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posted by just_bella
Hey!! Just got home from playing beach volleyball in the rain...wet sand + cold= no fun!! So I've decided to warm up by writing...hope people enjoy :)

End of Chapter 15

I watched her closely as she tried to gain control of herself. I noticed that her eyes were more sunken, she obviously hadn't slept in a while. That her whole being was different, she seemed like a broken person, someone who hadn't seen anything good or happy in quite some time. That broke my heart more then anything, knowing that I had something to do with the reason that who Bella was at this point is my fault.

"You look like hell, Bella."

"I drowned today." She reminded me as she tried to smile.

"It goes deeper then that. You're a mess." I stated rather matter of fact.

"Look, I'm doing my best." She said as she flinched a little.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"It hasn't been easy. I'm working on it." She said as she started to get angry.

"I told him." I said quietly to myself.

"Alice, what did you think you were going to find? I mean, besides me dead? Did you expect to find me skipping around whistling show tunes? You know me better then that." She said defensively.

"I do, but I can hope." I said.

"Then I guess I don't have the corner on the idiocy market." Bella said as she smirked.

Just then the phone rang and Bella jumped and ran to the phone, excited to see who it would be on the other end.

Chapter 16

Bella grabbed the receiver off the wall and turned so her back was to the wall.

"Charlie?" She asked eagerly.

Charlie's very good friend Harry had died earlier today from a heart attack and Charlie went to see how the family was doing. She had explained that her family and Harry's family had gotten close along with the Blacks in the last few months.

"Jake!" She said, the relief obvious in her tone.

"I'm fine. I told you that it wasn't-" She said when he cut her off. She looked at the phone for a second before hanging the phone back up.

She turned to face me and leaned against the wall with her head back. "That's going to be a problem."

I quickly got up and walked over to where she was leaning. I took her hand in mine and she looked down at me as I squeezed it gently. "They aren't excited I'm here?"

"Not especially. But it's none of their business anyway." She huffed.

I wrapped my arm around her and led her back to the couch. "So what do we do now?

"So many things to do." I said more to myself then her. I knew that I needed to go hunting, I probably had the most control in my family other then Carlisle and Edward but being this close to her when I was hungry was not helping. I also needed to talk to Carlisle, I wanted to see if he could figure out why I saw her jump then disappear.

"What things to do?" She said as she interrupted my thought.

"I don't know for sure...I need to talk to Carlisle." I said, trying to not let her know too much.

The color once again drained out of Bella's face, her breathing coming more quickly again. "Could you stay?" She begged. "Please? For just a little wile? I've missed you so much." She said, her voice breaking at the end.

I smiled down at her, was it really helping her with me being here? She seemed so happy, and I have missed her a lot. "If you think that's a "good idea?"

"I do. You can stay here...Carlie would love that." She pleaded.

"I do have house, Bella."

She nodded, the disappointment showing on her face, her smile that just lit her face now gave way to a slight frown. I couldn't stand how her face dropped, I was willing to give her anything she wanted if she would be happy again.

"Well, I need to go get a suitcase of clothes, at the very least." I said mocking her.

She threw her arms around me, the smile once again lighting up her face. "Alice, you're the best!" She said, she seemed more excited now.

"And I think I'll need to hunt. Immediately." I added, the stress showing in my tone.

I couldn't handle being this close to her while being hungry. I wouldn't hurt her, I would never but I needed to hunt, and the sooner the better.

"Oops." She said as she took a step back.

"Can you stay out of trouble for one hour?" I asked making fun of her. I closed my eyes and looked for her future, it was much easier since I was close to her again. I didn't see her getting into any trouble in the one hour it would take me, she would be busy cleaning.

"Yes you'll be fine. For tonight anyway." I said as I made faces at her.

"You'll come back?" She whispered. She sounded like a small child who's mother was leaving.

"I promise, in one hour." I reassured her.

She looked from me to the clock over the kitchen table and back again. I couldn't resist laughing at her, she would literally be counting down the minutes. I leaned in and quickly kissed her cheeks before running out the back door.

My first stop was the house. I ran as fast as I could and stopped at the front door, almost afraid to go in. The last time I was here I said some things to Edward that weren't very nice, however; I also said things that he needed to hear. It was the last time that we were all together.

I reached into my pocket and dialed his number quickly. It rang 6 times before someone opened the phone and hung up. I dialed it again and it instantly went to voice mail.

"Edward, it's Alice. I just want you to call me, please. I miss you. Love you." I said softly as I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket.

I opened the door and walked in, smiling as I thought about how everything looked. It was like a ghost house now, everything was covered in white drapes, the usually clean areas were all covered in dust. I fought the urge to clean and ran up the stairs to Jasper and my old room.

I walked in and started smiling, there were so many memories that went along with this room. I suddenly had this feeling in my stomach, it was a strange empty feeling. I went and sat on the bed, grabbing the phone out of my pocket again.

I dialed Jazz's phone, and it like Edwards phone went straight to his voice mail.

"Hey Jazz, it's me. I just wanted to call and say I miss you and I love you and I hope you aren't mad that I came down. There's a lot to explain, call me. Love you." I said as I closed the phone and threw it in my purse.

I went around and gathered a few changes of clothes that were left here. I didn't actually pack all of my clothes when we left, I think I left them here just in case we came back. I tore the tags off the new shirts and jeans and threw them in a bag.

I stole a look at the clock and realized that I had been in the house for almost a half hour and needed to get going if I wanted to hunt before going back.

I jumped the river and ran to the National Park just outside of town. I quickly came across a small mountain lion and took it down with little problem. It was just enough to calm my thirst so I decided that I should go back to Bella's.

I ran in the house, not making any noise. I wanted to watch Bella and see how she acted normally. She was rushing around the house, the house was almost immaculate. She had heated up something to eat and swallowed it down without tasting it. She then proceeded to drink 3 glasses of water in a row. I really had to hide a laugh that would have given me away.

I turned and went into the living room, sitting on the couch that was now made up to be a bed...I think she made it for me. I smiled as she walked into the room patting the pillow beside me. "Thanks"

"You're early." She said. The excitement and relief showing in her voice.

She came over and sat next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder taking in a deep breath. I wrapped my arm around her and held her close.

"Bella. What are we going to do with you?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I don't know, I really have been trying my hardest." She said sadly.

"I believe you." I said as I reassured her again.

She took another deep breath, and closed her eyes. I was beginning to think she was falling asleep when she asked. "Does...Does he..." She had to take a deep breath, it's like she was choking on Edwards name.

"Does Edward know you here?" She finally choked out.

"No." I said quickly. I wasn't sure that either of us wanted to have this conversation..but it was necessary. I was going to try not to hurt her any further.
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