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posted by alicia386
I am pretty sure everyone in the world has at least one phobia. I found two but I didn't go through the whole thing. This list is only half of what I found. Shocking!

Ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning
Achluophobia – fear of darkness
Acrophobia – fear of heights
Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder – fear of places or events where escape is impossible or when help is unavailable. Fear of open spaces or of being in public places. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Agraphobia – fear of sexual abuse.
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Agyrophobia –The fear of crossing the road.
Aichmophobia – fear of sharp or pointed objects (such as a needle or knife)
Ailurophobia – fear of cats
Androphobia – fear of men.
Anthophobia – fear of flowers
Anthropophobia – fear of people or the company of people, a form of social phobia.
Aquaphobia – fear of water. Distinct from Hydrophobia, a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water, as well as an archaic name for rabies
Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning
Atychiphobia – fear of failure
Autophobia – fear of being alone or isolated
Aviophobia, Aviatophobia – fear of flying
Botanophobia - fear of plants
Blood-injection-injury type phobia – a DSM-IV subtype of specific phobias
Chaetophobia – fear of hair
Chemophobia – fear of chemicals
Chiroptophobia – fear of bats
Chromophobia - fear of bright colors
Chronophobia – fear of time and time moving forward
Cibophobia, Sitophobia – aversion to food, synonymous to Anorexia nervosa
Claustrophobia – fear of having no escape and being closed in
Coulrophobia – fear of clowns (not restricted to evil clowns)
Cyberphobia – fear of or aversion to computers / Learning new technologies
Decidophobia – fear of making decisions
Dentophobia, Odontophobia – fear of dentists and dental procedures
Descendophobia – fear or discomfort while descending stairs or down a hill
Disposophobia – fear of getting rid of or losing things – sometimes wrongly defined as "compulsive hoarding"
Dysmorphophobia, or body dysmorphic disorder – a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect
Emetophobia – fear of vomiting
Ergasiophobia – fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating
Ergophobia – fear of work or functioning
Erotophobia – fear of sexual love or sexual abuse
Erythrophobia – pathological blushing
Friggatriskaidekaphobia, Paraskavedekatriaphobia, *Paraskevidekatriaphobia – fear of Friday the 13th
Frigophobia – fear of becoming too cold

Gamophobia – fear of marriage, commitment
Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia – fear of bridges
Genophobia, Coitophobia – fear of sexual intercourse
Gerascophobia – fear of growing old or aging
Gerontophobia – fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly
Glossophobia – fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
Gymnophobia – fear of nudity
Gynophobia – fear of women.
Hadephobia (also stigiophobia and stygiophobia) - fear of Hell[3]
Halitophobia – fear of bad breath
Haphephobia – fear of being touched
Heliophobia – fear of sunlight
Hemophobia, Haemophobia – fear of blood
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – fear of the number 666
Hoplophobia – fear of weapons, specifically firearms (Generally a political term but the clinical phobia is also documented)
Homophobia – fear of homosexuals or of homosexual relationships; homophobic
Hydrophobia – fear of water, frequently noted as a common symptom of rabies
Hylophobia – fear of trees, forests or wood
Hypnophobia or somniphobia – fear of sleep.
Ichthyophobia – fear of fish, including fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish
Ipovlopsychophobia – fear of having one’s photograph taken.
Lipophobia – fear/avoidance of fats in food
Mysophobia – fear of germs, contamination or dirt
Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead
Neophobia, Cainophobia, Cainotophobia, Centophobia, Kainolophobia, Kainophobia – fear of newness, novelty
Nomophobia – fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Nosocomephobia – fear of hospitals
Nosophobia – fear of contracting a disease
Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia – fear of darkness
Obesophobia – fear of obesity
Oikophobia – fear of home surroundings and household appliances
Ombrophobia – fear of rain
Omphalophobia – fear of bellybuttons
Ophthalmophobia – fear of being stared at
Osmophobia, Olfactophobia – fear of bad odours
Panphobia – fear of everything or constant fear of an unknown cause
Papaphobia – fear of the Pope
Pediophobia – fear of dolls (a branch of automatonophobia: fear of humanoid figures)
Phagophobia – fear of swallowing
Pharmacophobia – fear of medications
Philophobia – fear of love
Phobophobia – fear of having a phobia
Phonophobia – fear of loud sounds
Pteridophobia - fear of ferns
Pteromerhanophobia – fear of being on an airplane
Pyrophobia – fear of fire
Radiophobia – fear of radioactivity or X-rays
Seismophobia – fear of earthquakes[4]
Sociophobia – fear of people or social situations
Scopophobia – fear of being looked at or stared at
Somniphobia – fear of sleep
Soteriophobia - fear of dependence on others [5]
Spasmenagaliaphobia (neologism; no official name) – fear of broken glass[6]
Spectrophobia – fear of ghosts and phantoms
Stygiophobia – fear of Hell
Taphophobia, Taphephobia – fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive
Technophobia – fear of technology (see also Luddite)
Telephone phobia – fear or reluctance of making or taking phone calls
Tetraphobia – fear of the number 4
Thalassophobia – fear of the sea, or fear of being in the ocean
Thanatophobia – fear of death
Thermophobia – fear of heat
Tokophobia – fear of childbirth or pregnancy
Traumatophobia – a synonym for injury phobia: fear of having an injury
Trichophobia – a morbid disgust caused by the sight of loose hairs
Triskaidekaphobia, Terdekaphobia – fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia – fear of needles or injections
Uranophobia, Ouranophobia - fear of Heaven
Workplace phobia – fear of the workplace
Xanthophobia – fear of the colour yellow
Xenophobia – fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens
Xylophobia, Hylophobia, Ylophobia – fear of trees, forests or wood
Animal phobias
Main articles: Animal phobia and Zoophobia
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Ailurophobia – fear/dislike of cats
Apiphobia – fear/dislike of bees (also known as melissophobia, from the Greek melissa "bee")
Arachnophobia – fear/dislike of spiders and other arachnids
Bovinophobia – fear/dislike of cattle
Chiroptophobia – fear/dislike of bats
Cynophobia – fear/dislike of dogs
Entomophobia – fear/dislike of insects
Equinophobia – fear/dislike of horses (also known as hippophobia)
Herpetophobia – fear/dislike of reptiles and/or amphibians
Hippophobia – fear/dislike of horses
Ichthyophobia – fear/dislike of fish
Mottephobia – fear/dislike of butterflies and/or moths
Murophobia – fear/dislike of mice and/or rats
Ophidiophobia – fear/dislike of snakes
Ornithophobia – fear/dislike of birds
Ranidaphobia – fear/dislike of frogs
Selachophobia – fear of sharks
Scoleciphobia – fear of worms
Zoophobia – fear of animals
Non-psychological conditions

Photophobia – hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light
Phonophobia – hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds.
Osmophobia – hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors.
Biology, chemistry

Biologists use a number of -phobia/-phobic terms to describe predispositions by plants and animals against certain conditions. For antonyms, see here.
Acidophobia/Acidophobic – preference for non-acidic conditions.
Heliophobia/Heliophobic – aversion to sunlight.
Hydrophobia/Hydrophobic – a property of being repelled by water.
Lipophobicity – a property of fat rejection
Oleophobicity – a property of oil rejection
Ombrophobia – avoidance of rain[7]
Photophobia (biology) a negative phototaxis or phototropism response, or a tendency to stay out of the light
Superhydrophobe – the property given to materials that are extremely difficult to get wet.
Thermophobia – aversion to heat.
Prejudices and discrimination

Further information: List of anti-cultural, anti-national, and anti-ethnic terms
The suffix -phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti-ethnic or anti-demographic sentiment, such as Americanophobia, Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix "anti-" already exists (e.g. Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia. Sometimes the terms themselves could even be considered racist, as with "Negrophobia."
Other prejudices include:
Anglophobia – fear/dislike of England or English culture, etc.
Biphobia – fear/dislike of bisexuality or bisexuals.
Christianophobia – fear/dislike of Christians
Ephebiphobia – fear/dislike of youth.
Germanophobia – fear/dislike of Germans.
Gerontophobia, Gerascophobia – fear/dislike of aging or the elderly.
Heterophobia – fear/dislike of heterosexuals.
Homophobia – fear/dislike of homosexuality or homosexuals.
Islamophobia – fear/dislike of Muslims
Judeophobia – fear/dislike of Jews.
Lesbophobia – fear/dislike of lesbians.
Negrophobia – fear/dislike of Black people.
Nipponophobia – fear/dislike of the Japanese.
Pedophobia, Pediophobia – fear/dislike of children.
Polonophobia – fear/dislike of the Polish.
Psychophobia – fear/dislike of mental illness or the mentally ill.
Russophobia – fear/dislike of the Russians.
Sinophobia – fear/dislike of Chinese.
Transphobia – fear/dislike of transgendered people.
Turcophobia – fear/dislike of the Turks
Walloonphobia – fear/dislike of the Walloons
Xenophobia – fear/dislike of foreigners or extraterrestrials.
Jocular and fictional phobias

Aibohphobia – a joke term for the fear of palindromes, which is a palindrome itself. The term is a piece of computer humor entered into the 1981 The Devil's DP Dictionary[8]
Anachrophobia – fear of temporal displacement, from a Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris.[9]
Anatidaephobia – the fictional fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. From Gary Larson's The Far Side.
Anoraknophobia – a portmanteau of "anorak" and "arachnophobia". Used in the Wallace and Gromit comic book Anoraknophobia. Also the title of an album by Marillion.
Arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The word is used by Charles M. Schulz in a 1982 installment of his "Peanuts" comic strip[10] and by Peter O'Donnell in his 1985 Modesty Blaise adventure novel Dead Man's Handle.[11]
"Operation Get-Drew-to-ask-me-to-the-dance is undergo." I said in a hushed tone to my best friend Nyomi.

"We so got to get a better name then that, Lola," replied Nyomi. "Operation Drew sounds better."

"Who cares just go ask him who he is taking to the Valentine Dance."

"Why me?"

"You are his closest friend," i said. "You know him so much better then I do."

"Fine," she grumbled. I watched from behind the wall as Nyomi went up to my crush and ask him the sacred question.

I saw them laughing and thought everything went according to plan. Then she came back.

"He said he was thinking about asking Rachel,"...
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Felix's mother was worried as hell.

Not ONLY was her son almost run over by an 8 ton truck, he disappeared after the accident. She worried he might be under the huge pile-up of cars, but after several hours of car moving, his body was nowhere to be found, nor was Alice's.

Of course, Alice's father wasn't much support. Hell, he wasn't even here, where the accident was. Lazy, inconsiderate, horrible excuse of a father was probably still at home with a beer in his hand and his butt glued to the couch. Her mother was probably out gambling again, wasting all of Alice's hard earned money from her...
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Garren woke up to the faint smell of food and yelling coming from downstairs. The sound of a door slamming rang through the house, and Garren slowly sat up, just in case his joints and wounds still ached. As he got to his feet, he checked how his body was doing. Surprised, nothing hurt, not even his cut.

Climbing downstairs, he found Kayleen sitting at a table near what looked like a kitchen, fuming mad. Once she noticed Garren, however, she put on a small smile.

"Afternoon, sleepy-head," she greeted. "You know, you snore REALLY loudly. Thought I'd never sleep."

"Sorry." Garren replied. "Nothing...
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The Eden Chronicles is the main series set in Eden. Every book is from a different perspective. The books generally follow Edonian history in chronological order, but there may be a few exceptions. Here are the titles of the first six and final six books of the series.

A Place of Peace
The Founding of Cities
Draco: First King of the Dragons
The First Demons
The Ruling Council
Starlit Nights

A Little Bit More Than Love
Rise of the Demons
Rokujo's Revolution
Rebuilding Eden
Truth and Lies
Pandora: Last Queen of the Dragons
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 6
        Opposing and spoiled opinions
    The website made chills run down my back for the whole day and everything, it was…in other words, extremely creepy. The website was in the form of some kind of creepy old wallpaper, and you can immediately tell it was created by the crazies. You could just see the scent of craziness all over it, and I didn’t feel that excited to read on, but I did.
    More victims, more confusions, the one person in this town to befuddle our police men, either that or their losing...
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posted by alicia386
This is apart of the Society Chronicles featuring Somnium. I am giving you a sneak preview of Legacy which I hope I will be able to enter in NaNoWriMo

Chapter One

The hard, steady foot beats of the men behind me became louder and louder. They were gaining speed before my eyes. I couldn't seem to shake these guys. They must had Censored me before arrival. There is no way they could have known about my hideout. The cameras around that area were old and broken until yesterday. I saw them myself hook the latest model of cameras near the alley. I had stayed hidden but I realized that my days of...
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"no" Kyle said. "I'm so sorry."
"What for? you were always there for us, what else could you have done?" James said.
"I could've been more of a brother, instead of your leader." Kyle said and looked at his brother.
"But then what would I have gotten angry at you for then?" James said they smiled at each other.
"Take care of them.Kyle said, " Kyle croaked, "Please?" James nodded "I will." James wanted to say dont go or something, but he knew it was time. "I'll be watching you, hot-head." he said.
James looked down and didn't speak.
"I wish it were different to." Kyle told him. James hugged Kyle tightly, "Say hi to mum for me"
"I will, bye" Kyle cried on James' shoulder and he cried on Kyle's. "To let you know, I do need you."
"Your a funny kind of brother, aren't you!?" Kyle whispered. "Goodbye." said James.
"Look under my bed, remember Sheila" his eyelids growing heavy. "James. You couldn't have stopped this"
"What do I do without you?" James asked.
"Live on"
After the war was finally finished, three years, seven months and twenty weeks, people waited at the hospital. Hoping, praying for their loved ones to be found. Kyle Goodman's Foster Dad; Angus, his two sisters; Tiffany and Mariah, brother James and girlfriend, Summer Thorn waited. Their friend, Katherine Dreamwhisper. They called her Katie for short, had finished her shift, working as the nurse and went to join them. "They'll find him" she said. Nobody spoke, they just sat there. Three hours past and it was getting cold, the night air was coming and the warmth from the sun disappeared. Katie...
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Chapter 10
    Crazily obsessed
    “No school! NO SCHOOL! We just watched the falling of Meredith and that’s all you have to say?!”
    “I’m so confused!” I yell. “What just happened?”
    Sage looked at me. “You saw the video!”
    “I had my eyes closed, what happened?” I answer.
    “Let’s replay it-”
    “NO, just tell me!” I whine.
    Scotty shrugs. “I’m not really sure, first you hear a scream in...
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posted by Problematic129
    Chapter 7
    The three letter word
    “I never really liked gym,” I say, in attempt to make conversation.
    Grey grunted as he continued attacking his poor food, Ali glanced at me, uninterested, and Talia looked ready to jump off a bridge.
    Oh lunch, how they were ruining it for me.
    “Come on guys,” I say frustrated. “Gym is over, we won’t see it until the day after, and anyways, it’s not like those buttheads can just come and play with us, we can leave.”...
continue reading...
posted by alicia386
August 18

      Bright and early Saturday morning. No one other then Chloe is away at this time. What else would she be doing? She had things to contemplate. It was barely close to the end of August and already something huge has happened. What could she do about it? Should she confront him or leave an awkward memory between them. Afterwards he did apologize but still. It was startling.
      Friday evening he knocked on her door. It was the second time Eric had visited since she first moved. He seemed frustrated and confused. When she opened the door, he lunged at her. Not in attack mode...
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Thank you the people reading my work, it is encouraging to have you read + comment. ;)


    The Story of Zerokenum:

"Zeus you can't do this. I'm supposed to be king and ruler of the stars and solar system; you can't just take that away from me!"
"Zerokenum we see dark in your heart, you have been practicing forbidden black magic and human alchemy. Someone who is ruler of our galaxies should be trustworthy and pure. As of now I will run all the skies and you are to be banished to earth as an esse mortal." Zeus I hope you take great care of yourself because I’ll be...
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~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 31
        Close to perfect: A few months later
    Adam wrinkled his nose as Ryler grabbed for my hand once we seated. “Can you guys stop with the lovey dovey, it’s gross to see my best friend and roommate romancing my sister.”
    I stuck my tongue out at him. “Like your not romancing Sage up in front of me.”
    Adam’s cheeks pinkened a little, and I smiled victoriously. Yes, my dear readers, Adam and Sage are a couple, yeah, surprised me too....
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After reading the scrolls I was dying to get to Jackson's chambers. I needed answers. I needed more than just foolish papers of riddles, riddles I didn't understand! Bursting through his doors I found noone. No guards, no watch dogs, no Jackson. I let out a cry of angry and stormied off to the only place I know he would be just to hide from me. "The UnderGrounds."

I quickly found the entrance and snuck in. The only problem was how in world would I find Jackson's celler? With so much rage and the questions that still lingered in my mind it was hard for me to consintrate. I first had to get...
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posted by psychmacgyver
The music blared loudly, and I could still hear it with my hands covering my ears. The other high school students skipped and ran through the dark woods at midnight on their way to a deserted log cabin in the middle of nowhere. I rolled my eyes (like all high schoolers do,) at the others, drunk and incoherent.
I could barely see two feet in front of me, when I banged into a firm wooden door. I stumbled backwards as I cursed under my breath and rubbed my forehead. I then succeeded in opening the door and getting in the cabin. It was warm and cozy, with no party energy whatsoever...yet. I regretted...
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This song that I wrote is dedicated to the Hunger Games.

I can't believe it
We were just in battle fighting for our lives
It was a wicked world, crazy and psycho
But I guess we came out alive and that's all that matters

It was a cold night
We were keeping our eyes open
For a sign of any fallen warrior
Our eyelids were dropping, but we stayed awake through it all

It was a crazy world out there
Wanting teenagers to fight each other to their death
It was a cruel world, and I liked it no more than you did
But we managed to survive the peril...
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I peaked though the crack and saw nothing but blackness. Carefully I lifted the led and managed to slide it sideways I stood up. I swung my legs over the edge and hopped down. Ok Alex now all I have to do is find out where I am sneak out without the nut job that kid napped me knowing. I started to walk off when I thought about the create. When they see it open they will know I escaped. I quickly ran back and slide the led shut. Hopefully they won’t notice me gone and I will have more time. With the led perfectly back on the way it was. I started to walk away again when I heard voices. Are...
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posted by Annabeth788594
A time comes along when you question
- Your actions
- Choices

A time comes along when you lose

- Faith
- An loved one

A time comes along when you feel

- Betrayed
- loved

A time comes along when you have to face

-The Truth
- The lies you made

A time comes along when you make

- A difference
- stand up for what's right

A time comes when you must

-Be herd

A time comes along when you realize

- how much you have
-how lucky you are

These are some of the ups and downs of life
posted by malmcd

I am one of the Seven Deadly Sins,
And you know what I am capable of.
For I am a human instinct,
And yet a daemon from the Pit,
And you must beware of me,
For I can kill you in the end.

I am the reason
You hold a grudge against your friend,
For I am the reason you cannot forgive him,
And I am also the reason why you murdered
The man who wronged you in plain sight.

I am the reason
That Jacob and Esau fought so
Badly and yet held a grudge.
I am also the reason why Cain and Abel
Did not get along,
And why Cain murdered Abel,
His own brother.

I am the reason why the Israelites
Made the Golden Calf
While Moses...
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posted by 1999jacko

Walter Duncan sat down on his giant blue beanbag, his newest book 'The Black Wizard' tightly clutched in his hand. As soon as he sat he opened the book and started to read, that is until one small hand appeared through the page and tightened around his neck," MUM HELP MEEEEEE!" he managed to shout out before he was pulled into the page.

He suddenly dropped through the other end of the page into a large, velvet lined room with 1 door and a small man in the center. With a very dull and bored voice he said," welcome to the entrance between worlds." Strangely after he said this his head spun...
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