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posted by twilight-7
Unfortunately there was another week of exams to suffer. Again, Edward locked me in my room and wouldn’t let me leave unless I needed a human moment. Now, I wouldn’t have minded if Edward had locked me in my room alone with him but we were doing more revision which I did mind. I could think of other things I’d rather be doing with Edward in my locked bedroom.
“Can you please focus on this past exam paper, Kayla?” Edward scolded me when my mind strayed to more fun things my imagination told me I could be doing.
“Edward, I’m bored!” I threw my pen down on the desk. “I have to stop revising or I will go insane!”
“Do you want to pass your exams?” Edward asked.
“Of course I do but this is not the way to do it. You can’t lock me up in my room all day and shove revision down my throat. I need a break!”
“You do get a break.”
“When I go to the loo!” I shouted. “That’s the only time! I’m going downstairs to watch some TV.”
I scraped my chair back and stalked to my bedroom door. Edward beat me to it.
“I’m trying to help you,” Edward said. “I want you to get the best result.”
“Why are you even bothering helping me revise?” I asked. “You can tell me the answer in the exam.”
“I want you to achieve this on your own. You are very intelligent.”
“If I was intelligent I wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Edward tried to look strict but failed when I turned angry.
“Kayla, just try and do a little more.”
I folded my arms across my chest.
Edward sighed.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “On your head be it.”
I pushed him aside and nearly sprinted down the stairs. I collapsed on the sofa and turned on the TV. I had only just switched to the Disney Channel (yeah, I like to watch Phineas and Ferb, so what?) when there was a knock on the door.
“For God’s sake,” I muttered. “I finally get to sit down and watch Phineas and Ferb and someone decides to knock on my door. Great.”
I grudgingly got to my feet and wrenched the door open, prepared to grumble and complain and the stupid annoying person who had interrupted me. I caught sight of his bright blue eyes and I could think of nothing but compliments for the person.
“Hi,” Mitchell smiled dazzlingly at me. “I thought I would come round and say hello.”
“Hi,” I said, all common sense evaporating from my head. “You’re Mitchell.”
“Yes I am.” He laughed at my stupidity and I wanted nothing more than to throw myself at him and kiss his gorgeous lips. “And you’re Michaela.”
I nodded, my eyes locked on his.
“Are you going to invite me in, Michaela?” Mitchell asked, politely but persuasively. His voice sounded commanding but that might just have been my mind telling me to let him in.
I stepped aside to let him pass. As he did, his hand brushed against mine and I felt that electric shock again just like last week.
“Charlie not here?” Mitchell walked through to the living-room while I closed the door.
“No,” I called to him. “He’s at work.”
What the hell is going on?
I almost screamed when I heard Edward’s voice in my mind. I think I forgot he was in my bedroom.
Nothing, I replied hastily. Just a friend came round to say hello.
Mitchell. Edward’s voice came out like a growl.
In less than two seconds, Edward was beside me. His eyes weren’t as golden as last week. They were darkening again, going to black. He needed to hunt again but he could control his thirst for at least another week. But lack of food made men grumpy. And lack of animal blood plus jealousy equalled one very grumpy vampire.
“What is he doing here?” Even in a whisper Edward’s voice came out in a snarl.
“Just to say hello,” I answered. “That’s all.”
“He can say hello on the doorstep. Why is he in the house?”
“I don’t know,” I replied. “He asked ‘are you going to invite me in’ and I let him in.”
“Was there a reason for letting him in?”
“I don’t think so.” I was confused now. Why had I let Mitchell in? It’s not like we were best friends and he came round my house everyday. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend and we spent a majority of our time in my room. So why had I let him in?
Kayla, I don’t think you can trust Mitchell.
Why? He’s not done anything wrong.
He confused you.
People confuse me all the time.
That’s true but you always work things out. He’s confused you big time. You don’t even know why you let the guy into your house.
I do so! I let him in because...because...because...
No one’s ever done that before. Not even me. Like I said, you’re very intelligent.
And you’re jealous.
Edward didn’t know what he was talking about. He had only met Mitchell once and immediately disliked him because I thought he was gorgeous. Edward’s just jealous. I could make my own decisions about people and I decided that Mitchell was trustworthy. Edward could go back to revising if he didn’t want to talk to Mitchell.
If I go back to revising you’re coming with me.
I ignored him and walked into the living-room. Mitchell was sitting on the sofa and laughing at Phineas and Ferb.
“These guys are crazy,” Mitchell laughed to me. “They just built a big massive haunted house in their back garden to cure Isabella’s hiccups. And Perry the Platypus is the best pet ever! He’s a secret agent too! Isn’t that hilarious?”
I laughed at him. This guy was amazing. He was like nearly nineteen and found a kids’ show funny. Most guys that age wouldn’t be caught dead watching the Disney channel.
I sat next to Mitchell and immediately Edward was next to me and his arm was around my shoulders, clearly telling Mitchell that I was his.
“So Michaela,” Mitchell said, smiling at me. He never did stop smiling at me. “Why aren’t you studying for your exams?”
“That is a very good question, Mitchell,” Edward said. “She should really be revising. Come on, Kayla, back upstairs.”
“I’m having a break from revising,” I said firmly. “Why don’t you go upstairs and revise, Edward? You have exams too.”
“Yes, Edward,” Mitchell smiled warmly at Edward, his blue eyes focused on Edward’s eyes. “Go upstairs and revise.”
Edward’s arm twitched and he moved as if to stand up but then his whole body stiffened.
“I think you should go, Mitchell,” Edward spoke low and threatening.
I knew that voice. Edward was not happy. He considered Mitchell a danger. But what kind of danger? A danger that threatens my life or a danger that threatens to steal me?
I looked sideways at Edward and saw his eyes were full of hate and fury. If he wasn’t careful he would show the whole world that vampires existed.
“I don’t understand, Edward,” Mitchell sounded confused. “What have I done?”
“You came here,” Edward answered. “Now get out.”
“Hold up,” I said. I shrugged away Edward’s possessive arm. “I will say who leaves my house. And I say that Mitchell doesn’t leave.”
“Fine,” Edward stood up. “I will.”
He turned on his heel and left the living-room.
“No Edward, wait!” I stood up and followed but he was already gone. I could hear the engine of his Volvo fading fast down the road.
“Damn it!” I shouted, smacking the door in anger.
renesmee's pov

i wake up i was felling better my neck was almost heal because i heal faster than normal humans

i was alone in my room but i could hear jake and noah talking outside in a low voice but i could still hear it

"look bloodsucker let me explain this to you" jake said
"hey don't call me bloodsucker and i won't call you dog ok?" noah said
jake sigh and said "ok look i just wanted to explain you what imprinting is "
noah interupted him
"oo i get it is like love at first sight but"
jake start talking
"no no is not like that i imprinted on renesmee since the day she was born " jake said paitienly...
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posted by shannon9396
Edward Cullen by Robert Pattinson
Edward Cullen by Robert Pattinson
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, born in Chicago, Illinois June 20, 1901.

His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying of Spanish influenza during epidemic in Chicago, Illinois. Carlisle instilled in him a sense of morality uncommon in most vampires, and central to his way of life is the refusal to consider humans as food.

Edward meets Bella Swan in 2003, a human girl whose thoughts he is unable to read, and whose blood smells overwhelmingly sweet to him. He fights a growing attraction to her, but after saving her life on several occasions,...
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posted by RATHBONE07
“You know that wont help, Vic.” Thomas said as he put both hands over my mouth. It muffled my screams. I struggled under his arms, scratching, kicking, punching, trying everything to get away from his hard grip. He shushed me, showing me his red eyes, I shut up.
“Theres nothing to be afraid of. Im here now.” He pushed a cloth under my nose, it was soaked with a strong liquid. He hushed me again, and I went under….

“is she really alive?”
“Yes. She’s breathing, I can hear it.”
“Ahw. She smells so good, can I just have a taste?”
I was awaken by Thomas and Mary arguing....
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posted by RATHBONE07
“Mary! Mary!” I screamed at the top of my lunges. What had she become, this wasn’t like her, nothing like her. She continued to reach for my neck, I screamed. Suddenly Mary’s head went up, she was listening to something. She got off of me one second and was out of the window the next. Mom came in, clearly hearing my screams, and looked down at me.
“What’s going on here?” She asked as I stood up, flattened my dress, and wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes.
“Nothing, just shocked.” I couldn’t tell her what had just happened, she would think I had gone crazy. She looked...
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posted by twilightfantic1
Chapter 3


“Now do you forgive me?” “Of course mom and do you forgive me?” “Of course honey”. Then we heard a scream then another. We ran to the living room. You wouldn't believe what I saw. My husband,Edward was breaking our son-in-law Jacobs legs saying “this is for getting my daughter pregnant” crack “and this” crack “is for having the idea and trying” “Edward what the hell are you doing to Jacob?” “I was just.......getting..... pay back.” “daddy what are you doing thats my babies daddy.”. Before I knew it...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I sat in the bathroom for another hour. I looked through my bag and found everything I packed. I didn't know what I was looking for but I knew I
was looking for something. I got up and morphed into my human self. I wondered to myself if I ccould sleep when I am in my human form. I unlocked the door and went to the bed, I untucked the bed and got inside and than I got inside hoping to fall asleep. I feel asleep, I didn't dream a single thing all night long. It was like a peaceful sleep. I woke up with a note my the pillow next to me saying " I went to see my family, I am sorry about last night....
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, I turned over and looked at my clock and it said it was 6 am. I couldn't believe i woke up at six! I decided to get out of bed, I went over to my computer and checked the surf as I usually did. I saw that the waves are going to be great so I put on my bathingsuit and sweat pants and then a sweat shirt on. I grabbed my wetsuit out of the colset and went downstairs and ate breakfast. Alice was in the kitchen when I walked down.
Hey Addi, Whatcha doing up this early? she ask.
Oh, just the usual surfing all day. I told her.
I ate and then left for the garage got my bike and board...
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posted by patrisha727
Not the best title.... but I hope you enjoy the article anyways. I hope that most of the people who are hating the Meebo chat signed the petition made in the forums on my spot spot. If you didn't.... DO IT NOW!!!!!!!
link ^_^

Jasper? That name was so familiar. Isn't that one of Alice's brothers? I looked at Angela, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, and Tyler. They all had startled and confused expression.
I stood up from my chair, since my food was finished.
"Do you want to check out what's going on?" I asked.
They nodded and we all went out of the cafeteria door. They were still confused.
"Where do we go?"...
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posted by Twilight597
ok this has to do with twilight and another book i like, Night World. the character victoria is in it and the vamps from Night World are in it.

if u havent read night world all u have to know is lamia(LAY-me-Ah) is a vampire born from a lamia and can age and have children, and made vampire is the oppistie,once a human turned into a vamp, cannot age, and cannot have children. there are witches and shapeshifters and werewolves too. there is a secret society called Night World were they all live together with out humans. there only laws are u cannot fall in love with a human and u cannot tell a...
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Chapter 3-- Dinner with the Evensons

January, 1917
Columbus, Ohio
(Esme is now 22 years old)

“Esme,” my mother poked her head into my bedroom. “Lily and Thomas are here to see you, make it a very short visit. The Evensons are coming to dinner.” she seemed very excited by that fact.

“Alright mother,” I stood up and walked down the stairs. There at the bottom stood my two best friends. Lily and Tom Bentley. I smiled as I went to hug them both. “I haven't seen you in two years!” I told them.

Tom leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed. I knew he had a crush on me but he was married...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
Summit Entertainment announced early this morning that actress Rachelle Lefevre would not be continuing on to play bad vampire Victoria in the third installment of the Twilight Saga. Instead, actress Bryce Dallas Howard (seen in The Village and Terminator Salvation) will be replacing Rachelle in Eclipse, the third film to be directed by David Slade. Summit announced this:

Summit Entertainment announced today that Bryce Dallas Howard will take over the role of “Victoria” in the studio’s upcoming production of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Actress, Rachelle Lefevre, who portrayed the character...
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posted by Emmett4ever
hey all i forgot to post this yesterday.All my friends say its amazing so...Im gonna stop talking and let you read :)


She tried to get passed me but all i did was push her as far away as possible from the people I love. How do you keep the people you love safe? When you have to keep yourself safe first? How do you keep the person you love safe? When that person doesnt love you anymore? How do you keep your love safe when your whole world changes?

So what do you think? Hope ya like it!! :)
posted by edwardlover1231
ok so this is my first stoy so please comment and tell me if you want me to continue and if you have any ideas it would help.plz.=D

(bellas pov)

I was studying for the dartmouth finals when edward walked in and through my book across the room.the next thing i knew he was on top of study to much he whispered in my ear his lips traced along my jaw and back up to my lips.then there was a knock on the door.go away alice!edward said angry.i pushed edward off me and sliped into my defenive crouch. its ok bella its just its not i said through my teeth then the door slamed down.a girl walked in and edward started screaming so i put my sheild around him and he stoped. who are you and what do you want!?!i asked name is jasmine im from olimpia.then i relaxed my crouch because i knew of olimpia.jasmine smiled your from olimpia to right.i nodded im a telapath just like you,am i correct.yes i said guilty.edwards eyes were confused and in shock.
posted by twihardfreak13
On a regular day of summer school the forks high school bus was picking up students as always the bus driver was going as fast as he could as if it was the end of the world but something happened that day that would change my normal life as a human forever as we left we got in a horrible accident the rest I didn’t remember as the bus rolled over I went black then I woke up with a few to many people around me and I saw a beautiful face before I closed my eyes thn suddenly I felt a burn in my neck it was unbarable the pain spread through my body like a wild fire then the fire hit my heart and...
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posted by surfergal
Addi’s POV

Me and Renesme were having fun at scrabble she was so smart it was
amazing. Luckily Edward and Bella walked through the door and that
ended our game. Although Renesme said "she wasn't going to let me forget
that she beat me at scrabble". Bella told me that "Esme and Carlisle
would like to see me at the house" so I told "Renesme that I would be
back later to play with her some more".

When I reached the house Carlisle and Esme were waiting for me in the
living I was scared that they were going to tell me that something was
wrong or that I was going to have to leave. Carlisle started...
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posted by renesmeblack

End of Chapter 11

"Edward, what did you... do while you were gone?"
"Pretty much died."
"No, did you meet anyone?"
Why would Bella ask something like that?
"Well, Tanya took in another female for her clan in Denali, but that's all."
Bella's face fell. Was that what she was expecting? Another female? Hadn't I told her at one point she was the only one for me? Then it dawned on me.
"What did Victoria tell you?" I asked.
"She said you and Jacob were dead," she responded. But it felt like she was only telling half of the truth.
"Fine. She said you met a beautiful...
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What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces...
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Chapter 11- Carmen
    “Are you okay, Wendi?” Colleen asked and I noticed that my whole body was shuddering. I focused on calming down, not wanting to feel weak. It helped some and the shuddering slowed slightly. Colleen figured out that I needed some help and once again, she calmed me down with her curious talent. I often wondered how it worked. It seemed so impossible. I was still a little upset so Stefan scooped me up into his arms and hugged me to his strong chest.
    We walked into the kitchen and Stefan sat me down in a chair at the long, mahogany...
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posted by Natalia94
Question: What do you have coming up then?

Pattinson: I'm doing a little movie called 'Parts Per Billion' with Dennis Hopper and Rosario Dawson in January and hopefully something else just after. We have to wait and see if a sequel is happening. I don't want to jinx it so I don't want to say anything.

Question: There's a lot of rumors that Hollywood is gearing up for a ton of production in February, March and April. Even if they wanted to do a 'Twilight' sequel it'll take time to get it all together I'm sure.

Pattinson: Yeah. The thing is that I have to stay the same age unless they recast me....
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posted by Isabellaashley

Chuck had to pay special attention when mapping out clothes for the blood-sucking Cullen brood. ''I didn't want to go too traditional black... I wanted them to feel cold and frozen.'' So she outfitted the family in grays, whites, and blues, while being careful to not go too over-the-top. ''The Cullens have wildly expensive taste and money. At the same time, I had to anchor them in the practical world of going to school and being able to blend with everyone else.''

Along with a blazer from GUESS, Rosalie (Nikki Reed, left) wears a...
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