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Prologue: The Breakout

The dark figure moved quickly, careful to keep hidden from the surveillance cameras.

It was dressed in black robes, obscuring its face and features. Carefully, it navigated its way through the tall shrubs, keeping out of sight.

Tonight is the night, it thought menacingly as it ducked low behind a dirigible plum tree.

Tonight he would finally have revenge, sweet revenge against the blasted Culturians. Revenge against the blasted protagonists who bathed in victory and revenge against those who imprisoned the defeated.

It had only two things on it's mind: revenge and dominance.

The Dungeon of the Antagonists was where the souls of defeated Antagonists went after death. Inside the Dungeon, they were reduced to a petty form, weak and powerless. They say the walls were crafted by the Dementers.

The figure snorted, as if the Dementers served the University.

As he neared closer to the East Wing, the figure took out a small pane of black glass from his pocket. A clever little disguise for one of the key items in his plan.

The figure ran one of his thin, boney fingers down the screen and it flickered to life.

He typed in a few commands and immediately all the security cameras in the East, West and Dungeon Wings were fed a continuous loop. I'm a genius, he thought to himself as he stood straight up and dashed to the left brick wall, even Foaly would be put to shame.

The figure had heard rumors of secret passageways to the Dungeon but never had tried them himself. He carefully brushed his fingers against the bricks, looking, looking, looking...

"Ah ha!" he muttered triumphantly.

The fifteenth brick was raised higher than the others. He pressed his finger against it and held back a yelp of joy as the bricks began to move like Lego blocks to reveal a small door the size of a Hobbit hole.

The Dungeon was dark and damp, the fluorescent lights hanging low. Lining the walls were tall panes of purple glass, each with a small steel square in the middle.

Probably a security lock, thought the figure, but not for long...


Immediately as the figure's foot came in contact with the Dungeon ground, a holographic screen popped to life in its face.

"Identification please," a cool female voice, the figure realized to be the Head Culturian, chimed.

"D'Arvit," the figure absently swore and pulled out its little black pane of glass again.

Within two seconds and several commands, the holographic screen was gone and the figure had free rein of this side of the Dungeon.

The figure literally shook in excitement. A mass breakout from the Dungeon of Antagonists, they would have no choice to initiate the Avengers and thus leave them to the mercy of their nemeses.

Casting a quick Invisibility cloud, courtesy of Egyptian magic, the figure began moving among the cells. As he walked he would sometimes get hints and bits of what they were saying behind the almost sound proof panes.

"I will have revenge for the destruction of my One Ring, you will burn to crisp..."

"I'll have your soul Batman, oh I will..."

"Mark my words Snow White, I will have my revenge! I will feast on your delicate flesh when I return and watch the scream escape your perfect lips! Mark my words..."

"My middle name is torture! Do you hear that Molly Weasley? I'll carve your soul like I carved lil' Fweddie's!"

There were some things the figure wish he didn't hear in the first place.

When he neared Cell XX89V the figure was quivering in fear and enthusiasm. He looked at the name plate on the side, scrutinizing every detail.

Defeated by HARRY J. POTTER

The figure's hands were shaking when he pulled out his black hacking device. He typed in a few commands and held it at the cell door to scan.

There was one beep, two beeps, three and...


The cell door split in half and shards of purple glass attacked the figure. Thank Gandalf, he thought, I had disabled the alarm system or else someone might've picked up my scream.

As he picked shards out of his robe, the air around him suddenly dropped several degrees. With a maniacal grin, the figure looked up to see a robed man emerging from the broken hole in the glass pane.

"M-my Lord," the figure bowed down deeply.

The robed man looked at him coldly and cast his eye around the destruction.

"Free. At last," the man paused to inspect himself, "But how?"

The figure looked up at Lord Voldemort. He was the king of villains! A legend where he came from and a true one at that. He had split his soul seven times and lived! Only to be defeated by a stupid boy wizard but nevertheless a legend.

"My lord, I shall explain everything later but now I must free your comrades," the figure slowly stood as Voldemort cast him one of many cold looks.

"I operate alone, Muggle," Voldemort said, his finger twitching towards where his wand used to be.

The figure ignored him (a dangerous mistake if Voldemort had had powers. Fortunately he was powerless at the moment) and went back to work. In a matter of ten minutes the figure found himself standing in the middle of a circle with eleven towering figures (a coven included) with shards of purple glass everywhere.

The figure could barely conceal his excitement as they Apparated out of the Dungeons to a classified location where they would start the first stage of his master plan.

They will never know what hit them, he thought, seven of the worst villains to exist in this universe... united! I will have this universe in a week! PopCultureVerse will burn to ashes...

With a final cackling laugh, the figure turned to the seven villains and said one sentence that he knew would unite them all:

"Now who wants revenge?"
posted by Annanonymous
There was once a woman who ran in the woods. She had brown hair that trailed behind her like a tail. She was running away from the guards of the mansion near the woods.

"Stop!" the guard ordered.
"I won't stop keeping the secret except Reginald would let you stop chasing me!" the woman replied with a voice that signifies that she was tired.
" Are you running only for a lowly creature?" the guard said with a strong voice.
" I am not afraid. Kill me." the woman said, "but leave the baby safe."
"But why?! It's a baby girl, and you know girls and woman are worthless except for the maids and the members of the Rosrien. You, the honorable Lady Freryn, why are you running for that silly little girl that is not from the House Of Rosrien?"
" Stop all the talk. This is my order. kill me, and let the baby safe." Lady Freryn ordered.
" Alright."the guards said.....

-To Be Continued.
posted by Dhampires
I lay in my backyard starring at the clouds above completely taken by my thoughts-my memories.

I was laying in my-orginal-bedroom the only sound was my beating heart as I sat up i felt like I was being watched, as if someone was right in my room with me. Someone I couldn't see. Then that's when my mom walked in as if she knew exactly what was going on not only by the lookin of terror on my face buy she felt it too.

Her eyes met mine for a second they locked, she broke it as quickly as she made it. Slowly she eased her way around the whole room studying-touching-everything as if she'd never...
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    “Yes, again, another weird experience at the very same school where a storm occurred, and now it seems as if something happened yet again. A call to the police from the one of the students or staff was made claiming that their power was off and in the distance they heard screaming and what-not, were thinking it’s a severe burglary, and a perfectly planned one if so.”
    “Why…? Is this book so important to them? Why can’t we be left alone for at least a second?” Edith wailed going...
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posted by Problematic129
Life is cruel
    Yes I know
    I’ve always been down that road
    Feeling hurt, feeling pain
    My whole life was full of rain
    But I stood up
    Standing ground
    Feeling as if I wasn’t lost, but found
    Getting back what was mine
    Feeling strong, happy, and fine
    Don’t let sadness take you down
    You are you, and can be happy now
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Well, here I am, back here, and I am dragged into this prison cell.
Guard 1 says, "You will be stuck in here for 24 hours with no food, no water, no ANYTHING.
I say in a meek voice, "Not anything?"
Guard 2 says, "You got too much ear wax in your ear, kid? Want me to bring you a Q-Tip?"
I thought the guard was joking. But, I thought, maybe it would be of some use to me. Everything's worth something when I'm stuck in this old musty prison cell. "Actually, sure. Thanks." I said.
The guard frowned at me like I had some mental issues or something. Oh well, better not to talk back to him. Hmmm...maybe...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten
Book Three- Sophie


      "But I am not mentally unstable," I said as dad whisked me out of the hospital with Carrie close by. 
      "If I believe that then we wouldn't be having this conversation," dad said. The doctors had ran multiple test and most of them were taken when I was sleeping. I was given the results back this morning. They described me as a mentally unstable person who should be checked into a mental institute very soon. Apparently, I was a danger to myself and others. 
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posted by sadiebugz00
This is a list of some of my favorite words; Real, nonsense, and names.

1. Flagglesmof

2. Blaggles

3. Blarg

4. Pleep

5. Whaaa

6. Merp

7. Meep

8. Meh

9. Huh

10. Facepalm

11. Headbang

12. Hmm

13. Yep

14. Yerp

15. Ba

16. Raspberry

17. Tacos

18. Lasagna

19. Awesome

20. Epic

21. Luna

22. Lily

23. Sage

24. Soap

26. Dawg

27. Piggie

28. Precisely

29. Kwalk

30. Plog

This stupid thing says it needs to be longer so I'm going to say a for a while. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
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The next day Katie told them all to meet her on Moori Mountain. She didn't say why, she just said it was important. When they were all there they asked Katie what it was about.She began, "Well, yeterday... I uuh was told... that... *sniff* ... After a test... uuh... *sniff* ... Kyle won't make it... Atleast thats what the test said." There was silence while everyone tried to think about what they were just told. "When did you find out?" asked James
"Yesterday, I was too upset to talk about it, he's like my brother to, you know." Katie replied. Katie had been their friend since kindergarten,...
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More weeks past. Then months. As Autumn neared Katie was called in to speak to the head nurse.
"Yes?" she asked
"Katie, this is hard for me to say. But you have the right to know, we haven't told the others, we were hoping you would."
"Would tell them what?" Katie asked, sje already knew, but she needed to be sure.
"We have just finished a test, to see if... Kyle would... make it."
"and...?" Katie asked.
"The test showed that he... won't make it." The head nurse, Lailey, didn't dare look at Katie.
"When?" she asked, trying not to burst to tears.
"If the test was correct, it is estimated by Autumn."...
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