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posted by irinaguzun
Real Name: Uke Yutaka (受 毛豊)
Blood Type: B
Birth date: October 28, 1981
Hobby: Soccer, Cooking, Collecting Zippos
Piercing count: 2 (left ear)
Foot size: 25 ~ 27
Ring size: 19 ~ 21
Height: 172 cm
Tobacco: Marlboro Red
Cologne: Jaguar, Sculpture, Bvlgari for men
Disliked food: Potato, Eggplant
Favourite drink: “Not ringo juice (laugh) - apple juice”
Favourite brand: custom culture, Just in Davis, TENDERLOIN, Starring gear*
My boom: custom culture
Place of birth: “New Jersey would be nice!” He’s actually born in Tokushima
Collection: Zippo, clothes from custom culture
Liked type: A motherly person who will welcome me with “welcome home!” when I return home.
Disliked type: A girl who hides her character
Strong point: “Can be bullied” (When he is bullied, it makes him happy, because others are happy, in a way.)
Weak point: Forgetful (He constantly loses important items. ex. cell phone, wallet)
Musical Influence: LUNA SEA
First Copied Song: LUNA SEA - Jesus
Charming point: Can be interesting in anything
Favourite colour: Black, Red, White, Green, Silver, Gold
Favourite animal: Dog, Tiger, Alligator
Previous bands: Mareydi†Creia


Once someone played an April Fool’s joke on Kai and he didn’t realize until the day after
Kai loves playing soccer and cooking
His favourite animals are dogs, tigers, alligators and crocodiles
He likes to drink apple juice
His favourite season is winter (he likes Christmas)
Kai has two piercings, both on his left ear
He used to want to be a soccer player
was once put in the hospital because of a fever from too much drumming
used to work in a restaurant before going into entertainment
was ranked as #3 popular male by the girls at school (he found out AFTER he quit the soccer club)
he used to push his way to the center of a crowd that was laughing and make what they were laughing at funny for him too (he says he was selfish in this way, always wanting to be center of attention/funny)
when he was bullied, he would laugh because it made others laugh and that made him feel good (that he made others laugh)
collects zippos
once (probably more) was taking care and worrying about the others so much, he didn’t realize that he was getting sick.
Kai actually doesn’t dislike drinking, and has in fact started drinking again! But when he’s out drinking with everyone, he tends to “over-drink”… as in, he gets hyper and then crashes.
Kai stopped drinking for two years because after he drank, he’d hit a low point “tension-wise”, and he didn’t like that about himself, which is why he stopped drinking.
His wish for the future is to attain happiness, and one way of getting that happiness, for him, is getting a big house.
Loves mayonnaise. When the band were getting checkups, he was held back for more because he had high cholesterol from eating too much mayonnaise.
Eats a tomato every morning to help his cholesterol.
eats pickled plums before lives
his mom was a piano teacher, and let Kai try out every instrument before he chose drums. After that, his mother got him a drum instructor who let him play however he wanted on his first day.
His mother knows English, and would translate his fanmail
Used to answer back to every fan letter, but stopped because he didn’t have enough time and his hand started getting sore.
dropped out of school to drum, causing his parents to be very upset
Didn’t want to be in a band at first. He just wanted to drum.
Would practice drumming for hours on magazines and household items after he quit school.

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Source: @ayuuyu_
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