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Chapter 39: If I jumped of a cliff, would you do it too? (Jacob’s POV)

I had been confident up until we got upstairs. I looked at Seth and Leah and for a fleeting moment I was terrified that I might actually kill them. Instead of focusing on the fear and uncertainty I focused my thoughts on Renesmee. She needed me, the sooner I changed Seth and Leah the sooner we would be able to save her and Amore, and the sooner that I would have her in my arms again. Carlisle eyed me nervously, I felt horrible for what I was putting him through. I looked to Bella for guidance and she nodded, “I believe in you Jake.” My first victims-to-be smiled at me and echoed her words of encouragement. Seth raised his hand in mock salute, “You’ll do fine Chief.” Bella chuckled, “Seth your pretty brave to be toying with him like that moments before he sinks his teeth into you.” Seth’s goofy smile quickly left his face as he solemnly laid back down. Leah looked at me seriously, “I want you to change me first; just to be sure it’s safe.” Seth popped up, “Leah you can’t always be first. I’m second in command anyway.” Leah didn’t respond she looked at me pleadingly. I couldn’t say no to her she was sacrificing the most out of any of us. Seth and I had given our lives for the women we loved; she was just going along for the ride out of loyalty for us. I turned to Seth, “Hey Seth?” He looked up, “Yea Jake?” “Shut up.” I instructed. Bella chuckled behind me and Seth laid back down again in annoyance. Bella and Carlisle came up beside me I suppose to be ready to grab me if I didn’t stop. I smiled at Leah. “Are you ready?” She looked at me intently, “I can’t believe I‘m doing this” she grumbled. “See ya’ on the other side.” She joked darkly. “Jacob, it might be easier for you if you bite her hand.” Carlisle offered in an attempt to help. I remembered what Bella had told me about James biting her hand and how painful it was, the same thing happened to Amore and it sounded agonizing. I didn’t want to change anything from the way that I had experienced it at least then it wasn’t like I as completely leading them into the unknown. I looked at Carlisle, “What if it went so fast for me because it was the neck, you know closer to the heart.” Carlisle pondered for a moment, “you have a point, I just think it might be harder for you to stop that way.” I shook my head firmly. “I’ve got this.” Carlisle gave in and stood by tensely. I looked to Bella and she repeated her mantra for me, “I believe in you, we all do.” I closed my eyes and let my instincts lead me to Leah’s jugular and bit down. She gave a tiny shriek but then held it in. I was impressed by her level of composure. Her warm blood filled my mouth, I acknowledged that I was thirsty and the blood felt amazing on my parched throat, it tasted good; but another part of my brain dominated and told me to ease up. Before Carlisle could tell me to stop I was pulling my teeth from her neck. She looked at me I could see the pain in her eyes briefly and then she shut them, as if to hide it from me. I could hear her thoughts, which was odd because we weren’t in wolf form. “It’s ok, Jake. I’m fine. But when this is over I’m punching you in the face, I better not have a scar.” I chuckled. Bella, Seth and Carlisle looked at me as though I was half crazed. I looked at them, “Leah’s fine she just told me.” Seth raised an eyebrow, “um, Jake she didn’t talk.” I nodded, “she spoke to me through her mind.” Seth looked confused, “like when we phase?” I nodded “Exactly.” Seth looked concerned, “how is she?” I smiled, “She’s still Leah she said she is going to punch me in the face when this is over.” Bella giggled. Carlisle was floored, “Do you understand what you just did? The fact that you stopped yourself is amazing. It takes an experienced vampire to do that and even then it is difficult. You knew when to stop, so that you wouldn’t kill her. What’s more you can still communicate mentally the way that your shape shifting abilities allowed you to. Jacob, I think that this is the beginning of a new race. Some kind of super vampire. I will need to do testing to be sure.” I nodded, “after we go to Italy you can do whatever you need.” He nodded. I stepped over to Seth, “Ready” I asked him. He nodded, and then groaned. “what?” I asked in concern, “you’re telling me that she will be able to talk to me for ten hours straight and I won’t be able to turn it off, or walk away?” I smiled, “sorry, hey now you know how I feel.” He rolled his eyes and laid down, waiting. “Jake?” I was losing my patience. He was like a little kid stalling in order to postpone bed time. “No I won’t read you a bedtime story.” I said sarcastically. He looked mildly insulted, “I was just going to say thank you for listening to me. Sam never would have listened to me. You are a good leader, I am glad that I followed you.” I was taken aback by his complements. “Your not so bad yourself, now lay down and shut up we have a plane to catch.” He smiled at me and obeyed. I leaned over him and did exactly the same thing that I had just done to his sister. Again the pulsating blood felt good in my throat but my mind dominated the instinct and I stood up in just enough time. I tried to ignore the obscenities that he was yelling at me in my head. Thankfully they both went out, as I must have when it was my turn. I turned to Carlisle who now looked at me with a sense of reverence. “Now we wait,” he told me.
As we waited for them Carlisle follwed me around watching my every move in amazement. He excitedly filled Edward in on everything when he returned from wherever he had ran off to. We gathered in the living room to discuss the final preparations. Carlisle stood before us, “Barring any problems with Seth and Leah’s transformation we will be leaving for Volterra tomorrow. Edward took care of the tickets. He looked at his watch. "Based on the time that they were bitten, jusdging by Jake’s ecperience . They should be awake by very early this morning. We all need to hunt in shifts so that there is always someone here. I will stay back until they are awake.” He turned to Jasper, “Passports?” Jasper nodded. “I will get pictures of them as soon as they awake and will get right on it.” Carlisle’s brow furrowed, “will they be ready in enough time for our departure.” Jasper rarely showed any emotion, but he smiled widely revealing his rows of gleaming teeth. There was something unsettling in his smile. “It will not be an issue.” He guaranteed. Bella shook her head, “maybe I should take care of it Jasper” Edward patted her hand lovingly, “you can be in charge next time my dear, I think that the fire that Jasper will light under Mr. Jenks is entirely necessary in this situation.” Bella frowned but conceded. I didn’t understand what was going on, but I was more concerned in what was happening upstairs. Neither Seth nor Leah was answering me when I called them. Carlisle noticed me looking towards the stairs. “It’s alright Jake, you didn’t move or make a sound the entire time. You were out cold.” It was true I remember the pain being excrutiating in the beginning but them it was almost as if my body shut off all of the sensors. I basically slept through it. Carlisle looked at me interest flickeing in his topaz eyes, “Do you want to know my theory? I think that your body shut down out of necessity to save energy. You changed remarkably fast. By not having to deal with pain your body was able to commence the changes faster.” He smiled at himself in awe. I smiled too, but because I knew that they weren’t in pain at the moment. Everyone tried to get me to go hunting on their shifts with them but I couldn’t leave my pack not until I knew they were ok. I agreed to hunt with Carlise, Seth, Leah, Emmett and Edward when they came to. The night dragged on, but eventually the frantic heartbeats sped up, like clockwork at 1 in the morning. We all filed up to see what would happen. It was quite unremarkable (although Carlisle and Edawrd would disagree, they were thrilled over the aspect of new information). Leah sat up first, her eyes a startling red. She smiled and hopped off the table. She sniffed the air and looked up in wonder, “hey you guys don’t stnk anymore.” Everyone snickered. Seth woke up next. His eyes were strangely older looking. He got down from the table in determination. “Let’s go kick some Volturi butt.” He growled. Carlisle watched excitedly, “I knew it! This is amazing. They are all perfectly controlled and regimented!” I turned to them. “How are you guys?” Leah walked up to me and grinned, she wound back and punched me in the face as hard as she could. The sound was deafening. Emmett had his hands on me and Jasper and Edward were holding Leah. She was laughing hysterically and I rolled my eyes, “real mature Leah, I snarled. It didn’t hurt at all it was just obnoxious. Alice jumped around gleefully, “this is wonderful!” We looked at her in confusion. She smiled gleefully, “we will be boarding a plane in less than 24 hours, they will be fine.” She looked at us expectantly. ‘HELLO, I can see Jake, Leah and Seth in my visions now. This is huge people! I used to lose sleep over this!” Edward raised an eyebrow at his eccentric sister, “Alice, you don’t sleep.” She looked at him in a huff,” well if I did sleep I would have lost sleep over it. It has been quite annoying, you know.” Carlisle led us to go hunt. It was our turn. Emmett and Edward came with us. They were about to tell me, Seth and Leah what to do but I just looked at them, “uh, yea we have been hunting for awhile now. We get it.” Carlisle shook his head again, “That’s it, you guys are free. You clearly don’t need any assistance.” We all tore off in separate directions I stalked elk,I fed off of three of them before I was satiated. Emmett and I finished feeding first. He smiled at me, “so, you feeling strong?” I didn’t understand where he was going with this, “Ok, that’s a random question, why?” He smiled wider, “let’s arm wrestle.” I shrugged, we had to wait for the others to come back anyway. We found a flat topped boulder and got ready. Before he even counted I had his arm down. His face was a mask of shock. “One more round he demanded. I smiled at him amd obliged, This time I used my pinky and shoved his whole arem down breaking the boulder in half with the force. He looked at me his eyes wide, then he started to look kind of pissed. Carlisle walked up to me again with that look of sheer amazement. “I have never seen a newborn so strong. I wonder…” he called Leah over and had her arm wrestle Emmett. Emmett scoffed, “Are you kidding me?” He snickered. “Alright" he shrugged, “It’s your arm not mine.” Leah snarled, “Bring it on tough guy.” They found another boulder and Leah snapped his arm down before he knew what happened. She laughed so hard that she fell over. Emmett got up and stormed off clearly embarrassed. Carlisle shook his head. “I mean it, this could be the beginning of a whole new species of vampires. All of a sudden Seth's voice filled my head, “this is awesome check it out,” he came loping out of the trees in his wolf form. Carlisle's eyes boggled. “You can still phase.” He looked like he was on information overload. Seth came over to me. I snickered and asked him an important question through our minds, “so, uh did you tear out of your clothes.” He got quiet, “yea.” I smiled and asked him, “I’m guessing you don’t have another change of clothes, huh?” He whimpered. Edward laughed. “Come back to the house Seth we will get you something". Leah shook her head at him, “idiot”, she muttered out loud in her velvety voice. We headed back to the house to get ready to leave. We had quenched our thirst for blood but not our thirst for revenge. We were now ready to satisfy that desire and save Renesmee and Amore.
posted by xxEmo92xx
Two days later, Alice and I are sitting in my bed talking about the Volturri thing. "I am so glad you're cool with the whole Volturri thing. I love being your friend. If we would have let our diversity separate us, we would probaly be at our own houses with our boyfriends."

"Actually, no. I am not dating Jasper anymore."

"What!? Why!?"

"I caught him with another woman." Alice began to sob a little.

"Do you know who?"

"Yeah, it was that Jessica girl. THey were kissing behind the school. Plus, when he came through the door, he was thinking about if I knew about Jessica."

"How do you kno- oh yeah,...
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posted by hayleyhoo
This is part of a story i have written, soz its so long
It was a surprisingly sunny day in Newquay when Meya arrived after travelling by foot across England and yet it hadn’t taken her as long as it would a human, she had trekked fast because she was being followed, by what, she didn’t know but what she did know was that it couldn’t be allowed to catch up with her if she wanted to keep her life. Meya was what could be called ordinary for a human, she looked like an ordinary 17 year old girl, about 5 foot 4, with shoulder length red, glossy hair, she was strangely beautiful, but there was...
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Twilight's going to keep a lot of people up all night.

Across the country, more than 1,100 midnight Friday screenings were reported sold out. In Los Angeles, pairs of tickets were hawked for upwards of $50 on Craigslist. On Facebook, members were planning their opening-night wardrobe.

Suffice to say, Team Edward T-shirts—and the fans wearing them—will be out in force.

"I think the opening day is going to be huge," says Bruce Nash of the box-office data site, the Numbers.

But how huge? That's a trickier answer.

"There are certain movies that are hard to gauge," says box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian...
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LOS ANGELES - The vampire romance "Twilight" drained the box office in its opening weekend, taking in $70.6 million.

Catherine Hardwicke's film also enjoyed the biggest opening ever for a female director, blowing away the previous standard of $41.1 million set by Mimi Leder 's " Deep Impact " in 1998.

Drawing from its huge fan base of teenage girls, who fell for Stephenie Meyer's novel of forbidden love between brooding vampire Edward Cullen and bookish high schooler Bella Swan , "Twilight" made a whopping $20,636 per theater, according to Sunday morning estimates.

And the fangirls will get another...
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posted by yesitsLorLor
To those who love Twilight, the 2nd teaser is just what we have been craving. Not only does it fill the gaps of the first teaser but it is amazingly compelling.

First Sight-(haha) of the Twilight teaser number 2 gave me chills and had my hair standing on end, it has now become offical that i WILL be there at the midnight showing of the ever so thrilling Twilight movie.

I think we will all agree that Steph' Meyer will do justice to the book by making the movie excatly the same.

To those Harry Potter fans, i am sorry to say that yes the Harry Potter seires was great, but the movies murdered the...
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posted by tigerlover656
A lot of people just go to the comment section to advertise. They don't care what the article says-they just pick the one with the most viewers so they will get attention. Like the girl who wrote Twilight Fansites. By cherry6chick. She wants more viewers so she goes to articles and puts:hey-you guys like twilight? well check out this Tell your friends!:) I thought it was a good idea because it got me to go to it so i started advertising on my first article called Who Is Better? on page 7 on What's Hot. All of a sudden i started to get all these comments telling everybody who the liked better. I told everybody there you can choose. Every month Ill anounce the winner for that month. Anyways...on this sight you can put an article and/or sight that you think is worth reading!
Hello, I begin with an introduction to myself. Greetings I am Karolyn from sunny SoCal and I am a Twihard. =]
From So Cal?, you may ask. How can you have a Twilight experience there?
Well, it was just a lil' thing. I shouldn't even call it an experience. But...I want the truck my neighbor has. It looks exactly like the one Bella has! O___O It mesmerizes me each day I see it there. Sitting w/no one who knows it's significance. With no one taking it out to hear it's thunderous roar!

Well, that's all... =[

But, while I am writing this I will state an opiniion of mine. Why does everyone hate on Jacob?...
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