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Bella's pov

I kept on walking and I noticed I was at LaPush.
I felt tears coming up I wanted to cry so much but I couldn’t and I never will feel my tears again. Suddenly Mason starts crying. He knew how I was feeling and he reacted on my emotions, now I felt guilty
“It’s going to be alright, everything will be just fine” I said with little snobs to Mason, he started to slow down his crying it’s like he knew what I said to him. I started cradling him to calm him down and myself.
“Bella” I heard a voice next to me, I jumped up and looked. It was Jake
“What are you doing here” he said curious and worried now because he saw my face
“I ran away from Edward, I needed some time alone” I said and I started to snob again even harder.
“Oh Bella, it’s okay” he said with pain in his voice and hugged me tight with Mason in the middle “Edward is probably looking for you right now, to say he was sorry” he continued.
“I don’t wanna hear his sorry’s anymore, I’m just so angry at him” I said still with snobs.

“Do you wanna talk about what happened” he said worried and caring now
I nodded yes
“come on” he said and hold me tight on my shoulders “let’s go to my place, Oh, there’s just a problem, everyone else of our wolf pack is there too now”
“It’s okay, I just need to tell someone, I don’t care who hears it all” I said with a last snob and I looked at Jake “thank you for being there for me and Mason”
“I will always be there for you, Bella, it’s not because you’re married to that bloo…. Edward, that you’re not welcome at LaPush anymore of to see anyone of us again” he said friendly and caring. I noticed we were walking, probably towards his place.
“Oh you’re son is adorable btw” he continued saying while looking at Mason.
“Do you wanna hold him” I asked smiling at him
“No, no, I couldn’t” he said like he wasn’t aloud to hold him
“Jake, just take him over, will ya” I said and handed Mason over to Jake.
Jake opened his arms and took Mason over.
“He looks allot like you, more than Renesmee does” he said while looking at him and then towards me, than he just smiled, I didn’t even realise Jake made me blush and I smiled a little to him. With us talking I didn’t even saw that we were at his place.

“Here, can you take him back over” he said while he handed Mason back to me.
“Hmm” I said and took Mason back in my arms, Mason was staring in my eyes again, he liked Jake I could feel it just with him looking into my eyes. I looked up and saw Jake going to Sam and Leah, Leah smiled at me and Sam just a little. He was more on his guard so he walked back inside. Not a second later Quil, Embry and Emily came outside.
Leah and Emily both walked towards me
“Is this you’re son” Emily asked me friendly
“Yes this is Mason” I answered her back
“He’s still little, isn’t he, I thought he would be bigger by now just like with Renesmee” Jake asked me now
“No, I found out, he’s growing like a human baby, so I guess he looks more like me than you said hé” I said and smiled at Jake
“Bella, what are you doing here, why aren’t you with you’re kind… family” Leah asked me friendly and I saw Quil, Embry, Emily and jake looking at me. Now it was just so hard for me to look at them so I looked down.
“Bella, please say something it can see something is really bothering you” Jake said worried
I looked at him and nodded.
I started talking about everything that happened, about me and Edward in the forest, and that Edward said the volturi were coming, me in the house that Edward stopped me from holding Mason, i told Mason’s ability
I heard a sigh but i didn’t know from who, but i didn’t care, so i continued
Mason telling me what the volturi wanted and that everyone of the Cullen’s knew even Edward, and that Edward didn’t told me the truth.

Then I stopped a second and said
“then I just ran away with Mason” I started to snob again and Emily hugged me tight, you are safe here and so is you’re son. I smiled at her and than looked at Mason and noticed he fell a sleep. Probably when I told everything.
“How could they do that to you, even Edward, Those stupid bloodsuckers, No offence, Bella” Jake said angry. “they should be thought a lesson” Everyone else that heard the story, even Sam, nodded.
“You should stay here Bella” Jake said caring
“I can’t, my dad was going to visit us today at the Cullen’s so I should go to him instead. Don’t you agree, Jake” I said
“Okay, you do that and I meet you there after words and if something is wrong give a big scream, I’ll hear you and be with you in a second” he said caring and friendly and he smiled at me. He looked back at the others and they all nodded. Then Emily said smiling at me
“Bella, come, I’ll drive you to Charlie, you been walking for a while, and now with the baby sleeping you shouldn’t be running.
I nodded and said “Thanks Emily” then I looked around to say goodbye and noticed everyone was gone so I walked towards Emily’s car and got in. I looked at Mason he was sleeping so tight, I was glad he was safe. Emily walked in and we drove off.
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