True Writers Club
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posted by -SilverFey-
I have not been on here in about three months, and almost nothing has been posted, so I'm posting this, because I really don't want this club to die. :,)

I found my bond early.

Not exceptionally early. In eighth grade. I was thirteen; he was barely fourteen. And a matching mark appeared on our skin, meaning that he was my bond. He is my bond.

Our mark is made up of three dark black stars, charcoal black, pure black. The first one, the biggest star, is on both of our left breastbones, the second largest just under it and slightly to the left, and the smallest just a little lower down, directly under the first.

This year, tenth grade, I showed my mark to my teacher, Ms. Satari. She said since it depicts something that exists only out of this world, it probably symbolizes curiosity, the need to explore, the need to know things. I think that's accurate to describe us; I, and my bond.

His name is Mico, and I love him.

* * *

In history, we learnt about how our world used to be. It sounds like a terrible place. People persecuted others just for the color of their skin, their gender or religion, or for being homosexual.

The faeries, the fae, they saw this and knew it was wrong. They blurred the lines of sexuality. Everyone still has a sexuality, of course, but even if you're heterosexual, you can still fall in love with many people of the same gender.

They opened our minds, made us see that to be different is not always to be wrong. They made sure each gender was recognized for its abilities and strengths.

And they gave us our bond. So that when we met our bond, a mark would appear on our skin, a mark depicting the similarity between the two. To make sure, in this world the faeries had created to be a utopia, that if anything did go wrong, we would have someone there for us.

This was millennia ago. A blink of an eye to the faeries, and forever to us.

* * *

I stared at my desk. Someone had written on it in blue pen.

'Hi, my name's Saundai,' it read. The i's had hearts instead of dots. I picked up my pen, wrote a response: 'Hello. My name is Kein.'

The bell rang, signaling that class was beginning. Ms. Satari walked to the front of the room. "Hello, class," she said.

A collected mumble of greetings hummed in my ears. I propped my chin in my hands and yawned. It was still morning, and I take a while to wake up.

"Does anyone remember where we left off?" Ms. Satari asked.

"How the faeries changed us," someone called out.

"Yeah, a really long time ago," a female voice amended.

"Alright, thank you." Ms. Satari turned and began writing on the board. "Does anyone here know about the ten planes?"

A murmur of: "I've heard about them." and "I don't really remember."

"Alright. Well, there are ten different realities on this planet. We don't know about the other planets; only this one. Anyway, the different planes all share the same space, yet have no consciousness of each other. For example, in another plane, this school could be a zoo. This classroom could be a penguin exhibit, but do we see any penguins? No, because they exist in a different plane. Does that mean there are no penguins? No, they're just in a different reality.

"We have no way of traveling to a different plane, at least none that we know of. The faeries are the only ones who can cross between planes. In fact, we would not know anything about the other planes could we not communicate with the faeries.

"The faeries have told us that only five of the ten planes were actually altered, with the people's minds opened. Only five of the ten planes have blurred sexuality lines. Only five have bonds. We were lucky enough to be one of the five planes that was altered."

My eyelids grew heavy. I lay my head down on the desk and drifted off.

* * *

"Kein. Kein?" Somebody shook me gently. "Kein, wake up."

I opened my eyes, blinked twice. Mico's face came into focus: his adorable freckles, teal eyes, tousled blond hair. I smiled sleepily and sat up. "Hi, Mic."

"Hey, Sleepyhead. I came down here to walk you to class. Good thing too, otherwise you might have slept for the rest of the school day!"

I stretched and stood up, grabbing my pencil case from my desk. "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration."

"Just a bit." Mico grinned and picked up my backpack. "I can carry this for you."

"Thanks, Mic." I followed him into the crowded halls. As we maneuvered our way through the throng, I noticed something.

The top two buttons of his shirt were unfastened, exposing the top and largest star, the one on his breastbone. He walked with a slight bounce in his step, proud, happy.

Proud to be my bond.
posted by riehlemarie
Once there lived a normal middle school girl, or so she thought.She had long brown hair, green with a hin of blue eyes. Her name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth's mother, Rebecca, has blond hair, and blue eyes. Elizabeth always pondered about it.

When Elizabeth was 5 years old she asked her mom about it. Rebecca had to think fast so she made up a little story for Elizabeth so she wouldn't want to ask about it. So Rebecca told Elizabeth "Lizzie", [ Elizabeth's nickname] " you look just like your daddy, but daddy left us." Rebecca thought Elizabeth would be fine without knowing the truth, that Elizabeth...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 3

Lawrence and The Dragon Princess now were thinking about their relationship, as they heard screaming outside.

"How dare you take Lawrence away from people!" Adele yelled as the Townsfolk started to break down the walls!

The Dragon Princess had been taught Love, Compassion, and other nice things while with Lawrence, but now, she had just seen red. She attacked the Townsfolk.

"I shall destroy you, Bloodthirsty Beast!" Adele roared as she slashed the Dragon Princess!

"No..." The Dragon Princess thought about her doom, and that she would really never have true love.

" finish what i...
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I stormed down the steps, into the closest empty classroom, and over to someone’s seat. Then I sat down, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed.
    “Why are you such a jerk, Ash?” I yelled at the ceiling. There was a faint echo.
    I jumped to my feet. The chair crashed to the ground. I kicked it as hard as I could.
    “You okay?” someone asked.
    I jumped, spun around. Lisa.
    “I’m fine,” I...
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posted by Bluekait
If you pick a type of horror story, I'll do a shout out. If you haven't, here's a link:


For any inspiring horror story fan can gladly vote here:


Avery ran into the woods. Without looking back, she knew she was being chased by an un-natural force. She ran to the hut and locked the door behind her. Avery heard a loud thud. "Phew," she sighed. She climbed into bed and slept. The next morning, she was found dead at a gruesome sight.
Her head was found outside and the rest of Avery Wilson was nowhere to be found.
Her friends followed her steps to see...
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posted by alicia386
I was sitting in a wooden chair surrounded by strangers and my grandmother. The last thing I remember I was in my Alegebra class when I was called to the office. My grandmother was there with two other ladies. My grandmother said to get in the car and to not ask questions. I did what I was told and ended up here.

"Do you think she has the power, Grace?" A short woman with dyed light blue hair looked to my grandmother for answers.

"I am postive," replied my grandmother. "She ahs been showing signs since she was baby."

"Her mother failed to cut her powers off." A man next to my grandmother shook...
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Note: There's some language, so if that sort of thing offends you, then don't read it.

I screamed as someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me into the air. I dropped my fake leather bag and my unzipped denim jacket almost fell off as my black high-tops swung out in front of me. Then whoever had grabbed me plopped me back on the ground, where I fell ungracefully onto my ass.
    I tipped my head back, squinting against the bright lights in the school hall. Someone grinned down at me. I took in their features: dirty blond hair hanging...
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Author's note: Okay, first time posting on this club. This is a one-shot that is also a songfic, and although it originally was a fanfiction, it has nothing to do with the fandom so I'm posting it here! The reason that I don't use names in this is because it's a random couple, not anyone specific..WARNING: some graphic content (blood, death, etc.) and extreme sob-factor. Now I'll shut up.
This world will never be what I expected
And if I don't belong who would have guessed it...

The darkness weighed down on her shoulders, all in itself a tangible thing that pressed its massive self upon her....
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posted by flabaloobalah
(Gryffindork99 and I shall start posting chapters of a sci-fi novel here in hopes to keep this club alive. Gonna try not to give too much away. Hope you like it, so please comment.)

The scientist was hunched over his lab table, his six fingers on each hand grabbing beakers and flyaway papers. He was very focused until another man walked in. This man was noticeably younger, his face free of blemishes, glasses planted squarely on the bridge of his large nose.
"What do you want, Flemming?" The scientist asked quite rudely from his spot.
"Sir, there's a, an um....people are talking. You might not...
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posted by dragonsmemory
Below is a comprehensive list of all the True Writers works (minus my own) that I know of. Please, if you know of any works not on this list or if I somehow left you off of it, please let me know.

    “Heart-Broken” (2012)
    Wolf Girl (2012)
    Forbidden (2012)
    Be Normal…Not (2012)
    Way to Go, Saumensch: A Note from the Saukerl (2012)
    “Unity of the Universe” (2012)
    “Reach Into the Stars” (2012)...
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this is only prolegomena of New world .. New rules ( red revenge ) , well not really it's just the important things that happened in the second book , and yes I can't write it cause it's way too long and I can't just cut some of it , it's like 99 chapter , so here's some of what happened
by the way , if you were reading the inevitable fate , well this is the same story , I just changed the title to New world …. New rules cause I find it fit with the story better
so yea here it is

people change , sometimes for worse and sometimes for the best , but if you want to judge how Kat has changed...
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posted by Problematic129
Part 15, hey lovelies, another one! Yaya! This particular one is dedicated to the beautiful Amanda Todd, may she rest in peace. If you don't know who she is, well she was a victim to bullying, which pushed her to commit suicide, facebook has a page dedicated to her 'R.I.P. Amanda Todd', check it out and support. Words can have a huge impact on people, and when something like this happens, well were not going to ignore it. Say no to bullying! A shout out to reasons to love being alive tumblr, a really nice place :). I don't own anything, nada, zilch. These pictures are not mine, at all. Enjoy!
posted by 1999jacko
Gemini tunneled under the ground spinning in circles causing the ground to rumble. As he reached his brothers old house he felt something in his head snap loose as though a part of his brain and been cut open and dissected. " ARGH" he screamed as he stopped tunneling and scoured through his mind looking for something different or missing, he soon found the thingt hat was missing. His empathy link with Libra which meant only one thing his brother is dead, he quickly jumped through the earth and dived into the air taking huge leaps through the air the earth rising beneath his feet, he soon reached...
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posted by alicia386
This is a story I have been wanting to write for a long time and I hope you enjoy it.


"I'll do it!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I'll really do it!" They honestly thought I wouldn't do it. They honestly believed I was crazy but I'm not! I'm not crazy! I refuse to believe that I am mentally insane.

"Just put the knife down," said my father in a soothing tone. I'm not a baby. You can't force me to do anything. "Becky, honey, you don't want to kill yourself. It will not bring you joy."

We were circling around the dinner table and I had a knife close to my throat. One move and...
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posted by 1999jacko
" Oh no, no, no and no again im losing it man I can't do it no more. I'm falling got it now leave me alone." I sat on my bed tears streaming down my face, the things in his vision were fighting me making me do things I didn't want, but he was fighting. Yet I was losing and all because I couldn't get anything to go right without a multiple of five or five, nothing went right without five. I couldn't find anyway one to help me in my fight, I can't believe my 4 friends had abandoned me(4 I told you nothing ever went right without 5). The sound of footsteps got louder and the doctor came in and...
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posted by tigerseye43
This is a poem I came up with

The pain is far greater
the pain is almost blinding
you said you'd always love me
a rope of love wrapped around me, a binding

But now I know the truth
You're nothing but a fake
you took my heart and played with it
and now my heart does nothing but ache

I wish to hear your voice again
I wish you had never hurt me
for now I can't even look at you
without having to turn and flee

This pain has gotten worse
I can't stand it much longer
but if I take a blade....
I can take the pain you gave me and make a different pain stronger.
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 5
    So old news
    Blood, that was all I saw big dark, nauseating blood. I couldn’t look away from the grotesque thing, it just caught my attention, as dark and scary as it’ll ever get.
    Luckily it was fake blood.    
    “Do you like it?” Lila asked, looking at me expectantly.
    “Um…yes, it’s lovely and very, very real looking” I shudder.
    “Where’d you get it?” Fern asks, looking disturbed. “It even smells real.”
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Thirteen: Eat Them Before They Eat You

      It was early the next morning when I woke up. The night before seemed like a dream to me. I expected to find myself in the school dorm or in a hotel because dad and I had to stop before we go continue the mission. Then I realized that I was actually stuck in headquarters with Darrell, Courtney, and Raven. Raven was up and walking to do. She still wouldn't talk but she was walking. Darrell was still sleeping along with Courtney. The realization of finding myself in this position made it increasingly hard to fall back to sleep.
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Chapter 13
    The whole gang
    “So…? Um…would you rather, live on an island for a year but then be saved and become a billionaire, or get stuck on a cruise ship for a three months with no money whatsoever?” I ask.    
    Ryler ums, while Beth scrunches up her eyes, the others just boringly blink. Beth answers first.
    “Stuck on a cruise ship.”
    “Why?” I question.
    “Well…think about it, I’m going to have to find food, clothes,...
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You lurk in the shadows...You keep a distance from society,You have no priorties, stay away.You think you have (absolutely) no destiny.Come out,Come out,Come out-Let me see you clearly.

(Chorus) You can't stay hidden all your damn life,it's like your forbidden to live without strife:and I don't understand...why you have to be a mystery man (man,man) a mystery man.

You come out in the dark, gaze at the moon wondering why you can't find your mark (in life,in life) You flee to your car,I try to catch you but all I hear instead is vroom,vroom as you drive away (who knows why your going...
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posted by Problematic129
Part 11!!! Okay so, super duper sorry for it being so so so late! So I'm going to try to make this short and simple, I own nothing! Nada, zero, zilch. Most of these I found on pinterest, tumbr, twitter, blogs, all that sha bang. I own nothing. These pictures aren't mine. I love you guys, thanks for viewing, stay strong, stay beautiful, and stay you.
Right now I thought it would be kind to give you a songlist, of some very powerful/nice songs. Random different nice. Just thought you'd like it. Go check 'em out.
The pretty reckless-under the water
Orla Gartland-Devil on my shoulder
Toby mac-city...
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