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posted by Gryffindork99
(I'm so sorry for the super-long delay guys :( I was having dreadful writers block. But I am back now! Enjoy the second installment of me and flabaloobalah's story :D)

Later that morning, I trudged into my school with less energy than a sloth. That sleep I lost earlier was starting to catch up with me. Also, my finished project must have added at least a pound and a half to my already heavy backpack, so it was even harder to move.
With a tremendous effort, I finally reached my locker. I pressed my thumb to its scanner and there was a loud, long beep as it analyzed and confirmed my thumbprint. Then, I heard the familiar 'click' of the lock unlocking. The door opened, and I proceeded to take books out of my bag and put them on the shelves. As I was doing so, I became aware of several other beeps and clicks, sounds of other students arriving.
I started to shut my locker, when suddenly I heard a loud "Boo!"
Startled, I whirled around, in hopes of locating the owner of the boisterous voice, and I find myself standing face to face with my best friend, Phawn. I should have know it was her who startled me. Phawn is the perkiest--and probably most clueless--person in our group of friends. She had curly brown hair that stuck out in every direction, glasses with bright purple frames that enlarged her eyes to make her look like a deer in the headlights, lots of freckles, and could usually be seen grinning from ear to ear. You could count of her to make you laugh, but sometimes she got annoying when you were in a really bad mood. In this case though, I was glad to see her.
"Sheesh, Phawn," I said, "You scared the crap out of me!"
'"Good morning to you, too," Phawn said jokingly.
I laughed. "Good morning."
"Much better. Did you do your project?"
"Yes. I finally finished it this morning. What about you?"
"Yeah I finished it. I thought it was kind of fun."
I stared at her. "You did? I thought it was dreadful! What's the point in learning about something that doesn't even exist?"
Phawn just sighed, but it was more like an 'of course you would say that you science geek' sigh than a 'wow I'm so disappointed in you' sigh, so I didn't let it get to me.
"Come on, let's go see Dot and Brant and Janica," I said, tugging Phawn in the direction of our other friends.
Every morning, my friends and I all met at what we called "The Artist." It was just some huge mural of the founder of our school. Don't ask me why we called it the artist, because I really have no idea. Dot started calling it that one day, and the name just stuck. We'd been meeting there every day for years, and that's how I liked it. Everyone else in school was a little afraid of the Artist's face--he kind of looked like an evil business man. The way he was grinning and the arch of his eyebrows made him look like he just devised an evil plot and was really happy about it-- so everyone pretty much stayed out of our way.
Phawn and I were still a bit far away from the Artist, but we could already see Dot, Brant, and Janica standing there clustered around something that I couldn't see.
"Hey guys!" Phawn said cheerfully. I mumbled my own hello as well.
"Hey Phawn, hi Jem," Brant said. Brant was burly for a fourteen year old. He was really muscular, and his hands were tough from playing guitar so much, and he had the beginning of a light brown stubble on his chin to match his uncombed hair. He looked more like a seventeen year old than a fourteen year old. His voice was raspy because he sang so much, and his singing was heavenly. Right now, though, he didn't seem at all interested in music. "Look at this!" He said excitedly. The specimen he and the others were staring at earlier came into view. It was a dead rodent.
"EEWW!" Phawn screamed. She hated rodents, especially dead ones. "Get that thing away from me!"
"Relax, Phawn," I said. Unlike her, I was fascinated by rodents. They were so much like us, yet at the same time, they weren't. It was mystifying how they could be so much like our species on the inside, but look nothing like us on the outside. "You guys just found it lying here?"
"Well, that's what Janica told us. She got here first," Dot said. Dot was the fashionista in our group. She always looked like she picked out her outfits with careful consideration, had perfect makeup, and her hair looked like it must have taken at least an hour to style. She also wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, except in math. She wanted to be a fashion designer someday, so she worked hard in math, I guess because of measurements or something. I wasn't big on fashion myself, so wouldn't know. Today, Dot was wearing an emerald green blouse and a white denim skirt, and all twelve of her fingernails were painted a violent shade of electric blue.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Dot and Brant were dating. Yeah, they'd been going out for almost six months. Dot liked him for the longest time, and then one night we were all hanging out at Phawn's place when she finally got the stupid guy to ask her out. Phawn and I cheered and looked at each other like, 'It's about time," but Janica stayed quiet. I've always had a funny feeling she liked Brant, and it must have been hard watching him fall for someone else, especially one of her close friends. Janica acted like she was happy for them though. She's always been really considerate of other people, and I admired her for that. Janica was really gorgeous, but she tried not to draw attention to herself. She never ever wore makeup, and she wore a lot of black, but all the guys still stared at her anyway. She could be with anybody she wanted, because I could guarantee they would like her back. Except for Brant.
"Ew, Brant that's DISGUSTING!"
I snapped out of my thoughts. Phawn was staring in horror as Brant poked the dead animal with his ruler.
"Ugh, Brant that really is pretty gross," I said. Even me, the science nerd, could get grossed out sometimes. "Brant, seriously, let the poor thing rest in peace."
"Okay, fine," he said, and dropped the ruler.
"Brant, you're NOT going to keep that ruler, are you?" Dot asked.
"No way, that thing probably has loads of diseases. I don't want to die."
"We should tell a janitor about it. It won't be long before that thing starts stinking up the hall," Janica said.
"Good point. I'll go with you," I said, so Janica and I said goodbye to our other friends and went to find a janitor. After our friends were out of sight, I asked Janica if she finished her project.
"Yeah, I finished it," she said, "I thought it was dumb."
"THANK YOU," I said with relief. Finally, a person who agreed with me.
Jamica laughed. "Yeah, those human things sound so dumb. They were like so violent. Like half my project is about all the wars they started."
"I know, right? Plus they were so unskillful. They could barely do anything. And what's with the--" but I didn't finish, because just then, Janica spotted a janitor and she started to tell him about the rodent problem. While she was talking, I looked around at all the people clustered together and talking. I heard one frizzy-haired girl complaining to her friend about how she was SO tired. Then I saw another pair of girls talking about some TV show that I had never heard of. A group of boys and girls behind them were laughing at something the boy in the middle just said. Everybody was having a normal day of school, just chatting before classes started.
Suddenly, I felt the eyes of somebody staring at me. I turned around and saw a boy looking at me from across the hall with an expression I couldn't read. He turned away when he saw me looking. I knew who he was. That was Eli. He was the weirdest person ever. Even his name was strange. I don't think he had any friends, and he never seemed to pay much attention in class. He usually just sat in the back of the room scrawling and doodling in his notebook. I don't think I'd ever heard him speak. He had longish, dark brown hair that fell over his eyes, and he wore a lot of dark colors. For a second I thought he and Janica would make a cute couple, but then I remembered that he wasn't like the rest of the guys in school. He barely acknowledged anybody, let alone the prettiest girl in school.
"Ready to go?" My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Janica's voice. I noticed the janitor was gone.
"Yeah," I said absentmindedly. I was still staring at the spot where Eli was just standing.
"Hey, earth to Jem!" Janica said, waving a hand in front of my face.
"Sorry," I said, "I just...never mind." For some reason I didn't want Janica to know about Eli.
"Okay, well let's get to homeroom, we're already late." Janica tugged my arm towards our homeroom. On the way there, I couldn't help wondering why Eli was staring at ME, of all people. We didn't even know each other, and for some reason, I hoped it stayed that way.
posted by alicia386

Chapter 5: Who Said I Wanted to be Apart of This

      Two days later, Marco kept his promise to Jason. He said he wouldn't say a word to the girls. He wouldn't mention anything about Sammy or D.B.E. He never said he wouldn't let them figure it out. It was hard on him to see Faye so clueless about the real world. If he didn't help her now, who knows what would happen to her and her friends.
      Simone's plan worked perfectly. Part one was to make Mr. Stone have a stomach ache. It was gross to hear when he was in the bathroom and then it was awful to smell once he came out. Then his...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Trudging along behind his group, Talow scuffed his worn boots against the packed trail leading away from his home. He had been given a uniform, a flame gun and a sharp looking sword of his own; including a brief crash test on how to use them. He was at the back of the line, followed only by the line of prisoners taken captive by the troops.
“I am so sorry, I didn't expect them to do that.” Talow said to one man at the front of the captive line. He was referring to earlier in the day when the prisoners had asked to stop and rest, they had been greeted with the captain of the troop ordering...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
The first rays of sun beat down on the scarred land, baking and scorching the already dry soil. Small clumps of crops grew here and there where there was enough to hold onto. From the small village, a scrawny rooster could be heard announcing the morning as people left the shelter of their huts, thanking whoever had let them survive another night.

Talow was like any other fifteen year old that was still alive and not recruited. He worked on the farm, if you could call it that, picking the weeds and making sure the village would have food. Shoving himself off the thin blankets, Talow got ready...
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posted by 1999jacko
Alli was picke up and driven to hospital straight away blood still gushing from her face and arms, the tears mixed in with blood making her wounds stung even more. Then after a few hours of stitches, antibiotics bein pumped into her wounds andalusia tr blood being cleaned and scrubbed off her body, she finally lay in bed with no one around to comfort her but the silly nurses who try and cheer her up a bit but failing miserably. All of Alli's wounds were stinging and aching to the point where she could hardly move to reach her IPad, she slowly gave up and decided to just lay there and wait for...
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posted by alicia386
August 10

      Shea Wainwright was one of the many girls who screamed when they learned of the appearance of Derek Tonkin. He wasn't coming until next week but Shea couldn't wait. She could finally claim that she dated a rock star. It was so obvious that he was going to end up dating her. She was the most popular girl in school. Why wouldn't a rock star choose her as his girlfriend. She entered the lunchroom with her fingers interlocked with Eric.
      As usual, everyone was in their own group. The jocks were flirting with the cheerleaders while the nerds kept themselves on the outskirts...
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posted by Annanonymous
........ Kairtlyn sighed. Normally she would get eighteen coins this day from selling flowers, but she got two today. She picked her flower basket. Nobody in Sderina would want flowers now. They are celebrating the Dutchess Maira's birthday. As she walked, two guards pointed a her.

"She's the Duke's daughter!" one of them shouted. The guards began to chase her. She ran away, and slipped....
(literally 80 minutes later...)

"There she was!" one of the guards said. She had fainted, and she was opening her eyes....
"What are you doing with me?!" she shouted.
"We want you to live at the Duke's castle......"

(To Be Continued.)
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 23
    The difference between
    I always knew being rich made you poorer, for one, you’d most likely put your things first before anything else, but some people manage to keep compassion. My family was never rich rich, but we still had many luxuries, but they never helped our family.
    But not being rich doesn’t mean you get a good life either, because in the end, nothing’s perfect it’s just nice or good. Families break up, friends betray, strangers steal, it’s just how the world works in some cases. We feel powerless...
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posted by SisterOfThalia

This is my first full-length story that I've made.

You know, I would post it here chapter by chapter, but there's 23. And that would entirely cover up 'The Deadly Truth' (I know that should probably be underlined but my computer sucks and that isn't an option on here) chapters that are up thus far so I'm not doing that xD

Based off of the Percy Jackson series.

Note: This story kind of stinks, especially the first five chapters. Eve is a major Mary-Sue at the beginning, I think, but won't let me change it so I can't really do much about it (plus I'm a sentimental weirdo who doesn't like to change things-- really gotta get over that). The second story, which I'll post after I get feedback on this, is WAY better. I'm on chapter 14 of that and it's already longer than the first and by FAR more descriptive and all. I blame myself for being younger when I started the first one :P
posted by E-Scope90
This song is about braking up with someone. Please join my club E-Scope90 if you like it. I'll post some more if I get enough views.
Oh Caysee
Casee, Caysee,
Can't you see
Your love isn't fit
For you and me
Caysee, why won't you understand
I don't want to take your hand
Why can't you find someone else,
Oh Caysee?
Caysee, don't feel so blue
You can find a boy for you.
(repeat 2x)
Caysee, why cant you see
You're just not the one for me.
Just please understand
Our love isn't grand.
I don't wanna make a fit in front of the music stand
Can't you see
You're not the one for me
Caysee, oh Caysee
Oh, can't you see???!!!
You can never be...
the one....
for me...
posted by alicia386
August 29

      Chloe's throat started closing. She couldn't breathe. Her vision was getting fuzzy and the world started closing in around her. She tried getting up but the weight of the air forced her to fall on her hands and needs. She hears distant screaming but couldn't tell who it was. There were sirens and people shouting orders. The world blended together. Her entire body ached. She was weak and tired and death seemed like a very welcoming idea. She couldn't understand what was going on. The screaming was forcing her to loose control. Then she realized . . . it was her.

Eric was literally...
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posted by IlovePatch97
You step into the ballroom were the annual midnight gala is being held. It happens every summer, August first, the year is 1884. The wealthy family of a well know over seas business holds the party in there estate hall. Only the rich, flamboyant, fashionable and educated are invited. You, being a business partner and fitting all descriptions continuously receive invites. You are not particularly fond of large gatherings though. You would much rather prefer to be at home doing work, perhaps reading, or maybe lounging by a fire in your own mansion. Despite the hot days the nights are rather chilly,...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Breathing hard beneath the shading leaves of countless exotic trees, Talow could hear the sounds of men shouting to each other and pain induced shrieks. He crawled behind a large trunk, peering back at the village; from here he could see what was going on. Neighbours, some of which he had had a good relationship with were being forced on their knees as men wearing pale gray uniforms tied lengths of rope around their wrists. Buildings were burning; livestock could be heard squealing as fire licked flesh.

Talow pulled back from his viewing point, taking inventory of his hastily thrown together...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 8: to the Future

The year 3020, Kitsunes and Humans live in peace, because of Amber and Jay's triumph over tyranny...

"Amber, do you think about having children?" Jay asked Amber.

"I do, sometimes" Amber responded, as the doorbell rung. Amber went to see who was there, but all she saw was a pair of baby Kitsunes in a basket.

Jay walked down the stairs to be with her, and saw them. "Who abandoned a pair of baby Kitsunes?" Jay thought to himself, as Amber picked them both up.

"Jay, can we adopt them?" Amber asked him.

"Of course, they are our children" Jay replied.
posted by E-Scope90
I wrote this it's kinda random not about love this time. That's rare.

I'm going free style all over
Enjoy the supernova
This is special
really special
I'm so free of styles I'm full
Anything can do yeah
Anything can do
Because I'm going
Won't come with me for a while
Because I'm going
I'm going, I'm doing, I know
I'm going
Come on with me for a smile
Because I'm going
We can do it with our style
Come on
To see
The newest
posted by E-Scope90
This is a song I wrote when I was 6 or 7 I improved it a little I didn't add to it though.

United 8 Planets
United 8 Planets
United 8 Planets are in the sky
United 8 Planets 1 2 3 to try
I love you more than united 8 planets
Kissin' the sky girl
But our love is stronger than the bond
of united 8 planets

Any day you wanna hang out
But I doubt
Our love is stronger
than united 8 planets
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
posted by E-Scope90
A song by me it's short because it has a 30 second intro and also the song is pretty slow.


I know I feel down. But don't try to make me happy.
Not this or that, can help. Not that either. But only one thing. But now,
I feel so lonely. Deep down, depressed
If you were here, I'd feel happy
Now I feel so sappy
You were the one that make me happy, but your'e not here girl
I know you are gone, and I feel lonely without you
You were my mate no need for the other girls to debate
I feel lonelier than a log a log in a big thick fog
I feel so lonely
If only you were here

posted by Annanonymous
Kairtlyn did not believe the guards' words. " How could it be?" she asked."My mother's a normal citizen."
"Of course it could be. I will tell you the story." one of the guards promised.But Kairtlyn did not believe that easily. She punched the guard straight on his face.
"Ow!" the guard shouted. But the other guard was strong and muscular and in an instant he had grabbed her.
"Let me go!" she said."I'm not the Duke's daughter! It's utter nonsense!"
Unfortunately, it was true. Kairtlyn didn't realize it.....
posted by Annanonymous
There was once a woman who ran in the woods. She had brown hair that trailed behind her like a tail. She was running away from the guards of the mansion near the woods.

"Stop!" the guard ordered.
"I won't stop keeping the secret except Reginald would let you stop chasing me!" the woman replied with a voice that signifies that she was tired.
" Are you running only for a lowly creature?" the guard said with a strong voice.
" I am not afraid. Kill me." the woman said, "but leave the baby safe."
"But why?! It's a baby girl, and you know girls and woman are worthless except for the maids and the members of the Rosrien. You, the honorable Lady Freryn, why are you running for that silly little girl that is not from the House Of Rosrien?"
" Stop all the talk. This is my order. kill me, and let the baby safe." Lady Freryn ordered.
" Alright."the guards said.....

-To Be Continued.
posted by Dhampires
I lay in my backyard starring at the clouds above completely taken by my thoughts-my memories.

I was laying in my-orginal-bedroom the only sound was my beating heart as I sat up i felt like I was being watched, as if someone was right in my room with me. Someone I couldn't see. Then that's when my mom walked in as if she knew exactly what was going on not only by the lookin of terror on my face buy she felt it too.

Her eyes met mine for a second they locked, she broke it as quickly as she made it. Slowly she eased her way around the whole room studying-touching-everything as if she'd never...
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posted by Problematic129
    “Yes, again, another weird experience at the very same school where a storm occurred, and now it seems as if something happened yet again. A call to the police from the one of the students or staff was made claiming that their power was off and in the distance they heard screaming and what-not, were thinking it’s a severe burglary, and a perfectly planned one if so.”
    “Why…? Is this book so important to them? Why can’t we be left alone for at least a second?” Edith wailed going...
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