Total Drama Island Club
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(Hola me amigos! I was gonna hav this posted last night but.... Let's just say my family BBQ's last a LONG time xP we arrived at 11:25 am and left at 11:57 pm. Well anyways, ENJOY!!!!)

Rayla: So what? Y'all just decided not to vote?! Well thanks guys. Now all the producers and Other Shiz are mad and yelling at ME! And the worst part is, IVE BEEN SO BORED CAUSE I BEAT ALL MY VIDEO GAMES!!!! 

Cody: What is shiz?

Rayla: SHUT UP GAY-TARD!!!! Now i have to seem like a really evil host and kick one of y'all of myself!


Rayla: uh.. ya! 

Bridgette: But-

Rayla: Leave.

Bridgette: What?

Rayla: Must I repeat?

Bridgette: B-But why?


Bridgette: D: *gets on dolphin of losers and rides away*

Robin: Wow.... That was really harsh...

Rayla: I know Dx I feel even worse now! But I will soon be happy tomorrow and amused! With movies!! :D

TSK: ???

Rayla: THE EPIC DUCK IS COMING!!!!! *runs off*

TSK: 0.o

Chef: *pops out of nowhere* Heehee I told y'all.

TSK: 0.o

Chef: Uhhhhhh..... I ALSO SEE THE EPIC DUCK THAT IS COMING!!! *runs off* 


Rayla: *has chainsaw* >:D *chainsaws a rope* 

As soon as the rope snaps, it causes a pie bomb to fall. The force of the tiny explosion causes a toy car to start rolling forward. The car then hits a domino that soon hits another one, then another one, and so on. When the very last domino falls, it lands on a button. As soon as the button is hit, a very loud siren to go off. The siren wakes everyone up and they all come outside.

Chef: what exactly was that for.

Rayla: *shrugs* I don't know. :P

Chef: -.- Seriously?

Rayla: I was bored and wanted to use my chainsaw okay!

Chef: Sure.... *smirks* and I thought I didn't have a life.

Rayla: Man chef. That's not right bro. 

Chef: I'm sorry.

Rayla: Awwwwz no prob chef!

Chef: No prob.

Heather: Um if this idiotic moment is over, I'd like to get todays challenge over.

Rayla: Grrrs fine!

Crystal: WAIT!!!! YOU HAVE TO RECAP!!!!

Destery: *LE GASP-O* THATS MY JOB!!!!

Crystal: Well I'm steeling it >:D

Star: wouldn't be the first thing you stole evilly.

Crystal: What are you talking about?

Rayla: Probably when y'all STOLE MY EPICAL PIE!!! 

Cody: -.- You still haven't let that go?


Cody: 3:

Crystal: RECAP

Rayla: Fine! At least Destrey was less bossy! Last time on Total Drama Blank! 
My nerd love for video games turned out a challenge! There were battles, Key of Awesome, and some other stuff I forgot about. Stuff will happen and stuff. NOW WATCH THE SHOW OR I WILL DIE I SCARY DEATH THAT CONTAINS MY EYEBALLS BEING STABBED OUT WITH SPORKS AND NO PIE!!!!! DX

All: 0.o

Rayla: Ya I'm like REALLY bored :P 

Destrey: 3:  I wuved that job

Heather: So whats are lame challenge that you failed to menchan?  (Lol don't no how to spell dat)

Rayla: Fail to menchan I did not. Fail to listen is what you did.

Star: uh why are you talking like yogurt?

Harold: It's pernouced Yoda! GOSH!

Noah: Oh great another Star Wars challenge. *Eye roll*

Rayla: Ja-Nope :P as Awesome as that sound that is not your challenge. Infact I have no idea why I talked like that. But today's challenge is to make me not bored.

Eva: Great -.-

Rayla: So first on the make me not bored list is, to sing 'Four Chords' by The Axis of Awesome!

Harold: But that has like nothing at all to do with the challenge GOSH!

Rayla: Yep but I love that song ^.^

Geoff: B-But my Bridgy-bear isn't hear. So I'll sing bad cause I can't sing right without hearing her angel voice! D': 

Mirra: C'mon Geoff! It won't be all bad!


Robin: *plugging her ears* Get him to stop!!!


Everybody: *covers geoff's mouth*

Rayla: ok now sing :D

(GO LISTEN TO THIS SONG NOW!!!! Leave this article and go listen to it than come back! I love it cuz it awesome :D if u don't like my taste in music than u dont have to, but I seriously think you should!!)

Owen: My life is brilliant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of this I'm sure.
Mirra: Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will by right here waiting for you.
Star: No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling.
Zeke: This is the way you left me. Eh?
I'm not pretending. Yo!
No love no hope no glory,
No happy ending.
Dj: Thanks, you were fuel for thought.
Now I'm more lonely than before, but that's OK.
Crystal: People killed and people dying,
Children hurt and women crying.
If you practice what you preach,
You can turn the other cheek.
Jade: 'Cause you are amazing.
Oh we did amazing things.
Samanthat: If I could, then I would.
I'll go wherever you will go.
Lucas: Don't let the days go by...glycerine.  
Cody: So tell me why should I let you go. 'Cause we are gonna be, forever you and me.
Erica: And where I go I just don't know.
I gotta gotta gotta take it slow.
Courtney: Say you're gonna stay, now I need to know it.
Harold: And I wanna TV embrace.
Destrey: And she will be loved.
Yeah she will be loved.
Geoff *off key still*: Oh I can't live, with or without you. Whenever I fall, at your feet. You let your tears...
Robin: Am I not pretty enough?
Is my heart too broken?

Duncan: When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me.
Alejandro: Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner.
Noah: I'm starting with the man in the mirror.
Dj: Can you feel the love tonight?
Billy: I come from a land down under.
Harold: Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong.
Geoff: Do I cry to much? Am I to outspoken?
Ava: Take on me! (all: Take on me.)
Eva: Take me on! (all: Take on me.)
Courtney: I'll be gone
In a day or twoooooooooooooooo.......

Zanna: Save tonight, and find the break of dawn.
LeShawana: Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone.
Courtney: Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
I know she's playing with me.
Dj: Well that's okay 'cause I got no self-esteem. (all: Oh way ohh yeah)
Girls: It's alright. (all: Yeah)
Boys: To tell me.
Girls: What you think. (all: Ohh)
Boys: About me. (all: Yeahh)
Girls: I won't try. (all: Yeah)
Boys: To argue. (all: Yeah)
Girls: Or hold it. (all: Ohh)
Boys: Against you. (all: Yeah, yeah)
Courtney: It's too late too apologize.
It's too late.
Crystal: Take your canvas bags.
Take your canvas bags.
Take your canvas bags to the supermarket.
Take your canvas bags.
Girls: Nothing's right I'm torn.
I'm all out of faith.
This is how I feel.
I'm cold and I am shamed.
Lying naked on the floor.
Illusion never changed into something real.
I'm quite awake and I can see
Boys: I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane.
I'm a birdplane.
I'm a birdplane. A mother fuckin' birdplane.

All: Doesn't that sound familiar?
Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver,
The way that things have gone? 
And doesn't that seem peculiar,
'Cause everyone wants a little more? 
It's something I do remember
to never go this far.
That's all it takes to be a star.

Rayla *in high pitch* Amazing :D

Samanthat: Soooo... Challenge?

Rayla: Oh ya..... Basically all y'all have to do is Come up with something that will entertain me. Which isn't really hard. So ya.... Do that.


Mirra: Well this is easy :) all we need to do is have it involve hurting Cody, geek stuff, rock music, and pie.

Crystal: But how do we get Cody to help?

Everyone turns there head to Gwen.

Gwen: 0.o Aww Firetruck.


Destrey: We make a YouTube account called DesandZeke, Be freaking Hilarious, Win the challenge.

Ezekiel: but how do you know we're gonna win Eh?

Destrey: Because everyone likes YouTube. 

Cody: Plus, Sierra told me Rayla is a YouTube freak.

Random guy who looks just like Harold but has a moustache: *gives Cody a note* GOSH! I-I mean *in a deeper voice* It's from that goth girl. *walks away*

Cody: *reads note and sighs dreamily* Coming Gwen <3 *runs off*

Destry: 0.o Did that guy have a moustache?

Everyone: *nods yes* 

Destrey: 0.e..........RUN!!!! PEOPLE WITH MUSTACHES WILL KILL US ALL!!!! :'0

Ava: *punches Destrey* 

Destrey: Sorry. But what do we do now since we just lost are only nerd who could make this high quality and stuff.

Robin: I think I might have an idea, but we are gonna need some pie!


Cody: Gwen I'm here! <3

Gwen: uh...hi Cody.

Cody: So you really broke up with Duncan? <3

Gwen: no....

Cody: D: b-but the why- <\3

Gwen: Cody I'm not gonna lie to you and get hated again. My team wrote that note so you can help us with the challenge.

Cody: ILL STILL DO IT...for you ^3^

Gwen: Ummm ok then...... We should go then.

Cody: :D of course Gwen!


Zeke: So how exactly dose this thingamajig (i didnt no that was a real word) work? Eh?

Robin: it's just a piece of pie Zeke.....

Zeke: And that's what the female eye sees.

Robin: =.= Anyways, all we have to do is lay pie pieces down, then Rayla will follow them to where she will find a big pie, then finally we don't give her the pie until she douse all the geek stuff-amajig.


Chef: I hate waiting for challenges.

Rayla: Chef I'm so bored that I actually wanna hear on of your army stories.

Chef: Really? 

Rayla: *shrugs* Sure why-

Chef: It was 1898, We were at war with some dudes that our writer fails to make up at the time *continues to talk*

Rayla: *smells something* Is that...*turns head to the right slowly*

Chef: Rayla? Are you Even listening to me?

Rayla: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR THERE IS PIE IN THE PRESENTS!! *runs to get pie* Yay a piece of pie! *sees another one* Yay a piece of pie!!!

10 MIN. L8R

Rayla: *sees another piece* Yay a piece of.......:0 *drops all of the pieces of pie* HOLY FIRETRUCK! A WHOLE ENTIRE PIE! *runs to it*

Robin: *picks up pie before Rayla can get it*

Samanthat: I can't believe that actually worked.

Rayla: Robin! Why you go take my pie?

Robin: Because your gonna help us.


Star: So I was thinking-

Heather; well erase what your thinking because we are using MY idea.

Crystal: But I wanna hear Star's.

Heather: To bad. Its probably gonna suck anyway.

Star: Friends?

Heather: Of course we are gonna use my idea! I mean, why wouldn't we? I'm the team captain?

Crystal: Friend or not! Nobody should be treated that way! There has to be someway to end this............. HOLY SMURFS IN 3D I GOT IT!


Chef: So then, I told him "You can make it whatever your name is! You can live threw this war. *teardrop* I-I'm sorry Ray! *burst into tears*

Crystal: Ummm Chef?


Crystal: 0.o okay....... So can you help me?

Chef: No way! No more alliances!

Crystal: I didn't want that. Can you *whisper whisper whisper*

Chef: Heehee >:D


Rayla: And that be it. NKW GIVE ME MY PIE WOMAN! 

Robin: *shrugs And gives Rayla the pie*

Rayla: also, YALL HAVE 30 MINITS LEFT!!!


Rayla: So I declare that Skittles shall go first.

A big screen is shown. (K I'm getting to lazy to wright the whole thing so watch this--->  link WARNING! Explicit language!) 

Rayla: *laughing butt off*  OH MY SMOSH THAT WAS AMAZING!! 

TSK: *cheers*

Rayla: Okay now for the Skittles!

Heather: Well here's MY awesome spectacular idea!

Cody come out holding a pie. He then shoves it in his face.

Cody: TADA!


TS: *death glares Heather*

Heather: Uh.....Huh

Crystal: *runs over* WAIT!! I have something everyone needs to see!

Chef: I helped :D

Crystal: Everyone face the screen to see HEATHER'S bonus confessional! 

Everyone: *faces screen*

Heather: Psh like I need Star. She's just apart of my master plan to win. I mean she's already making me mad. Once I get Noah and Crystal off, she's gone. *laughs* and I thought she was smarter than Lindsey! >xD

All: :0

Duncan: That's cold man...

Harold: GOSH! that wa like so not an honourable thing.

Eva: That was messed up. Makes me want to mess up her face! *punches camera* 

Mirra: Who broke the camera? Well who cares! That was just so wrong!

Heather: Psh so what. Just judge the show Rayla.

Rayla: Well Skittles won...

Star:.....*Runs off*

Crystal and Noah: *fallow*



Crystal & Noah: Star?

Star: ......I'm sorry......

C&N: *goes and sits by Star*

Crystal: It's not your fault it's Heather's 

Star: Stupid Malvada Bruja.

Noah: Well she'll be gone tonight.

Star: *hugs both* Thanks guys!

Rayla: *pops out of nowhere* YAY FLUFFY ENDING :D now go vote someone off of Team Starburst. Now to Chef with the questions!


(YAY UPDATE :D sooo I won't b able to update for the next 5days cuz I'm going on vacation. Sooo I'll c ya in 5 days :D please leave who your voting out and also some comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Please and thank you! Abby/Starburst-Rock) 
added by milorox18
added by milorox18
Source: by: toongenious
added by TDI-Izzy
added by HazlAngl2
Chapter 1: Stalker much?
Gwen POV
Finally! Summer's here, no more math, no more science, history, or english, and no more homework! I got up brushed my teeth and went to go and make myself some breakfast by pouring me some cereal. My annoying little brother Alex walked in.
Alex: Can you make me some I'm still halfway asleep?
Gwen: No squirt, make it yourself you ask me the same thing every morning. I'm not your maid!
Alex: A... yes you are.
Gwen: No I'm not, let me enjoy my summer, make it your self you little brat!
Alex: No!!! Oh my god fine, I hope you get hit by a car, you butt!
Well as...
continue reading...
posted by Jamie105
More people are walking by now; their clothes have spots of paint on them.

“Do you know where Chef went?” I asked the tall tanned guy who I’m guessing is Mike.

“He’s down by the dock. You, eh, haven’t seen Zoey, have you?”

Zoey? OH, the girl with the flower in her hair. I haven’t seen her since we were all on the dock together. I shake my head.

“We’ll tell her you were looking for her if we see her,” Cody tells him and Mike nods.

“Thanks,” He smiles, and walks towards the cabins.

Cody and I walk for a few more minutes, until I hear a fire of a paintball gun. I turn around...
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Chef: In this brand new and totally dramatic season, I, Chef, would be our show host
Chris: Hey! How could you?
Chef: No worries. You are now the co-host.
Chris: What?!
Chef: Yep. I’m giving my cooking stuff to you. You’re now the Chef Chris. Call me Hatchet. Yes, Hatchet everyone.
This season, 20 contestants will be battling together in this (haunted) island. Welcome to a brand new season of... TOTAL…DRAMA….ANIME!
*Theme Song*

*Out comes everyone from the tram*
Chef: Here is…umm that’s your turn to come out Jenny. *Jenny is surprised and walks out of tram* Here is Jenny *waves* Mia *blows...
continue reading...
posted by nocofangirl218
So, here’s episode 2! So, I’m really sorry for leaving out some of your OC’s last episode. I was just so focused on stuff like DxG and TxC to notice your OC was missing. For that, I’m really sorry! Anyway, here’s the next episode!

*It is 6:00 A.M and everyone is sleeping peacefully until…*

Crystal: *clicks on the megaphone in her hand* Alright contestants, it’s 6:00A.M, and I’m officially bored! So, get your butts out here, and will talk about today’s challenge!

*after everyone changes, they all come...
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posted by nocofangirl218
That’s right fanpopers, I’m starting a TD camp! Truthfully, I got bored one day, so I decided to test my writing ability, and jump on the TD camp ban-wagon. I just want to give fair warning: this is my first camp, and I have no idea what I’m doing. So, if I royally kill this, I’m really sorry. Also, since I have no idea how else to write it, the story will be in script format. I hope you all enjoy! One last thing, I’m only brining specific people from the old series back. Anyway, here’s my TD camp!
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Billy sat on the chair waiting for the person to interview him to show up.

"THE HOST WITH THE MOST IS HERE!!" Chris yelled into a bullhorn.

"Why me?" Billy sighed as Chris came in and sat I a specially made seat made just for him. Chris then turned his head to to the camera. "Last time on TD cast answer your questions, we interviewed Gwen! This week we will be interviewing the intern you all named Bobby!"

"Um it's, Billy." Billy corrected the host.

"Ya that's what I said." Chris said giving Billy a death stare. "Now let's get this started!" 

Billy smired, "Ok but first I need you to sign this."...
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25 minutes later...
Geoff:We got arrived.
Duncan:Ok.I'll bring Courtney in my arms.

In the hospital...
Doctor:What happened?
Duncan:My girlfriend fained.
Doctor:Ok.She will be ok.

At the girls' room...
Bridgette:I miss Courtney!
Izzy:*plays a game on the phone*Die!Die!Why do you don't die?
Gwen:*raises her eyebrow*O...k?
Izzy:Noooo!I have 1 live!
Heather:Crazy.As always.
Lindsay:What the game do you play?
Izzy:Is called Die, zombie, die!
Izzy:Don't worry!It's just blood!
Lindsay:*her cheeks inflate*
All the girls:That's disgusting!

At the hospital...
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*at Trent and Courtneys wedding*

Trent: theres something I have to tell you

Courtney: what is it?

Trent: *takes out guitar and starts playing*

Courtney: *stands there listening*

Trent: I'm dating tyler!

Courtney: your dating tyler?? well Im dating Bridgette!

*Camera goes to Bridgette*

Bridgette: yeah shes dating bridgette backstage, at my concert, at locker at school and beyond!

Bridgette: Im also dating DJ!

*Camera goes to DJ*

DJ: Yeah boy she dating DJ too!

DJ: you know what time it is cause Im dating Beth too!

*Camera goes to Beth*

Beth: Yeah I know but its true DJ dates me to

Justin: and I swapped with...
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Chris: last time on Total Drama around the world: Rome! The birth place of tag. Here we played a friendly game of tag! Owen started it cause i likeing picking on the nice guy! the tag person went on and on to diffent people! Jordan found out that annie had a secret Boy friend! Jordan got mad and they broke up! when Jordan got it he taged annie at the last secound. so team Mexico lost cause of Jordan! But it wasn't Jordan who left, scean we are iver in episodes, i had a dubble elmnation and it was Noah and Adrianne who got sent home! Leaving only Rochelle and Lulu for the Cody war! and team...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back everyone!! Time to wake up the characters again lets go!.....WAKE UP!!!!

Jessica:OK i am so getting tired of this!!
*End of Confessionals*

Claire:Ok now that your all here i have a surprise! You better listen up Max so you al lknow Penny went hom last night its tradgic but there is a surprise someone coming into this game!

Max:I am tired of surprises!!!

Jake:I MISS PENNY!!! *crying* I will win for you babe!
*End of Confessionals*

Claire:Please welcome CHEY!!!!

Chey:Hey everyone!
Ya'vanti:Hey whats up?
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i was on and i saw an elimination table or something like that and it said......

DJ is eliminated next in Jamaica Me Sweat

and then........

Noah is eliminated next in I See London...

heres the link to where i found those^^^^

and i found what team duncan joins some poeple think he will be in team victory but he cant cause that whole team will be eliminated and he cant be in team chris is really really really really hot because in the comercial when he was getting divorced/married to courtney and it was challenge so it means he joined that team.

and as we all know ezekial is coming back too.since team victory is eliminated he joined team chris is really really hot considering theyre was a picture of him with team chris is really really really really hot and noah was wearing his hat blainley was in the photo too.

well thats all the spoilers i got so far see ya!!
Hey everyone it's the new Total Drama, Total Drama Bermuda Triangle! Again for 9 weeks I'll be torturing 22 teenagers in as many ways as possible!! And the only place you can experience that, is on TOTAL DRAMA BERMUDA TRIANGLE!!-Chris

*Theme Song*

OMG!!! HI CHRIS!!-Uknown...
Umm...? Hello..?-Chris
*Gets off her boat*It's Mayla! One of your cast members!!-Mayla
Yo, Chris. It's Phil.-Phil
*whispering* oh look, duncan's twin..-Chris
So, we're staying here for the rest of the summer?*nods her head towards the sleeping huts*-Mayla
Yeah, pretty much.-Chris
*steps off her boat* Hey! I'm...
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posted by 123Jordan
rochelle: This is the total drama awards! We are going to have sepasle gusse today. they are Birdgette, eva, Noah, The whole team of Killer Bass, Trent, chris maclain, and more! The first award is for the best Team on season 1 and 2! The nomanes are, Screaming Gaffers, Killer Grips, Killer Bass, and Screaming Gophers. and the winner is...................... Killer bass with 8 votes!!!!!
Duncan: We are so happy we won this award!
Courtney: I think I won it for us.
Duncan: Yeah how do u know that you won it for us???
Courtney: cause i'm the onlt one on the team with brains.
Bridgette: are you saying...
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posted by toofu
the first one to come to the island is Mason. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't believe i'm here!he screams. welcome Mason! Chris says. next comes Vinnie. awesome! welc Vern. Chris says and where are all these girls at anyway? Just then Kara gets off the bus and Chris starts staring at her, lovingly. oh crapp! vinnie says. Chris does not know who he likes. then all kind of rock and rule music plays and Devan R gets off the bus. 's up man. he says. I think there's a bird. Mason says. Devan stanps on his foot. Crapp, that hurts dude! Abby gets off next. Here comes Twinkykid. Mason whispers. hi...
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Disturbing Images and The Virgin Manager

Duncan was currently being interviewed by the manager of Starbucks, Frank Harrington. He seemed to be a meek virgin in Duncan’s point of view. He looked about twenty-two years old, though Duncan looked much older than him—in a good way. He was a puny man, compared to Duncan’s 6’2” stature.

Normally, Duncan wouldn’t get a chance to be interviewed in popular jobs like this. He would usually threaten the owner of the job he was interested in, and, like magic, he’s an employee in that job the next day. Now, he didn’t have to do that since Trent...
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Top Prison Guards and Towels

A green-haired mohawk dude casually put his feet on the table, putting his muscular arms at the back of his head.

“Hey, Geoff, thanks for making me crash at your place,” Duncan said, yawning a bit. “That prison sure was hard to escape, but whatever.”

Geoff laughed. “It’s cool, man. And what, is this your tenth escape?” he asked, flipping through the channels.

Duncan smirked. “More than that, dude—probably like my twentieth or so.” He was exaggerating; it was actually his eleventh escape. He can stay out of trouble at times.

“So, the cops still searching...
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