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posted by 80smusiclover1
Meanwhile, George (who was beginning to have second thoughts about the "relationship") had just managed to free himself from Dahlia's grasp by telling her to watch the swans for a moment. Luckily, he soon spotted an approaching fan and went straight to greet her with a hug, to which she excitedly returned.

"I'm so happy to see you, Georgie! You're my favourite Beatle!" The fan said afterwards. "Likewise, love. Thank you!" George smiled. He then said, "If ye don't mind me asking, what's your name?" The fan replied, "I don't mind it at all. My name's Wendy." George replied, "How veddy nice! So, would you like an autograph?" Wendy said, "Of course! You know I was just about to ask that." He then signed her copy of the Please Please Me album before continuing on with their friendly chat.

But I am sorry to say that this was not to last. For when Dahlia saw them, she got so enraged that her skull necklace lit up, causing her to jump and shock Wendy by landing right in front of her!

"STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND!!! Girls like you are nothing but a menace to society!" Dahlia yelled. She then let out a roar, which instantly made poor Wendy sob and run off. George angrily said, "First you mocked me mates, and now you even had the nerve to insult our fans?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH--"

He was suddenly zapped by the necklace just as he was about to finish that last sentence. As a result, George had been placed under a form of mind control spell, evident by his irises turning green. "You like her more than me?" Dahlia replied. George shook his head no due to the spell robbing him of his free will. "Good. I suppose we should go someplace else now." Dahlia said. And thus, they left the park.

The other Beatles witnessed the entire incident from afar and were speechless all throughout. "I can't believe that woman would stoop THIS low. She seems to have brainwashed Geo with that necklace of hers!" John said after using a pair of binoculars. "And by the looks of it, they're leaving for the next stop in their date!" Paul added. "Wherever that is, we must follow them!" Ringo said. "Aye! Once again, you took the words out of me mouth!" John replied. So, they did just that.

posted by 80smusiclover1

The year was 1963, and never before had jolly ol' England experienced such a massive phenomenon when it came to homegrown music. Our debut album was selling like hotcakes just shortly after getting ourselves settled with our own recording studio in Abbey Road, concerts were sold out, and even the papers ran headlines that screamed "BEATLEMANIA! It's happening everywhere...". While we didn't expect all of these at first, it'll soon turn out to be something we won't forget in the years to come.

(I'm sure you already know about this, but the headline above was actually a real life...
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added by isud12
added by yorkshire_rose
Source: wordpress
added by OfriA
added by good_vibrations
added by megann1992
added by Everybodylies94
Source: Don't know, sorry
added by moonlightdrive
posted by 80smusiclover1
After waiting for ten minutes, John's question was answered at last when they heard some excited barking sounds. Ringo said, "I think I know who has arrived!" Before long, the three Beatles found themselves laughing while being showered with doggy kisses by Earl, Flora, Toffee, and Scooter. This was soon followed by a chuckle from the Queen. She then said, "Hello there, boys! It has surely been a while since we last met." John managed to reply, "Hi again, Your Majesty! Indeed, it has." Paul added, "So I see you're the special guest George told us about. Welcome to Abbey Road Studios!" Elizabeth...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Everyone soon had dinner in the Palace's dining hall, and Lucky was able to get his much-needed food at last alongside the other Corgis. George remarked as they ate, "Wow! The food here is absolutely delicious, Your Majesty." Pattie said, "Indeed! I can tell you have such a talented team of chefs." Laura added, "Me too!" Elizabeth replied, "Thank you very much, my friends! Yes, they always know how to cook up a good meal for each day." George said, "Wonderful!" Lucky made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "You got that right!" Earl, Flora, Toffee, and Scooter barked in agreement. After...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
On the other side of the Thames lies a building called the Battersea Power Station, and what was going on inside certainly wasn't right. As it turns out, Lucky had been captured and taken here by a ruthless and greedy dog fighting organizer who only goes under the name of Sinister Gates. Despite the cruel sport already being outlawed in the UK, he still desired to earn an extra buck by using one of the Queen's pets against a potentially stronger dog, which he had set his comrades off to find. Gates said while counting his money, "Now that I have succeeded in catching a royal dog, this will...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
A week had passed since the Beatles, Pattie, Laura, and Mike returned from their vacation in Ireland, and by this point, London had transformed into Swinging London - The world's number one fashion, arts, and culture capital. George and his daughter were currently spending a sunny afternoon relaxing at a bench just close to Big Ben while waiting for a new date with the former's sweetheart, which he had scheduled to take place tomorrow. As Laura ate some jelly babies, George read the front page of today's newspaper when he suddenly gasped and remarked, "Oh, no..." Laura replied, "Yes, daddy...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Here we are!", exclaimed George by the time everyone made it to the top of the Castle. Laura remarked, "Yes! Now let's look for that Stone!" And they eventually did so. For those who are familiar with the established legend, anyone who kisses it will acquire what is known as the "gift of the gab". This legend was also the subject of a humorous poem which had been written in honor of the Stone, and John couldn't help but recite it smoothly. The poem goes like this: "'Tis there's the stone that whoever kisses, he never misses to grow eloquent; 'Tis he may clamber to a lady's chamber, or become...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It wasn't long until the time came for our heroes to embark on their new tour. After yesterday's discussion about having a possible overnight camp-out during the joyride, George proceeded to get his van from the rental center while Pattie and Laura were still asleep. He bought some ready-to-eat canned food, blueberry scones, a large bottle of sparkling water, disposable paper plates and cups, and even a sleeping bag for his sweetheart along the way. This also turned out to be good planning on the part of him and his mates since they decided to bring their own sleeping bags just in case. "I...
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With their instruments back inside the car compartment, the group drove for home at almost midnight. As they entered the highway after crossing the bridge again, Laura started to feel exhausted from both her mission and the concert. Thus, she decided to take a snooze until she and George return to Kinfauns. Ringo said, "I'm pleasantly surprised by how we got to meet and talk with the Prince after that free gig!" Paul replied, "So am I, mate! It also makes me glad knowing that the antics of the former dentist who shrunk us came back to bite him really hard thanks to our brave and strong little...
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Spring is in the air in England, and the Beatles were currently in Abbey Road Studios to discuss their plans on releasing a new album for the summer. Laura, who was now nine years-old, decided to explore the other rooms while the meeting was taking place. About twenty minutes later, George called her back. She returned and asked, "Yes, daddy George? What is it?" He replied, "Would you like to listen to our recording sessions for the new album, darling?" Laura said, "Oh, certainly! I'd love to see how it plays out." George said, "Splendid!" John added, "And maybe you can also provide feedback...
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"Those fish and chips were delicious, daddy George!", said Laura as the group walked back to the spot where his convertible was parked. George replied, "They certainly were, Laura, darling! That dinner was also the perfect way to conclude our mission here. Right, me mates?" Ringo replied, "Indeed!" Paul added, "Mm-hmm!" Robert said, "Yes! I'd like to thank you all again for helping me as well. You really made a difference in this investigation of mine." John replied, "You're veddy welcome, chap. It's always practical to work as a team." The others agreed. Robert responded, "You got that right!...
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Teamwork Pays Off

Everyone had a delicious pizza dinner as they celebrated their triumph. Laura said, "You know another secret to me and my team's victory?" George replied, "What is it, my dear?" She continued, "I motivated my teammates to work together to reach first place, especially in the group sports." George remarked, "Oh, that's veddy wonderful, Laura! Yes, teamwork is another key to winning there." John added, "Indeed. We're proud of you, love." Laura replied, "Thanks! I'd also like to thank you all again for the training you gave me and for boosting my confidence." Ringo replied, "It was our great pleasure, Laura! We're always happy to help our sweet girl." They then had another big group hug. After finishing their dinner, the Beatles and Laura returned home to rest for the night, and George displayed her medal near the framed photos with his daughter.


Now that the tournament had reached its climax in the marathon, Laura felt a surge of adrenaline all over her body. Thankfully, the ring leader of the bullies was having difficulty in recovering from the sting of her retort that the earlier games had left her feeling exhausted. As the horn sounded, the runners were off. Whoever finishes three laps while in the lead will be the champion of the tournament, and Laura was on her way to achieving this. During the second lap, the ring leader decided to take a nap underneath a tree. This, unfortunately, came at a cost for her, as by the time...
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added by ktichenor