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I stared at Angela and back to Lauren.
"What's the history between you two?" I asked them.
"Well, Angela is known as the geek of the school." Lauren explained.
"Well, Lauren is known as the brat and the person who uses way too much makeup." Angela glowered.
They glowered at each other for a few more minutes and I groaned.
"If you guys want to fight, fight once we land. There are too many witnesses around!" I whispered urgently.

But then Lauren sprayed something at Angela's face.... soda?
Angela walked away in disgust.
I got out of my seat, and walked towards Lauren.
"What the hell was that for?!?!" I yelled at her.
"I thought Angela should know how cold soda should feel on her face." Lauren sneered.
Then my anger shot up.
"Well, I wonder how you know how it feels..." I said, while grabbing my water bottle and poured water of her hair, causing her to get her hair complete wet, all of her makeup, including her mascarra to run.

Then Lauren glared at me, as if she was about to attack.
"You didn't." she growled.
I grinned an evil smile.
"Too bad I did."
Then Lauren ran to the bathroom crying.
I had to laugh, Angela's right, she does wear too much makeup.
I saw Angela coming towards me, with an evil grin, just like me.
"I think you were too soft on her. Soda is a lot worse than water." Angela said.
I laughed.
"But it seemed to cause her a lot of misery." I said.
"She's such a cry baby. I thought I would never see her again after we graduated high-school. I guess I was wrong. If I were you, stay as far away from her as possible." Angela sighed.

"Don't worry about that, I would never want to hang out with her." I told her.
She smiled.
Then I turned around and saw that Lauren didn't come out of the bathroom yet.
"Do you have any idea how long she would be in there?" I asked her.
"Hmm... I think she would be in there for awhile. It could take hours to clean up all of that make-up." she said.

Then suddenly Lauren came out of the bathroom, but her face was still dripping with colored makeup, eyeliners, mascarra, eye shadow, and her hair was still wet.
"Excuse me! I need my make-up bag!" she yelled at Angela.
I found her make-up bag in her bag, but I had an idea for another revenge for pouring soda on Angela.
"You mean this?" I asked innocently and dangled the bag in my hand.
"GIVE IT TO ME!" Lauren commanded.
"Nah, I have a better place for it." I told her. I took the bag, and opened the zipper and dropped all of Lauren makeup into the garbage.
"Opps." I said.
Lauren's eyes were wide in horror, and she ran passed me and looked into the garbage.

She whined.
"It's all covered with gross leftovers..."
Then she glared at me.
"Once we get to Alaska, you BETTER buy me new makeups." she hissed.
"Not my problem, it's yours. For your information, some people look better without make-up." I told her.
"That's the keyword, some. I look horrible without makeup." she complained.
"Really? Show me." Angela challenged.
Lauren went back to the bathroom, cleaning all of her makeup, and she came back out, expossing her natural look.
I dropped the phone. I knew who voice it was, I couldn’t forget that voice, but why were they calling me? I shook myself out of it and picked up the phone. “Hello?” I said I heard the person sign. “Bella, do you know who it is?” They asked. I nodded and then signed. “Yes” I said, tears filling my eyes. “I’m coming to see you tomorrow” They told me, I nodded and then the line was dead. I closed the phone shut, I was crying now. I didn’t know what to do, I just sat there on my bed, tomorrow I would see this person, and the person I had grew to love. I looked at the clock,...
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posted by doyouknow
“Bella please just listen to me!” Jake groaned beside me, “he’s bad news I’m telling you!”
“Shut up Jacob you don’t even know him!”
Since that day in Biology Edward and I had become rather close. He still sat at his table for lunch and I still sat at mine, but once Biology came we talked like there was no tomorrow. Jake didn’t seem too happy about my newfound friendship. He said that it had nothing to do with jealousy, but I had a sneaking suspicion that It did. Jacob didn’t like Edward, or his family. Him and his friends from La Push regarded them as freaks and were less...
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“Hey Bella” I heard my name being called, I turned and saw Rachael. She was smiling. “Hey Rach” I said, she stood there still smiling. “What is it?” I asked she smiled and then pulled a pink piece of paper out of her bag. “What are you doing tonight?” She asked me. I smiled and then read the piece of paper. “Rach I don’t know...a party?” I asked unsure, she smiled. “Oh come on, it will be fun” She told me. I moaned in annoyance. “Rach, you know I hate parties” I said, opening the door of my truck. She stopped me from getting in. “Please, I don’t want to have...
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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: Same as always… I do not own the characters.

A/N: Please, please, please review and let me know what you think of my story. I’ve been having a hard time writing it lately since I have been sick, but please review this and let me know that you still like it.

Chapter 9


“What is she thinking? She knows what they are and yet she stays! What could possibly being going on with her head that she stay’s there with all of them?” I was beyond mad. I didn’t understand why she was acting the way she was. I know that they helped her with her parents funeral, but dad and I would...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
I sat next to Rachael thinking about the ‘non-vegetarian’ vampires here in Forks. The Teacher was going on about god knows what. Rachael pasted me a note. I opened it.

What happened? I heard you were grounded.

I got a pen and replied.

Yeah, no thanks to Jacob he totally sold me out.
I passed the note to her; as soon as she read it she smiled and then got a pen out and started to write.

Maybe because you’re dating a vampire that could kill you and that he hates.

I signed and put the note in the bin. The bell then went to my relief. I gathered my books and got up. Edward was waiting for me; I...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
As soon as Edward heard this, he rushed to Jasper’s side and helped him up. On Jasper’s other side was Emmett, who was now helping his brother up too. A tear rolled down Alice’s cheek. I never knew vampires or supernatural creatures could cry. This meant that something was really wrong. I put my arm around Alice.
“Get Jasper upstairs as fast as you can,” Carlisle said.
Emmett and Edward nodded and rushed Jasper upstairs to Edward’s room. Alice pulled my arm away and started heading toward the stairs. Carlisle stopped her.
“You four stay here,” he said. I knew he was referring...
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I just lie there in his arms and don’t move, for a while I wonder why he is here but am to afraid to ask. “Are you okay now” he asked in a calm beautiful voice. I looked up and saw no smile on his face nothing but concern. I smiled. “This is kind of stupid” I laughed. He didn’t smiled he put his hand on my cheek. “No, what did to you....and to let you in to this world” he trailed of; I put my fingers on his lips. “I can understand why he did it, but what I can’t understand is...why are you here?” I asked, he smiled, a light smile. “I have being coming in...
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Hey, here is Chapter 9 enjoy!

It was like someone was trying to wake me from a deep sleep. I wanted to wake up but I couldn’t move there was too much pain. That’s when I heard the voice, his beautiful voice.
“No Nessie, don’t stop breathing. Keep your heart beating, breath Nessie breathe!” Jacob sobbed over my chest.
“Jacob, you need to let me look at her, it’s the only way to save her,” Carlisle said, worry in his calm voice. Jacob didn’t say anything but leaned back and took my hand.
“Ed...Edward, she is going to be okay, isn’t she?” I heard mum sob in her wind chime...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 5:B pov
I woke up and looked at my new purple alarm clock it said 2:00 pm
I was late again,I jumped off my bed and stretched then walked to the bathroom and washed my face, I walked to my giant dresser and focused on what to wear, Hmmm the brown tank top goes with my black jean and the new necklace I got from accessorize and my black converse, and I'm all set!
I rushed to my car and forgot to grab a Hershey bar and drove to the mall
While I was driving I checked my watch again and 2:15 I still have 15 mins to the Saturday sale good thing I really want that black bag! Hmmm this is...
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posted by bella01
"I can't sleep"I whispered.
Thoughts are keep entering my head about the family that will adopt me.What are they like?Will they like me?I don't really care because no one will like me if they know the truth about me and my parents.

We're not normal.Renee has the ability of counter attack shield and physical and mind shield.Charlie can control elements and as for me,I can see what happened to the life of the people I touch.After my parent's death,I realized that their "powers" were passed on to me.I tried to use my powers to see what happened "that day" and it brought me shock.A group of vampires...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
next chapter should be up tomorrow !!!


So that’s my story… are you in tears yet? Well, it’s the saddest story in my family. Yes, family. You’ve probably gathered that Emmett isn’t my biological brother but Carlisle turned him so I think of Emmett as my big brother. And there’s my other brother Jasper. Carlisle didn’t turn him, but Carlisle found him as a newborn vampire and he lives with us. Carlisle never talks about how he was turned, but Emmett at age 18, was being mauled by a bear when Carlisle saved him, and Jasper, 19, was turned by three girls who...
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Hi! There will be a surprise in this chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 24
Bella's POV

The plan was simple. When Maria and James took us with them, we would run and find Edward. After I was finished with my shower, I felt sick. I threw up in the toilet. What could have made me so sick?
I got my answer when I felt something move in my stomach. Uhoh.

Edward's POV

We had arrived at the place where James had hidden Bella. It was deserted. Alice had a vision. It was Bella. On a bed. She was in pain. A little dark-haired girl was on the end of the bed, telling Bella to push. James was on the other side of the...
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added by ctaim2
added by ctaim2
posted by kayleebabee
end of chapter two!!

I floored the accelarator as soon as I hit the highway. I just prayed I would be fast enough...

Chapter 3:

So jane thought she could play games did she? Well it took two to tango and i was going to beat her! I thought visiously as i closed the mile between myself and Jane at astonishing speeds.
My phone was at my ear as soon as it vibrated.
"Hello?" I hissed
"Bella, it's alice do not go to your mothers aid without Edward as I have seen what will happen if you go alone." I didn't slow down. "Bella wait for edward please you have to have someone there when your..." She trailed...
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posted by JacobsWolfGirl
Hey guys =] I hope you like this one =] I love you pointers and your opinions =] Hope you like the newest edition =] Enjoy !! =]
I didn’t exactly know how I knew that this female vampire was coming for me… it just was like I knew it. The look in her eye scared me to the point where I had just realized that I was shaking. She wasn’t like the Cullen’s. She had almost like an evil aura around her. Jacob instantly felt me start to shake because by then he was holding me in his arms close to his chest. He was really tense and I felt his heart beating for what felt like a million miles an...
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posted by renesmeblack
This is a chapter taken from my almost-finished story. Enjoy!


When I awoke, I realized that it was sweltering hot. I looked up.Jacob was in human form, on my bed, holding me like I was a teddy bear for a toddler as he slept. I felt a little peeved. He usually gets in trouble for this if he's caught by either parent. At first, Jacob wasn't allowed in my room for days if he was caught. He found a way around this by sleeping in dog form outside my bedroom door, which my bed is conveniently right next to. When my mom found him like this after about a few weeks, she said his visits will be limited...
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Text Messaging
3 hours later

Carlisle and Bella are texting.
Bella: is edward ok? u btr tell me, or i'll hrt u! u know it's tru. i'd do anything 4 edward. tell me!
Carlisle: bella, calm down. edward is abso. fine. may i b shot if i am lying. even tho that would not hrt.
Bella: but wat is vampiremonoculosis? dude, really! i need some info here! edward has a disease! oh dear, my 1 and only luv has vampiremonoculosis.
Carlisle: it happens wen a vamp. eats 2 much human food. he thought red kool aid was blood, and drank it 4 3 hrs straight!
Bella: oh dear. Jake is texting me.
Jacob: yo, yo, yo. DJ jakey...
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The Twilight Suite Life of Zack and Cody (and the Cullens)

*This starts off with Bella and Edward walking into the Boston Tipton Hotel for their 2nd honeymoon. The Cullens now live in Alaska, three miles from Tanya's coven. Garrett had married Kate six months ago, so he is now in their coven. Esme and Alice built Edward and Bella a house near theirs! Esme and Bella built one for Alice and Jasper. Alice, Bella, and Esme built another house for Emmett and Rosalie.They are ALL vampires! Including Bella!

Bella: Oh! Edward, this hotel is beautiful!

Edward: I know, love. Esme always loved it here. Let's...
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posted by taelor4twilight
This is my first fanfiction! Tell me how I did please! heeheehee!

How was it possible to feel this miserable?

I figured that my life without Bella would be difficult, but not to the point where I ignore my family's phone calls. My cell phone was on vibrate, so I couldn't determine who it was calling. Did it matter? All they would try to do, was try to convince me to come home. That we would think of something. That, would only make the pain worse. This was the fourth month I'd left Forks, and ever since, I've been sitting in the attic of some family's house in Portugal with my forehead on my...
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