Super Smash Brothers Club
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posted by Renella170
(Later that day it is now dark and night has fallen, crickets are chirping, things are going bump in the night and Lucas is scared. The nose pickers were currently sleeping in bliss with victory fresh in their heads.)

(At the camp fire all the toenail eaters are sitting on logs, looking depressed about losing. Then Tabuu arrives carrying a tray of 14 marshmallows.)

Tabuu: Hey guys, and welcome to the first camp fire ceremony, you will notice I am carrying a tray of marshmallows, a delicious treat campers usually enjoy around camp fires but here they represent life. When I call your name you will come and get a marshmallow, this means you are safe from elimination and get to stay, but the one of you who doesn't receive a marshmallow will have to walk the path of shame and go to the helicopter of losers and leave the island … and you can't come back … EVER!

(The contestants gulp while some, such as Samus and Luigi, look confident.)

Tabuu: Anyway, based on your votes I can now reveal that the first person going through and also getting the first ever marshmallow is...Snake!

Snake: I knew i would get the first call out.

Tabuu: The next one through is...Samus!

Samus: And you were saying Luigi?

Luigi: I'll get the next one!

Tabuu: The third contestant through is...Falco!

Falco: I beat my friend Fox to it.

Tabuu: Fourth is...Olimar.

Olimar: Excellent.

Tabuu: Next up is Ike.

Ike: Yes! I've still got a chance.

Tabuu: Next up is Mario

Mario: Woo hoo! Just what i needed.

Tabuu: Next up as the seventh through is...Ganondorf.

Ganondorf: (Laughs evily) My luck is improving.

Tabuu: The eighth through is...Zelda

Zelda: Was there ever a doubt?

Tabuu: Next up as the ninth through is...Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika.

Tabuu: The tenth through is...Marth.

Marth: Sweet.

Tabuu: The eleventh through is...Yoshi.

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Tabuu: Next up and the twelvth through is...Fox!

Fox: Alright!

Tabbu: And the thirteenth person making it through is...Link.

Link: What a relief.

Tabuu: And now we have only 1 marshmallow left on the plate, whoever doesn't get this is out. That means you must walk the path of shame and board the helicopter of losers. And you are then eliminated and will win nothing. And you can't come back ... EVER!

(Tabuu had yelled the last part which made the remaining two campers shiver a bit.)

(Tabuu: I can now reveal who is going through last, ok chef, crank up the music, hands.)

(Then two hands, Master Hand and Crazy Hand came in and put a CD into a player, suspenseful music started to play.)

Tabuu: I can now reveal that the final person going through

(Close up of Luigi looking fearful).

(Close up of Jigglypuff covering her eyes)

(Close up of Tabuu)

(Extreme close up of marshmallow)

Tabuu: Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff: (Jumps around with joy) Jigglypuff!

Luigi: WHAT?! You want to keep that worst Super Smash Brothers fighter over me?!

Zelda: We'd rather have a worst fighter than having you on our team, Luigi.

Luigi: Name one thing I did wrong!

Samus: Oh yes, well, hmmm, this is hard, let's think, you bossed us about and didn't help one bit.

Ike: You insulted us. Not cool.

Falco: You made insects swarm all over me, you discusting pig!

Snake: You tried to vote off Olimar, and he did nothing wrong!

Mario: And you didn't help me lift the crate. I have to carry it myself.

Luigi: Who voted for me?!

(Everyone raised their hands, including Mario.)


Tabuu: Uh oh, this could get quite ugly. Master Hand and Crazy Hand, restrain him!

(The hands grabbed Luigi and threw him onto the helicopter which took off and left.)

Tabuu: Well everyone, you've lost your first team member and the result will make high ratings, you can go to bed now since you'll need it for the next challenge, seriously.

(Tabuu left and the remaining 14 toenail eaters left for sleep.)

[Luigi: They have some nerve voting me off, I'll get my revenge, all I need is a lawyer and I'll be back in the game! They will be dead when I'm back!]

[Olimar: I was lucky to go through early on.]

[Ganondorf: Mario's brother is such a weakling. (Laughs) I bet Jigglypuff can easily beat him in Super Smash Brothers Brawl.]

[Zelda: That was easy, keep a low profile and only reveal your true nature when the time is right.]

[Snake: I'm going to win this thing. Enough said.]

[Jigglypuff.: Jig jig.]

[Pikachu: Pika pikachu.]

[Falco: I have achieved the impossible, but I'm gonna win this thing!]

[Mario: If Luigi thinks I am sharing the prize with him if I win, he can think again.]

[Ike: As long as Marth is still in I can stay sane.]

[Marth: The way Luigi threw the tantrum was priceless, good thing we won't see him anymore.]

[Fox: Right now, Falco is my biggest competition. I'll make sure i stay in this game over him.]

[Yoshi: I will never let Luigi ride on my back again.]

[Link: I may not win this game, but i'll make it thorugh as long as i can.]

[Samus: Good thing Luigi is gone. Now this place will be quiet without him.]

Tabuu: Well that's all we have time for now, we'll catch you next time on Total Smash Island. Bye.

Voting Results!

Luigi (14): Olimar, Falco, Fox, Jigglypuff, Mario, Snake, Samus, Link, Zelda, Yoshi, Marth, Ike, Pikachu, Ganondorf.

Jigglypuff (1): Luigi.
added by maybeastarbucks
master hand
Commercial for the N64 game Super Smash Bros.
This is the Dvd quality version of the Super Smash Brothers Brawl trailer on the Wii.