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posted by Twilight597
a/n umm...yeah someone commented and it made me happy..thanks! so heres chapter 5, and the next one isnt done yet, but it will prolly be done 2maro this ones kinda long too...

Chapter 5

Laurent grabbed me, and I gasped in shock. The next thing I knew we were standing next to the end of the clearing following the one named Carlisle and Esme. I don’t know what we were doing, but I was scared. Laurent followed them up to a giant house. Once again, I was thrown over his shoulder and on my feet. I screamed and fell down again, because it was so abrupt and it scared me.

“You said you were a doctor?” Laurent asked Carlisle.

“Yes, I am,” He answered.

“Can you check her out? I think James threw her around a little, and he has been really harsh with her,” Laurent asked.

“Oh, sure,” Carlisle said, and walked over to me, “Can you stand up and walk?”

I tried, and ended up standing, but I didn’t know if I could walk yet.

“Uhh, I don’t know,” I said.

“Okay, what’s your name?” he asked.

“Becky,” I replied. For some odd reason, I felt like I trusted him, more then I trusted Laurent.

Carlisle picked me up gently and walked inside at a normal pace. Esme and Laurent followed him in. Carlisle set me down on a nice white couch, that I didn’t want to get dirty, because I was probably covered in filth. Carlisle walked up the stairs, saying he will be right back.

“Would you like anything to eat or drink, dear?” Esme asked me.

“Oh, sure I haven’t eaten anything in like four days. I guess I haven’t realized how hungry I was,” I said, after my stomach growled, thinking about it.

“I’ll fix you something, what would you like?” she asked as she was walking out of the room.

I shrugged and I immediately regretted it, because I pulled at my ribs, and I cried out in pain. Suddenly Carlisle and Esme were both in front of me. It seemed weird that these people that I just met, cared for me that much. I grabbed at my chest, and leaned back on the couch, crying.

“What hurts?” Carlisle asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know, I’m kind of grabbing my ribs, maybe my foot,” I said, “Sorry, bad habit.”

“Esme, can you run upstairs and grab some morphine?” he asked his wife. She suddenly disappeared, and I began breathing heavily. I think I was going into shock, because I’m not used to this whole vampire speed thing. I next thing I knew, I felt a sting in my arm, and a few seconds later, I blacked out.

When I finally came to, I found myself in a large bed, covered in all white. I thought I was at the hospital, but it was too home like to be a hospital. I heard the beep of the machines next to me, and I was wondering where I was. If I wasn’t in the hospital, then where was I?

The door opened and I saw Carlisle and Esme, and two other people walk in behind them.

The one person following them was kind of scary. He was lean, but built. The girl had spiky black hair and was literally bouncing off the walls. I’ve never had anyone so happy to see me. That was quite a surprise. I was scared of everyone in the room. I didn’t know what was happening, but I suddenly felt calm. That was weird. I couldn’t make myself feel scared anymore. Something was wrong.

“Whoa,” I whispered.

“It’s okay,” Carlisle said to me, “Alice, come back later with Jasper, I think she’s fine now.”

I took a deep breath, and the two left, following Carlisle’s orders. Alice seemed mad that she had to leave.

“How are you feeling?” Carlisle asked me, and then went over to check out the beeping thing. I just realized, I had a needle stuck in my arm.

“Uh-uh, n-no, I don’t like needles. Not at all, c-can you take that out? Please?” I asked, closing my eyes and taking another deep breath, though this time, I stuttered.

“Well you seem fine; I just need to take one more x-ray for your ribs, and then, I’ll fix them up, which if there are bad enough, I might have to conduct surgery,” He said.

“Well can we do that now? I don’t like this,” I asked.

“Okay. Esme, can you watch her while I set up the machine?” he asked Esme.

He left, so I asked Esme, “Is Laurent still here?”

She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, “No, did he need to be?”

I sighed, “Well I don’t know where we are, and I don’t know where my family is. Victoria just kind of took me from my home, and took me somewhere, making me drink her blood. She bit me too, literally drinking my blood. She says I am a vampire now. Well turning into one, in a few days more. I never believed any of that when I was a kid, and I still don’t, please tell me she was kidding.” I hadn’t noticed, but in my speech, I had started crying. I also hadn’t noticed Carlisle standing in the doorway.

“I’m very sorry for your loss, and I am very sorry to say that Victoria wasn’t kidding. I’d be honored to have you stay at my house, until we can find out about your parents,” Carlisle said, “I’m sure Rosalie can take care of you until then. She loves children. I’m also ready for you down the hall.”

I wiped my eyes and pulled the blanket off and pulled my legs.

I held up my arm, and looked at Carlisle.

He walked over to me and told me to look away. I felt him peel off the tape, and the needle slowly slid out.

I felt like I was going to puke. That was nasty. I looked back, and Carlisle was cleaning it off in a sink by the back window. When he was done, he walked back over to me, at a slow pace, not to frighten me again.

I saw him stick out his arm, and put it around my shoulder, and put his other arm under my knees, and I was being lifted from the extremely white bed. I closed my eyes, and then suddenly felt cold on my back.

The cold metal on my back started moving, and I was pulled into the machine. I didn’t even feel myself being pulled out, because I woke up back on the bed, with another needle in my arm.

I looked at it, and saw water moving in it. I gagged and almost puked, I didn’t want to get any in the room because it’s so white. I saw someone come over to me, as I was trying to get up to run to the bathroom. They had a bucket in their hand. I took it and sat up. I felt it come up in my mouth before I even realized it. The person handed me a glass of water, and took the bucket. After I was done drinking the whole thing, she took it and set it on the table next to me. I finally looked up at her. She was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Beautiful, wavy, flowing, blond hair and the same color eyes as Carlisle.

“T-thank you,” I said and lay back down, because I had a headache now.

“That’s okay; I’m Rosalie, I’m going to be taking care of you until Carlisle comes home with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. with James and Bella,” the beautiful lady said.

“Umm, do you know if you can take that out? I asked Carlisle before and he did,” I asked.

“I don’t know; he did something, after the last x-ray. I’ll call him now,” she replied. She pulled out a cell phone, and dialed a number. She walked away, towards the door.

I waited until she walked back to say thank you. Again, I didn’t watch as she slowly pulled it out. When she did, I looked over to her, and asked, “Can I eat something? It’s making me feel dizzy that I haven’t eaten anything in so long.”

“Of course, do you want me to bring you up something?” she offered.

“No, can I walk down to see what there is?” I asked.

“Sure. Do you need help getting up?” she asked.

“No, I think I’m fine,” I replied. I pulled the blanket off of me, and slowly stood up. I’m surprised I didn’t hurt, when I walked. Carlisle must’ve been a really good doctor, because I’ve broken a rib, falling out of a tree before, and the next day, I walked on it, and it still hurt. At first, I limped, but after a few steps, I was walking fine.

We walked down the steps, and Rosalie waited patiently for me. I didn’t really look at their house, when I first came. There was too much of a shock. Now when I really look at it, it’s really nice. I wished I had a house like this back home. Then I thought of my house, which brought up so many memories. Mostly about my parents, and my sister, I really loved them.

Rosalie interrupted me, “Alice told me what you would want, she can see the future, and she knew exactly what you would want.”

I sat on the couch, until Rosalie walked out with something. I looked at the plate. It was my favorite kind of hash browns, with some chocolate chip pancakes and some chocolate milk. I chuckled, “Ha, I’m a chocolate kind of girl. It’s my favorite out of anything.” I kept laughing, and walked over tot he table to eat.

After I finished eating, Rosalie asked me to come outside.

“Becky, I’m very sorry, but Jasper was searching for your parents, and he found that they were murdered, and another girl, I think he said it was your sister. She wasn’t found, and they think she’s held hostage, or dead.” She told me, after we sat down on the swing.

I couldn’t say anything. The whole world just collapsed onto me. “H-how is that possible, w-what? This can’t be. V-Victoria must have done this, after I was gone, because she said something about me being the last half lamina in the world, and I was going to be a queen, and she was going to kill me, or turn me into a full one, but I didn’t think it would be my parents. I have to find Rachelle, she can’t be dead, and Victoria has to be willing to trade her for me, she’s only 6 years old,” I started crying in my hands, my parents never took care of me, really. I mean I loved them, but Rachelle, I promised to take care of her, and I will not, repeat, will not let her die.

“I won’t let you trade yourself for your sister, but I will do anything I can to try and find her. I promise you she will some home alive. Carlisle was talking, and said that if I wanted to keep you, and if you wanted to join our family, I could adopt you, because Emmett says I seem quite attached. He loves you already, says you seem fall a lot. He said it would be funny. I don’t think so. He laughs at anything, so if you say yes, then it’s something to get used to,” She pulled my head out of my hands, and made me look her in the eye, “Would you like to join my family?”

I didn’t really know what to say. This is such a big offer. “Are you really sure, I won’t be a hassle I mean seriously, I can go live with one of my,” I took a pause, “Scary aunts.”

“No, I don’t think I could let you go. I barely know you, but it seems like, you’re already my daughter. I feel this weird connection towards you, like I know you already too. Jasper even knows it. So please, I don’t think I could live without you. It was so worrying when you were asleep.” She told me, with so much emotion, I heard someone groan inside. The door slammed open and a scary looking guy came storming up to us. I was scared; it looked as if he was going to kill me, or both of us.
"seth doesnt think sam will atack now not with us forwarned and lacking two memebers of the pack" i told them
"what does jacob think of this?" carlisle asked.
"he`s not as optimistic"
we all just stood the quite there minds ranging from sipathy to descust and the only noise was our breathing and bellas louder more ragged then them all, also the dripping noise from the tubes atached to bellas arm. to help her breath. sigh.

"dont touch her u`ll wake her up!" rosalie growled i snapped my head back up to see carlisile trying to get close to her. he sighed.
"rosalie" he muttered
"dont start with...
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Renesmee’s Story: Chapter Two: Danger, Eh?
“Hey!” I yelled. My mother turned around confused-then she saw me and quickly took my arm and cuddled me. “What is going on?” I asked fighting my mother’s kisses and hugs. She set me on her lap. “Ness” My mom was cut off by my dad.”“Nothing Nessie,” He replied lamely trying to cover up my mom’s reply to my question. I nodded suspiccally, and asked Mom to let me down. She did, reluctantly. I ran upstairs and pounced on Jacob. “Jacob!” I yelled. He woke up and yelled, “NOOOOO!!!!!” I looked at him funny. He laughed nervously....
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posted by rubytuesday101
Only 2 more months till we have our baby girl,we were sitting in the front room on the sofa my head on edwards sholders and his hands on my stomack.Then edward said"what do you think we should call her?","Well i was thinking Renesmee what do you think".He said"I love it it's perfect,our little Renesmee"."Her middle name should be Carlie but with a "C" for carlisle and charlie"."Our little Renesmee Carlie Cullen"edward said.Then the baby kicked where edwards hand was but the there was another kick on the other side of my stomack where edwards other hand was.I looked at edwards...
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posted by rubytuesday101
It was early morning when i started kissing edward again,then he said"Good morning Mrs Cullen".i said"good morning to you too"then we started on a repeat of last night.When it was 12 o'clock i finaly said"It's a nice day we should go for a swim if you have more shorts that is"."It would be very nice to go swimming and yes i have more shorts but did you bring more swimming togs?""yes i broght more so come on lets go"i said as i dragged him out of the bed.I changed in to another bikini and went outside into the ocean with edward.We swam under water alot because we dont need to breath but we also...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thank you for reading and commenting!!

Emmett's POV

"Come along Emmett dear." Esme Chimed in her motherly voice.
"Yes and please put these on." Carlisle said handing me a pair of dark sunglasses. I took them but I didn't put them. I mean who wears sunglasses when it's dark outside. I got off the bed were I have been sitting and followed them downstairs. As I walked past a mirror on the wall something made me stop and look back at my reflection. My eyes, they are red, not blood shot red, I mean the irises are fire engine red. I stood there staring at my creepy red eyes until someone put their hand...
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Renesmee POV

As Jacob wrapped his warm, muscular arms around me I felt I'd come home, completed and loved. I silently, let go off the breath I was holding, the tension dropping off me, like a weight had been removed. He loved me, he truly loves me the way I love him, what a relief. I gently place my hands upon his cheek and pulled his face down to mine, my lips aching for another taste of his sweet kiss. Jacob realised what I was trying to do, he knew what I wanted, of course he knew I had told him in my own gifted way. Slowly, gently he placed a kiss upon my lips, starting slowly but deepening...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
(This article contains some sexual reference)

I open my eyes and see that the sky is now black, and our small bedroom is only lit by the light coming from the other room. I hear the TV quietly playing next door. Jake is softly breathing. he is obviously asleep.

I stand up, and walk to the door way. As I gaze on him, my heart begins to pound in my chest. He looks so sweet with his head resting lightly on his shoulder. like a child who has fallen asleep from exhaustion on the couch. His shoulders shift as he breathes in and out.

I stand and watch him sleep for sometime. Little grins crossing...
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Vampire Edward Cullen has a love rival in the shape of werewolf Jacob Black, but off screen, R-patz better watch his back too. Here's 10 things you should know about the hot stuff that is 17 year old Taylor Lautner.


Taylor Daniel Lautner was born on 11 February 1992 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
He is mostly Dutch, French and German descent, and claims some Native American (specifically Ottawa and Potawatomi) ancestry through his mother.


In New Moon, Jacob speaks Spanish to Bella, and even some Quileute, the language of the American Idian...
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Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
After Daniel left I wondered where he went off to. And why did he leave? What did Daniel see that made him freak out the way he did? All these questions ran through my mind like crazy. "Seth do you know anything about what is going on? What's Daniel up to?" I asked. "Ya I do. but I can't tell you. You'll find our sooner or later." Seth mumbled. "Ugh. Fine. But I'm not going anywhere tell I know what it is that is going on. No matter what." I said. "Oh we'll see about. That you know how Daniel is." Seth said. "Ya sure whatever." I replied.

10 minutes later Daniel came back. But not empty handed....
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Let me know what you think... particularly how I can make it better


She gently guided me toward a booth. I barely noticed the stares. For a moment, she looked very lost in thought, but it passed quickly. After she was seated, I slid into the booth. She beamed up at me "Always the gentleman" What did she mean "always"? She acted like we were old friends. Had I known her before? I felt sure I would remember if this angel ever crossed my path. She was short and had features. Her hair was black and short. It went in all directions, yet it didn't look messy. It was perfect. I looked into her...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 2:
Previously on chapter 1:
Edward and Carlisle went to Ireland to help the Irish coven and the rest of the Cullen's are going too in two weeks and Bella’s ex boyfriend moved to forks after his parents died in a car crash and lives with his grandma.
I miss edward so much even though he calls me every night since he’s left, that is 4 days ago the rest of them are going too, in two weeks and I'm going to be alone for god knows how long, till the stupid Irish’s coven problem ends.
-earth to Bella, earth to Bella!
Austin was waving his hand in front of me and I hadn’t noticed but...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 9 - THEORY

We were in front of Charlie's house. The lights were on, my truck in its place, everything utterly normal. It was like waking from a dream. He stopped the car, but I didn't move.
"Do you promise to be there tomorrow?"
"I promise."
I considered that for a moment, then nodded. I pulled his jacket off, taking one last whiff.
"You can keep it - you don't have a jacket for tomorrow," he reminded me.
I handed it back to him. "I don't want to have to explain to Charlie."
"Oh, right." He grinned.
I hesitated, my hand on the door handle, trying to prolong...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


As I sat in my room, trying to concentrate on the third act of Macbeth, I was really listening for my truck. I would have though, even over the pounding rain, I could have heard the engine's roar. But when I went to peek out the curtain - again - it was suddenly there.
I wasn't looking forward to Friday, and it more than lived up to my non-expectations.
Of course there were the fainting comments. Jessica especially seemed to get a kick out of that story. Luckily Mike had kept his mouth shut, and no one seemed to know about Edward's involvement....
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posted by xroylex
i heard her swollow loadly she faced away frim me she had only met my gaze onse what was on her mind?this was going to be hard there had never been a honneymoon like ours before and i didn`t know how this was going to go.
"i was wondering" i said slowly "if you would like to take a midnight swim with me?" i took a deep breathe "the water would be warm this is the kind of beach you approve of" the deep breath had done me good i felt a little better and my voise seamed to be carm anoth that beela wouldn`t know i was scared stiff.
"sounds nice" her voise broke.
"im sure you would like a humman...
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Band of skulls, Friends, lyrics
New moon soundtrack

All my life I've been searching for something
Something I can put my finger on
Maybe I've been living for the weekend
Maybe I've been living for this cyber soul
Every Friday just before midnight
All my problems seem to disappear
Everyone that I miss when i'm distant
Everybody's here

I need love
Cause only love is true
I need every wakin' hour with you
And my friends cause they're so beautiful
Yeah my friends they are so beautiful
They're my friends

All my life I've been wastin', wastin'
Wastin' all my money, all my time
All the time that I'm been waitin', waitin'...
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posted by twilight-7
When I opened my eyes I found myself staring into Edward’s eyes. He was lying on his side, watching me worriedly. He reached out with one pale hand and touched my cheek lightly.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“I’m great.” I grinned at him. He seemed to relax so I shuffled closer to him.
“I didn’t hurt you?”
I thought for a moment. I couldn’t remember a moment when he’d held me too tightly or his touch too strong but there wasn’t a time when I didn’t want him close to me. I didn’t want him to let me go last night. I made a quick assessment of my body but I couldn’t feel...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 13

“Where’s my dad?” I asked Jacob. “Is that him sleeping upstairs?” I asked. Jacob just shook his head yes. “Thanks for bring her here and I need you and just you tomorrow at my house for Neisse. All the rest of the people will fill you in. I love you Jacob like a brother and a son. Thank- you for over all these years. Edward and I need to get home so I’ll see you in the morning make you sure you get there. Bye “I said. Edward picked up Neisse and we started walking out the door in the woods then we started running home.
    When we got home...
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(PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Chapter Sixteen: Heart To Heart Conversations

When we got to our room, we pushed the door open and threw our luggage down by the bed. And that's when we both fell onto the bed after closing the door. We closed our eyes, and felt his hand touch my head as if in comfort. But then everything came back to me like an old movie being projected onto a stone wall at school. But the strangest thing was, I wasn't looking through my eyes. I was looking through Edwards. I saw the...
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Edward and Bella New Moon Poster ;)
Edward and Bella New Moon Poster ;)
Just some random phrases and sayings that seem to relate to Twilight these days..... x

You know your obsessed when you look at your boyfriend/husband and say 'Sparkle, Damn it, Sparkle!'

The strangest thing happened yesterday, I went out into the sun and I didn't sparkle :(

I never got my Hogwarts acceptance... So Forks here I come!

Edward will love me one day, he just doesn't know it yet... But Alice does!

I now have a different perceptive of Volvo drivers....

I officially have OTD [Obsessive Twilight Disorder], Carlisle diagnosed me ;)

Do you want me to provoke the Volturi and blame it on you?

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posted by TotallyMe105
ok im bored and always thought Edward had a sister just didnt remember soo here goes it....i hope it doesnt stink and hope you like it!!!

Disclaimer: I own no one but Bethany and any new characters!!!!

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Ch.1 Flashbacks Of An Assortment

"Slam!" The sound rang clear throughout my room as i looked at the now tattered book sitting below my wall the pages lying flat. I rolled my eyes at the stupid thing.
I stalked over to my bed and huffed as i dived onto the quilt and soft mattress. Once again I had gotten in trouble, once again it was for something stupid.
Maybe I should introduce...
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