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Prologue: The Breakout

The dark figure moved quickly, careful to keep hidden from the surveillance cameras.

It was dressed in black robes, obscuring its face and features. Carefully, it navigated its way through the tall shrubs, keeping out of sight.

Tonight is the night, it thought menacingly as it ducked low behind a dirigible plum tree.

Tonight he would finally have revenge, sweet revenge against the blasted Culturians. Revenge against the blasted protagonists who bathed in victory and revenge against those who imprisoned the defeated.

It had only two things on it's mind: revenge and dominance.

The Dungeon of the Antagonists was where the souls of defeated Antagonists went after death. Inside the Dungeon, they were reduced to a petty form, weak and powerless. They say the walls were crafted by the Dementers.

The figure snorted, as if the Dementers served the University.

As he neared closer to the East Wing, the figure took out a small pane of black glass from his pocket. A clever little disguise for one of the key items in his plan.

The figure ran one of his thin, boney fingers down the screen and it flickered to life.

He typed in a few commands and immediately all the security cameras in the East, West and Dungeon Wings were fed a continuous loop. I'm a genius, he thought to himself as he stood straight up and dashed to the left brick wall, even Foaly would be put to shame.

The figure had heard rumors of secret passageways to the Dungeon but never had tried them himself. He carefully brushed his fingers against the bricks, looking, looking, looking...

"Ah ha!" he muttered triumphantly.

The fifteenth brick was raised higher than the others. He pressed his finger against it and held back a yelp of joy as the bricks began to move like Lego blocks to reveal a small door the size of a Hobbit hole.

The Dungeon was dark and damp, the fluorescent lights hanging low. Lining the walls were tall panes of purple glass, each with a small steel square in the middle.

Probably a security lock, thought the figure, but not for long...


Immediately as the figure's foot came in contact with the Dungeon ground, a holographic screen popped to life in its face.

"Identification please," a cool female voice, the figure realized to be the Head Culturian, chimed.

"D'Arvit," the figure absently swore and pulled out its little black pane of glass again.

Within two seconds and several commands, the holographic screen was gone and the figure had free rein of this side of the Dungeon.

The figure literally shook in excitement. A mass breakout from the Dungeon of Antagonists, they would have no choice to initiate the Avengers and thus leave them to the mercy of their nemeses.

Casting a quick Invisibility cloud, courtesy of Egyptian magic, the figure began moving among the cells. As he walked he would sometimes get hints and bits of what they were saying behind the almost sound proof panes.

"I will have revenge for the destruction of my One Ring, you will burn to crisp..."

"I'll have your soul Batman, oh I will..."

"Mark my words Snow White, I will have my revenge! I will feast on your delicate flesh when I return and watch the scream escape your perfect lips! Mark my words..."

"My middle name is torture! Do you hear that Molly Weasley? I'll carve your soul like I carved lil' Fweddie's!"

There were some things the figure wish he didn't hear in the first place.

When he neared Cell XX89V the figure was quivering in fear and enthusiasm. He looked at the name plate on the side, scrutinizing every detail.

Defeated by HARRY J. POTTER

The figure's hands were shaking when he pulled out his black hacking device. He typed in a few commands and held it at the cell door to scan.

There was one beep, two beeps, three and...


The cell door split in half and shards of purple glass attacked the figure. Thank Gandalf, he thought, I had disabled the alarm system or else someone might've picked up my scream.

As he picked shards out of his robe, the air around him suddenly dropped several degrees. With a maniacal grin, the figure looked up to see a robed man emerging from the broken hole in the glass pane.

"M-my Lord," the figure bowed down deeply.

The robed man looked at him coldly and cast his eye around the destruction.

"Free. At last," the man paused to inspect himself, "But how?"

The figure looked up at Lord Voldemort. He was the king of villains! A legend where he came from and a true one at that. He had split his soul seven times and lived! Only to be defeated by a stupid boy wizard but nevertheless a legend.

"My lord, I shall explain everything later but now I must free your comrades," the figure slowly stood as Voldemort cast him one of many cold looks.

"I operate alone, Muggle," Voldemort said, his finger twitching towards where his wand used to be.

The figure ignored him (a dangerous mistake if Voldemort had had powers. Fortunately he was powerless at the moment) and went back to work. In a matter of ten minutes the figure found himself standing in the middle of a circle with eleven towering figures (a coven included) with shards of purple glass everywhere.

The figure could barely conceal his excitement as they Apparated out of the Dungeons to a classified location where they would start the first stage of his master plan.

They will never know what hit them, he thought, seven of the worst villains to exist in this universe... united! I will have this universe in a week! PopCultureVerse will burn to ashes...

With a final cackling laugh, the figure turned to the seven villains and said one sentence that he knew would unite them all:

"Now who wants revenge?"
added by alicia386
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
posted by juliet98
Julia beacame a women when she was 12. After she felt powerless for the first time in her little life. It was a sunny day, but in the hearts of the people it was dark. The country was entering in the war, and many youth had to prepare for the battle. Julia and her family, her mom, her dad, and her brother were having lunch. they were silent, Julia behaved badly, she argued with her brother and wanted him to desappear. Suddenly somebody knocked on the door. Her dad opened it and came back in the kitchen with a tall man they didn't know. He was wearing a dark coat and black boots. He talked with...
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posted by E-Scope90
One of my songs I wrote.

Luv is stronger than a whole red brick wall
Luv is stranger than a bird 9000 feet tall
When you compare a object with love
You'll see it will never fit on like a glove
With love you'll see big consequences
But you'll never ever finish your sentence
Love is really just too much stress for some
I think their crazy why look so glum
People just don't believe in love
But they always have to push everyone and shove
Love is wrong
Love is not
Love is right
Love is tight
Love is strange
Love can change
In a range
That's why I'm singing this song
posted by alicia386
Dear Sam,
You wouldn't believe what it is like in the big city. I am so glad I got this job offer. If it wasn't for your persuasion skills, I would be stuck grieving over you.

When I got to the theatre, my first job was to ask the actors if everything was okay and if they needed anything. I saw Hilary Duff. She was playing the supporting role. She wanted my opinion on her costume. She wanted MY opinion.

My boss was a bit mean. He is controlling and obssessed with play. He wrote it himself. He can even get annoying but I stuck with him for the money.

Remember when you seaid you wanted to be a directior...
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posted by vivalasadie
Around this time last year, the whole club was buzzing.
Absolutely bursting at its seams with wonderful writing and magnificent people.
People who inspired me to become better with my writing.
People who taught me how to hold myself higher, and not let other people bring me down, including myself.
People who supported me, even though we barely even knew each other.
People who were delighted to see that I was online and posting writing, even though it was so incredibly un-entertaining and pointless.
People who were practically family.

May I just ask, why did we all have to leave our family behind?

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posted by Max277
Chapter 1

"No! Not by yourself Luke Hissed at me." I had a partner, who was very protective over me." I'm just going to sneak in. All open the gates as soon as I get in I say." I look at Luke. " she'll be good. Were fine Luke Jake says." Luke bits his lip. " Okay but be careful Luke says." I smile. " this isn't my first ride cowboy I tease." He grins." Ha ha funny." Jackson taps my shoulder and points down below. A hay cart. Perfect. I check my area, and make a run for it. The gang (thats what I call my little group) keeps an eye out while I am running twords the hay cart. I dive into the cart....
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posted by dragonsmemory
To celebrate my triumphant return to True Writers, I'll be sharing some super-exclusive content with all of you. Anyone that's known me from before knows that I don't share this info lightly. This little snippet is your first look at the exciting events I have planned for the summer.

-"The Tail of the Royal Line". A little conspiracy I recently discovered among my notes. Worth a read for anyone who likes twisted plots.

-I will be revealing the table of contents for all three Shadow Trilogy books in mid-August

-"Harry Potter and the Seven Horcruxes," a sixty-three chapter fanfic, will debut towardsthe end of the month. Fair warning: there's more chapters planned.

This was just a small sample of my plans for the coming weeks. I do realize that I've been gone a long time, but I hope this new content will soften theblows aimed in my direction.

With love,
The Ever-Present Jo
Crow washed quickly and thoroughly, making sure to scrub the dirt off of his clothing as well. When he was done bathing he dried himself, dressed in still-damp clothes, and slipped out of the washing room. As he made his way towards the kitchen, he heard voices coming from it; Dina’s voice, warm and friendly, and then someone else speaking, a female whose voice Crow did not recognize.
    “…did look a bit wild when I first saw him,” Dina was saying, “but I’m sure now that he’s washed up he looks much better. Though I daresay he’ll still need some sleep and...
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posted by AlOoOosh
I know you got to go
But, no I can’t let you go now
You are the reason why I’m alive
You are the reason why I am existed
I’m breaking every night
While you are sleeping in your bed
Take my hand and lets go
I am bleeding …
I am bleeding…
And I need you to stay
Let me see the sorrows
that are kept deep inside of you
I want you to explode
Show me that monster
Cry…disappoint me
And let me scream
I still can’t find the right way
You’ve driven me here
And now you are fading
No…you won’t disappear again
I can’t believe I found you
I’ve taken everything from you
Now you are very poor!!...
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posted by AlOoOosh
I don’t love you….
But I want to be with you…
I admire you..
I adore you..
I don’t love you..
I only want to stay with you…
I want to follow you..
To hell ……to heaven ….as long as I am with you..
About the whole world I don’t care…
As long as I am with you..
I am always thinking of you..
I am not worried about you..
I am worried about my future ….about my life..(about my whole world )…without you………
I don’t love you..
But I loved dreaming with you…
I don’t love you..
but I am safe with you …
And I want to hold you
I don’t love you…
So… you love me?
I don’t hate you …
But please tell me..
Who am I?
And who are you???
posted by 1999jacko
Children gather round, gather round. I will tell you all a brilliant story, no quiet and i will begin.
This story, my children, is about two young boys-one called john who had big burly muscles and Padraig who had long brown hair that covered one eye and a big build- who had no one but each other, both their parents had died when they were babies. None of their family wanted them, they were neglected by their own kin. By the time they were 13 they had been to so many foster homes that never had any time to make any friends. Trouble makers they were no one you'd like to hang around, they did...
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"But this is different," whispered Jason. "I can't handle seeing you sent away, Felicia."

"I would rather be sent away than for you to ignore me!"

"It is for the better," he whispered. He would not meet my eyes and I knew why. He would collapse if he saw even the slightest bit of hurt in my eyes.

I ran away from him and to the safety of my house. I ran and ran as he called my name. Each time my name...
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posted by alicia386

I cried last night and this morning. If you think that is crazy then obviously you haven't felt the pain of losing a friend. It stings like a bee, no, worst than a bee because this dying won't go away. Velvet went camping with a few of her friends so she won't be back until Saturday. Can you believe this? Everyone has friends but me. L. J stopped calling. I bet he is surfing or doing something with his friends. Kyle vanished into thin air because I have haven't see him since the last day of school. My friends are ignoring me because of what I said in my blog. It is my blog! I can say...
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posted by alicia386

Hazel and Tammie have finally made up. Thank god. Nothing is fun when those two our at each others throats. I think Tammie has some serious issues though. When Hazel told her that she will miss her because Tammie is going to Brunswick High while the rest of us are going to Glynn Academy for high school. Tammie said that she won't miss us because she is going to make some new friends at Brunswick High. That was cold. Hazel was obviously hurt by the comment. I don't get why Tammie would say something like that? I think Tammie is upset that we will be leaving her while she goes to a different...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

"Where am I?" Nick said as he looked around the strange area. Then he suddenly heard some sort of alien language from outside. Nick went and looked and heard everything they said. "What are they saying?" Nick wondered.

Suddenly, two female aliens walked into his room.

"Who are you???" Nick asked as they grabbed him and put him on a collar and leash.

"Who's a good boy?" One of the alien girls cooed as the other tickled my chin.

"Um..." Nick said as he started to blush a deep red.

"Come on. The girls are waiting." One of the alien girls told Nick as he had to walk with them, Nick still being...
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added by alicia386
Dave Days
upcoming book
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

Leo was a 15 year old boy who loved plants went to see the new private garden. He had jet black hair and brown eyes.

"This place is amazing...i can't wait to see all the plants i inherited!" Leo thought to himself as he saw the old groundskeeper.

"There are rumors that there is a ghost that cries in the gardens..." The Groundskeeper told Leo.

"Ghosts don't exist" Leo said as he just walked away.

Leo kept walking deeper in the garden and heard some crying.

"Maybe that guy was right..." Leo thought as he kept walking down the path.

Leo just kept walking towards the crying he was curious about...
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posted by BlondLionEzel

Once upon a time, there was a large garden that was owned by a great wizard, Hoo Doo. There were Beets, Roses of every color, Carrots, Cabbages, Lettuce, Orchids, Lilly Pads, Venus Flycatchers, Grapes, Mustard Plants, Apples, Peaches, Avocados, Cactus, Ferns, Cocoa Trees, Vanilla Beans, and Sweet Peas.

But there was only one problem: Hoo Doo let no one come in, but there was only one girl who came in out of curiosity.

Her name was Rose, she was 14, had red hair, green eyes, and freckles all over her pale face.

"This garden is beautiful!" Rose said in a very cheerful mood, she was very...
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