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posted by Chrisztine
Okay, so this is a crossover between Charmed and Twilight. I've added characters. That way Twilight and Charmed characters alike stay intact. This is like a preview. I don't know if I'm continuing with this. It kind of depends on how you all feel about it, so please let me know!
If you've got any questions, just let me know too.
Here goes!

I sat around, fidgeting. We were all at the club and I couldn’t concentrate. I think I was also making noise. ‘’Stop that, you’re driving me crazy!’’, my sister Rachel said. Yeah, I was making noise. ‘’Sorry Rach, I’ll try to stop.’’ ‘’You’d better well stop’’, I heard her mutter. But I didn’t really care. I was anxious and uncomfortable. Why? I’ll tell you why. I hadn’t seen Ryan in two weeks, two whole weeks. Two bloody whole week he’d say. God I missed him. I couldn’t stand being without him. Being without him was like being without air. It sucked. ‘’Stop it!’’, Rachel practically yelled. ‘’Sorry sis..’’. ‘’Ah just leave her alone Rach, she’s having a tough time’’, my other sister Kat said. ‘’Yeah thanks Tony, that’s good enough for now!’’, Kat yelled. Tony was our sound guy, he was upstairs testing the sound. We had a group performing at the club tonight. Trouble is, I’m the manager, and I can’t focus at all today. But this is how I get. The longer he is away, the more uptight I get. I get snippy, fidgety and downright annoying. Luckily Kat understands, she doesn’t bug me with it. However, we had some guests. That was also one of the troubles I mentioned earlier. My mom and her sisters were here. That is a problem, because my mom and my aunts have been dead for at least 5 years now. The person standing in front of me now, was my past mom. At this point I could understand why you would need some explanation. You see, my sisters and I, we’re witches. Yep, you heard right. But not just witches, no that would be too easy. No we’re the daughters of a Charmed One. Phoebe to be exact. She was standing in front of me, eyeing me suspiciously. ‘’Are you okay? You look, well, bad.’’ Thanks for that Mom. Of course I couldn’t say that, she doesn’t know she’s my mother. ‘’Yeah, I guess I do look bad, huh.’’ ‘’Do you even sleep at all, or do you just skip that, like you skip breakfast?’’ Aren’t we observing today. So what if I’m not hungry, what’s it to her anyway? ‘’Not really’’, I respond. It’s hard to sleep when Ryan isn’t there. It’s just so empty. ‘’Jeez, get over it already, he’s only been gone for a week and you’re already falling to pieces!’’, Rachel said. ‘’It’s been two weeks, FYI, and I’m not falling to pieces!’’, I exclaim. Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? I’m a mess. But I can’t stand it when Rachel gets on my case. She doesn’t get it. She’s actually quite bitter. Sometimes I pity her. She had a boyfriend, the love of her life. And then he died. He died in a car accident, and there wasn’t anything she could do. There wasn’t anything any of us could do. I found out to late, otherwise I could have saved him. Our white lighter wouldn’t help him, because he was human. Now, he isn’t our white lighter anymore. Doesn’t change anything. Ben’s still dead. Rach is still mourning. But she’s taking it out on the rest of us. Kat has a boyfriend too, but she isn’t very open about it. When he’s here, he’s here. When he’s not, she’s not going to pieces. That’s why Rachel doesn’t resent her as much as she resents me. But my relationship with Ryan is so much different than Kat and Tim’s. I’ve seen it, not just on the outside, but on the inside. Let’s just say I’ve been inside her head, and it’s different. Let’s keep it at that. But she understands, she knows why I’m falling to pieces, and she wants to support me in any way she can. And today that’s by keeping Rachel off my case. I was internally thanking her. ‘’Rach just drop it, will you? She misses him, that’s all.’’
‘’Whatever’’, Rachel mutters under her breath. Good thing about Rachel, she knows when to stop. Besides, you don’t want to make Kat mad, you’d be in serious trouble if you did. ‘’Does he even exist? I’m starting to think this guy isn’t even real.’’, my aunt Piper said, ‘’This feels like a charade, like you’re pulling something. You’re starting to look more miserable by the minute.’’ Great, now they thought I was acting, and that my fake boyfriend was a prop. Well he isn’t fake, he’s real. Just wait. If he ever comes back. Truth is, I was getting more worried by the minute (probably why I looked worse by the minute), he was out on a tracking expedition. And I didn’t like it when he did that. He was tracking something dangerous. What if he didn’t come back. Can’t think about that, that’ll really screw up my sanity and my ability to function. ‘’He is real, he’s just out of town, right Alex?’’ ‘’Yeah’’, I said, not really understanding what the conversation was about. Something about fake boyfriends, I think.
‘’Wow, she really seems brain-dead.’’, aunt Prue said. Another awkward thing. Prue had been dead for 25 years now, not as long as my mom, who had been dead for 10 years now, as was my other aunt Piper, the three of them (Mom, aunt Piper and aunt Paige) died at the same time. They were trying to save us. I blamed myself for their death. I could have saved all of us, if I’d just known how to control my powers. Not just control, if I wasn’t scared of them, maybe I could have saved them. ‘’Enough about my sanity okay! I know I’m difficult right now. I’ll be alright in a couple of days.’’, I said. ‘’What, he coming back soon?’’, Rachel said, with a very irritating tone. ‘’How the hell am I supposed to know if he…’’ I trailed off. I could feel something. Something was coming. No, not something. He, he was coming. ‘’Hello, you okay Rainman?’’ ‘’Cut it out, Rach! You’re being a jerk!’’, I heard Kat say, but it didn’t really register. It was like the room was full of people, and she was in the back of the room talking to a stranger. And then, everything was gone. It was like we were the only people on the entire planet. ‘’Hi’’, was all he said. I flew to him (not literally, the ceiling is way too low for flying), right into his open, stony arms. He picked me up, and I clung my legs around his waist. He kissed me, not a normal kiss, he’d been gone way to long for that. This was a fierce kiss. ‘’Welcome home’’, I said. ‘’It’s good to be home’’, he said to my lips, and he kissed me again. Everything fell into place. I was happy again, I was whole again. I also felt relieve. Everything’s so much better when he’s there with me. I can’t stand being apart from him. And this certainly had been a challenge. For him as well as for me. I could see that he had rushed to see me. His eyes were pitch black, but they were on fire. ‘’You should’ve hunted first’’, I told him. ‘’I couldn’t wait, I had to see you. I’ll go hunting later’’. Instinctively my legs clutched him tighter to me. I didn’t want him to leave. Though I knew he has to, eventually. Otherwise he might eat me, well drink actually. Oh right, I didn’t tell you. Ryan is a vampire. Yeah I know this is coming across as weird, but there you have it. Ryan is a vamp, and I’m a witch. That’s just the way it is. ‘’Ahum.’’, someone fake coughed behind him. I looked round and saw Edward standing in the doorway. ‘’Oh, hi Edward.’’ I immediately flushed scarlet. Edward is a mind reader. So everything that went through my head a second ago, he knew. This was always awkward for us. ‘Cause I could read his mind as well as everyone else’s for that matter. It’s complicated. Well, maybe it isn’t. I’ll try to explain. So, I’m the daughter of a Charmed One right, blessed and all that. Everyone in the family has powers. The most powerful (or so they think) is the first born. That would be my cousin, Wyatt. He’s Piper’s son. Me, I’m the youngest. Not just between my sisters and me, no, I am the youngest in the whole family. No wonder they call me the ‘’baby’’. I know Rachel thought that one up. Anyway, my power? I’m like a copycat. I copy every power. But it doesn’t work that simple. Magical creatures have to touch me in order for me to copy their ability. So anyway, I read minds as well. Difference between me and Edward: I have an off switch. I can choose to hear people’s thoughts. I usually turn it off, because it frequently leads to heavy discussions between me and Edward that nobody understands and usually end in me getting very angry. Not good, I don’t like being angry. Luckily, I have Ryan. Ryan can take my mind off anything. Sometimes, I can’t even remember my name. Yes, he’s that good. It took me a second to realize that there was a girl standing next to Edward. I hadn’t seen this girl before today, at least not in person, but I knew who she was. This was Edward’s world. This, was Bella. ‘’Hi Bella.’’, I greet her. She seems taken aback. Probably because I know her name. Probably should’ve asked for it. This really doesn’t show manners. Indeed, I hear. Edward get out of my head! I hate it when he does that! Like I could. Could you please be a bit nicer to Bella? She is the love of my life you know. Here we go, I feel another argument coming on. Your life? Is that even a proper description? ‘’Okay, enough of that for one day, I can’t believe how you two can keep this up for so long. Just flick that off switch will you, Alex? That will make all of this a lot easier’’, Alice said firmly. I hadn’t even seen her. ‘’Alice! You’re back too! It’s so good to see you again!’’, I said, and I hug her. Her eyes are a nice golden colour, she had eaten. Strange, Ryan hadn’t. I shove the thought out of my mind. I really missed you. I knew exactly who was thinking that thought. I pretended not to hear, but I could feel Edward’s eyes on me. Focus! Jeez, he always goes all psycho on me when Ryan and I have a private moment. You were the only thing I could think about. Nearly got us all killed. That, was not funny. I’d deal with his suicidal mentality later. Right now, I was focussed on his thoughts. I tried to block Edward out, but that was very hard. It’s easier when I can look at Ryan. One look at Ryan, and all my troubles go away. I don’t know how that works. But I couldn’t really look at him. It makes me kind of uncomfortable when he says stuff like this. It’s really sweet and everything, but I just don’t know what to do with myself. When I look him in the eye, I forget to breathe. When I look at the floor, he’ll touch me and I forget to breathe. Either way, I lose. God, you’re beautiful. I’ve missed you so much. I get this urge to touch him. But Edward is still in sight. Damn him! Maybe you could try and keep your hormones in check? He thought, rather crossly. Oh damn you Edward. And I flicked the off switch.
posted by Bella_Swan3

Our camping trip was disastrous, in Rosalie's opinion.

I dunno why she always got so upset with the lack of electricity. I thought maybe it was a girl thing, but Bella, Alice, and Esme never really minded so much.

I think Ed went outta his way to make Rose mad. It was hilarious. He was offering her human food in front of the other hikers staying a few meters from us, so she couldn't refuse. By the time we had to go home, she was livid. Not to mention ready to toss his piano into a chipper-shredder.

She did, but the difference was that she crushed it in her hands first. He had to get...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Eventually, we had to leave Isle Renesmee. It had been 3 weeks, and I really missed my mom and dad.

* * *

As we boarded the plane, I flipped through the huge pile of snapshots I'd taken. I barely glanced at most of them before I placed it in the small square box.

I paused at one, and felt slightly irritated.

"You take pictures of me when I SLEEP?" I asked Jacob, slightly teasing.
"You're adorable when you sleep," he grinned.
"Idiot," I muttered, and hearing this, he started laughing.

* * *

I wasn't sure how, but when we landed, we didn't head for the connection flight that we were supposed...
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posted by just_bella
OK this is the last one I am gonna write for a few days. I think I need to take a few off and figure out what I want to do with these stories. Hope everyone enjoys and nobody gets too mad at me ;)


Rosalie reached out and grabbed my hand. For some reason when she grabbed my hand everything calmed down again. I put my head down knowing that I almost hurt a person. That was not me, I was not a person who hurt others...I didn't know who I was anymore.

"Please Emmett. We're almost out of town. We will hunt and then things will be easier. Just come...
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posted by just_bella
Hey girls/guys I have decided to try writing all 3 stories in one night. I'm not sure how good of an idea it is but hey I need to try it. This story is the hardest to write, I have to keep to the story, but still change things. Hope people still like it, let me know. Ok here we go!!!!

Recap Chapter 3

Her eyes came to stop and Rosalie and Emmett. She smiled up at Emmett and tried to look friendly in Rose's direction.

"You haven't changed at all." Emmett said as he walked closer to her.

"Thanks a lot Emmett." Bella said as she blushed a deep red.

"I have to step out for a second." He said as...
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posted by dinosteph
Hey guys, I've been busy with final exams, which I've actually been doing really good with. Most of my marks are in and I'm happy. I am in the middle of getting a new job, I just moved at the beginning of April, so I haven't been around that much. I decided to start another new story.. I'm sorry if I've left behind my untitled one, I will work on that one. I have the next chapter written, I'm just confused with the story line. I also have had another idea in my head for a while now for a oneshot that I'm actually really excited about. That all being said. I hope you enjoy this one. It takes...
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posted by twilight-7
Hey Guys, sorry it's took so long to post this chapter but I do have my GCSE's coming up. My first exam two weeks today (eek!). If you live in America, GCSE's are big exams that we take at the end of high school. Don't know the equivalent for Americans. Anyway, I will try to post the chapters in between revision but I only have the story in note form and it still has to be written in sentences so I will try my hardest.
So here is the long awaited Chapter 17. Again, a bit crap but you know.

Charlie’s POV

“...and Jasper saved her. He was the one who saved her from the excruciating death that...
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Leann will call bella "Izzy", because she knew Isabella from her childhood and bella used to have the name Izzy. just want to mention it because it could be confusing

Bella's pov

There was a woman standing in the doorway. She was about my heights, her hair was brown long and flat and she had the same eyes as Daniel ‘Topaz’. She was beautiful.
“Leann” I said
“How did you past the booby-traps and how do you know my n….., wait Izzy” she said surprised
I nodded “yeah, Omg Leann I’m so happy you’re alive” I said with unbelieve.
“I’m so happy to see you too, Izzy, I knew you would...
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posted by just_bella
I'm trying something new, I know people have written New Moon from Edwards perspective, but I think it would be interesting to read it from Alice's. Please be honest with me, comments would be great. Thanks.

Chapter One

I was standing in the kitchen cleaning up the counters, looking into the future. I saw that Edward would be coming home and asking me to plan Bella's birthday party, that we should invest in a new computer company that was starting because we could make a lot of money off of it, that Rosalie was going to want to redo her whole wardrobe again. I thought that Bellas party would...
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sorry for any mistakes i didn't read it again before posting it, so if you find some let me now :D now i really gonna put one up later today. And thankx everyone for commenting on my articles i really appreciate it :D :D

Bella's pov

Renesmee was standing next to me and her little brother, she was smiling at him and just said with a little sweet voice
“hello, little brother” I couldn’t resist but smile, I was happy and glad that this was all over.
“Edward can you take, mason” I said
“Are you okay” he said in worried and panicking voice
“I’m fine, I just want you to hold him for...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
LUST. . b y : B u f f y F a i t h f a n 1
"But not right now of course!" Ili went on. "Cause the game then wouldn't be fun. So, be ready! And sit back to watch the fireworks!" Ili said and ran into the woods, and disappeared out of our sight. I turned and noticed that everybody was scared as I was...but they tried to hide it. We all finishe preparing for this, and went back inside ready to make an ambush. Three things still crossed my mind.
1.) Will she know when we do the ambush?...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Either Way You Leave!
Either Way You Leave!
By: BuffyFaithfan1

Chapter Three: Fight! Fight! Fight! Part One...

I walked into the black water, as the Midnight Moon shone bright on me and Edward. We were wearing our swim suits, and I was just walking deeper and deeper into the water. I got about shoulder length, and then Edward joined me. We stared at each other, and then I heard Edwrad whisper something like "I love you." But I wasn't that certain, so I said, "What?"
"Bella, I love you." Edward said and I smiled.
"Thats what I thought...
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Alice's gown
Alice's gown
18 Roses

1. Daddy (Edward)
2. Gramp (Charlie - still uncomfortable in his tux)
3. Grandpa (Carlisle - ever so dashing)
4. Uncle Emmett
5. Uncle Jasper
6. Billy Black (no dancing though, just a peck on the cheek after giving me the rose)
7. Seth
8. Embry
9. Quil
10. Eleazar
11. Benjamin
12. Liam
13. Garrett
14. Sam
15. Paul
16. Jared
17. Phil (absent - replaced by Colin)
18. My Jacob

18 Candles
(Female family members and friends - time for wishes!)

1. Mom
2. Renee (didn't make it. suffering from arthritis. too bad! of course, no one could replace her. :( )
3. Grandma esme
4. Aunt Alice
5. Aunt Rose
6. Kate
7. Tanya...
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here we go, its a long one, but i got confused...enjoi!

Almost as soon as I was securely in my seat, the class room door opened and Mr. Varner, followed by Jasper and Thackery came into the room. I saw Thackery scan the room, and take in me and Ben in the middle of two vampires and one werewolf. His eyes narrowed as he saw me sitting next to Alice. I felt my tattoo burn as it usually does when my emotions are as strong as they are now. I squirmed a little but stopped when I saw Thackery, Ben, Alice, Jacob and Edward staring at me.
‘I wish you could teach me how to stop the burn,' I complained...
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posted by twilight-7
If I kept you waiting you know I am sorry!

Charlie was out of the hospital and lounging in front of the TV, watching baseball on ESPN. He looked completely healthy and according to him felt healthy. I guess it was the Azdi part of him that had helped him heal so well although Charlie denied having healing abilities. I sat next to him.
“Want anything?” I asked him.
“I’m alright,” he said, not taking his eyes off the batter that was running round the bases.
“I do not understand that sport,” I said, shaking my head clueless at the screen.
“It’s very simple. See that guy that’s...
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I’m in a hotel where the interview will take place. Robert is late, although understandably so. He’s been doing interviews all day, so I try to be patient. Suddenly, the door opens and Robert walks in apologizing with a very thick British accents that makes you melt. He’s tall and thin, he has a very pale skin. He’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt under another shirt. He’s hair is messy and it looks as though he had fallen asleep. He plays with a bottle of coke. When he finally sits down we start out interview…
What made you want to be in this movie? Had you read the books?No, I hadn’t...
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posted by alicecullen91
I thought the movie was great! If i had to rate this movie it would be an A.
Acting: B+
Directing: A
Story: A

My favorite parts have to be:
+the kissing scene
+how the movie started
+how the movie ended (good cliffy)
+the baseball scene (very funny)
+the prom
+bella tellimg charlie that she a date with edward.
+the meadow

My least favorite parts are:
- how edward acted soooo dramatic at the meadow
-the hospital scene at the end of the movie (a little more detail needed to be added)
-the WAY too fake flying and running with bella.

thanks to the movie, i really enjoyed some of the characters in the book, for...
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Robert Pattinson sat down with Premiere to talk about Twilight since there’s only one week left until opens in theaters!!!

The 21-year-old British actor revealed that he hasn’t even read the whole book series yet! He shared, “I haven’t [read the whole series]. I’ve read all of the books except for Breaking Dawn. I didn’t want to know how it ended. I wanted to have the uncertainty of not knowing where it’s going to go, so I just read the first three. I want to read the last one, but I’m determined to wait.”

If you want to meet Robert in the flesh TONIGHT, he’ll be at the the Hot Topic store at Square One Mall in Saugus, Mass. There will be a Q&A and an autograph session at 6PM, but remember to purchase your $30 Twilight Tour T-shirt so you can get in!
posted by Kroshka09
Before I begin all of you that are in love with Alice please dont start hating on me. :)

I like Rosalie a lot I really dont understand WHY you hate her so much.

Is it because she is mean to Bella? Well she is mean because Edward chose a human over a beautiful vampire.. and btw arent you girls mad at Bella for "stealing" Edward from you and are jelous of Bella? So basicaly all of you are in almost Rosalie's position. I know that some might disagree, but again this is what I think...

Rosalie story fascanates(how to spell?) me a lot. She was raped and because of some stupid man she got all...
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posted by officefan2010
Recently, I read an article on here written by a true Twilight fan, where she expressed her anger with the fan-community of this beloved series.
After reading - a long with reading some other articles too - I began to think about what it means to be a true Twilight fan, a Twilighter if you will.

In my opinion a true fan of anything appreciates every element of whatever that person is a fan of - in this case Twilight.
A true Twilighter looks at this series and doesn't see just a love story between a vampire and a human, but they see the struggle between good and evil. They see a story with dynamic...
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1. Tell him that Bella really is dead.
2. Lock him in a room with Jacob.
3. Beat Edward at chess
4. Tell him that Bella ran off with Jacob.
5. Replace all his CD's with techno music.
6. Tell him that he's sparkly.
7. Do not serenade him.
8. Push him in the sunlight.
9. Kill an animal in front of him
10. Tell Edward that there are thousands of posers on Myspace pretending to be him.
11. Tell him that he smells good.
12. Ask him to eat something.
13. Ask him if he got contacts.
14. Beg him to do your homework for him.
15. Ask him to bite you.
16. Ask him if you "dazzle him."
17. Tell him that you love him.
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