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posted by DelenaLove1
Summary: While Elena is asleep Damon decides to give his three year old daughter Delena a bath. How will Damon survive this? R&R!

Chapter 1

Damon watched as Elena slept, her hair falling beautifully around her. He softly stroked her face, completely in love with this creature who give him a reason to live, a reason to become human again. A smile crossed his face as he turned around and saw his little girl standing in the doorway, clad in footie pajamas and was holding her bear in one hand. “Hey sweetheart.” Damon said softly, vamp speeding and picking her up. She giggled as Damon tickled her chin playfully, enjoying her laughter that filled his ears. “What do you wanna do while Mommy’s asleep?”

“I wanna take bath!” Delena exclaimed, looking up at Damon with her sapphire eyes.

Damon raised his eyebrows. “You want a bath?”


Damon sighed, figuring he should give her one or else Elena will be all over him later for it. He walked to the bathroom, turning on the water and helped Delena take off her clothes. Once the water was warm he put Delena in it, watching as she started splashing and playing with her toys happily.

There wasn’t a moment in his life when he was more happier then he was at this moment. He smiled, grabbing the baby shampoo on the shelf and started lathering Delena’s hair up. He made sure to be as gentle as he could so he wouldn’t hurt her. Once he washed all the soap out of her hair and cleaned her body he stood up, watching Delena play. “You’ll be alright in here by yourself right? I have to go do some stuff but I’ll be back to get you out.”

Delena nodded, playing with her toy boat. “I be fine!”

He smirked, ruffling Delena’s wet hair. “I’ll be back.”

Delena watched as Damon walked out of the bathroom, a smirk appearing on her face as she grabbed the bubble bath soap and poured all of it, watching as bubbles quickly rose in the water. Delena giggled as she splashed the bubbles onto the floor, getting the walls and towels covered in suds.

Damon smiled as he heard the laughter of his daughter as he ascended back up the stairs. She must be enjoying herself. Damon sighed as he opened the door to the restroom, ready to get her out and put her to bed. “Alright Delena it’s time to come-” Damon froze as his sentence trailed off and he stared at the once clean bathroom that was now dripping with soap and water. Delena giggled at the sight of her daddy, standing there shell shocked. The floor was drenched and so was the towel that he laid out on the floor. “Delena,” Damon tried his best to stay calm, cool, and collected but it wasn’t working. “what the hell happened?”

“Bubbles Daddy. Look!” Laughter filled the bathroom as Delena clapped her hands which were filled with foamy white substance, watching as it exploded and splattered onto the wall.

Damon sighed, walking over to the cabinet and pulled out a clean towel, quickly grabbing Delena up and wrapping her in the towel tightly. “You have no idea how much trouble you are in.” Damon snapped, trying to keep his anger in check as he stormed out of the bathroom and headed for Delena’s room.

Delena looked up at him with big blue eyes. She always did this when she was in trouble, and it worked every time. Damon glared. “I’m not gonna punish you. Your mother is and trust me when I say that little act does not work on her.”

“But Momma’s asleep.” Delena said in a sing song voice, only making Damon more irritated.

“I’m going to wake her up and after she cleans up your mess you are not going to be happy. At all.” Damon finished putting Delena’s pajama’s on and got up, still glaring at her. “This is the last time I am giving you a bath. Now get to sleep.”

“But aren’t you gonna tuck me in? Please Daddy? I promise I be a good girl.” Delena looked at him, feeling bad for what she did.

Damon let out a huge sigh as he walked over and threw the covers back, watching as Delena crawl to him. He bent down to her, looking directly into her eyes. “Doing that was really bad Delena. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Delena looked at him, tears in her eyes. “I sorry Daddy I promise I no do it ever again.” She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Damon felt his anger slowly begin to melt away as he pulled Delena close to him, wiping her tears away. “I don’t have the power to stay mad at you. Ever.” He kissed her forehead gently, sitting on her bed with Delena wrapped tightly in his arms. “I’m not going to tell Elena. This will be our little secret alright? I’ll clean everything up and your mom won’t know a thing.”

Delena nodded, smiling up at him, her blue eyes shining up at him. “I love you Daddy.”

Damon smiled, brushing her hair back. “Love you too, you little monster.” He kissed her cheek and stood up, making sure she was fine before he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He sighed, walking into the bathroom.

This was going to be a long night.

The End
posted by quinn13
Ok, so I've been thinking a lot about the cure and the whole search, after the last episode. And seriously like, what did they expect will happen? I mean don't get me wrong, I love and adore every single character who went looking for the cure ( well ok I don't love them all, but I respect them), but what were they thinking? And were they thinking at all? It seems to me that they were so happy because of possibility they might find the cure and help Elena, Stefan and Rebekha to be human again, that they didn't make any plan at all, which is really unusual for them. I mean if you remember when...
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posted by Logan27
"Do you not understand the situation? She never wanted to be a vampire! She told me that when YOU gave her YOUR blood!" Stefan was shouting.
Elena had woken up in the morgue 3 hours ago. Everything was different. She felt different in a way she couldn't describe. The last thing she remembered was being trapped under water with Matt. She had made Stefan save him instead. There was no confusing that burning feeling in her lungs. She knew she was drowning and then everything went black. Until that cold metal slab anyway.
Stefan was sitting to her right with tears in his eyes. He looked down as...
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They accelerated their steps, but Damon was heavy to carry and the fire was catching up with them.
“Damon, please, try to walk faster” Jeremy said. His neck and shoulders hurt.
“I can’t” Damon said weak. He braked.
“Damon, what are you doing?” Elena sighed. Her shoulders hurt too.
“I can’t” Damon repeated. “You have to leave me here. I’m holding you up”
“Shut up, Damon” Elena said, having no mercy. She forced him to keep walking.
“I’m going to get you killed” Damon said.
“Well, we’ll have to die someday” Elena said, acting careless, but she couldn’t hide...
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“Katherine!” Stefan shouted. “Let me out of here!”
Katherine had locked him up in the cellar, hoping the vervain would keep him weak until Elena and Damon came back. But unfortunately vervain didn’t seem to have the same effect on Stefan as it used to. Probably due to the massive amount of blood he drank daily, openly and secretly, he recovered from the attack sooner than the average vampire. “You know, you’re really one to talk” Stefan said. “You seduced him, led him on, made him believe you loved him, screwed his brother-well, he knew that, but still-almost got him to commit...
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“I should go check on him” Stefan said. “Make sure he’ll be okay”
Elena nodded.
“You should go home, Elena” he continued. “I’ll call you as soon as I know my brother’s safe”
“No, I want to come with. I need to know he’ll be alright” Elena protested.
“Elena, I promise you I won’t let anything happen to him” Stefan said. “But like you said, you’re not yourself. You can’t take care of yourself. I can’t protect the both of you”
Elena shut her eyes. “Alright, then” she said soft.
“Ask Caroline to give you a ride home…or stay at the party” Stefan said....
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Caroline rushed into the hospital to the reception room. “Where’s Elena?”
The woman looked up. “Can I help you?” she asked calm.
“Where’ my friend? Elena Gilbert?” Caroline repeated agitated. “She’s supposed to be here. She overdosed”
The woman looked through her files. “Elena Gilbert” she mumbled in herself. “Oh” she said when she found the file she was looking for. She looked up at Caroline. “Maybe it’s best if you talk to the doctor first”
But Caroline had no interest in talking to any doctor. She leaned forward and pierced her stare into the woman’s...
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“I tried, Bonnie, but like I said it didn’t work”
Caroline and Bonnie were sitting on Caroline’s bed, a large bag of candy between them. “Well, then you didn’t try hard enough” Bonnie snapped. “Why did you have to bring Elena with you anyway?”
“I’m sorry?” Caroline said, getting up from the bed. “I wouldn’t have been there if not for Elena. She’s the one that dragged me to Ric’s loft in the first place. You’re the one that butted in without an invitation”
Bonnies face changed from angry to upset. “I’m sorry, Caroline” she said soft. She bowed her head...
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The Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan and Katherine were back home. Stefan had told Jeremy everything that had happened on Elena’s birthday and only after making sure Jeremy wouldn’t do anything stupid he had left.
“You must be hungry” Katherine said and before Stefan could comment she went off to the basement. She came back with two bags of blood and walked to the cupboard, where she pulled out two wine-glasses. She poured the blood in the glasses as if it were wine. She gave one to Stefan and lifted hers to toast. “Cheers” she said and she hooked her arm in Stefan’s. She pulled...
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It was evening and Kelsey had no idea where she was. Her father had failed to mention and she had been too upset to pay any attention to any sign boards. All she knew was that she was at a bar and that she was planning on getting drunk.
“Guess you can’t serve any booze?” she moped.
“No, technically I can’t” the bartender replied. He grabbed a bottle of bourbon. “But then again, I never play by the rules” He poured a glass and shove it to her. He waved his hand when she wanted to take her wallet. “On me” “Gee, thanks” Kelsey said. “Rough night?” the bartender asked....
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Caroline was sitting on her bed, in the sunlight. Though it was nearly noon she wasn’t dressed yet. The moment she got home she had jumped into the shower and stayed there for hours. It wasn’t until her mother threatened to cut off her phone she got out. Liz Forbes was still under the impression Caroline had spent all that time with her father, so as much as she would’ve wanted to curl up against her mother’s warm body and cry, she had to pretend everything was okay. She would explain it all on a better time. Right now she still had too much to worry about. And Tyler didn’t respond...
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Elena was tied onto a pillar in the center of the parking lot. Damon could see her from where he was standing. He could also see how werewolves and vampires were lurking from the dark. With the chance of being his heart ripped out he speeded to Elena who was still unconscious. He carefully tapped her face, to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes and when she realized it was Damon who had come to her rescue a little smile appeared on her face. “I knew you’d come” she said weak.
“Ssh” Damon said. “Don’t speak. I’ll get you safe”
“These ropes are really tight. It hurts” Elena...
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posted by 20cosmogirl
It’s come to my attention that a lot of angry shipping messages have been sent to the lovely Julie Plec recently via Twitter. I thought it might be a good idea for fans to give her a break from the drama for a day and flood her with nice things.

Date: Saturday, December 31st


1- DON’T bash ships. As ideal is it would be, the point of the day is to focus on the positive and let her know that we support her regardless of endgame…not to try to win an argument.

2- DO feel free to thank her for giving us so many wonderful scenes this season Remind her that even though shippers can be batshit crazy, a lot of us are good, positive people.

3- DO send her non ship related love as well. She is a huge part of the reason this show is so amazing.
It was five minutes to Midnight. Jeremy wandered around at Fell’s Church, glancing at his watch. He looked around to see if the nurse wasn’t there yet. He heard murmur behind him and turned around quickly.
“Don’t say I’m late” the nurse said when Jeremy opened his mouth. She looked around to see if no one could see them.
“I doubt anyone’s going to see this” Jeremy mumbled. The nurse sighed and put her hand in her pocket. She took out a cylinder box and gave it to Jeremy. Sonata it said. “It’s a new medicine. It only stays in your body for a short time, and it works if you have trouble falling asleep. It’s safe, but take only one. If something happens it’s on me” she said worried.
“No one would know you gave me the pills” Jeremy said. “I’m not going to betray you”
“Well, that’s a relief” the nurse said cynical.
“Hey, can I know your name?” Jeremy asked.
But the girl was already gone.
posted by anna_tvd
Reasons Why Spock and Damon Salvatore Could Be Brothers:

1. Besides being from two completely different shows, Spock is from a whole other world than Damon Salvatore. Spock comes from the planet Vulcan, while Damon, once human, comes from, well, Earth. Being that neither are human but spend the majority of their time with humans, this detail is a contributing factor to their personalities. Both Spock and Damon are no longer living in the world they once knew. They are both outsiders to the earth’s inhabitants. Everything they do in life, is to further themselves along, whether their intentions...
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posted by supernatural15

Bonnie's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of a glass breaking in the kitchen and someone swearing under their breath. I walked down the stairs and saw Damon trying to pick up broken glass. Every time it would prick his finger he would curse. I decided to lean on the table and watch him.

"The broom is in the closet."

"Yeah." he mumbled annoyed

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the refrigerator. Grabbing milk a bowl and cereal, I poured myself a bowl of Cheerios. I glanced over at Damon he was still struggling to pick up the glass.

"Here." I said passing him the broom from...
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posted by LexisFaith

Damon had brought her down stairs and laid her on the sofa as she slept.
"How can he be out in the day? He doesn't wear a ring." Damon's back was to Stefan and I. He was watching Alexa.
"The ear ring." I whispered.
Damon turned to me, one eyebrow raised.
"He has one ear peirced. It's the ear ring. It has to be."
"Why did she think it was a dream?" Stefan asked and Damon turned his attention back to Alexa.
"She's on sleeping pills." I sighed and sat down at the bar. "School is stressing her out, so to help her sleep Dr. Bennett put her on sleeping pills."
"Why didn't we hear her scream?" Damon's...
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Damon spun round and looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes.
“Katherine looks like you Elena. All she has to do is knock on your door and ask to come in. Although Jenna will think it’s strange, she’ll do it.” I gasped. He was right. I could imagine Jenna’s confused look as she let the apparent “me” into the house. “But,” Damon reassured, “I don’t know if Katherine knows where you live. But she’s out there right now, probably lurking outside the house. If you go home she’ll follow you and try to learn everything about you.” He stared into the fire. “She’ll...
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posted by XxX_Yazzii_XxX
So here's the thing, Elena loves Stefan, but is drawn to Damon. I find this sad, she dumps the caring Matt for doing nothing, only because she fancies Mr.Salvatore. They fall in love bla bla bla, and then Elena is introduced to Damon, Stefan's older and seductive brother, very hot i must say. But she doesn't just get rid of Stefan because they have this unique bond and plus Damon creeps Elena out. So, here's my question, should Damon have ELena, is he trying his best to get eh love-feeling back because she looks like Katherine? Should Stefan have Elena because they have this unique bond that can't be broken? Or should Stefan and Damon never exist and Matt and ELena live happily ever after as mortals? Although that would mean no Stefan and Damon rivalry which would not be good! Help me out here!
posted by DefineDelicate
Saturday, July 25

TBD: Heroes, Sanctuary and Warehouse 13
10-11 a.m.: Chuck
10:15-11:15 a.m.: Eastwick
11 a.m.-12 p.m.: Lost
11:15 a.m.-12 p.m.: Family Guy
12-12:45 p.m.: The Cleveland Show
1-1:45 p.m.: Futurama
1:30-3 p.m.: Glee (including new episode screening)
1:45-2:30 p.m.: The Simpsons
2:45-3:45 p.m.: V (including full pilot screening)
4-5 p.m.: Fringe
4:45-5:45 p.m.: Human Target
6-7 p.m.: Vampire Diaries
7:15-8 p.m.: MythBusters

According to E!online and
added by Melklauslover