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posted by ParamoreFreak
1.) The truth and the lies hidden inside
Everything was still. Nothing moved. Not even Phil. Phil was only sixteen, going on seventeen in three months, so why was this happening to him? It's not like he did anything wrong! So why him? Why not the person this guy's after? But Phil had no time to ask questions or get answers from the guy, so he looked around once more, and kept on running. The air was chilly, not too cold or too warm, but just enough to need a jacket if your out here more than an hour. But good luck didn't attend Phil, he was in a short sleeved shirt. He was alone. He was being chased. Tracked down...traced! Phil was running along side the road at midnight, of course his road had to be deserted at this exact moment cause luck didn't attend him.
Phil could hear some heavy breathing, which wasn't his. Phil's was more of a grunt, trying not to fall and get killed more quickly like you see in the movies. And that's exactly what happened. Phil stole a glance over his shoulder, ran into a rock, and stumbeled forward, obviously rolling his ankle. He grabbed at it, gasping in pain when the dark figure came over him.
"What do you want?" He asked. No answer. But then the figure grapped Phil by the color of his shirt, and pulled him off his feet, suspended in the air. "Please, don't hurt me!"
"I don't want to hurt you." The man said in a deep gruffy voice that reminded Phil of his brother Tom. "I just want...a taste inside." The man that swiped his finger down Phil's shirt, and it tore, dropping Phil to the ground with a thud. Phil was crawling back, getting goose-bumps from the cold.
"Come here!" The man ordered but Phil knew better as he tried for his feet and balance.
"No way!" He shreiked.
"Go ahead, run, I love hide and seek!" The man said, not breathing heavy anymore. "Either way I'll catch you!"
Phil looked around and saw nothing but blacktop, grass, and the woods at his side. No way of escaping, no way to get help, nothing to help him last anylonger. But as Phil started to back up, something made him stop. He turned and saw another dark figure.
"HELP!" Phil screamed, realizing there was no help now. "HE-"
The second figure covered his mouth with it's hand, and brought him back to the first figure.
"Here you go, Master," the second figure said. "He's all yours."
"Honestly, I'd say I'll kill you but that line's alerady been taken." A voice said making the Master turn around.
"Who are you?" The second figure asked.
"An interuption, this'll be quick," The Master promised.
"Your'e right, this will be quick." Phil then notices its a guy.
"Let's begin shall we?" the Master asked, pushing Phil and the second figure away from the guy and himself.
"We shall," The guy said and the Master threw the first punch. But the guy dodged it just in time to pull something sharp from his pocket and shove it right into the Master's knee making him yelp out in pain! The Master kicked the guy to the side, and pulled it out of his knee, blood dripping from the weapon. The guy got to his feet and punched the Master in the face, making him stagger back a bit. The guy then did a jump kick to the Master's chest, making him fall to the ground. The guy turned to look at the second figure.
"Who are you?" The second figure asked.
"I am the one who will kill you if you don't leave!" The guy said and the second figure just stood there.
"Whats your name?"
"Rick," Rick said and a smile crept upon the second figure's face and then he was gone. Phil slumped to the side of the tree, heavily breathing. The Master got up, and ran away too, scared of what just happened and what might happens next if he didn't leave. "You okay?"
"Yeah, just fine!" Phil answered and they started walking back down the road.
"I'll take you home,"
"No, my parents are dead. They were killed by...them," Phil said, stiffeling a cry.
"I'm sorry," Rick said.
"It's okay, just take me somewhere."
"Alright," Rick knew the first place to take him, his place.
"So," Rick said, shutting the door behind Phil. "Tell me what happened."
"It was like anyother normal day: I went to school, I came home, did the homework assigned to me, and just started watching TV before dinner. Parents are gone on a business trip. I was alone, then there was a knock at my door...I answered and no one was there. When I turned around, thinking it was my imagination, there he was. Right in front of me."
"Don't know how he got in?" Rick asked.
"Nope...he was just there." Phil answered.
Phil and Rick walked through the living room and into the hall, passing five rooms as they went, three on the right of the hall, two on the left. They reached the end of the hall, and Rick poked the wall five times as if a bug the size of a gnat was there. But as Rick turned to face Phil, the wall behind Rick moved to the side and revealed a torch-lit basement with stone stairs leading downward in a spiral sense.
"So then what happened?" Rick asked.
"I ran, what else was there to do? I mean yeah I freaked out a bit, but still--a guy in your house for now reason that wants to kill you? It was smarter than to stay..." Phil said in a bit DUH tone.
Rick subsided the attitude he was drawing onto Phil. "Okay, then what happened?"
"Nothing...I just kept running and he followed. Then I ran into his friend, and they were gonna kill me. That's when you showed."
"Okay...I need to tell you some things you were convinced were fake. Follow me." Rick beckoned Phil down the staircase, and Phil followed.
When they reached the end of the stairs, there was a wooden door with a huge lock under a symbol. The symbol was really weird, but vagually familiar to Phil. The symbol was made up of three parts, the obvious top, center, and bottom. But it was like it was freshly drawn cause there was some drippy parts like the sides of candles. The material was a red that flickered in the torch light. It was thin, and all were connected, but at first glance seemed like three different symbols. The symbol was three crooked lines (like an M on its side to make it look like an E but wasn't that straight) ontop of a circle. Inside the circle was a dot that reminded Phil of the TARGET signature sign. On the left and right of the signs were two arrows. They pointed at eachother as if two arrows going for the dot in the middle like a target. But it was actually one arrow. The arrows intertwined as both of them circled the inner circle three times. Then at the bottom of the sumbol was one final mark: a seven with a curly line through it (imagine a regular seven--7-- but in the center of the line coming diagnoally down to the left, a line was through it. Now imagine the left tip was being curled into an egg-shaped circle).
Phil wanted to ask what the strange, and vagually, symbol meant but held his breath as Rick placed his finger on the dot and pushed in. The dot glowed, and the streams of light seaping through the cracks of the wooden door sunk into the rest of the weird symbol, making it turn from a bloody-red to a bluey-green. Then the light disappeared, along with the symbol, and the lock on the wooden door unlocked. Rick removed the lock and pushed the wooden door open.
"Now, what you are about to hear and find out might make you think I'm crazy, so," As Phil and Rick entered the room, the door behind them closed and they heard the lock lock so they couldn't leave unless Rick unlocked the lock. "I don't want you to leave till you beleive me."
Phil laughed softly, as if expecting to do as told, but just as Rick led him to a metal table with metal chairs, Phil then realized that Rick might be telling the truth...or at least Rick thought he was.
"Alright, then, tell me what's crazy." Phil sat down, and for the first time, Rick noticed that Phil was shirtless.
"First, let me get you a shirt." Rick then turned and entered another room that blended in with the wall, and came back out with a black shirt and a black jacket just incase he was cold.
"Thanks," Phil said, slipping the shirt on, and the jacket as well.
"Alright...what do you remember from your childhood?" Rick asked.
" and stuff?"
" movies, stories, legends, tales, jokes, everything under the HORROR title. Tell me what you know." Rick clarified and Phil looked down at the metal table that was more silver than brass as if the table was used often...or washed.
Phil had to think for a moment, recalling back to when he was around three to seven. He had to remember what the BOOGEYMAN and the MONSTERS UNDER THE BED stuff were actually about to make him have the wiggins/nightmares. Phil then recalled a legend from his sister and began.
"Alright," Phil zipped up the jacket and thrusted his hands into the jacket pockets. "My sister, Ashely--who is now at Harvard--told me legends of vampires and stuff. On halloween night, she'd tell me different stories--five a night--some were enough to curl your toes...some were chessy cause they were passed around and mashed up so many times. But the one that always made me believe in vampires and werewolves...was the story of The Immortal Night."
"Go on," Rick said, leaning back in his chair, feet propped up carelessly on the metal table. He was listening, hanging onto every word, deciphering and devouring every word and moment Phil spoke of.
"Alright...The Immortal Night was when every October 31st, apparantly vampires and werewolves walked the earth. Cause, unless night, halloween was really the only night they could come out of hiding without anyone knowing anything of it. The only night anyone would suspect anything. Ashley said that vampires wold stalk the graves, gathering there friends, and walk the streets. Hunting people for the feed. Then they'd lure them to a safe spot and take there blood. The screams filled the air all the time, and everyone just laughed thinking that everyone was having a scary good time! And the werewolves would come up from the sewers and the tunnels, and go find people to eat or turn. Then, when the clock strikes midnight, the vampires and werewolves would meet up and start killing everyone in sight. Cause, legend says, that when vampires and werewolves are full, and they meet up and hatch a plan, they create this...energetic power for them to just touch one person, and it would magnify onto everyone in sight, sucking and or eating them dry till the earth was populatedless. Then they'd rule the earth, mating and creating more vampires and werewolves, or other demons, until everything was demon ruled. But I mean, its just a story..."
"Is it?" Rick asked, for the first time in a while speaking.
"No." Rick said calmly. "The story might be...but the vampires, werewolves, demons, you name it...they are real."
Phil stared at the table for three minutes, trying to hold in a laugh. But then he couldn't help it and started a laughing fit.
"I don't mind you laughing...but I don't see how this is funny." Rick said with no tend to yell or get angry at Phil for his beleifs.
"Alright, can I go. I think the vampires are in for the night." Phil mocked in a serious way--he wanted to leave but added a joke.
"No. They aren't away...yet." Rick answered, still leaning back.
"Alright, seriuosly I need to get home." Phil said but Rick shook his head.
"Nope...your staying here for the night. I need to figure out what's going on." Rick got to his feet, and walked to the door.
"I'll call the cops!" Phil threatened.
"Yep, I expected that..." Rick slowly turned, eyed Phil and then tackeled him to the ground as Phil slipped out his phone from his jeans pocket.
"LET ME GO!" Phil yelled, reaching for his phone that slid three feet away.
"No, not until you promise me that you aren't gonna call the cops!" Rick said, and Phil just laid there, struggeling to get Rick off of him. But failed quickly.
Phil stopped and sighed, his arms were pinned to his sides on the cold stone floor, and his legs were being sat upon by Rick. Rick held his arm across Phil's chest as if securing Phil down like Phil was a strong, Hulk-ish guy. Rick just sat there, waiting for Phil's answer. And after what seemed like hours, Phil finally answered.
"Fine...I won't call the cops though I do want my phone back-"
"After we finish talking...and do you promise to stay the night here in my guest room just in case they go looking for you again?" Rick asked, easing the pressure on Phil.
"Yes." Rick then got up, and helped Phil up. Phil rubbed his arms and chest, stretching his legs while Rick swiped up his phone.
"Now...let's get into detail," Rick said, sitting back down, as did Phil.
"Alright," Phil agreed, putting his hands back into the jacket pockets.
As Rick filled Phil in on everything since the dawn of day, Phil didn't interupt or ask...he listened like a good listener should. But while Rick and Phil were talking, somethings always came back up in the conversations: blood, death, and horror. But then again, this was the type of conversation that involved blood, death and horror. When Rick was done, Phil just kept thinking about everything Rick had explained.
"Well," Rick said, putting his feet back on the table and leaning back again.
"I know this sounds crazy but...I beleive you!" Phil confessed and Rick looked confused.
"So wait," Rick said with a chuckle. "You wanted to leave half an hour ago, swearing I was nuts, but now you beleive me!? Priceless!" Rick said.
"NO! It's only cause some of the stories that I was told came up as legends in your explanations...and I beleive you so I beleive you on that demons and stuff is real."
"Well, okay then, if I let you out of here and up to the guest room, plus giving your phone back, do you promise to stay here and not call the cops?" Rick asked just to be sure, rising to his feet and stretching.
"Yes..." Phil said, rising to his feet, hands deep in his pockets still.
Rick nodded, beckoned Phil again after giving Phil his phone back, and they walked up the spiral staircase and up to the hall way where the door slammed shut behind them and looked like the dead end of a hall way once more.
"Alright," Rick took two strides and threw open a door. "This is your room where you'll be staying. There's clothes of everything, shirts, underwear, pants, jackets you name it all inside. All sizes of course. Take what you want, and wear what you want...I'll make some look hungry."
Phil nodded, and shrugged out of his jacket feeling warmer now. Rick walked off, leaving Phil to check out his room in privacy. Rick heard the door shut as he entered the kitchen, and Rick pulled open the fridge.
Phil realized that what the truth that demons are real...and the lies that he was told everysince he was little about them being fictional...were just to not scare him and settle him down with no nightmares. The truth and the lies hidden inside his life...were rising to the surface...and there was no way to escape the truth...or at least any longer.
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