help you pack? Seth asked.
I do need to grab my school backpack. I said.
I could not believe that Seth Clearwater likes...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Coach, I do not understand why I am in here. I have to no clue as to why I am in the boys gym class. I said.
I do not even know why you are in here. Surely, you have some kind of talent. Do you know of anything? He asked.
If I did, everyone here would know by now. I said.
Right, we have to figure out what it is. Maybe it is strength. Have you ever shown any type of strength when you are doing something? He asked.
No, not that I know of. I said.
I am sure you have a talent, we just have not figured it out yet. Coach said.
Okay, well I better go to dinner. I said.
Okay, see you tomorrow. He said.
I walked...
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Seth's POV
I could not believe Mattie wanted to do this so badly. I knew Sam was just as mad as I was. There was no way I wanted Mattie to experience the pain that she was going to be put through by staying at the Cullens' house. Besides, if she got Rose ticked off enough than she could get killed and not even defend herself. I could all ways stay with her but I do not think Sam would be to happy about that.
No absolutely not! I heard Sam.
Sam, please! Listen to me, this is the only way I will ever be able to have a chance at surviving as a wolf! Mattie begged.
Sam, wonder if I stay at the Cullens'...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I think I might go back to writing on werewolves, for some reason I think I should start back! I think I might think of some better ideas for the story! Enjoy!!!

Wow, that girl is beautiful! Seth said as we got to his room.
More than me? I asked jokingly.
Just about. He said as he grabbed some clothes for me.
I wanna snack, I'm starving. Can we do this tonight instead of right now? I asked.
I don't know, we don't need to stay up late again. He said.
I know but I am absolutely starving. I said as my stomach growled.
Okay, do you even have food at your house though? He asked.
Yeah, I think. If not; I'll...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Forty Nine
School was getting harder. Trying to balance school, football, practicing for football, and sleep was getting hard. I had been deprived of sleep it seems like. It also seemed as if it caught up to all at once.
I was sitting on the bench which was on the football field. I barley had any energy when the coach called me for my turn to practice. I felt like my feet were dragging the ground but I knew I had some left in me to play. So I heard the play being called out and then I hard Asher yell hike! I went sprinting forward and was block by the opposing team...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Forty Seven
Sorry I haven't written in a while. Writer's block is killing me! Sorry it's so choppy!!!! :( :(
Seth's POV
As the leaves started to blow, I truly noticed that it was starting to look and feel like fall. I loved fall, especially sitting around bonfires and talking to friends. But it soon ended because it was getting late and we all had school tomorrow.
We took Sam and Mattie home. Although she was half asleep in the car. We dropped them off and head home to our beds.

The next day after school, I went and watched the couch give the team a lecture on their...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was three in the morning when I got done with my homework. School was going to be stressing. I could feel it. I couldn't believe it was three in the morning. This was ridiculouse! I didn't like this at all. I crashed on my bed with my books around me.

Uley wake up! Seth said as woke up.
What? I asked.
It's time to start getting ready for school. He said.
I'm tired. I whined.
They don't care about that. He said.
I don't care if they don't care! I'm too tired. I said.
Come on, get up! Quil said.
Yeah, you have twenty minutes. Embry added.
Give me ten more minutes. I pleaded.
Look at your school books,...
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His smile. I was gonna miss that the most. His smile made the sun come out. It filled my body with warmth. I liked to know that I had a best friend.
Don't move way! You can stay with Sam and I. I said.
As much fun as that sounds, I already asked my parents about that. They said "no, absolutely not!". Seth said.
Sometimes Harry and Sue doesn't even think Sam is raising me good. I said.
Well he is doing a much better job. Seth said.
It's because I have been acting better since we became friends. I said.
I know. It's all thanks to me. He smiled.
Yeah right. I scoffed.
I popped a horror movie in my laptop...
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I woke up when the sun came up. My back hurting. Just about every muscle in my body was a little sore from the mud slid.
I tossed and turned. Trying to get comfortable.

As I walked through the woods, they didn't seem like the woods in La Push. I was somewhere else, it didn't smell like La Push. It was a weird smell. Nothing I had ever smelled before. Everything was colorful, much brighter. There was a white picket fence with a beautiful house behind it. The boy that I saw early in the woods when Seth and I were mud sliding. He came walking from the opisite side of woods. ThenI appeared at the...
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Mattie's POV
Come on let's go home. Sam said.
Fine. I grumbled.
We got home and I took a nap because I didn't want to listen to what Sam had to say.

Wake up. Sam said as he shook me.
No! I said as I turned to get comfy again.
Yes! Pack some clothes. He said.
Why? I asked annoyed.
Because you're staying with the Clearwaters. Sam said.
Again why? I asked even more annoyed.
Because I don't want you staying here alone. He said.
So just get one of the guys to stay on the couch. I said.
None of them will so Harry said that he would keep an eye on you while I do some shifts. He said.
But Sam! I said.
Stop saying...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Nineteen
Sam's POV
I woke up from my nap and didn't know where Mattie was. Which scared me a little bit. I quickly got up and went into the woods to phase. As I did so, I saw she was having another one of her ringing ear thing.
When I go there Mattie was laying on the ground with her paws over her ears. There was a vampire laying down by Mattie covering his ears too. I called for back up, just incase this got out of hand.
I phased as the other wolfs got here.
Mattie are you okay? I asked.
She whimpered so either that was a yes or a no. There was two women sitting beside...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Fourteen
So be it? Really? He said.
Yes, I don't care if I'm killed and no one back home will miss me. I shrugged.
They would, you probably just don't know that. Edward said.
Please just leave me alone. I begged.
Why, why do you want to be alone so much? I thought you wanted a friend. He said.
I do but I like being alone. I said.
What's your name? Edward asked.
Mato Uley. But some people call me Mattie. I said.
You're a Uley? He asked.
Yeah, I hate it too. I mumbled.
Why do you hate everything? He asked.
It's easier to hate everything than to love something and loose it. I...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Thirteen
I thought I was just seeing stuff since it was dusk outside. I blinked a couple of times, only to relaize that I wasn't seeing things. They were actually in front of me.
They were pretty. The biggest one was black. Black from head to toe. Even it's eyes were black. The second biggest one grayish silver. It's eyes were also black. The last one had brown fur and black eyes. I thought wolf packs had more than three wolves in them. But I could be wrong. There wasn't wolves around here when I was little but all sudden when I got older there were wolves. It didn't...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Eleven
Did you hear that Seth is really sick? I asked Jared as we got out of the truck.
Yeah, it must be something bad if Leah has to stay with us. I said.
And what do you think about Leah staying at your house? Jared asked.
Eh, she's annoying. She woke me up to ask me where the food was! If you can't find any then we ain't got none. I said.
We don't have none. Jared said as he corrected me.
'Whatever,' I said. 'Leah is annoying, she is always hanging around Sam.'
Yeah, well, they are boyfriend and girlfriend. He said.
Oh yeah, I forget. I don't know why anyone would date...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Ten
I jumped as I turned around to find Seeth standing in the door way of the kitchen.
I'm feeling snackish. I shrugged.
I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about when you ditched your room. He said.
So? I asked.
That's against the punish. He said.
And I care why? I asked confused.
Because I could rat you out and you would be in even bigger trouble than what you are already in. Seth said.
You wouldn't be a tattle tale would you? I asked.
Nah, but I could. He said.
But you want. I smiled.
I grabbed a fruit by the foot and tip toed back to my room.
I got half way down the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Nine
I locked the door to the bedroom quietly so Harry wouldn't know I would be skipping out on them tonight. There wouldn't be much to do around town. Some People like Billy would tell Harry that I was around town and than who knows what would happen. I figured if I stayed in the forest than no one could see me and I could do some exploring. Doubting I would fins anything, I attempted to do it any ways.
I walked and walked, found nothing so I turned around to go on the road.
If I only had a friend to hang out with. Not many people will hang out with Sam's sister....
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Twelve
He's what? I asked confused.
He is suppose to he marry Tiger Lily. Peter said.
That's just weird! I said.
I know so when you spent the night las night, Cheif Red Hand probably didn't like it. He doesn't like you any ways every since you saved Tiger Lily. Boys should be fighting Hook not girls. And I mean that in the nicest way. Peter said.
I know you mean that in the nicest way. I just don't understand why a girl like me can't fight. I said.
I don't know. He sighed.
We stood there looking at each other for a moment.
What are you going to do about...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Sixteen
Lacey's POV
That's a lot of syrup. Thomas said.
I like my syrup with a side of pancakes. I said serious.
Really? He asked as he almost believed me.
Sometimes. I said smiling.
How do you like Forks High School? He asked.
It's like every other school. I've been to. I shrugged.
Oh so it's not any worse than the others? He asked.
It's okay. I said.
That sounds more like it. Thomas laughed.
I was just trying to be nice. I didn't know what you thought about the school. I said.
I could care less about the school. He said.
Oh. I replied.
Yeah, well, I'll let you eat in peace....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Six don't publish without pic
It was getting out of my last class for the weekend! I gathered by books up and walked out to the parking lot. I was looking for Paul to come pick me up. I knew wouldn't send me to Harry's. Sam isn't that mean. 
I saw Harry, he must be waiting on Seth. His son. Harry waved to me so I waved back.
Hey Mattie, you come with us? Seth asked.
No, I'm going home. Paul is supposibly picking me up. I said.
Okay. Have a good weekend. Seth said.
Man, he is way to cheerful but he has every right to be. He has parents that love him.
I waited and waited...
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