The Heroes of Olympus Club
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posted by greekOmega
Disclaimer: All this stuff is own by Rick Riordan

The mark Of Athena


    Percy looked at the giant boat that was landing at camp Jupiter. This could be the best day since he had woken in the wolf house, or the last. He knew that Annabeth and his other fellow Greek demigods were inside that ship. And Jason. Jason Grace, Praetor of the legion, the slayer of Krios and the lost hero of Camp Jupiter. Jason was the only one that could prevent Octavian from executing him. Sure, he could beat Octavian easily in case of emergency, but he couldn’t beat the entire legion, not even with the help of his Greek friends. It wouldn’t be right to do it anyways, he had sworn on his life, and he had to respect that. If Jason said the Greeks were a menace, he was dead. If Jason said the opposite, he could live. It was really simple. He had never felt so vulnerable, even more than when he lost his invincibility. This was the first thing he had to leave to destiny. He sent a silent prayer, hoping that Jason was treated nicely while in camp. He was conscious of Octavian staring at him, hoping for a mark of fear on his face. Percy put the most serious face he could. He wasn’t going to give the skinny guy that pleasure. He also looked at the sky, not the boat, but higher, to the Gods, which probably were watching the moment their children were finally meeting.

    The whole legion, even some of the wounded, had gathered behind him, in formation, their armors repaired and cleaned, their pilum slightly inclined at the boat that was landing and their banners at the front of each cohort. The fifth cohort had a special glow because of the imperial gold equipment.
Reyna stood next to him, while Tyson, Ella and Mrs. O’Leary stood behind them. Tyson smiled and waved, while laughing at the sight of the boat.
    They stood waiting for about a minute when the boat landed in front of them, in the middle of the forum. A stair was drop from the board and the demigods started to descend. First came a boy with curly black hair, Leo. Then a girl with uneven hair. Piper maybe? After her, a big tough looking girl came. Clarisse. This was maybe the second time he was glad of seeing her. A blonde guy dropped from the boat, not even using the stair, just hovering down to earth. “So dramatic” Percy thought “Clearly son of Jupiter”. A cheer erupted from the legion when Jason landed, and even Reyna lost her seriousness for a moment. Only Octavian didn’t join the cheering. Percy didn’t cared about all the cheering or the famous Jason; he only had eyes for the girl that had just touched ground. “Annabeth!!!” She looked stunned “ You remember me?” “ I could never forget you”
They stared at each other’s. It was a few seconds, but still Percy tried to read that expression that was always hard to read. Percy was beginning to think that she hated him when she smiled and ran to him. Percy didn’t care anymore of the roman discipline or the fact that about 200 romans were looking at him; he just ran up to her and hugged her. “Finally” he whispered before their lips met. They stood like that for a few minutes or, hours, or weeks, Percy didn’t really cared, until a familiar voice made them break apart. “Well Seaweed Brain, don’t you think you owe your girlfriend an explanation instead of kiss?”
“Actually Thalia, I owe her both. I disappeared for 8 months, imagined all the times I would have kissed her”
“Shut up Seaweed Brain” Annabeth said while smiling. Percy beamed at her and didn’t notice the last person coming down the boat. “Percy!!” she cried and hugged him. He was glad Annabeth wasn’t jealous of her anymore. “Hi Rachel,” he said, looking at the mass of red hair in his chest “I missed you to, could you stop crushing my ribs?” Rachel smiled and let him go. Percy couldn`t be happier. He had recovered his memories, Annabeth was back and so were some of his friends.
Of course, the moment was ruined.
Octavian’s voice echoed through the forum. “Listen to me legionnaires! We have to decide if we must kill the Graecus, or let them live. I must remind you that they came in a warship, held our praetor in their headquarters and now brought him to us, as a hostage. Believe me, the stuffed animals never lie!” Rachel giggled. “Is this guy serious?”
“Shut up Octavian!” Jason shouted. “People of Rome, don’t listen to Octavian! Everything he is saying, everything he has said about Greeks are lies!”
A collective gasped ran through the legion. Octavian chuckled “Please Jason, don’t worry, you are safe now. Obviously those Graecus have torture you into saying that. What did they tell you? That they will destroy Rome? Greeks don’t know how to fight, they are weak. We just destroyed Terra’s armies and the giant Polybotes, what harm could Greeks do?”
“I must remind you Octavian, that it was thanks to Percy that we defeated Terra’s armies. His quest companions told me he fought alone against the spirits of the fifth cohort, who couldn’t die, and retrieved the eagle.” Reyna said in a calm tone. Octavian blushed while a few soldiers snickered. “And, Percy defeated the giant alone also. I think only Jason could have done that in this camp.” Octavian stood rigid, his face almost purple with rage. Things weren’t going the way he wanted.
    “Octavian, Greeks aren’t the way you think they are!” Jason said. “They are not weak, or stupid or anything we thought. They aren`t enemies! While I was in Camp Half-blood, I learned new things, and was well cared for. I am not here as a tortured hostage, I am here as a friend of them, and your Prateor, telling you to trust Greeks.”
“There is no time for a senate meeting.” Reyna declared, “We must vote immediately. All in favor of working with the greek demigods, raise your hand.”
Her hand, Jason’s and Percy’s went immediately up. Percy looked at the senators gathered behind him. For a few terrifying seconds they stayed with their hands down. Octavian was about to shout the order of killing him, when all the senators but one raised their hands. Cheers erupted from most of the legion, especially from the 5th cohort. Percy smiled at his friends, while he hugged Annabeth again. He could see Octavian leaving furiously with some of his followers. He smiled.
“I missed you wise girl” “ I missed you to seaweed brain” and they kissed again.
Definitely the best day.
This is the essay that I submitted to the link essay contest. My prompt was about May castellan and Luke. Pretty much it asked if Luke's decisions would've changed had his mother not been mentally ill from trying to become the Oracle of Delphi. So with out further ado, here it is.

With a smiling baby in hand, Hermes watched on as his love made the choice that changed her life. May smiled and accepted the Oracle into her body, but something went wrong. It was that tragic day, when the curse of the Oracle of Delphi ravaged his mother's mind, that was described as the catalyst for Luke Castellan's...
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posted by HecateA
Hey guys!
To help myself stand the wait,I've been fan-fictioning (yes its a verb!). I just wasn't sure how everybody would react with fanfiction and seeing I don't want ot get angry-mommed out of fanpop (you guys rock!) I just waited. Here's the final chapter, if you guys want to I'll post some more.


One Small Unhappy Family

    I have to admit, going to the Underworld had been something I’d wanted to do for a while. Annabeth and all the other people that ever went and ever came back alive said it was gloomy, sad, and dangerous and not much; I wasn’t convinced....
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added by nickmylove
posted by meredog
I am so board again!!!!!!!

Wise girl has logged on
Lighting girl has logged on
Pretty lady has logged on
Fire master has logged on
Wind king has logged on
Hades girl has logged on
Death boy has logged on
Shape changer has logged on

Wise girl: I cant believe Percy isn't on

Pretty lady: where is he anyway

Death boy: I haven't seen him sense the camp fire an hour ago

Fire master: I did a good job on that fire!!!!

Wind king: I don't no where he is

Hades girl: I like coming to Camp Half-blood

Shape changer: yes its fun here

Wind king: yes it is

Lighting girl: I think I found Percy........
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posted by HecateA
I have a hard time making a character describe herself, but this is Kalli, her eyes are blue like her brothers
I have a hard time making a character describe herself, but this is Kalli, her eyes are blue like her brothers
This fanfiction is not in forum form do NOT FREAK at me! I'm only posting 2-possibly 3 parts, so I thought with all the other forums going, I shouldn't post this one in a forum.

Now to oblige to the rules of fanficism on the Heroes of Olympus spot...

Title: Silent but Deadly

Rating: C

Type: Fiction, fantasy, history, romance, possibly sad

Characters: Kalypso Reagan (spelling intentional) and Ellie Jacynthe

Synopsis: Kalli is ready to help her friend find a way to go back to her family, what she would do if she could. She's ready to go on a quest, which has been denied from her for years, ready to...
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added by Alex13126
Source: EmmyMaxie on Deviantart
posted by HecateA
Today I am going to teach you the BEST ceasar salad recipe ever, it even has bacon bits and...

Key, no.

a) I don't know any good ceasar salad recipes
b) I don't want to anger the anti-spam goddess
c) I think the subject of what the heck the roman gods are doing in here is more interesting.

They are EVERYWHERE. Why, what, who, when? I'll try to answer those questions.

Why would the Roman gods be in this series?

Well as anyone who read my egyptian-mythology article can tell you, I'm a little paranoid about mythologies clashing (Greek with Egyptian, Greek with Roman or all three at once,...
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added by HecateA
I will agry with her on everything but the Jiper, but I am not only biased, but also in the mood to give Piper a book or two to grow up into BAM before getting her romantically involved with someone.
percy jackson
heroes of olympus
lost hero
Excerpt from October 1 2011 important stuff
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: tumblr
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: tumblr
added by NicoDiAngelo4
added by arobair
Percy is high on coke again....
Wise girl has logged on
Shockedu has logged on

Shockedu: Just say it Annabeth!!!!!!

Wise girl: No

Shockesu: Come on!!!! U no its true!!

Wise girl: Fine!!!! I LOVE PERCY!!!! U HAPPY THILIA?!?!?!!?!!??

Shockedu: Love???????

Wise girl: what no!!!

Shockedu: I am looking where u said that right now!!!

Wise girl: I think u r seeing thing........ :S

Seaweed Brain has logged on

Wise girl: o gods no!!!!!!


Shockedu: wtf????!!!!!!

Wise girl: Percy what's wrong with...
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Hi thanks to the positive comments I got on my last article I have continued the story of Elle. So I suppose you were probably wondering who or what was Elle's perfect target, so I must tell you before that she had not one bout three targets. So lets begin.

"Annabeth, what about the Aphrodite cabin and Hypnos cabin if we don't seal of the northern ridge our right flank could be overcome!"

"Don't worry they're not that big of threats, but I suppose we couldn't be too careful, Annabeth replied, "Do you think you could keep watch and defend until reinforcements arrive?"


Elle knew...
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Hey guys, Amph here with some new information about our new demigods. Now that we are in the final month before the book is released information is going to be released/leaked like crazy. I'll try my hardest to get it to you in a timely fashion. So, on a different spot I get onto, someone (11evan11) had posted a link to a website for teachers to preorder The Lost Hero (link) As I scanned the page I found a box with information on R.R.'s characters. This is what I found.


Age:Unknown (he can't remember his past)

Likes:A coin that flips into a sword, speaking Latin, basketball, and flying

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added by nickmylove
added by Alex13126
Source: EmmyMaxie on DeviantArt
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: tumblr
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: tumblr