The Vampire Diaries Club
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    Both launching forward for the entrance of the tomb, Elena and Stefan were really moving. Damon was standing beyond the threshold with his breath caught in his throat. His brother could very well kill the love of his life.
    And then, Stefan caught her.
    Elena’s eyes locked with his and terror was starting to over take her more than before. There was no telling what he would do to her. After all, she hadn’t earned anything other than this from him. She had not given him a reason to show her mercy but in his eyes that’s what she began to see.
    His hand had a grip on her arm but his green eyes were full of something other than the distain he held before. His eyes held love and the look she remembered from the first time they ran into one another in the cemetery, before she knew what he was. Words that she expected to come out of his mouth like they always did when he use to look at her like this seemed about to come.
    Instead, he let go of her arm and wordlessly eased her out the door with the same soft expression. The depth in his eyes was what she always use to get lost in when she was first falling for him.
    “No!” Katherine screamed. But she was too late. Elena was outside and safely wrapped in Damon’s embrace. “Why?” She aimed at Stefan.
    Stefan just looked at her, without a sound.
    “This whole time-” Katherine trailed off with the soundless acknowledgement of his betrayal, shaking her head. “But-but I need only wait two days.” She turned to Damon. “And then your precious little Elena will pay.”
    Damon’s eyes only held a glint in them telling her that she was wrong. “You’re never getting out Katherine. You’ll never see the light of day again.” Stefan was looking down seemingly trying to accept what was happening to him.
    “As for you, little brother, we’ll reevaluate in 50 years.” Damon used the same phrase Stefan had when locking him in the cellar with Vervain. He saw that Stefan wasn’t completely gone. This mistake could be redeemed just as Damon’s had.
    With that, Bonnie waved her hand and the door shut on a somber Stefan and the screams Katherine was letting out. Mostly pleads as the others walked away from the tomb. One of the last Elena could hear was “We could all be together, Damon! As a family! You, Elena, me and Stefan! No one has to get hurt. We could all be a family! Damon! Damon!!!”
    If Elena could hear it, she knew that Damon could too but he kept his head up and his eyes straight forward, his arm around her keeping her warm as they all walked from the woods.
    Alaric was comforting a shaky Jenna, Jeremy was walking in silence thinking to himself while Bonnie and Caroline were talking about what tomorrow would be like. Tomorrow, a day with no evil. Tomorrow, the sun would rise and there would be no fear in Elena’s heart. Nothing in the shadows was coming after her and those that she loved. That reminded her.
    “Damon”, She said looking up to his piercing blue eyes, “I love you”.
    Those with them had heard it and stopped talking to listen.
    Damon simply looked down and said “I know, Elena. And for the rest of time, I’ll love you.”

    Later that night....
    Elena was walking into the Salvator manor with Damon shortly behind her. A swift blow of air blew past her and suddenly there was a roaring fire in the fire place and a shirtless vampire leaning against the mantle. Come-hither look daring her to come closer, she wasn’t afraid but entranced. He had her, completely. Body and soul and it was time that he know that. Forever.
    Elena talked up to him and without breaking eye contact, she undid his pants and began stroking him. When he tried to move his hands to her she shook her head as if to say he would have to wait. Her hand moved up and down along his length and his eyes began to flutter shut.
    “No”, Elena said “Open them.”
    Damon slowly refocused his eyes and the intensity grew as the pace of her hand did. Her warm breath on his skin, she was killing him but the torture was of a kind that he would willingly go through any time she wanted. For her, he would do anything.
    The pleasure was heating his cold blood but Damon didn’t want to go there without her. That’s when his expression mutated to a fierceness and he lifted Elena off her feet, ripping her jeans off and slamming her to the wall much like he did that first day she walked into his room. Only this time it was different. This time, he slid inside her and he wouldn’t be stopped. In seconds she was screaming. He was being rough but Elena wanted it that way.
    That was another thing she found irresistible about him. He knew what she wanted and how without her saying a word. And just as both of them were exploding she said “Now!” and he knew just what she meant. Without any hesitation he bit his own wrist and began feeding her. She sucked his blood like she was already had her fangs and while she was still orgasming he snapped her neck.
    They would be together and all Damon had to do was wait till she woke up and let her feed.
*I'll love you forever* Damon thought as he gently laid Elena on the couch. *I'll shout it to the world, nothing or no one can keep my mouth shut. You're my always and my eternity*.

Jeremy turned his computer off when his phone rang.
“Hi, Elena. Did you get the results? It’s not something bad, is it?”
“Jeremy, I need your help” Elena said quickly. “I’m not in the hospital anymore”
“What? Why not? Where are you?” Jeremy asked confused.
“I don’t have time to answer that” Elena said nervous. “You have to do something for me”
“Okay, what?” Jeremy asked.
“I need you to go to the cops and ask them what they’ve done with Damon” Elena said.
“What? Elena, I don’t get it” Jeremy said.
“He’s had an accident” Elena explained quickly....
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These doors need to be oiled, Keith thought as he opened the door of Bonnies room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
Bonnie turned on her back in her bed and opened her eyes a bit. When she saw Keith her eyes widened and she sat straight.
“What the hell are you doing here? Go away! I’m going to call security! Get out!” she hissed.
“Ssshh” Keith said. “I’m just here to watch you sleep. Isn’t that romantic?”
“No!” Bonnie whispered loud. “Not if you’re the one watching”
“So, you’re not going to sleep, because I am here?” Keith asked. “Well, in that case, we might...
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Stefan looked around him. Rebekah had brought him to a party for which they weren’t invited. But she had used her charms to have the owner of the house to invite them in. “What are we doing here?”
“Doing groceries” Rebekah replied. She let her eyes glide over the guests as if she was comparing products.
“I have blood bags” Stefan said. Rebekah gave him a disgusted look. “I’m not eating deep fried food. I prefer it to be fresh. Sure you agree”
“Blood is blood” Stefan said.
“There” Rebekah pointed at the corner left from Stefan. “He looks yummy”
“Rebekah” Stefan...
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Rebekah and Stefan were walking hand in hand in the shopping street when Rebekah squeezed Stefan’s hand and nodded in front of her.
“Isn’t that your friend?” she asked. She nodded at Elena who was walking their way, though she didn’t seem to notice them. They accelerated their steps until they reached her.
“Hi, Elena” Stefan said.
Elena startled and put out her earphones. “Stefan, geez, you’re going to get me a heart attack someday”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” Stefan apologized with raised hands. “Rebekah saw you walking”
Elena looked at the girl who smiled at...
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Elena, Caroline and some other people were standing by their lockers, getting ready to go home.
“How come Bonnie didn’t show?” Elena asked, acting careless. Caroline focused on her books she was putting in her locker and avoided Elena’s stare. “I think she’s not ready for it yet” she said uneasy.
“She’s not ready for it yet? Okay, that’s…completely understandable, given the things she’s been through” Elena replied sarcastic.
Caroline averted her head and looked at her best friend with a sad expression. “She’s not ready to face you guys. She’s not ready to see...
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“You sure no one’s going to bust us here?” Derek asked a little concerned. They were standing in the gym.
“Positive” Damon said, with his eyes on a paper. “According to this paper there are no gym classes for the next couple of hours, so I think we’re good”
Derek nodded. “Okay” he said, still not sounding very reassured.
“Look, I don’t want to do this, so shut up and stop whining” Damon said short. Derek looked at him a little upset. “Sorry. I’m a little peevish. I wasn’t expecting to see you ever again and it definitely wasn’t on my Christmas list”
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Tyler stared at Ronnie over his glass. She had been telling all about herself. It was quite a lot. Her parents both lived in Charlottesville. She had a brother named Jack, but he was out of the picture. She was interested in supernatural stuff and had heard Mystic Falls was full of it. And now she stared at Tyler with an expecting look.
“I want to know more about this town ”
Tyler frowned. “There’s really nothing to tell” he said avoiding.
“Yeah, right” Ronnie said in disbelief. She searched her handbag and took out a newspaper and held it in front of Tyler.
“Police finds bodies...
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A twenty-three year old woman entered the Grill. She was wearing a sleeveless mid-dark blue blouse of which she left the three upper and lower buttons open so her belly button was seen, a black leather mini skirt and high heels. Her dark red hair was tied up loosely and she wore heavy makeup. She headed to the bar, very well aware of all the eyes on her back.
“I hear you’re looking for a new bartender” she said to the man behind the bar. He nodded. “You’re signing up?”
“I need a job” the woman said. “And I like to socialize. I like to talk. I’m a good listener”
“Do you...
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The door of the Boarding House opened and Elena entered. She looked around, but didn’t see anyone.
“I’m hooooome” she called.
“I’m heeeeeere” Damon called back. Elena threw her schoolbag on the ground and ran to the bathroom. She opened the door and saw Damon lying in the tub. She bent on her knees, lay her hands on his cheeks and kissed him passionately. Damon went with his fingers through her hair and pulled her closer.
“I missed you” Elena sighed between two kisses.
“I missed you too” Damon said soft. Elena slowly pulled away. “Can you tell me why you’re in bath right...
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I don’t even need to tell you how many times he saved Elena.
He was willing to be killed by Klaus just so Elena could talk to Stefan
He’s always the one who saves the day yet he lets someone else get all the credit.
He was willing to take away Elena’s memories while he was gone even if it meant she’d still be mad at him.
He was the one who offered to take away Jeremy’s memories about Vicki.
He returns Elena’s necklace every time she loses it.
Took a shot from Vanessa to save Elena.
Followed Elena into a mountain and helped her look for Stefan even though it was extremely dangerous.
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Some opinions Stelena’s shippers think about Damon and Elena relationship that doesn’t make any sense!!

Elena will always love Stefan, no matter what she feels for Damon
It is not because she will never unfell for him that she doesn’t love Damon, her love for Damon “consumes her”. Stefan is the safe choice, which is why she would rather choose him and not Damon who “sabotage things”. Damon and Elena only have four kisses, and she kisses him in 3x19, I mean you can hate the ship but don’t deny it, If Elena doesn’t love Damon as much as she loves Stefan or even more than I really...
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A couple of hours later
Elena was lying in Damon’s arms, when the door opened and Stefan and Katherine appeared in the doorway.
“Damon? Can I talk to you” Katherine asked careful. Damon nodded, but prevented Elena from leaving. “In private?”
“It’s okay, Damon” Elena sighed and she freed herself from his hold. “I’ll be back” she said with a faint smile. She walked away from the bed and followed Stefan outside.
“Elena, I’m sorry” Stefan said.
“Not now, Stefan” Elena said.
“Yes, now” Stefan said. “I know you hate me and you have every right to. You should hate...
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Elena and Bonnie were sitting outside the Grill, both having a lemonade, when both their phones rang.
“Bonnie” Bonnie said.
“Hello, Elena speaking” Elena said, trying not to give away anything and hoping Bonnie would be too caught up in her own conversation.
“It’s time” Damon said. “Meet me at the Boarding House. I’ll be in the car” He ended the conversation.
And so did Bonnie. “Elena, I’m so sorry, but I have to go” she apologized.
“Oh?” Elena said sheepish.
“Yeah, I’m having a date tonight” Bonnie blushed.
“Really? That’s great! Who’s the lucky one?” Elena fired her curiosity.
“Ehm, I rather not say. At least not until it’s official” Bonnie said.
“Of course, I get it” Elena said. Bonnie put some money on the table. “See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tell me all that happened” Elena waved as Bonnie walked away. The moment she was gone Elena jumped up and ran away as if she was being chased.
The Gilbert House
Stefan kicked the door open and walked in.
“You can’t do this” Katherine said behind him.
“Since when do you have a conscious?” Stefan scoffed. “Look, I’m just going to grab Elena and then I’m out”
“Why? Why can’t you let her be for a second?” Katherine said frustrated.
“Because she needs me now” Stefan said. “She’s going through an emotional time right now”
“She’s PMS’d” Katherine disdained. “She needs a pillow, a pot of ice cream and a good chick flick”
Stefan turned around. “I can’t lose her, Katherine” he said with a sad face....
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Proving that you can't keep a good bad girl down, Smallville alum Cassidy Freeman returns to The CW to bedevil another crazy-hot cast. "I guess they're trying to tell me something," says the former Tess Mercer with a laugh. "When I was cast on Smallville, I was like, 'Really? Evil angry girl?' Because I can't stop laughing in real life."

In the March 15 Vampire Diaries episode — a flashback to 1912 — Freeman plays Sage, a bloodsucker with ties to the Originals, as well as Ian Somerhalder's Damon. "She [is] really aware of what being a vampire is and owns it," says Freeman, who says it "has been a dream to play a vampire" and that she was "jumping for joy" when she got the part. Sage will also resurface in modern-day Mystic Falls with a murky agenda. "She comes back for good reasons, but she is [out] for herself."

Music was playing on highest volume and Mystic Grill was crowded. Kelsey headed to the bar and asked for a beer.
“Sorry, Kelsey, you know I can’t do that” the bartender said. “You’re not 21 yet”
Kelsey groaned. “Oh, come on, Jake. I’m 20 and I look like 21. Can’t you make an exception for your favorite customer?”
“No, sorry” Jake said stubborn. He continued doing dishes.
“Look, I’ve been a good girl, I got good grades and now I just want to have fun. It’s vacation, you know” Kelsey insisted. “I got money” she said waving with some papers. Jake accepted one of...
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We skip to S2, Stefan is fully aware that Damon is in love with Elena, so he saw it as an opportunity, Damon can be in Elena’s life and be her friend and save and protect her life as long as he doesn’t act on his feelings, and as long as Damon keeps his destines from Elena while saving/protecting her life then it was fine with him (we see this in 2x08 in the car scene Damon tells Stefan that he can get out as easily as he went in and Stefan respond “no you can’t that’s the BEAUITY of it”) he used and still uses Damon’s love for Elena instead of trying to make easier for him (selfish...
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“I think we should go” Damon said, looking at the clock. It was eleven p.m. “Okay, I’ll just go refresh myself and then we can leave” Elena said. She got up and walked to a red door next to the desk. To get there she had to pass the table were tattoo-guy and companions were still sitting. She felt her heart beating faster and she got sweaty palms. But they didn’t look up and she reached the bathroom without a problem. When she closed the door behind her she dared to breathe again. There were two doors opposite of each other. One said men, the other women. She opened the women’s...
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There was a line up until Tokyo, but Damon and Elena waited patiently for their turn. They were in a hamburger place. While they slowly moved forward Damon examined the menu’s on the wall. They had numbers to pick from. “You know what you’re going to pick?” he asked Elena. “Hmm, am I supposed to pick something veggie and healthy?” Elena asked. “Elena” Damon said. “It’s a hamburger place. Not even the air in here is healthy. Pick whatever you want”
“Yay!” Elena said. “Then I’m going for number 7 and a coke”
“Diet or regular?” Damon asked.
“Regular, duh”...
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“So, you and your wife are having dinner when the bell rings and your daughter stands on the doorstep. You let her in and for a moment there’s a whole bonding feeling. Then you confront her with the accusations against her and she loses her mind. She threatens you and runs to her room. You call the police, let them in and then hide in the basement with your wife. You must’ve heard it when Amber hit the ground. A fall that high is hard not to hear. Didn’t it occur to you that she might have been dead? Or did you just not care?”
Gabe Lindy was sitting in the police office being interrogated...
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