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This is a list - almost everything about him... Sorry I misused some letters, I just couldn't find anything!!!

A - like ABBA. Rob likes singing their songs. "Only person who sings their songs better than me is my friend Hugh Jackman" says Rob

B - like Bible. Rob would like to act in filming of Bible!!!

C - like Cola Light. Edward's favourite drink is blood, but Rob likes low fat Cola!!!

D - like Dali, Rob was acting this artist in "Little Ashes". "Playing Dali has been a complete turning point for me. I became completely obsessed with Dali during the filming, and I read every biography I could get a hold of. He was the most bizarre, complex man, but in the end I felt I could relate to him."

E - like Edward, of course!!! This is Rob's most famous role, and has brought fame to Rob.

F - Like film. Rob's favourite film is "One Flight Over Cuckoo's Nest" from 1975.

G - like Golden Boy. Rob has got 2 million dollars for acting Edward in Twilight. "It's comic to have so much money suddenly. I just don't know what do do with it!!!"

H - like hotel. Rob doesn't live in London anymore, so he has rent a room in "Pallhouse" hotel in West Hollywood.

I - like idiot. "My mother uses to call me like that!". His mother Claire simply can't understand that Rob suspects in his talent and good looking...

J - like Jack Nicholson. He is Rob's favourite actor. "I love his every single mannerism. I used to try and be him in virtually everything I did, I don't know why" - says Rob

K - like Kings of Leon. KOL is favourite band if "Twilight" cast. And who has infected them??? Rob, of course!

L - like Lizzy Patttinson. She's Rob's older sister. She sings and with her band Aurora she rocked Britain's top lists in the year of 2002.

M - like messy hair. Hair is Rob's trade mark. He says that he is afraid of the hair falling the most.

N - like New Moon. Rob loves this part of the saga. "I love dark atmosphere and desperateness"

O - like obsession. Girls are obsessed with Rob. "I get letters that say "I'm going to kill myself if you don't watch High School Musical 2 with me". It's a little nuts."

P - like piano. Rob plays piano sine he was 2 years old.

S - like Sam Bradly. He's Rob's best friend. "Rob's very intelligent. He likes reading books and writes great lyrics" says Sam about Robert.

T - like Tower House School. Rob was in this school from 1992 to 1998.

V - like Valium. Before casting for Edward, Rob was so nervous that he had to take something to calm him down.

W - like West Highland Terrier. Rob has this cute dog at his parent's house in London, and his name is Patty.

X - like XXX. In the movie "Little Ashes" Rob had to kiss his colleague Javier Beltran. "That was the worst blame of my career!!!" says Rob

Y - like Yankees hat. Rob loves hats of all kinds, but his favorite is the one from the NY Yankees baseball team.
posted by surfergal
Thanks to all for reading my stories! I don't know if this is going to be any good I sorta have writers block. Let me know if you have any ideas that you would want me to use.

Alice had me doing wedding plans everyday. It was amazing how much energy she had for such a small vampire. Alice and I planed Nathen and I wedding within a month.
School went on 5 days a week as it usually did. I was a junior this year. Edward was helping me so much with my school and then I knew that I was going to go back into the coarst guard once I actually turned 18.
So it was winter and it was snowing. This time...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
As soon as they left I heard something in the bushes. I knew it wasn't Emmett and Rose, for this movement was way to big. I went over and sat
on the log where my clothes and stuff was. All of the sudden this huge wolf comes out of the bushes. Help, big wolf, help! I just say in my
normal voice thinking that someone will here me. The wolf got half way to the log and stopped. Help, big wolf, crap where's my gun. I said
out loud still thinking that someone might here me. Emmett and Rose came out of the bush. She hasn't bothered you, no go on and don't hurt
her. Rose said. This wolf growled, I...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Breaking Dawn: Rumors Rumors Rumors
Posted by Twilight_News - 24/08/09 at 09:08 am
There are a ton of rumors swirling around the making of Breaking Dawn, so we thought we’d run them down for you.

1. Boo Boo Stewart (Seth) mentioned that he is signed to the current movie, Eclipse, plus an additional two. This lead to speculation that Breaking Dawn would be split into two parts. The studio issued a statement to Access Hollywood that, “We appreciate our young actor’s enthusiasm for the franchise and his role, but his comments about the number of films were unfortunately uninformed and not...
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nessie's pov

noah enter the room and then came in jake
Noah was still wearing the same clothes he had yestarday he still look great...
his green eyes were really worry then he rushed to my side and took my hand and touch my cheek and leave his hand there

"You had no idea how sorry i am ,i was too late and i am so sorry i was scared to death i thought i would lose you forever" he sigh "you dont know how much i love you ness" he smile and look into my eyes and i into his green eyes
my heart started to beat faster

this is going to be so hard i thought

i look at jake he was still standing next to the...
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I am sorry I have not put up chapter 6 or 7 yet but I have been in a moving crise. trying to pack and get things together. I move in one week and is about to pull out my hair from all the stress of it all. I will post something as soon as I get a chance and once again I am sorry for the delay.

If anybody has any ideas for Nessie and bellas parties plz leave a comment and let me know we could use some ideas on what could happen.

thank you
mommy6197 & serifina
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I think this story is going to be Taylor point of veiw from now on.PLease tell me what you think and everything!! This might be turning out to be a Twilight story!!

Sorry this one is gonna be short the third one I wrote got deleted like the first too!! Stupid computer!!

Taylor POV

I walked out of the ligeguard's office and I heard the door open, I didn't think anything of I just kept walking. Taylor! Jesse just called my name. I wonder why? I thought to my self. Jesse?? I said as I turned around to face him. I am so sorry for kissing you but, I cut him off by saying " don't be sorry, I not" and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I was starting to get hungry so I took a big sip from my water. Here is another water bottle, you might want some more later. Thanks, I better get going before someone catches me. I told Jackson. Don't you think you'll get caught if you hang around here? Jackson asked me. Yeah, but this is one place where I can all most blend in and not
stick out like a soar thumb. I said. Well you better put on some sunscreen and a hat. It is suppose to be 95 degrees today. Jackson said. Yeah, to bad I don't have any of that. Guess I'll need to find a lot of shade some where. I said. Here is my hat. Jackson...
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its going to be called

Bella's New Path!!!

Cuz she has a kid!
So if edward leaves her
will she mope,
not eat,
not go to school
will she mope a week,
try to be better for vickie,
be better friend with jacob,

would she jump off a cliff???if it comes up???
would edward come back?

all will be answered with up comeing chapter's!!!

posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Picture a blonde hair blue eyed model
Picture a blonde hair blue eyed model
We got all the plans done for the wedding. Alice had gotten my dress made and everything, all I had to do was try it on. The wedding was only a couple of days away. I couldn't believe it! I was having to try on my wedding dress. It wass weird to try ona wedding dress, I felt like I was going to explode with happyness! It was a nice feeling. It was days away, I just couldn't believe it. I was getting so nerves!! The days passed really fast and before I knew it, it was time to get ready for the big day.
I got up extra early to get ready. Alice, Bella were doing my hair, while Rose was doing my...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sawyer's POV 14??
I remember going by this house one time in Fork Washington. People like me lived there, there was a human that lived with them, she was quiet beauiful. I went to there house, I needed a place to stay and a family. The Volturi was at the Cullen house, I don't know why. I didn't like being around the Volturi, I have to admit they sort of scare me. I don't know how to describe this family besides they all belong together. Carisle was letting me stay here, if I could obeyed the rules. 1. No drinking human blood, animal blood only that was something I could live with. Zoey was a...
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posted by twilightfantic1
me and edward went to answer the door again.Why the hell all these people here?If its the denalis i will cuse my head of.It was the denalis. I started to cuse.

"helo tanya,carmen,elaezar what are you doing here?" edward asked while waving them in.

"Well we thought nahuel was here" tanya said.For some reason i was like rosalie to me tring to like tanya.The reason was she kept flirtin with edward.I was surprised at my self control.I was tring not to rip the strawberry blodes head of and not cuse her out while doing it.

"What are are you looking for him for?" carlisle asked.

"well he kidnaped kate"tanya...
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It is the role that catapulted her to stardom, and Kristen Stewart is about to reprise her part as Bella in the hotly anticipated sequel to Twilight — New Moon

What is it like to be back on set doing another Twilight film?

It’s a little bit surreal to be back doing a second one, just because it’s something that I thought about for an entire year and now it’s happening. But it’s sort of like I couldn’t wait any longer.

It’s hard. Usually you finish a movie and there’s a very long grieving process. You have to lose the character. You have to drop it from your mind or else it just...
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The Reverse Chronicles
A Hero’s Betrayal

This is the second book in The Reverse Chronicles, starring the original characters of The Chronicles of Sam Devine, apart from Becky who got killed in A Hero’s Return (Book 1) by the mysterious J UNIT.
Since Becky got killed, The Sam Alliance journeyed to the Headquarters of J Unit where we wanted to find out why Francesca (Head of J Unit) had authorised the missile launch that...
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posted by Cullen_Freak
Bellas POV

He looked up at me, his face hard.
"Edward?Whats wrong?" He pulled out one of his books, and pointed to a picture.
"I was just thinking, I know its a long ways away but, what if Jacob and Nessie decide to have children?" I looked at him, i had thought about this over and over again, but it had never stuck.
"Ive thought about it, but what if they dont? I mean they know that what theyll creat would be someothing that i think has never exsisted." Edward looked at me again, and then looked down at the book.
"I as studing legands, you know like how we did with Nessie? And i found a monster,...
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posted by twilight_lover9
he ran over the question a few times "well...i do...i do like somone if that's what you mean... what about you?" he asked his blond eyebrows raised "um....well yes i do likr somone" i replied honestly i coudn't lie to him, not when i felt this way about him, "so..who's the girl?" i asked bravley, he looked suprised "well she's beautiful, i can tell you that, what about you, who's the guy?" he said now facing me "well i've never felt this way about anyone before and he is gorgoeus and smart" i said, i had to tell him..."i need to tell you somthing" dylan said at the exact moment i said it "you...
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posted by twilight_lover9
I tried to act stupid "what?" i asked, Alice laughed her tinkly laugh "oh britt i can see the future" she siad between giggles "i know" i pleaded alice finally got hold of herself "come on" alice practically shouted "ok ok" i said giving in alice clapped her hands "yay!" she screamed than her face became dead on serious "lets get down to business" she said firmly, she examined me while i stood completeley still than she clapped again and pulled out a cream summer dress "oh alice its soo pretty" i gasped than i felt the price tag "ALICE" i shouted she turned her head "what?" she said innocently...
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Bella's Pov

"You shouldn't be," they both said together. Then the man said alone,
"Your Jasper has promised me a stronng one of our kind. We gather
more vampires to become one of us. He has kindly let me put him under
a spell to destroy vampires of all kind in a "spellish" way. Allow him to demonstrate.
YOU. Little girl. Come here."

"You shall never take my daughter away! You wicked monster! You can't do this to-"

Then the man used a purple ray to pick up Edward. Edward started choking.

"Daddy! NO!!!" Renesmee shouted, "Put my father down! I'm warning you!"

Then, he used his other hand and...
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It was pretty funny actually i ENJOYED it.
Hearing the cracking noise from Jerry's back(we figured this out when he yelled "MY BACK! and he told us to call 911) Oops. Well least he didn't tell the ambulance what happened. Because im pretty sure they wouldn't beleive me we got into a little fight after i nearly broke his back. I felt like pop-eye when i jumped. That jerk really hurt susan.
Aparently he left markings on her arms.He also kissed her cheek and when i was about to jump he saw me and thats when he gave her the kiss! He knew i was furious! I just can't believe he would push it that far...
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Edward's POV

When Bella said those heartbreaking words, I was about to go in front of Renesmee to save her. But we were inturrupted.

"STOP!" said Tanya. Finally, she made it! So was the rest of the coven. Even Zafrina and her coven made it.

Bella signalled the gaurds to stop, when they were just inches away from my daughter. "Now everyone is at the main event. How did I get so popular?" She laughed.

Zafrina tried to create illusions in all of the gaurds' minds. Bella blocked it by using her shield. "Now, now, we don't need to get hasty here. If you don't want to see the death of Renesmee, I...
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Writting part 30 on my spot! ^_^

[i]Jacob's POV [i]

I still can't believe this... Bella? Why would for any reason she would do that? I know that she like "mind controlled" but still!!!

Then we saw a small red house. The Volturi can't fit in there! It's too small. Edward knocked on the door and the door opened. I looked around, the place was old, but fully decorated with picture frames, red flags, and some maps of the world. This place is larger than what it looked like outside.

In the end of the hall there were three chairs, thrones I guess. I couldn't reconize who was in the center or...
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