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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that the Phantom Tyrannus was gone for good, the spell that he had placed the train under was automatically broken with the engine returning to normal speed and the lights coming back on, thus freeing the driver and passengers in the process. Even the fireman let out a huge sigh of relief as he felt overjoyed by all this. They did it! I knew they would. He thought.

"Thank goodness! We're back!" exclaimed one passenger shortly afterwards. "Indeed! That place was horrible!" replied another. "Yeah. I wonder who stopped the Phantom Tyra-whatever..." The fireman replied, "You'll find out soon!" At that moment, they saw the Harrisons and Ringo marching triumphantly back to their seats, and George proceeded to tell them about everything that happened in the battle (especially the night sky showdown, of course). By the time he had finished, both passengers and the fireman were amazed! "My word! No wonder why you're dressed as Peter Pan for later today." remarked the latter. George replied, "Heh, heh! You could definitely say that." "And I must add that it was the most epic climax I've ever witnessed!" Laura chimed in. Pattie, Ringo, and Sparkie agreed. The fireman chuckled and smiled in return.

He then said, "Well, I gotta go back to work now. Thanks again for all that you've done to save this journey." George replied as he handed him his lantern, "It was our greatest pleasure, sir." Ringo added, "And thanks for watching over our seats." The fireman responded by tipping his hat and left. Our heroes then went on chatting with the passengers for a while longer before resuming their much-needed sleep.

posted by 80smusiclover1
After going through the usual check-in process, the group went straight to their room. Upon entering, they were amazed at how big and beach house-like it was. There were two beds (one queen-size and one single-size), a living room area, a dining table, and a balcony with an excellent view of the sea. George remarked, "Now THIS is what I'd call the perfect place for us to sleep and relax in while we are here!" Laura replied as she tested the softness of their bed, "That's what I thought, too, daddy George!" Pattie added, "And we can enjoy the view while sipping on some tea or coffee as well,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once everyone was on board, they soon had a breezy ride on the highway to their destination. "I hope we can find some inspiration for the songs in our new album during this trip, mate.", said Ringo. George replied, "I'm certain we will, Ritchie. The beach offers plenty of ideas for that." Ringo replied, "Yeah, you are correct there!" Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed!" Pattie said, "You and your mates are gonna release a new album, darling? How splendid!" George said, "That's right, sweetheart! The planned date is August 5." Pattie gave a thumbs up in response. Laura...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The summer of '66 has officially started, and you know what that means... Time for another exciting beach trip! Let's head on over to Kinfauns and see how George and his daughter are getting prepared, shall we?

With his ringing alarm clock and the sun's rays reflecting through the windows awakening him, George exclaimed, "Today's the day! Time for me to get ready!" He then stopped the alarm, got up from bed, and proceeded to the bathroom for a shower (complete with some singing). Afterwards, he dried himself off, put on clean boxers and his outfit for the ride to Weymouth, brushed his pearly-whites,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was almost evening while the heroes and Lucky were walking back to the Palace. "So how was your call with the police, ma'am?", asked Laura. Elizabeth replied, "It went well, Laura. They actually thanked me for letting them know where Sinister Gates was. He's been on their wanted list ever since the ban on dog fighting came into full effect. But because he does his dirty business in secret, they had quite a difficult time tracking him down. That is, until earlier." Laura remarked, "Oh, good to hear!" George added, "Yes. And he won't be able to run away from them anymore after Lucky and I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Well done, my friends!", remarked Elizabeth as she returned from calling the police and saw how George, Pattie, and Laura had defeated Sinister Gates and his comrades. George replied, "Woof! Thank you, Your Majesty! I must say we had one heck of a showdown!" Pattie nodded in agreement. Laura added, "And look who escaped from the cage at last!" With that, Lucky barked happily upon seeing his beloved master and proceeded to give her a hug with his paws. Elizabeth said, "My darling Lucky! How I missed you very much! Are you all right?" He made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Yes, I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
At about the same time, the comrades of Sinister Gates returned, and what they reported certainly didn't please him. One said, "Boss, we hate to break this to you, but we weren't able to catch an opponent for that royal dog. You might as well postpone the fight in the meantime." Gates replied, "What?! NO! I want the money NOW!! Your search wasn't good enough, idiots!" Another replied while shaking with fear, "But we are already tired! Can't you give us all a break?" Gates retorted, "I will not rest until the blood of this furball is in my hands!" Just then, he froze upon hearing a woman's voice...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After crossing that bridge, the group walked through a grassy area until they finally reached the power station. George remarked, "Judging by its name alone, this building can generate jolts of electricity for the nearby areas, eh?" Elizabeth replied, "You are correct, George. That's the main purpose for why it was opened back in the 1930's." Laura said, "Oooh, very interesting. I just learned something new!" Pattie added, "So did I, darling! Woof!" George and the Queen smiled in return. Once they made it to the entrance, and due to the door's handle being rather high, our heroes decided to...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once they were back outside, our heroes proceeded to the Palace gardens to activate the Corgi necklace. Since this is going to be an undercover search, they went for one of its more private spots: The gazebo. Afterwards, Elizabeth said, "Our time has come, my friends. Are you ready for this?" Laura replied, "Yes, ma'am. We're all set!" George and Pattie agreed. Elizabeth replied, "Very well, then!" So with five taps, the pendant's eyes glowed, and its mouth opened to release four small clouds of indigo-colored smoke. Then, one by one, they transformed the Queen, George, Laura, and Pattie into...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
While walking to the Queen's apartment, it was revealed that Lucky was the Corgi who had gone missing, and that he was last seen the day before the news broke out during a hike at the nearby park. "We've searched everywhere, but to no avail sadly. I just hope my poor angel is going to be fine...", finished Elizabeth. George replied, "Don't worry, ma'am; I'm certain about that once we find him." Laura added, "And whoever is responsible for this will be in BIG trouble! Right, daddy George?" George remarked, "Precisely, Laura, darling! You took the words straight out of me mouth!" Pattie exclaimed,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Hello again, Your Majesty!", called out George as they were approaching the entrance. The Queen was pleasantly surprised upon hearing his Liverpudlian voice and replied, "Greetings, my friends! What brings you back here?" George said, "Me daughter and I have come to help you in finding one of your lost Corgis. We heard about it through the paper yesterday." Elizabeth said, "Really? Well, that's very kind of you! I am just about to begin the search party myself." Pattie remarked, "Yes! I knew it!" That made George place a hand on her shoulder and say, "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you to...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Next morning, George and Laura drove off to fetch Pattie before proceeding to the Palace for their mission. Laura said while they were on the road, "Gee, daddy George. I wonder what happened to that poor Corgi..." George replied, "Me too, Laura, darling. I'm sure we'll find out about that soon, though." Laura smiled and nodded in agreement. Pattie herself was ready and waiting by the time they reached her flat. As she boarded George's car, the lovebirds greeted each other with sweet pecks on the cheek. He then asked, "How are you, love?" Pattie replied, "I'm doing great, honey. Thanks!" George...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was almost 11:00 pm by the time the group capped off a very tasty dinner. After paying for their food, they decided to take another walk around the restaurant's area for a bit. Then, they returned to the hotel and their respective rooms. George, Pattie, and Laura relaxed together on the couch before calling it a night. The latter said as she looked at the shamrock vase they made, "Well, daddy George, looks like our trip is almost over now. I guess we can say that we had a blast overall!" George replied, "We certainly can, Laura, darling! This is truly yet another experience which we'll never...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The day of the second concert was finally here, and everyone had returned to spending time at St. Stephen's Green after the mop-topped lads left their instruments on the stage. While it was John, Paul, Ringo, and Mike's turn to explore the park's other side, George, Pattie, and Laura went on a stroll by the pond. "Daddy George, look! Swan boats! Can we go for a ride on them, please?", exclaimed Laura at one point during it. George replied, "Absolutely, Laura, darling! I'd enjoy a good boat ride myself." He then asked his sweetheart, "How about you, love?" Pattie replied, "You've just read my...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After two days of resting from their adventures, the Beatles and Laura scheduled their second concert for tomorrow (March 29) during lunch time before heading to a department store located at the city square. George had already returned the van to the rental center and bought more blueberry scones by this point. As they began walking, Laura remarked, "It's fair to say that I've collected a great number of shamrocks throughout our tours, daddy George! Twenty in total!" George replied, "You certainly did, Laura, darling! Speaking of, that just gave me an idea!" Laura said, "Oooh! What is it?"...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Later that evening, our heroes went to have dinner at a cafe located just outside the Castle grounds. Aside from the main course, they ordered a whole Black Forest cake complete with large cherries on top (This was Laura's choice for her birthday) to share for dessert. Laura told her father while the food was in preparation stage, "It's hard to believe I'm ten years old and a big girl now, daddy George!" George replied, "I agree with that, Laura, darling! Seems like only yesterday when I first met you at that orphanage, and you were eight back then." Laura replied, "Yeah. Time really does fly...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
March 25, 1966

Today is officially Laura's tenth birthday, and the group had just reached the vicinity of the last place to visit in their itinerary: Blarney Castle, which is home to the famed Blarney Stone. Of course, there's also a good number of well-kept gardens that are open for anyone to stroll around and even just to relax. "So how are we going to see the Blarney Stone, daddy George?", asked Laura as her father studied the map. George replied, "Well Laura, darling, I'm happy to say we'll just need to go up to the roof of the Castle to accomplish that! It is located right there." Laura...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Laura had such a wonderful sleep throughout the rest of the road trip that she got up immediately when George brought the van to a parking spot and as Pattie shook her in a gentle manner while saying, "Wake up, dear! We made it." Laura replied, "Perfect timing, Pattie. Perfect timing!" This made her chuckle in response. Once everyone had disembarked, George carried his daughter for a shoulder ride and said, "I see you slept veddy well, Laura, darling!" Laura responded, "I sure did, daddy George! That was refreshing, too." George smiled and remarked, "I'm glad." Laura smiled back. Expressions...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Two days later, everyone woke up at around 5:00 am and were on the road to Giant's Causeway. Now if you're wondering why they left an hour before sunrise, that is because George thought it would be best to see the place first thing in the morning and so that he could watch the sun come out while driving. As he whistled merrily, Pattie and Laura were sharing a sweet mother-daughter moment together. Laura asked, "Pattie, how has your career as a model been thus far?" Pattie replied, "Good question! It's been very lovely overall, my darling!" Laura remarked, "Awesome! I'm glad to know that." Pattie...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The Beatles, Pattie, Laura, and Mike kicked off the new day with their much-anticipated morning swim. Even Sparkie couldn't resist joining them in the water just like what he did at Blackpool two years ago! Laura also brought along and wore her goggles so that she could do some beach diving. Ringo said, "It's very nice to go swimming with you for the first time, Pattie!" She replied, "Thanks, Ringo! The same goes for you all." George said, "Indeed, my love!" Everyone continued having a lot of fun for the next two hours. Afterwards, they proceeded to the picnic table where they ate the canned...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The sun had started to set by the time our heroes made it to the Dingle Peninsula, and at just the right moment, they found the perfect beach to hold their overnight camp-out. After parking the van again, everyone got all their stuff and walked down towards the sandy surface. George told his sweetheart as they did so, "Love, since you might not have your own sleeping bag, I decided to buy one just for you earlier this morning." Pattie replied, "Oh, you did? How very sweet, my darling! Yeah, I don't have one unfortunately, so thank you so much indeed!" George smiled and said, "Heh, heh! It was...
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