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Dean was driving the Impala, Sam was sitting next to him and Cas was on the backseat. They hadn’t said a word so far and the silence was getting on Dean’s nerves. So he put a cassette tape in the cassette player and pressed play. A few seconds later Metallica rumbled out the speakers. Sam, on the other hand, was a little concerned about Cas’ silence. He lowered the volume and turned around. “Hey, Cas? If you want to talk about it, we’re here” he said.
Cas stared ahead of him.
“You don’t have to” Dean said and he increased the volume again. A few seconds later Sam lowered the volume again and Dean rolled his eyes irritated. Sam ignored him and turned around.
“I understand you’re hurt and I know you liked her, so if there’s anything we can do for you, just say the word”
“Just cut the crap, Sammy!” Dean said angry. “Stop being so Dr. Phil on him. And Cas? Meg is a demon, it wouldn’t have worked out anyway, so be a man and get over it”
Suddenly the car accelerated.
“Dean, slow down” Sam said.
“I’m not doing anything” Dean said. He tried to slow down, but instead the Impala drove faster. Then Dean was thrown back in his seat and the Impala drove on its own. Or maybe not on its own. Sam and Dean both turned around. Cas was staring at the wheel and the Impala drove faster and faster.
“Cas, slow down” Sam said. “We get that you’re angry, but this way innocent people are going to get hurt”
But Cas didn’t seem to care about that.
“Damn it, Cas, it’s not our fault the bitch dumped your sorry ass” Dean said both angry and scared. That wasn’t the smartest thing to say. Cas let the Impala drive faster, through red lights. “Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! If you want I can pull over and you can throw a few punches at me and Sam, but please don’t take it out on my baby” Dean begged.
Cas disappeared and Dean regained control over the Impala. He slowed down and braked with squeaky tires.
Dean opened the door and stopped Cas from going in. Just because Cas was willing to surrender to the angels didn’t Dean was. And neither was Meg. There was no one at first sight, but then Sam appeared out of the kitchen. And so did Crowley.
“Hello, Dean…Meg…Castiel” Crowley said. He walked towards the trio. “I’ve been looking for you. I’m not sure who I’d like to kill first…the idiot who’s been a pain in my ass from the moment we met…the demon scum who was so stupid to choose the wrong side…or the angel who double crossed me…Eeny…meeny…miny…moe” His finger...
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Maryana was sitting before her circle in Indian style, keeping the spell intact, when Anna appeared behind her. Maryana didn’t hear her; she was too concentrated.
Anna walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. Maryana’s eyes flashed open and she rotated her head to Anna.
“Your spell worked” Anna said.
Maryana gazed at the angel, making her feel uneasy. “Of course it worked” she replied after a few uncomfortable minutes. “It is my spell”
“Yes, and now I need you to reverse it” Anna continued.
“Have you found your brother? And his friend?” Maryana asked.
“No” Anna...
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“Okay, you know what? You can’t do that” Meg said as she pulled herself away. She swum to the shore and climbed out of the pool. “You can’t just throw the most horrible insults at me, make out with the guy you’re wearing right now while I’m watching, betray me with the cops and then come back thinking I’ll forgive you”
Cas pulled himself out of the water.
“I understand your confusion and your anger” he started while Meg wrung her hair. “But I will explain it all to you”
“Okay, spill” Meg replied expectantly.
“Not here. This is too…public. Let’s go to the cafeteria”...
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Meg opened her eyes and looked around confused. It took her a while to realize she was in the spare room. She got out of bed and walked to the door. When she was outside she room she heard noises from outside her and Cas’ room. She walked to it as in trance and opened it.
Jo was putting clothes in boxes.
“What are you doing?” Meg asked slowly.
“Oh” Jo exclaimed surprised and she turned around. “I didn’t hear you come in”
“What are you doing?” Meg repeated trembling.
“I’m storing Cas’ clothes in boxes. I figured you wouldn’t be able to put yourself up to it, so I volunteered”...
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“I’m going to pack our bags” Sam decided. “We’ve stayed in this town for far too long”
“I can call mom and ask her if you can crash at her place for a few days” Jo offered.
Sam nodded in agreement, then he looked at Dean. “I know you want to stay here, to be close to Cas, but I think it’s better if we go somewhere where we won’t be reminded of all this”
Dean shrugged and stood. He walked to the door and headed to his car. He opened the door and got in at the driver’s seat.
“Mom says it’s okay” Jo said soft after hanging up. “She’ll be happy to see you boys...
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Cas was finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Cas appeared inside a mansion, holding his two victims tightly. The owner of the house stood up from his seat and looked shocked at the intruder.
“What, in heaven’s name, do you think you’re doing?” the older man asked furious.
Cas pushed the men on the floor and walked steady to the man. Before the man could do so much as blink, Cas grabbed his neck and snapped it. Then he walked back to the others, grabbed their collars and dragged them to the basement.
He chained them up on their wrists and a few seconds later they were hanging on the ceiling. He searched their pockets and conjured...
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Meg was sitting on her bed. She had sneaked inside as soon as Dean had left. Jo had promised her to get him out of the house. She didn’t want to deal with his snarky commentary.
Sam was sitting on the bed as well. He felt weird around Meg, but since Cas was sick and there was no one else, they might as well keep each other company.
“How is it like? Being human?” Sam asked, trying to break the ice. “I mean, after being a demon for so long”
“Honestly? It sucks. Big time” Meg replied bitter. “I’ve always been able to recall every single murder I’ve committed, but I’ve never...
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Meg opened the door to their new house and threw the keys on the table. Cas hadn’t said a word during the whole ride. Next to the house they had also gotten the car and somehow both Cas and Meg received their driving license.
“I’ll see if I can make any dinner” Meg said tired.
“Why? Are you trying to poison me?” Cas asked accusatory. Meg didn’t even bother answering that, but went to the kitchen.
Cas followed her. “What are you going to cook?” he asked, being his normal self now.
“I don’t know” Meg shrugged. “I’ll just throw a few things together”
“Did you ask...
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Meg was back home and she had told Sam what happened.
“So, it’s official, then. They’re together” Sam asked for confirmation. Meg shrugged. “I’m going to try and call him again” Sam said resolute.
“You’ve been trying to call him for the last twenty minutes. What makes you think he’ll pick up now?” Meg snapped bitter. “They’re probably too busy banging each other”
Sam tried anyway.
Cas tied Dean onto a chair. They were in a motel.
“Your phone keeps ringing” Cas snarled annoyed. He pulled Dean’s phone out of Dean’s pocket and looked at the screen. “Sam…Just...
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“Put your clothes on” Dean said.
“Why? What are we going to do?” Cas asked suspicious.
“You shouldn’t spend your last day of freedom in a hospital room” Dean explained. He conjured his keys and waved them. “Let’s go for a ride”
“Now we’re talking” Cas smiled and he put on his clothes.
Five minutes later they were outside, with the Impala. Cas walked to the passenger seat.
“Hey, Cas” Dean called and Cas looked up. “Catch” Dean said and he tossed the keys at Cas. Cas caught them with one hand and walked around the car. He got in and so did Dean, but before the latter...
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An hour and a half later Dean stood up.
“Where are you going?” Cas slightly panicked.
“Relax, I’m just going to stretch my legs” Dean reassured him. He turned around when Cas gripped his arm.
“Don’t leave me here with him” Cas almost ordered Dean. Dean felt Cas fingers dig in his skin and though he would never admit it, it hurt like hell.
“I’ll be right outside” Dean promised sharp.
Cas let go of him slowly and Dean walked quickly out of the room. He conjured his phone and dialed Sam’s number.
Cas looked at the guard. “I’m ready to go now” he said cold.
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“We should talk about what happened yesterday” Dean said hoarse.
“I’m not sorry” Cas replied convincing.
“Neither am I” Dean sighed relieved. “But I have to admit that you took me by surprise. I didn’t see it coming. Besides, I thought you loved Meg”     
Cas looked away and gazed through the window.
“Meg betrayed me. You were right about her. I should’ve listened to you” he admitted softly. He looked back at Dean. “I think one of the reasons I’ve been acting so…reckless…is because I didn’t know how to act on my feelings for you. Especially...
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Dean was wandering through the aisles of the police station. He had no idea where to find Cas, but fortunately a helpful police officer walked his direction.
“What are you doing here? You can’t just walk around here” he said a little mad.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Castiel Novak. They said it was okay, but now I’m kind of lost” Dean explained.
The officer sighed. “Actually Castiel Novak isn’t allowed to have prisoners” he started. “But since he’s being transferred tomorrow morning, I suppose it can’t hurt”
The officer explained where Cas’ cell was. “Usually we bring...
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Sam, Dean and Meg watched the cops take Cas away, who went with them willingly. Too willingly. As soon as the door shut behind them, Dean turned to Meg.
“You called the cops?” he exclaimed. “Have you lost your mind?”
“No” Meg shrugged. “Cas is a serial killer. He needs to be put behind bars. I made the right call, no pun intended”
Dean conjured his phone and dialed a number.
‘The number you’re trying to reach is currently unavailable’
“Damn it” Dean cursed.
“What?” Sam asked.
“I’m trying to reach that female inspector” Dean explained.
“Who? Inspector Roberts?”...
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“This is ridiculous” Cas said snarky.
“Really? Then why do you keep standing there?” Dean asked.
“Because there’s fire around me” Cas exclaimed frustrated.
“If you’re not an angel, you can just step out of the circle” Sam replied simple. “Just be a man, Cas, and step out of the circle”
Cas turned to Meg, who looked back fierce. “You’re going to be sorry for this” he hissed.
“Maybe you can add my name on that stupid list” Meg snapped back.
“And maybe you can crawl back into the hole you came from, you mentally challenged slut!” Cas yelled and his eyes glowed...
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Dean and Sam were in the waiting room of the hospital, both drinking coffee. There was no way any of them could sleep now.
Kevin and Alexia entered the hospital. They had informed Anna about Cas’ disastrous acting and she had directed them to Sam and Dean.
“Hey” Kevin said. Sam looked up.
“Kevin! What are you doing here? I thought you were hiding from Crowley” Sam exclaimed hoarse. He was getting tired.
“Yeah, I was, but something came up” Kevin explained. He sat down next to Sam and Alexia next to Dean. “We had a little visit from our old friend Cas”
“You know where he is?” Dean asked urgent.
“Not anymore” Kevin commented. “He destroyed the tablets”
“He what?” Sam exclaimed surprised.
“He destroyed the tablets” Alexia repeated. “And then he took off. Anna went out looking for him, but she needs you two to get Meg to fess up. Get her to talk”
Heather’s upper body was covered with needles and each time Meg thought they’d reached the bottom the needles miraculously piled up.
Heather turned her head carefully to her ex-colleague. “Please, make him stop. I’ve done nothing wrong” she cried quietly.
“You made me a drugs addict” Cas reminded her. “I bashed my own head against a toilet and I almost got Meg killed, because of your needles”
“I’m sorry” Heather said weak. “I just wanted to help you, I swear”
Cas grabbed another needle and drove it in her thy, making Heather moan, which made Meg shiver.
“Don’t you think that’s enough?” she said careful.
“No” Cas snapped back. “It’ll be enough when there are no more needles left”
“But they keep piling up!” Meg exclaimed.
“They’ll stop piling up when the whore’s death” Cas clarified.
Meg shook her head in horror. “What has gotten into you?”
Isabel was sitting at the bar of the local pub, trying to get some information.
“Can I get the usual, Neil?” she asked casual. Neil prepared a coke zero and gave it to her. “Hey, I heard a few nasty things went down here. Could you tell me a little more about it?”
“Not here” Neil corrected her. “Outside”
“I heard some of you regulars were murdered. Does the police have any suspects?” Isabel asked, pretending to be just curious.
“Yeah” Neil said obvious. “A lot of my customers saw him provoking them here. They went after him and didn’t return. Need I say more?”
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Heather was pacing up and down the kitchen, nervously waiting for Isabel to call her back. She couldn’t imagine what kept her so long. She didn’t have a job, she didn’t have a boyfriend anymore. She was probably wallowing in self-pity, while Heather was about to be ripped to pieces, according to the newspaper.
She dialed Isabel’s phone again and growled when it was her voicemail again. “Seriously? Where the hell are you? Cas is here. What part of get here ASAP did you not get? Don’t you read the newspaper? He’s a lunatic. He’s killed four people already in less than 48 hours...
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