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After the war was finally finished, three years, seven months and twenty weeks, people waited at the hospital. Hoping, praying for their loved ones to be found. Kyle Goodman's Foster Dad; Angus, his two sisters; Tiffany and Mariah, brother James and girlfriend, Summer Thorn waited. Their friend, Katherine Dreamwhisper. They called her Katie for short, had finished her shift, working as the nurse and went to join them. "They'll find him" she said. Nobody spoke, they just sat there. Three hours past and it was getting cold, the night air was coming and the warmth from the sun disappeared. Katie went inside and came out with blankets and hot choclate. "Thanks." they all said as she hand them out. "I got to go, its almost my shift." she said and they all waved goodbye. Summer looked up and stared at the people that were found and looked down and closed her eyes tightly to stop the tears from streaming out. Days past, then two weeks and three days. Then one day Katie called them up. Kyle was found.

They all rushed to the hospital. "Kyle." they gasped. Kyle, with his blonde hair, scratches, bruises and broken bones lyed under the white, soft, hospital blanket. The only sound that could be heard was the soft, quite sound of the heart monitor beeping. They all went and sat next to his hospital bed. They all tried to hold back the tears. Summer gave in and tears streamed down her cheeks and on to the floor. Tiffany, Angus and Mariah burst into tears as well. James didnt, he didnt like to show emotion, no matter how sad he was. Even though he wasn't crying on the outside, they knew there were tears, they sparkled in the light in his eyes, trapped and forced to stay inside.
Weeks past, Kyle didn't wake up. One day they started talking of stories about Kyle.
"Kyle please wake up, who knows what kind of trouble we'd get into without you. Like remember the time we were playing follow the leader?" Tiffany said, "It was my turn and I went to the deep side of the park, that took us to the forest."

After Tiffany finished her story and all the others had, besides James. He sat there. Silently. "I'm sorry." he whispered, Angus put his hand on James' shoulder "It's not your fault, he chose to go, you couldn't have stopped it even if you were there, he wouldn't have let you." he said. James didnt reply. He just stared up at his brother and finally he couldn't hold back the tears, Angus was right, which only made James feel worse. He thought about all the times he had been, well not the 'best' brother in the world to Kyle. But Kyle was still there for him, even if he wasn't there for Kyle. Silence filled the room, birds could be heard chirping outside, laughter of the kids below, tears of parents and friends seeing lost ones fade away in their bed. The sounds of James' tears hitting the floor were the loudest. Angus held tightly onto James' shoulder. "But atleast I would've been there with him." James replied sadly, tears still streaming down his cheeks, "Atleast someone would've been." Angus tried to think of a reason that James was wrong, but there wasn't one, it was true.

More weeks past. Then months. On a Sunday night Katie was called in to speak to the head nurse.
"Yes?" she asked
"Katie, this is hard for me to say. But you have the right to know, we haven't told the others, we were hoping you would."
"Would tell them what?" Katie asked, sure she already knew, but she needed to be sure.
"We have just finished a test, to see if... Kyle would... make it."
"and...?" Katie asked feeling dred build up inside of her.
"The test showed that he... won't." The head nurse, Lailey, didn't dare look at Katie.
"When?" she asked, trying not to burst to tears.
"If the test was correct, it is estimated by Autumn." Lailey said. Katie asked no more. She left the room and went outside. She walked until she reached 'Moori Montain'. She used to come up here to think clearer, so did the others, mainly Kyle. She breathed in and out, in and out. The tears burst out, she tried to stop, but couldn't, she gasped for air. all of a sudden, a cold hand was on her shoulder, "Its ok." Summer said. Katie stopped crying and laughed. "You sound like when Kyle introduced me to you." She stopped laughing.
"You thought I was his friends sister." Summer said.
"I was so embarrassed when he told me you's were going out!" Katie said. They talked for so long, through the chill of the night and the warmth of the morning.

The next day Katie told them all to meet her on Moori Mountain. She didn't say why, she just said it was important. When they were all there they asked Katie what it was about.She began, "Well, yesterday... I uuh was told... that... After a test... uuh... *sniff* ... Kyle won't make it... Atleast thats what the test said." There was silence while everyone tried to think about what they were just told. "When did you find out?" asked Mariah.
"Yesterday, I was too upset to talk about it, he's like my brother to, you know." Katie replied. Katie had been their friend since kindergarten, she was family. She had been through the craziest adventures with them. Summer stood up and ran off, crying. The others too upset to move. Katie went after her. "It'll be ok, you know Kyle, we all do, he'll make it, he always does, even with the odds." Katie told her.
"I know but what if he doesn't? How am I going to do this alone?" Summer asked.
"To do what alone?" Katie asked, confuesed.
"Nothing" Summer said and left.

More days passed. Kyle didn't improve, he didn't wake, he didn't unimprove, he just layed there. His breath was slow and hard. His body would sometimes move, not a lot but it did. His head shaked against the pilow, sweat dripped from his body. Friends would visit Kyle after work, to see that he was going well, then they'd leave and it would be silent, with only sobs and little beeps from the heart moniter. Just like the day Kyle was found, only then there was more hope and James didnt cry that time, he'd forced the tears inside. This time James sobbed, tears came from his eyes and somehow managed to splash his cold, shivering legs without a sound. Angus had his hand on James. Normally he would shake it off, act as if he were fine. But he wasn't. No one was. Eventually they all went home. Not James though, he stayed, he didn't want to leave, nobody did, but they were tired, they hadn't slept for two nights, since they were told that Kyle was predicted to not make it, but none of them expected how heart breaking it would really be.

That night when all the lights were dim and everyone, except James, had gone home. James, for the first time spoke to Kyle. "Kyle please, you have to make it! You HAVE to!" then there was a pause as he cried and tears splashed the hard, cold ground. "I need you Kyle, I'm sorry for what I said! I didn't mean it! Please I need you!" he stopped and cried facing the floor. He was on the ground next to Kyle, tears rushed out of his eyes. He felt cold, alone and abannded, then he felt a hand touch his shoulder, he turned around, expecting someone to be there, but there wasn't. He thought he imagined it, but he still felt it, he turned around to see Kyle. Eyes open, only just. "No, no you don't." Kyle managed to say, shaking his head and smiling. James rested his head on the side of the matress. Kyle's hand still on his shoulder and he fell asleep.
James woke up while it was still dark outside, but birds were singing. James looked up at the clock 6:37 am, the sun wasn't even up.
James had a blanket over him. He looked up at Kyle, hopping he was awake, but he wasn't. James looked down disappointed. Kyle's hand was still on his shoulder. Slowly and gently James lifted the cold hand and put it under Kyle's blanket. "Yes I do." said James and he stood and he went out of the room and went home. As he did he didn't notice Kyle slowly lifting his head and face him, "I hope not." he whispered. He looked at the floor where James had sat, still wet from James' tears.

In the morning James returned. The others were already there. Kyle laid in his bed, asleep. They left James a spot next to Kyle, where James had sat last night. The white wallpaper was slightly ripped. James sat in his seat. "Did anything happen last night?" asked Katie desperatly. James shrugged. They could tell something had, the others looked at Katie all wondering the same question. She pointed at the security camera that nobody had noticed. James sat on his seat with his knees under his chin and his hands clasped around his legs and head facing down. Memories of last night were nagging at him, pulling him. He tried to say something but only a murmer came out and he burst into tears. Tiffany put her arm around James. "Its alright." she whispered.
"No its not and he knows it." James replied.
"Don't say that, you know its not true!" Mariah told him softly and sternly. "Yes it is... I could see it in his eyes."
"You mean-" Summer said unable to finish. James nodded, there was silence. They knew it didn't make a difference but it still made them smile. Summer hopped that Kyle would make, there was no way she'd be able to do this without him.

As weeks passed the doctors had put Kyle on life support as he was getting worse. They were all there when Kyle woke up. "Kyle!" said Summer she sat next to his bed and hugged him tightly. He squeezed her back, it wasn't very hard, but he tried. "you cant leave me!" she demanded "You CAN'T!" she cried and cried and cried, but she didn't let go. "I'm sorry" he whispred
"No! Youre NOT going! you can't! I love you! How am I supposed to-" she stopped and cried, she let go and went to her seat. James knelt next to Kyle. Kyle saw all the tears in James eyes and put his hand on James' shoulder "Its alright." he whispered.
"No its not! You know it, we all do! Don't pretend its all going to be fine, Its NOT!" James burst into tears, "I need you!" There was a silence until Kyle said, "No you don't you never did."
"I do! you know it!" was all James managed to say. Angus, their foster dad sat next to James and Kyle. Angus put his hand on Kyles. Neither spoke. They just stared at each other. Finally Angus said, "Just like your mother, you are." Nobody spoke nobody remembered their mum. She had died when they were young, Mariah was just born. They were left with their dad, Henry. He wasn't responsible enough, he drank, smoke and was cruel. He was taken to jail and they were all taken to Angus, their mums closest friend, it was that or they'd go to a stranger to live.Nobody knew for sure but they were certain Kyle remembered their mum.
"Next week on Friday, I saw two little boys argueing at my doorstep and two little girls playing. That day was the best day of my life." Angus started crying. He couldn't speak or think. He remembered the day they had first called him dad, the first time they had gone to school, he remembered everything.
James put his arm around Angus. and Kyle replied, "And James said you looked funny for a dad." he smiled vaguely and fell back to sleep.

The next week on Friday Kyle woke as the first few Autumn leaves fell. Tiffany and Mariah were there, James had gone down to get something to eat."Hey Kyle." Tiffany said. Kyle smiled and lifted his head. He looked pale and tired. "Kyle?" Mariah said in a curious voice. Kyle couldn't speak, so he just looked at her. "Do you remember mum?" she felt tears in her eyes as she said the word, 'mum.' Kyle couldn't speak, but he tried. His voice croaked a small, "Yes, I do." Mariah, Tiffany and Kyle spoke longer about everything. The door creeked open, James was coming in. Tiffany "Well, Mariah and I should probably go do that thing we need to do." She grabbed Mariah's arm and pulled her up. The three said goodbye and they left, now it was just Kyle and James.

"Hey Kyle, you don't look so well." James said. The voice was near but sounded distant.
"Whats that, I think I heard you being concernd." Kyle croaked. James smiled. He held Kyles arm and squeesed it. "Do you know why Summers acting so weird?" he asked. "Kyle?"
"Huh?" Kyle croaked.
"You ok? You look so pale and..." James said.
"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." Kyle said.
"I think I am."said James Kyle smiled but he knew James was worried. Kyle closed his eyes, the black got lighter and brighter. He opened them quickly. James knelt beside him. "Kyle... you're... not going to... make it, are you."
Kyle nodded a no. "I'm trying, I really am its just-"
James put his hand on Kyles shoulder and whispered "I know you are...but its not going to change anything, is it!?"
posted by alicia386

The Preps decided that I was the girl on Chirps causing them drama. Chirps is a social network founded by Twitter that is only for teens. Chirps is a safe site that allows teens to just talk or in this case, cause some serious drama. Today they thought that I was the one causing drama on Chirps. As if! Do they honestly believe that I do not have life? Why would I waste my precious time trying to humiliate them on the internet. People who cause drama on the internet are only cowards. If I have something to say to you, then I will say it to your face. That isn't all that happened today....
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posted by sadiebugz00
Carter’s Perspective

No matter how shocking, yes, we dogs can think. Gasps galore, I know. Anyways, I sat there, somehow knowing that we weren’t playing hide-and-go –seek in this… place. I decided to get out of the road as I had realized that I was in the middle of the lane.
I faltered for a second, wondering if I should stay there just in case Derek was to come back. I finally decided there was no chance that he would be coming back. I wander out into the desert a bit, and then I looked back at the way that I had come from. I realized I couldn’t see the road anymore. Great…....
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posted by CatiePotter
"What happened?" I questioned myself as I got up. I was in my bed; how did I get there? I looked around my small bedroom. The house was scilent, the usual voices of my mother making breakfast was not there. There was no smell of pancakes or coffee as the usual breakfast was.

I looked across my bed to the stand with my alarm clock. 5 o'clock in the morning."Odd they should be up by now" I wondered.

There was a bang downstairs, like the car grauge door." What are they doing?"I asked myself. I stretched as I headed downstairs to the kitchen. As I krept down further there was more noises coming...
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posted by Weasel1999
II The Kitchen.

Unsure where to go Ember dithered in the corridor outside the nursery for almost ten minutes the next morning. But soon the delicious smell of apples and cinnamon reached her nose.
She followed the scent until she reached a large old fashioned kitchen. An old, wooden table, worn and scrubbed filled the middle of the room. It was the biggest kitchen Ember had ever saw. One side of the room was simply all cupboards and drawers of all different shapes and coloured. Ember’s curiosity burned but she was distracted by a large woman wearing an apron. She was taking a steaming apple...
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posted by alicia386
I'm hiding in my mom's closet. IT was the only way for me to be safe from . . . the mirror. I know this sounds ridiculous but you wil understand when you hear my story.

It all started when my friend, Bella, received an ancient mirror from her grandmother. Her granny had said it shows the truth within someone.

Everything was okay at first. Bella used the mirror rarely to fix her hair or something. Then things took a change for the worst.

Our other friend, Hanna, was sitting next to Bella at the lunch table so I sat next to them. Hanna was desperately trying to tell bella about her encounter with...
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Note: This one's from Ash's point of view. Hope the few people who are reading it enjoy.
Also, can't wait until they get older and I can make them do other things: strip each other, make out...XD. My mind is so sick.

My clock read 9:47. I lay I my bed, my face buried in my pillow to muffle my sobbing.
    What was wrong with me? What had I done to deserve this?
    I felt the tight feeling in my stomach, more painful than it usually is. I needed to throw up again. I got up and...
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Hey, guys. Sorry I didn't post a chapter for a while. The power's off at my house, so I can't get on the internet. I'm at the library right now; it's got Wi-Fi. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's from Quin's point of view.

“Are you sure it was Ryker?” Zoë asked. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was obviously even more upset that Ryker was smoking than when she thought it was Travis.
    I nodded. “Who else wears old hiking boots every day? I wish it wasn’t him, though. I wish...
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"Operation Get-Drew-to-ask-me-to-the-dance is undergo." I said in a hushed tone to my best friend Nyomi.

"We so got to get a better name then that, Lola," replied Nyomi. "Operation Drew sounds better."

"Who cares just go ask him who he is taking to the Valentine Dance."

"Why me?"

"You are his closest friend," i said. "You know him so much better then I do."

"Fine," she grumbled. I watched from behind the wall as Nyomi went up to my crush and ask him the sacred question.

I saw them laughing and thought everything went according to plan. Then she came back.

"He said he was thinking about asking Rachel,"...
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Felix's mother was worried as hell.

Not ONLY was her son almost run over by an 8 ton truck, he disappeared after the accident. She worried he might be under the huge pile-up of cars, but after several hours of car moving, his body was nowhere to be found, nor was Alice's.

Of course, Alice's father wasn't much support. Hell, he wasn't even here, where the accident was. Lazy, inconsiderate, horrible excuse of a father was probably still at home with a beer in his hand and his butt glued to the couch. Her mother was probably out gambling again, wasting all of Alice's hard earned money from her...
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Garren woke up to the faint smell of food and yelling coming from downstairs. The sound of a door slamming rang through the house, and Garren slowly sat up, just in case his joints and wounds still ached. As he got to his feet, he checked how his body was doing. Surprised, nothing hurt, not even his cut.

Climbing downstairs, he found Kayleen sitting at a table near what looked like a kitchen, fuming mad. Once she noticed Garren, however, she put on a small smile.

"Afternoon, sleepy-head," she greeted. "You know, you snore REALLY loudly. Thought I'd never sleep."

"Sorry." Garren replied. "Nothing...
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The Eden Chronicles is the main series set in Eden. Every book is from a different perspective. The books generally follow Edonian history in chronological order, but there may be a few exceptions. Here are the titles of the first six and final six books of the series.

A Place of Peace
The Founding of Cities
Draco: First King of the Dragons
The First Demons
The Ruling Council
Starlit Nights

A Little Bit More Than Love
Rise of the Demons
Rokujo's Revolution
Rebuilding Eden
Truth and Lies
Pandora: Last Queen of the Dragons
posted by alicia386
This is apart of the Society Chronicles featuring Somnium. I am giving you a sneak preview of Legacy which I hope I will be able to enter in NaNoWriMo

Chapter One

The hard, steady foot beats of the men behind me became louder and louder. They were gaining speed before my eyes. I couldn't seem to shake these guys. They must had Censored me before arrival. There is no way they could have known about my hideout. The cameras around that area were old and broken until yesterday. I saw them myself hook the latest model of cameras near the alley. I had stayed hidden but I realized that my days of...
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Chapter 10
    Crazily obsessed
    “No school! NO SCHOOL! We just watched the falling of Meredith and that’s all you have to say?!”
    “I’m so confused!” I yell. “What just happened?”
    Sage looked at me. “You saw the video!”
    “I had my eyes closed, what happened?” I answer.
    “Let’s replay it-”
    “NO, just tell me!” I whine.
    Scotty shrugs. “I’m not really sure, first you hear a scream in...
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posted by Problematic129
    Chapter 7
    The three letter word
    “I never really liked gym,” I say, in attempt to make conversation.
    Grey grunted as he continued attacking his poor food, Ali glanced at me, uninterested, and Talia looked ready to jump off a bridge.
    Oh lunch, how they were ruining it for me.
    “Come on guys,” I say frustrated. “Gym is over, we won’t see it until the day after, and anyways, it’s not like those buttheads can just come and play with us, we can leave.”...
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posted by alicia386
August 18

      Bright and early Saturday morning. No one other then Chloe is away at this time. What else would she be doing? She had things to contemplate. It was barely close to the end of August and already something huge has happened. What could she do about it? Should she confront him or leave an awkward memory between them. Afterwards he did apologize but still. It was startling.
      Friday evening he knocked on her door. It was the second time Eric had visited since she first moved. He seemed frustrated and confused. When she opened the door, he lunged at her. Not in attack mode...
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~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 31
        Close to perfect: A few months later
    Adam wrinkled his nose as Ryler grabbed for my hand once we seated. “Can you guys stop with the lovey dovey, it’s gross to see my best friend and roommate romancing my sister.”
    I stuck my tongue out at him. “Like your not romancing Sage up in front of me.”
    Adam’s cheeks pinkened a little, and I smiled victoriously. Yes, my dear readers, Adam and Sage are a couple, yeah, surprised me too....
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posted by psychmacgyver
The music blared loudly, and I could still hear it with my hands covering my ears. The other high school students skipped and ran through the dark woods at midnight on their way to a deserted log cabin in the middle of nowhere. I rolled my eyes (like all high schoolers do,) at the others, drunk and incoherent.
I could barely see two feet in front of me, when I banged into a firm wooden door. I stumbled backwards as I cursed under my breath and rubbed my forehead. I then succeeded in opening the door and getting in the cabin. It was warm and cozy, with no party energy whatsoever...yet. I regretted...
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This song that I wrote is dedicated to the Hunger Games.

I can't believe it
We were just in battle fighting for our lives
It was a wicked world, crazy and psycho
But I guess we came out alive and that's all that matters

It was a cold night
We were keeping our eyes open
For a sign of any fallen warrior
Our eyelids were dropping, but we stayed awake through it all

It was a crazy world out there
Wanting teenagers to fight each other to their death
It was a cruel world, and I liked it no more than you did
But we managed to survive the peril...
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posted by Annabeth788594
A time comes along when you question
- Your actions
- Choices

A time comes along when you lose

- Faith
- An loved one

A time comes along when you feel

- Betrayed
- loved

A time comes along when you have to face

-The Truth
- The lies you made

A time comes along when you make

- A difference
- stand up for what's right

A time comes when you must

-Be herd

A time comes along when you realize

- how much you have
-how lucky you are

These are some of the ups and downs of life
posted by malmcd

I am one of the Seven Deadly Sins,
And you know what I am capable of.
For I am a human instinct,
And yet a daemon from the Pit,
And you must beware of me,
For I can kill you in the end.

I am the reason
You hold a grudge against your friend,
For I am the reason you cannot forgive him,
And I am also the reason why you murdered
The man who wronged you in plain sight.

I am the reason
That Jacob and Esau fought so
Badly and yet held a grudge.
I am also the reason why Cain and Abel
Did not get along,
And why Cain murdered Abel,
His own brother.

I am the reason why the Israelites
Made the Golden Calf
While Moses...
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