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posted by just_bella
Ok I had the whole thing typed and my chihuahua walked across the keyboard and closed the now I get to type it all again!! DANG IT!! OK well here we go AGAIN!! :)

End of Part 17
I went back to the couch, hearing Bella follow behind me. I reached my hand out to her and pulled her close to me.

"You look tired." I said as I examined her face.

"Yeah, near-death experiences do that to me...So, what does Carlisle think of you being here?" She asked, probing for information.

"He doesn't know. He and Esme were on a hunting trip when I left. I'll hear from him in a few days when he gets back." I said.

"You won't tell him, though...when he checks in again." She asked.

I had to fight a smile, I knew she meant Edward from the first time she asked about the family. It was normal I would think for someone to ask about one they loved...if she still loved him that is.

"No. He'd bite my head off." I said, thinking how mad he would be.

Bella nodded once and yawned so hard her whole body moved. I looked at her as she smiled and placed her head on my shoulder, she took a few deep breaths in almost like she was taking in my smell before she sighed. A few moments later her breathing became more regular, obviously she had fallen asleep.

I started to move, to lay her down so she could sleep but when I did she woke up. She looked so scared, like she had lost me.

"Shhh Bella, it's alright. I won't leave you, not tonight. Please sleep, I will stay." I said softly as I ran my hands through her hair.

She smiled and quickly fell back to sleep, Charlie walked by on his way to bed and smiled at me before walking up the stairs to his room. A few hours later I figured it was safe to move, so I laid her down on the pillow and covered her with the blanket before going to sit in the chair by the window.

Part 18

I sat in the chair thinking about how much things have changed. I wished that Jasper would call me, I missed him so much it hurt. This is the longest we had ever been apart, and it was getting to be too much. I focused on our history, and before I knew it I heard Charlie coming down the stairs, attempting to be quiet.

He walked around the corner as I rolled my head and smiled at him. He smiled back and the nodded to the kitchen, obviously he wanted me to follow. I got up and walked to the kitchen at human speed, sitting in the chair that I knew wouldn't be used.

Charlie walked into the kitchen and began gathering the things he would need for breakfast. First he went to the refrigerator and grabbed eggs, milk and cheese. He walked over and grabbed a loaf of bread before getting a frying pan and setting it on the stove to heat up.

He began cracking eggs, then added milk, eggs, salt and pepper and mixed them all together. "Hungry? Can I get you anything?"

"No thank you, I'm still stuffed from dinner last night." I said as I smiled thinking of the mountain lion.

"Charlie, may I ask you a question." I asked as I took a napkin off the table and began shredding it into pieces.

"Of course you can hon, go ahead." He said as he looked over his shoulder and smiled at me.

"How bad was it?" I asked softly.

"Real bad." Charlie said as he poured the eggs into the frying pan.

"Could you tell me about it? I want to know exactly what happened when we left."

He turned back to the stove, pouring his eggs into the pan. I heard him take a deep breath before he began.

"I've never felt so helpless," Charlie began slowly. "I didn't know what to do. That first week...I thought I was going to have to hospitalize her. She wouldn't eat or drink, she wouldn't move. Dr. Gerandy was throwing around words like 'catatonic I didn't let him up to see her. I was afraid it would scare her." He said as he turned to watch me.

"She snapped out of it though?" I asked.

"I had Renee come to take her to Florida. I just didn't want to be the one...if she had to go to the hospital or something. I hoped being with her mother would help, but when we started packing her clothes, she woke up with a vengeance." He said as he smiled slightly. "I've never seen Bella throw a fit like that. She was never one for the tantrums, but, boy, did she fly into a fury. She threw her clothes everywhere and screamed that we couldn't make her leave - and finally she started crying. I thought that would be the turning point. I didn't argue when she insisted on staying here...and she did seem to get better at first..." Charlie trailed off his sentence.

"But?" I said. I knew that this was all very hard for him talk about but I was so interested to see what got her to the point that she would jump off a cliff.

"She went back to school and work, she ate and slept and did her homework. She answered when someone asked her a direct question. But she was....empty. Her eyes were blank. There were lots of little things...she wouldn't listen to music anymore; I found a bunch of her Cd's broken in her trash. She didn't read she wouldn't be in the same room when the TV was on, not that she watched much before. I finally figured it out-she was avoiding everything that might remind her of...him.

"We could hardly talk; I was so worried about saying something that would upset her-the littlest things would make her flinch-and she never volunteered anything. She would just answer if I asked her something directly." He finished as he poured his eggs onto a plate, grabbed his toast and came to sit with me at the table.

"She was alone all the time. She didn't call her friends back, and after a while, they stopped calling."

"It was night of the living dead around here. I still hear her screaming in her sleep." He whispered as his whole body shivered.

This was all so much to take in, how could he think this would help!? For what he has just told me it sounded like her spirit was broken, it was too much. I felt responsible, this was my fault to a point.

"I'm so sorry, Charlie." I said sadly.

"It's not your fault." He said as he shook his head, a protective look showing on his face. "You were always a good friend to her."

"She seems better now, though." I added.

"Yeah. Ever since she started hanging out with Jacob Black, I've noticed a real improvement. She has some color in her cheeks when she comes home, some light in her eyes. She's happier." Charlie said, his face lightening. "He's a year or so younger than her, and I know she used to think of his as a friend, but I think it's maybe something more now, or headed that direction, anyway." He said as he smiled a bit.

I know he was adding this in so that I would pass it along, and I probably would if Edward would talk to me...or anyone.

"Jake's old for his years." He continued. "He's taken care of his father physically the way Bella took care of her mother emotionally. It matured him. He's a good looking kid too-takes after his mom's side. He's good for Bella, you know." He insisted.

"Then it's good she has him." I agreed. I was so conflicted, I was glad that she found someone...but at the same could she just move on?

Charlie sighed out a big gust of air, folding quickly to the fact that I wasn't arguing. "Okay, so I guess that's overstating things. I don't know...even with Jacob, now and then I see something in her eyes, and I wonder if I've ever grasped how much pain she's really in. It's not normal Alice, and frightens me. Not normal at all. Not like someone left her, but like someone.....died." He said as his voice cracked.

I nodded slightly, it was what I imagined Edward going through. I know that he probably wished he was dead, that he could die. They were like two sides of a coin, the other half to one another and now...well.

"I don't know if she's going to get over it, I'm not sure if it's in her nature to heal from something like this. She's always been such a constant little thing. She doesn't get past things, change her mind."

"She's one a kind." I agreed.

"And Alice..." Charlie said slowly. "Now you know how fond I am of you, and I can tell that she's happy to see you, but....I'm a little worried about what your visit will do to her." He said as he nodded.

"So am I, Charlie, so am I. I wouldn't have come if I had any idea. I'm sorry." I admitted.

"Don't apologize honey. Who knows? Maybe it will be good for her." Charlie said as he reached his hand out to comfort me. I quickly pulled my hand back and rest them on my lap.

"I hope you're right." I said quietly.

I was beginning to think that Edward and everyone else might have been right. What was I doing here? If she had died what would I have done? Would I have been able to comfort Charlie at all or would he be upset at me for showing my face?

"Alice, I have to ask you something." Charlie said quietly.

"Go ahead." I said calmly, the fear rising inside my body, but my voice held steady.

"He's not coming back to visit, too is he?" Charlie asked. The anger showing in his tone and all over his face, he obviously hated my brother.

"He doesn't even know I'm here. The last time I spoke with him he was in South America." I said softly as I looked Charlie right in the eyes.

"That's something, at least." Charlie said as he snorted softly. "Well, I hope he's enjoying himself."

I had to control my reaction, I understand that he is upset..and that his daughter was broken...but this was still my brother we were talking about. How could he be enjoying himself when he was away from Bella? I had to focus myself before I could answer.

"I wouldn't make assumptions, Charlie." I said as I felt my eyes narrow in anger.

That is not where I would have chosen to leave this conversation, with my anger making Charlie uncomfortable. I shook my head as I heard Bella fake stretch in the living room.

I knew that she had been awake for most of the conversation, she tried to hide that face, but she didn't do a good job. I wish that she hadn't heard certain parts of the conversation, I'm sure she was in deep thought about everything...especially the parts about Edward.
posted by KatiiCullen94
OK i thought i might do something different.
i thought that perhaps ive done edwards and bellas POV, that i might try jacobs..

the the scent of an enemy woke me, the scent burned then tip of my noise, it was icey.
Vampire. the one creature, that is the enemy of the werewolf. for years i have searched over and over , looking for one, that might be stupid enought to cross our land.
And we would be ready. But this was my house.
i turned, suddenly to see Bellas side flat.
No. no .no .no
this cant be right, no!, not bella, please please no. what with her past history,...
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posted by twilightrox43
This is probably gonna suck so please dont hate me LOL.:)

As Edward and I were out hunting, I saw what looked like some strange animal. What was that? Without a chance to say anything, Edward spoke up. "Let's go." He suddenly zoomed toward the site and I followed, catching up quickly. As we got closer, the image morphed, creating a body kneeled over a mountain lion. A vampire. Edward looked confused. He had never seen her before. Neither had I. Her eyes were a reddish-orange. A newborn. Instead of running away, she walked straight up to us with a spring in her step. She was very graceful even...
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Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
1 Year and 5 months later....

I was running away from my problems by running from Forks. I didn't know where we were going. All I could think about was Jacob. I had told him everything, and even showed everything about the future I came from. Showing him every thing made him realize that what Daniel and I was telling him the truth about every single thing. He might have already told the pack about what we told him. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Jacob. The expression he had after I told him my secret. He looked upset but also relived to finally know what was going on.

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‘Forever,’ he agreed, and then pulled us gently into deeper water. (Stephenie Meyer)

We floated in the water for a while and I noticed Edward’s hand slowly sliding down my body to my hips. He grabbed them gently and pulled me closer, his other hand moving to the small of my back to press me against his ice-cold, perfect chest. Then his hand moved down my leg to my knee and he wrapped my leg around his waist. Afterwards he did the same with the other one and he lifted me up so he could easily reach my throat, covering it with kisses. He trailed down to my collarbone and I whimpered softly,...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Eclipse Script Leak
By Twilight_News | 7 January 2010

"Finally we found an article that pretty much pulls all the facts as they are known together. On Tuesday an early copy of the Eclipse script, as reported by Deadline Hollywood and EW, made it online in the early evening. Many of the links have now been removed as Summit Entertainment has apparently enforced its intellectual property rights.

In the last day, we’ve seen a lot of rumor going around most notably that this will mean Jackson will be fired. In our opinion, if they didn’t fire Anna Kendrick for a New Moon script being found in...
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posted by ABDCFan-
Hey there, i'm a bit bored at the moment, as i'm stuck at home all day, due to snow, and school being closed. So i thought i'd come and write a movie review on Twilight. I'm sure many have done this before, but still. After you've read it, don't forget to rate!(And comment, if you would like) Thankss! (BTW. Sorry It's a So Long, but it is a review, :))

Twilight Review
Okay, so Twilight. A movie about romance, vampires, and it also involves some action. A movie for everyone. But it seems like it's mostly aimed at teenagers/young adults. Well, actually, that's because it (mostly)is, but still....
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Hollywood cannot be separated from beauty and hot body. In fact, many young Hollywood gain their legions of fans because of their good looks although their talent still does play a factor in their fame. In the past 12 months alone, there are numerous hunks stealing the spotlight. Acknowledging their charms, Celebrity Mania presents its readers the top 10 sexiest actors of 2009.
#9 Alex Meraz
Alex Meraz comes to ‘The Twilight Saga’s New Moon’ cast tour and on the set of ‘New Moon’ Alex Meraz never got the chance to expose his chiseled torso. When he was involved in the production of...
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posted by teamedward_2010
I do not own twilight, so please don't sue!

If anyone can think of a better title for this please tell me.

I look around my room one last time this was the worst part of being a half human half vampire,was the moving before anyone could tell that I wasn't aging anymore. I should have been used to this by now, I mean come on I am 115. My brother Josh and my and Emma were the only to people I had. My mother passed away given birth to me and my twin Josh, soon after that our father went to join the volturi and we haven't seen him since.

"Come on Lena, get a move on it!" my brother called from...
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posted by TotallyMe105
(Edwards Sister)
(Edwards Sister)
hey sorry it took so long!!!

Heres the first Chapter!!!

Chapter 2: What Really Happened.

(Present Day)

I silently sat on the gently swaying tree branch with both of my pale cold legs wrapped under me. My hands gripped my sweater closer even though i couldnt feel the cold the feel of wool was a comfort to me.
The endless green in front of me seemed to go on forever as i sat watching the trees turn into a silent see of waves.
Forks, Washington was my new home. My first real home since i was a nomadic vampire and didnt fancy in staying anywhere. But here felt different more like a home. I had...
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Nightfall Chapter 22: Tail Between Their Legs (Jake's POV)

I heard Nessie screaming for me as glass rained down around me, falling over the shocked vampires…well all but Alice and Edward who knew that it was coming. Edward pulled Bella behind him protectively blocking the shards of glass from so much as grazing her. I snorted at that like it was necessary Bella could take care of herself now. Edward smirked at me, no doubt assessing my thoughts the look on his face seemed to say, “Like you wouldn’t do the same if it were Nessie, dog.” Well, he was right but he was still ridiculous....
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Edwards pov before and when he has married bella

Bella must look wonderful. The dress i saw in Alices thoughs was amazing, not that i mean to look.
i cant help but think how lucky i am, Bella keeps telling me that she is the lucky one, but
i dont believe her. Oooh, how i crave her!! Her lips, the way her hair curls into ringlets,
how she bites her small, square nails. Everything about her is amazing, she s just what i need
to keep me hanging on throughout the next few eternities, and after that, forever! I need to
see her, Alice has kept her away from me for the past week, doing every little thing...
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posted by bella01

[after the flash back]

i decided to push my power to the limit.i just need to kill darius and everything is going to be one will hurt my family anymore,that's what's important nothing else.i took a deep breath and gathered all my remaining energy and released it with a blow.

i tried to open my eyes but my eyes have been blinded by the light around i closed my eyes again to shield it from the light.

i think all my senses are gone.because i can't hear anything,feel anything or even smell anything,and i can't get my eyes to open feels like i have been separated from my...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
In all my hundred years or so of my life. I finally meet the girl of my dreams and she was new to Forks. The shocking part was that I couldn’t read anything she was thinking plus she smelled so beautiful. She smelled like strawberries every day because of her shampoo. When I saw her face in person, I instill fell in love with her and I knew right there and then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Bella and I got married on August 13th, 2004. She was beautiful that day. We had a baby girl that I love to death. Her name is Renesmee. She looks just her mother, her brown eyes,...
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posted by lollipopszx3
I only put it here because I wanted people to know about it... Any other chapter on

Hell on Earth


The moment I stepped into the classroom I knew it was going to be hell.

"Ms. Swan!" said a voice I've hated since I was 18. "Cullen! What the hell are you doing here?" I screamed. There standing there was Edward Cullen. Once my love, my life, my everything now my worst enemy.

"Ms. Swan! That language won't be tollerated in my class!" He smirked. I ran out the door.

This can not be happening! I can not be student-teaching Edward's class! We freaking hate each...
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The Character

Name: Leah Clearwater

Type: Werewolf

Special Ability: None

About Them: Leah Clearwater is the daughter of Harry and Sue Clearwater. Leah is the older sister of Seth Clearwater and is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Uley. Leah is the only female member of the La Push werewolf pack. Leah and Seth transformed into werewolves during the events of New Moon. Leah is described as beautiful in an exotic way with perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, and eyelashes "like feather dusters." As a werewolf, Edward describes Leah as a "smaller grey wolf." Leah is angry and bitter as a result of her...
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bella's B-day
Bella had told us she didn't want any thing for her birthday but we still got her some things but she told me i could not spend any money on her so i made her a cd of me playing the pianio!alice&jasper got her a blue blouse and black dressy pants,rose&emmet got her a radio with a cd player and mom and dad got her,me and vickie plane tickets to see bella's mother.
So now me and alice are on our way to bella's,are brother's and sis are done with school! now i dont have to listen to rosalie's thoughts anymore!We were just walking up to the door i couls hear bella she was...
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BUT THEN I had to look away fromm the beautiful boy because the teacher was calling my name i was bearly avaible to answer him then from the corner of my eye i saw that the boy had also turn around.
my head was spinning i took deep breaths tryng but not suceeding to calm myself
who was that why he has to be so beautiful
finally the bell rang i get up wanting to run to the next class but someone was infront of me well a bunch of boys not a single girl and in the bunch of boys the beautiful boy wasnt there...
after that class after class it was the same but i never had another class with the boy...
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posted by illo
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing lasts forever
chapter #1

So this was the start of my new life....
The battle was not over but for the time being put off therefore for the first time in my life i was not worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow and enjoing my today.
Edward had changed into his cloths and was preparing breakfast for renessmi while i was putting on my cloths.I giggled to my self as i was thinking that how dear a sweet heart Edward really is.and how much lucky i really was to have such a perfect husband but honestly i have been taking him for granted lately since he never complained about anything so...
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Chapter 20: Mutiny (Nessie’s POV)

Hours later we were still deeply immersed in my “big thank you” when Jake’s phone began to ring at the most inopportune moment. He sighed and looked towards it but then shook his head and leaned in towards me bringing his lips back to my neck as he continued to push me even further towards ecstasy but then he stopped. I groaned in frustration as he placed his forehead against my cheek apologetically while offering me a sheepish smile.

“What if something is wrong with the babies, Ness?”

It melted my heart to see how good of a dad he was. I of course...
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chapter 3

"why would i change to act normal we are not normal were vampires."Tj said jumping up when he did so did jazz
"and stop trying to calm me down it dont work."he yelled at jasper
"Tj sit down and stop acting like a tard."alex said grabing his hand really hard "NOW"she growled at him
"fine"he said and sat down"please let go" he turned to her and smiled
"yes"she siad and pecked him on the lips real fast
and let go
"we will leave in 2 weeks so please please stop hunting humans so you can come home with us"i said smiling at alex"at home humans look at us as a young family of parents who...
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