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now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
I [Edward Fairfax] was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Jenni Frendswith, the author of the new novel Stonecraft, now available on Her book is a part of a web-hosting program at the homesite of author Fletcher Rhoden ( where there is contact information and a discount code and link. In the interests of full disclosure, my own book Views of a Progressive Christian is also on the site.

Q: This is your first book, Jenni. What made you want to write, and why this story?
A: Well, I’ve always been a reader, read just about anything I could find. I guess it’s taken me this long to get up the nerve to write something myself. As for why I chose this story for my first book, well, I didn’t really have ten stories to chose from. This one just kind of popped into my head, and I liked it and I liked what I thought I could do with it, so that’s the one I wrote. I’m not sure I would have written anything at all if I didn’t have a great story to begin with.
Q: There are similarities to the Twilight Saga. Why should readers pick up Stonecraft?
A: Do people think it’s a lot like Twilight? Well, it does have a teenage girl who falls for a gorgeous guy with incredible powers and a mysterious past. But that’s, like, most every young adult or romance novel I’ve ever read. Fifty Shades of Grey is basically that but older and more erotic, right? They’re all kind of similar, yet each one is different. My story is a different story than the one told in Twilight, there are just some similar themes, some structural similarities that all books of this type share. Without calling it better than any other story, I can say my own story moves quickly and has a lot of interesting twists. I think the writing is just descriptive enough without being overbearing. I like the action scenes quite a bit. I tend to appeal to the senses when I can, so there are a lot of textures and scents and flavors that I hope will really activate the readers’ imaginations. There’s just a little bit of social commentary, because I think if you’re going on and on for 50,000 words you might as well make a point or two along the way. I tried not to repeat things, such as an annoying and constant biting of the lip or whatever. I feel like the love between my two leads is really hard-won and well deserved. They don’t just fall instantly into an affair the way the Shades characters do. And I’m not saying Twilight’s Bella and Edward don’t deserve to be together. It’s not really better or worse, they’re just different -- different characters doing different things. I think there’s plenty of room for both. If somebody liked Twilight they’re bound to love Stonecraft. It doesn’t have to be either/or. Besides, if they’ve already read the Twilight books they’ve got read something else, right? I loved [F.D.Rhoden’s] Sisterella, but I wouldn’t sit around reading it over and over again.
Q: What publicity are you doing? What do you recommend other authors do?
A: I’m doing as much online publicity as I can, including the social media marketing outlets, that sort of thing. Even getting reviews can be tough because review copies are expensive to order and ship and there’s no way to know if you’re even going to get reviewed at all, much less a good review. But I’m doing interviews like these as much as I can, trying to reach as many people as possible. There are some blogs and .orgs and things like that. It’s not easy, but I really believe that cream rises to the top. If something is good, someone’ll find it and spread the word. I hope. And if not, I’m proud just to have written Stonecraft. That’s an amazing thing I never thought I’d be able to do.
Q: Why’s that?
A: It’s just so intimidating! So many words, they all have to be just right. And you’re opening yourself up to such scrutiny. It’s daunting to say the least. I’m really glad I did it. Even if I never sell another copy, nobody will ever be able to take that away from me.
Q: You worked with (Stonecraft editor and Gasping in the Shadows author) Lucretia Mars. What was that like?
A: It was great. I guess she’s got some kind of weird reputation because of her book, but I know Lucretia and I’m a big fan. I thought Gasping in the Shadows was really compelling! It’s pretty dark, for sure. I mean, I wouldn’t give it to my grandmother to read. But Lucretia’s got a really strong work ethic and a natural way with writing. She taught me a lot.
Q: Your book is a lot more mainstream than Gasping in the Shadows.
A: Well, like I said, her book has some dark stuff. A lot of people like that, though. Look at how well the Shades trilogy did. And even if you don’t find the fetish themes, um, to your taste, you can still appreciate Lucretia’s writing, the characterizations, the way the story is constructed. I think that could be a pretty hot movie franchise, but it’s not even as mainstream as the bondage elements of the Fifty Shades books. Hollywood might not be ready for Lucretia. But you never know.
Q: Stonecraft clearly establishes where the story will go in future installments. Is there a sequel planned? Do you hope for a movie franchise of your own?
A: There is a continuation of the story, absolutely. It stands alone quite well, I think. But the stage is set for the next one, for sure. I’ll only write it if the public shows a real interest in the first one. If nobody buys the first, there’s no real point in having a sequel, right? As for a film franchise, I think this would definitely be a huge movie thing, several films for sure. It’s got everything a movie like this needs and wants -- young couple, corrupt government operatives, love on the run. I’d go see it. And the next one... well, I don’t want to give anything away, but if the next Stonecraft novel comes out it will not disappoint, I promise you that.
Q: How many books ahead have you planned?
A: So far I know where the second book ends. Much of the third book probably won’t be uncovered until I’m through with the second. And that’s a when/if situation.
Q: What’s your opinion of the publishing market today?
A: I’m amazed by it. I think Harry Potter turned the whole thing around. It didn’t seem like anybody was really reading novels as much, there was a lot of nonfiction, self-help, and there still is. But look at the crazy success of the Potter books, the Twilight and Shades sagas. People are buying novels again, which I think is wonderful and not only because I’ve got a book to sell. Novels are great, they withstand the test of time the way a lot of other media just don’t or never will. There will never be a computer game that achieves the kind of longevity of a great book like Frankenstein or the Scarlet Letter.
Q: You mention Frankenstein. That’s kind of the basis for this story, isn’t it?
A: It’s the inspiration for it. The project designation Stonecraft is from [Frankenstein author] Mary Shelley’s middle name, Wollestonecraft. The hero’s own government handlers call him Rhett, short for Wretch, which is how Shelley often refers to Frankenstein’s creation in the book. To bring it back to the Twilight comparison; instead of vampires, it’s a man-made creature. But instead of parts of different bodies sewn together, it’s strands of different people’s DNA. That makes it relevant to today’s society, with our stem cell research and all that. But he’s still a compendium of other men, and like the original Frankenstein creature, he’s isolated and alone, outcast by his creators, shunned and hunted. There’s something about that which speaks to us all, isn’t there? Don’t we all feel that way sometimes? And, y’know, Rhett’s not green and lumbering with bolts in his neck. He’s gorgeous and intelligent, a superior man in just about every way. In a lot of ways, he could almost be Tarzan, who is a similar kind of character; primitive, isolated, powerful. Rhett is well-educated and not quite as primitive. And Rhett isn’t a product of the jungle or he almost would be Tarzan. Rhett is a product of science, and that puts him in a different fictive tradition.
Q: What’s the writing process like for you? What can you recommend to new or aspiring authors?
A: Well, this is my first book, so it’s hard to say that I have a process. I know authors take years and many books to refine their processes. I’m just not there. But I can tell you how I wrote this book, and that was to shut out as much of the rest of the world as I could. Once you’ve gotten the story and the characters and all that planned out, I think the real danger is in letting distractions get in your way, prevent you from finishing. I think, and more experienced authors have told me this, that most books which are begun never get finished, and that’ s why. Once the rough draft of Stonecraft was done, I just went back and kept going at it. But since the story and characters were all pretty well outlined, there wasn’t a lot of refining to do.
Q: You worked with an outline then.
A: Oh, absolutely! With a thing as big as a novel, I’d think it’d be pretty crazy not to outline. I guess some people can do that. But everything I studied and everybody I talked to pointed me in the same direction: Outline. The trick is, I think, not to be a slave to the outline, give yourself room to be inspired, to change your mind, to be inventive. Lucretia taught me that. You can change the outline as you go and discover new things about the story you never would have thought of before you started writing. For example, I didn’t know exactly what the last scene of the book was going to be, even if I did know how the climax was going to happen, how the denouement was going to go. If I’d paced around worried about the very last scene, I’d still be pacing and the book wouldn’t have been written at all.
Q: Your book has a very solid three-act structure, mid-point and other plot points in just the right spots. Where did you learn this?
A: Well, I actually learned the three-act from our web host’s DVD, [Fletcher Rhoden’s] Write Makes Might: Stronger Structure in Storytelling [on amazon]. I’m grateful to him for hosting my book, of course, but that’s not why I’m saying it. The reason I know him at all is through his DVD, which I bought and liked. I became a fan. It’s a great DVD for anybody who needs a crash course in storytelling. It’s like reading 10 books in 30 minutes.
Q: What’s next for Jenni Frendswith?
A: Just trying to get the word out on Stonecraft, waiting to see what that brings.
Q: Many good things, I’m sure. Thanks for taking some time to speak with me.
Q: My pleasure, Edward. Thank you.
It was a car.A fast sports car.And unfortanately,it was mine.A gift from my fiance (and vampire) Edward Cullen.It was something he insisted on getting me.I turned my head and saw Mrs.Weber with her face pushed up against the glass of her shop.How embarrasing.I shook my head and the light turned green.I hit the gas pedal with so much force I lurched forward and got a few fingers and dissaproving looks.If there were any doubt about who'd been driving this car before,it was gone along with my truck.I checked the gas meter and it was almost at zero.I wouldnt've come into town if my gas tank wasn't...
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posted by kiwi12
part 12

I found myself trying to collect my thoughts and summarize the danger I was in as well as my assets. The biggest asset seemed to be the fact that when I was around Edward I could catch small bits of people's thoughts. It wasn't easy and I found myself admiring him for dealing with it full force constantly. He could read by mind with no problem unless his mate Bella was near, which was often. Edward couldn't read Bella's mind so I got a small bit of that power. Both powers had their benefits. Bella handled my ever increasing list of abnormalities the best. Renesmee also handled it well....
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Taylor Lautner’s Superbowl Weekend
By Twilight_News

Taylor Lautner is having one action packed weekend. First he was in Direct TV’s Celebrity Beach Bowl with Twilight co-star Kellan Lutz and countless other celebrities. Then he’s hanging around to see the Superbowl because the Colts are in the game. Being a Michigan native, Taylor is rooting for the Colts, and of all people he seems to have bonded with Rob Lowe over the Colts love!

According to E! Rob Lowe stated:

“Taylor’s another Colts fan and he’s such a great guy,” Rob said when I caught up with him at the Audi penthouse party...
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By Twilight_News | 8 February 2010

Rob talks to the Daily Record about everything from his Bel Ami shoot ( when you read the article you just know that the Uma Thurman quote is destined to be requoted and rehashed out-of-context for the next year), to his loss of privacy, to Breaking Dawn.

“He is also set to star in the final Twlight film based on the books Breaking Dawn, which may be broken into two films, due to the number of books.

He admits to mixed emotions about the end of the saga.

He said: “”It will be strange but it will be great just to be able to know what I’m doing. Not knowing when Breaking Dawn is going to shoot – because it changes all the time – is a kind of burden, to have this thing where you don’t know when it’s going to happen.

“So you’ve got to organise everything in your life around that and that can be difficult.”
Hey, here is Chapter 9 enjoy!

It was like someone was trying to wake me from a deep sleep. I wanted to wake up but I couldn’t move there was too much pain. That’s when I heard the voice, his beautiful voice.
“No Nessie, don’t stop breathing. Keep your heart beating, breath Nessie breathe!” Jacob sobbed over my chest.
“Jacob, you need to let me look at her, it’s the only way to save her,” Carlisle said, worry in his calm voice. Jacob didn’t say anything but leaned back and took my hand.
“Ed...Edward, she is going to be okay, isn’t she?” I heard mum sob in her wind chime...
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posted by She_wolf
hope you enjoy, but this chapter is a bit weird :L

Chapter Ten

That was when I noticed I was laying on my back, half naked and with a girl 3 years older than me laying on top of me, with her leg passionately thrown over my side and her chest dangerously close to my face.
I carefully sat up, positioning her on my lap. I turned to face Jared.
I blushed deeply, but still managed to sound fierce “She’s my girlfriend Jared. “I stuttered. I hated that word. “I think it’s legal for someone to kiss their girlfriend. And anyway she’s not your girlfriend, or even your friend, so why are...
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posted by kiwi12
part 4

"My name is Edward Whitlock. This is my sister Rosalie Cullen and my father is Carlisle Cullen. What's your name?" Lying to a mind reader seemed less then practical so I muttered "Juliet". He asked me if I lived around here and I told him I'd just moved in. The small talk was not working and my eyes were still wet. The leader sighed "I know you're afraid of being near us but I cannot in good conscience send you home. Not in your condition. Now I can talk to your parents and arrange for you to be taken care of elsewhere. I will ask you not to tell your parents what you know about us. We...
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Hello Everyone! I'm bringing another story that I'm writing called Bedroom Confessions! I'm posting the link, hoping you will take a look at it. This story is for mature audiences only as it contains violence and murder.

Summary: Edward was investigating the perfect murder. Part of his job was to protect the only witness's identity from the murderer. But can he control his feelings for her, and can he handle the secrets she hides? AH/AU;E/B

If you like this one, make sure to check out the other stories listed on my profile! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!

Link---> link
posted by Hellohoudini
Best kiss of the decade

Posted by Twilight_News - 28/01/10 at 09:01 am

At the opening of their new London department store, Selfridges held a survey to find out the top kisses of the past decade. Coming in at number one on their list was the kiss between Edward and Bella in “Twilight.” Considering the current fan frenzy and media hype surrounding the “are they/aren’t they” relationship of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, this shouldn’t be a big surprise. Other kisses on the list include the upside down Spider-man kiss and the kiss from Brokeback Mountain. Entertainment Wise has the details including a slide show of photos of Kristen and Rob
Nessie looking at Lilly because she is staring at the cullens
Nessie looking at Lilly because she is staring at the cullens
Jake never spoke again instead he walked straight towards me, i squeezed my eyes shut while my mind was screaming questions but it was too late to think of that, than i heard Jake coming closer
“Lily, come out i know your there” he sounded amused , i sighed than stepped out, i was surprised to see Jake with a huge smile on his face i sneaked a glance at Quil he was looking down and his face was pink, i was confused but before i could ask any questions Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulders and steered me to class,
“ You've got a lot of explaining to do, I'm coming over this Arvy”...
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I looked at the compass and the map, made sure the compass was pointing the direction on the spoke I had followed, and started moving again. What a pain it was to hike all this way. It was so much easier the first time I'd come here...
I had to think of something else every fast, if I ever wanted to make it home. Of course it was better when Jacob had come with me. My personal sun, lighting everything in his path. But I was more grateful for the fact that he had not taken this trip with me. FOr so many reasons I couldn't even count. For one thing, how would I explain my conversation with a vampire?...
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posted by She_wolf
my fave quote from this chapter :)
my fave quote from this chapter :)
Chapter Four (thanks to everyone who's commented)

I coughed, his words ringing in ears. There was something stuck in my throat. Half-brothers! My head and stomach were spinning, like a tumble drier. My dad was Billy Black? I turned away from Jake and threw up. That cleared my head, which made my heart ache. Why hadn’t my mom told me? She knew that I used to cry myself to sleep when I was younger because I’d seen a happy family out on the beach at La push. Why hadn’t she thought to tell me?
Jake was trying not to listen to my thoughts, but he couldn’t help it. He flinched, at my memory....
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posted by Twilightsauce
He has gone. He is not coming back. He does not love you anymore. He has gone. He is not coming back. He does not love you anymore. He has gone. He is not coming back. He does not love you anymore. He has gone. He has gone. He has gone.
I could say this to myself a thousand times and it still would not make me feel any better. Nothing can, not anymore. When... when Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s left Forks they took my soul with them. Everything that made me happy is gone. They are never coming back. I am like a zombie, I walk, eat, sleep and I answer if somebody asks me something but...
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posted by twilightrox43
Ariella on the Plane
Ariella on the Plane
I couldn't believe my eyes. The Volturi were coming back. Would this be an epidemic? Did they believe Ariella would let out our secret? I glanced over at Ariella as Edward picked her up. His face was full of agony. Alice and Jasper returned moments later. We returned back to the house and had a conference. "The only way to do this safely is to go to Italy." Edward said. "I agree. This is what we have to do to save one of our own." Carlisle conferred. Carlisle had explained all this to Alice and Jasper. They seemed to agree as well. Ariella walked into the room the next second, and we told her...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
I hope everyone likes this one. Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions tell me.

That night I had the strangest dream. There was a wolf howling in the back yard near the forest. I followed the sound despite the fact I was terrified. I looked at the large, massive wolf up and down. I felt calm and at peace with it so close. It was almost all white. On Its face it had black around its eyes and the tip of its ears. His eyes were what struck me the most. They were deep milk chocolate brown eyes. It was like they were burning a hole through my eyes and seeing into my soul. If that...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
All you really need to know is that I did not plan for this to happen. It just did whether I wanted it to or not. But, if i could change anything; I'm not sure that I really would. Whether he's real; my mind still can't figure that out. I am sure of him though. I'm sure of his face, his eyes, his lips, and his touch. Everything about him was perfect and I would die for him.

I awoke in my bed to my alarm and realized that today was the day I would move to Olmpic Dr. Forks, Washington. So I got up and did my usual routine. when I was done I looked at my self in the mirror for a long time. I...
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new moon, bellas depresstion. the 1st few months

it hurts to live. life to me is a second death, only like being left to bleed on a pavement instead of a quick stab, then to be left in peace. death and life are much the same thing now. only death seems more peaceful, i already know, as i watch other people living there lives, there is nothing left for me. fun was like a greek word to me now. i didnt know what i ment. i thought about making the most of life before the pain killed me for sure. i couldnt remember HOW to have fun. what was the point of going to the beach? it wasn't going to bring...
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posted by twilightrox43
This is a poem I wrote in my spare time. I morphed it into a song and entered a contest with it. I won 3rd place! Hope you like.

Repeat: This is about TWILIGHT. No other books.

Going in alone.
No turning back.
I have good intentions,
But this might be my last chance.
I wonder, is the choice I'm about to make,
Really the path I should take.

Hunting me down,
Evil dreams,
Lurking in the shadows,full of pain.
Don't understand,
I'm tired of mind games,
But in the mirror, it's all the same.

Blink of an eye,
Might actually have to say goodbye,
But I hear the voice of my guardian angel,
Calling my name.

Not my last fight,
Not my last hope,
Not my last wish,
Not my last breath...

For now, my heart is mending,
but I'm still alive.

This is about the confrontation with James at the end of the book.

I hope you like it. Rate and review. I'm having doubts...
posted by SuperFunFan1001
okie dokie people! I've decided to just go ahead and start on this story. I really hope you like it. I know that this chapter is short but it is just a taste of what you will get later on. Give it a chance please.


Bella's POV

I woke with a start and fell off my bed landing right on my backside.
Who the heck could be at my door this early in the morning?
I looked over at my clock. 12:36pm
Oh, oops. Charlie must have left already. Good thing it's a saturday so I don't have school.
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posted by Twilight597
Chapter 6

Suddenly I felt mad for no reason. I heard myself yelling at him, and I felt bad. Rosalie was yelling the exactly the same thing too.

“What do you want?” we both yelled.

“Oh I'm sorry, I don’t even know you,” I said immediately afterwards, still feeling angry, “Are you doing something to me? Unless I'm on my period, I’ve never felt this many mood swings.” Wow I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

“Well I'm not sorry. Jasper, go away,” Rosalie yelled.

It has probably been about a month since I last seen Victoria. Bella came back, in a bad condition from James....
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