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Normally, a vampire flick heading to theaters would attract the typical genre or horror fans curious to the latest spin on the bloodsucker mythology. But there’s nothing typical about the absolute tidal wave of buzz surrounding the big screen adaptation of Stephanie Meyer’s young adult skewing vampire tale, Twilight.

In the four years since Meyer’s released Twilight (the first book in the now completed four series), the book have sold more than 17 million copies in 37 languages, and maybe most importantly, spawned a fandom as passionate, vocal and obsessed over their work that most authors can only dream about. Granted a big reason for that kind of devotion is the love story at the center of the series – the forbidden kind between the human Bella Swan and the immortal vampire, Edward Cullen. Their story is exactly the kind of angsty, breathless affair that make women, young and old, swoon for and studio executives salivate over to convert to film.

The smart executives at smaller studio Summit Entertainment ended up acquiring the rights and now find themselves about to release what will assuredly be their biggest hit (and possible franchise) ever. Just according to the numbers from two weeks ago, online ticket destination Fandango reported that the film’s presales accounted for 51% of all daily ticket sales on the site, with plenty of the November 21st opening day and night showings already sold out. That’s the kind of hype that usually surrounds characters named Iron Man, Batman, Jason Bourne or any other typically male oriented blockbuster fare, not for a $37 million dollar budgeted vampire romance that takes place in Oregon.

But if you dig a little deeper, you can easily chart the swell of hysteria to one rather pale Brit whose face fills one half of the Twilight movie posters – actor Robert Pattinson. Most mainstream genre fans will recognize him for his role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but otherwise his resume only features some art house films and British television series. Even fans of Meyer’s novels were incredulous at the casting of their beloved (and preternaturally gorgeous) Edward with an actor barely anyone knew or considered hot. Funny what an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con and some well planned smoldering photo shoots can do for a guy’s reception.

The thousands (oh, and we mean thousands) of Twilight fans at Comic-Con < walked out of the film’s panel new converts to the shy charms of Pattinson which has ignited the kind of estrogen laced frenzy usually relegated to boy bands or mega watt hot actors (think Clooney or Pitt). It’s left a lot of significant others, single guys, etc...scratching their heads in confusion.

Luckily, Newsarama thinks we may have figured out the secret charm of one Mr. Pattinson in a recent interview with the actor during his stop in Philadelphia for the six-city Twilight press tour. The big revelation? Well it’s got to be that Pattinson is actually a rather self-deprecating chap that doesn’t get all the fuss either.

“I actually asked the people in Chicago yesterday...I asked them, ‘What do all you girls who have turned up, what do you see in Edward? Why are you so attracted to him?’ And the completely unanimous response was, “Because he’s so sexy!” Pattinson smirks and continues, “I was like, ‘Oh, ok. Well, that is the depth of the attraction.’ I was really kind of baffled by the whole thing. I guess in some ways it must be to do with chivalry...chivalrousness?” The actor squishes his face trying to find the right word and just continues, “Whatever...that’s how unfamiliar I am with it. Gentlemanliness. It’s funny because teenage girls are still obsessed with Mr. Darcy and Heathcliff and people like that. It doesn’t go away; it’s still a male ideal and I guess Edward is those [guys].”

Being called the model of male perfection by the Twilight fans is the kind of title only the most narcissistic of guys would find themselves comfortable with and Pattinson agrees that the turnout of thousands of screaming women of all ages along the tour feels like it’s more about Edward than himself.

“It’s not really going to my head or anything because I don’t really know what it is,” Pattinson says bemused. “It is strange how you get treated differently by people in a very, very brief period of time. You know, you ask someone if they want to go out to dinner and they’re like, “Do you want me to? Do you want me to?” It’s like, ‘What are you talking about? Why would I have asked you then?’ Just funny little things like that happen now. And it’s weird because I know it can’t have to do with me personally because the movie’s not even out and so you’re turning up and not even knowing what to do for the people turning up. People are saying, “I traveled four states and I’ve been waiting since 9 o’clock yesterday to do this.” And it’s like, ‘Yeah? Cool.’ I don’t really go into an acting job knowing how to deal with it and especially when you’re promoting it, you’re trying to sell it. And I’m not even trying to sell anything; I’m just there to get screamed at, you know? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be doing so it’s kind of a surreal experience.”

Actually, according to the actor the whole Twilight filming process has been a bit odd. He admits he contributed to it by deciding to really immerse himself into Stephanie’s Meyer’s brooding take on Edward Cullen. According to the books, Cullen was turned at age 17 so that he is forever frozen in time as a youth, yet he’s lived more than a century plagued by the loneliness of an existence without love. Vampires exist secretly in the human world – basically in two factions – those that prey on humans and those like Edward and his family that feed only on animals to quench their blood lust. It’s only when Edward meets Bella (Kristen Stewart) when she’s transferred to his high school and their electric connection turns both of their lives upside down.

“I went to Oregon two months early and obsessed myself with the story,” the actor explains. “When everyone else came up, they were like, “Oh God. What is this guy on?” But I guess the more depth you give to the part, the more your life becomes entwined with it and the more you see yourself in the lines. It all sort of binds. Honestly, I don’t know if I was playing the book; I don’t know what I was playing. I definitely felt some connection to it and I definitely felt like I had a connection to Kristen. I felt just the relationship between Bella and Edward, that’s the only important thing you need to get across. You just need to make sure that there’s a separation between their relationship and everything else in the movie world and I think that came across.”

He does laugh a bit and admit the choices he made to diverge from the book version of Edward ended up coming back to what Meyer wanted anyway. “It’s weird because I thought I was doing something different but now that Stephanie has seen [the movie] she’s like, “You did it exactly how I imagined it!””

Pattinson looks a surprised at that feedback but then goes on to explain, “In the book whenever you read [Edward] saying, “You should stay away from me. I’ll hurt you” – you get this sense of security around the whole book that you know he is never, ever going to do anything to hurt [Bella]. And you know that she knows that. I kind of like the idea that he is a little bit less in control of himself. I think for one thing it makes it sexier and it makes him more attractive because he is saying “There is a very real chance that I will kill you when I am around you.” It also makes their relationship more intense when she’s saying “I know you won’t” as a kind of reassurance for herself rather than a reassurance for him. She’s saying like, “I know you won’t, right?” I think it makes it kind of bizarre and funny as well. And I thought I made him a little bit more unpredictable.”

Aside from all the deep moments of sexual tension and soul baring, Pattinson also gets to exercise his physical skills again with a few major fight sequences between Edward and the rival vampire James (Cam Gigandet), who sees Bella as more of a tasty snack. Pattinson was experienced with the complicated choreography of onscreen battles from his work on Potter, but he says Twilight offered even more challenges.

“A lot of the physicality was quite difficult. I’m not really that much of a body actor. I don’t have that much control of my body. But you had to establish a whole matrix of movement so that [Edward] didn’t look human. That was quite difficult and it needs to be really concentrated because I think most fantasy films which flop are ones that aren’t consistent in their lore. So we went through a lot of stuff about physicality and ended up making it much more simple than complicated. Whereas we started out with really complex ideas of how [vampires] should move and fight and everything, but ended up playing it more human than we initially started out doing which I think is better; I think it’s scarier in a way.”

Referencing the climatic battle with James at the end of the film, Pattinson says that sequence became one of the major testing grounds for the movement of all the vampires throughout the film

“We shot the big fight scene at the end within the first week and I was really convinced in the way I had established the character arc that Edward needed to be 100% demonic in the last fight. The monster that he always says he is to Bella, I wanted him to become that at the end. And so I had to psych myself up for about a week to do this nuts fight.”

The actor chuckles to himself and continues, “As soon as I started to do it, I don’t think anyone expected me to do it like that, so they were all like, “Uhm, tone it down.” I had maybe thirteen takes and my direction was “tone it down” every single take. I’d love to see what the first take was, especially after seeing the final scene where I saw one brief bit of a fight between me and Cam where we were like growling at each other. I think we were both really into it when we were doing it and we were both like really trying hard to look like vampires.

"When we watched the playback later it was like a big, bright light. We didn’t realize how well lit it was, we thought it was kind of dark, but you could just see these two guys, one with a sort of bouffant haircut and the other with like his abs just being like “RAAAAHHHH!” It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I hope that’s on the DVD. It’s quite funny.”

With the success of Twilight just about assured, Pattinson knows that Edward Cullen will be in his future for some time. “I went into it when it was a trilogy so I signed for the next two [films], but I guess it depends on how much money each of them makes,” he says with a knowing wink.

In the meantime, the actor says he will head back home to London soon and looks forward to finding some new roles that push him in a new direction before he heads back with the Twilight cast to Oregon. “I have been playing a string of loner parts for awhile. Hopefully, I will go into something where you have a normal relationship with the rest of humanity. I have literally played every role with some kind of derangement. I hope the next thing I do I can be relatively normal!”
posted by Twilight597
ok this has to do with twilight and another book i like, Night World. the character victoria is in it and the vamps from Night World are in it.

if u havent read night world all u have to know is lamia(LAY-me-Ah) is a vampire born from a lamia and can age and have children, and made vampire is the oppistie,once a human turned into a vamp, cannot age, and cannot have children. there are witches and shapeshifters and werewolves too. there is a secret society called Night World were they all live together with out humans. there only laws are u cannot fall in love with a human and u cannot tell a...
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Chapter 3-- Dinner with the Evensons

January, 1917
Columbus, Ohio
(Esme is now 22 years old)

“Esme,” my mother poked her head into my bedroom. “Lily and Thomas are here to see you, make it a very short visit. The Evensons are coming to dinner.” she seemed very excited by that fact.

“Alright mother,” I stood up and walked down the stairs. There at the bottom stood my two best friends. Lily and Tom Bentley. I smiled as I went to hug them both. “I haven't seen you in two years!” I told them.

Tom leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed. I knew he had a crush on me but he was married...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
Summit Entertainment announced early this morning that actress Rachelle Lefevre would not be continuing on to play bad vampire Victoria in the third installment of the Twilight Saga. Instead, actress Bryce Dallas Howard (seen in The Village and Terminator Salvation) will be replacing Rachelle in Eclipse, the third film to be directed by David Slade. Summit announced this:

Summit Entertainment announced today that Bryce Dallas Howard will take over the role of “Victoria” in the studio’s upcoming production of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Actress, Rachelle Lefevre, who portrayed the character...
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posted by Emmett4ever
hey all i forgot to post this yesterday.All my friends say its amazing so...Im gonna stop talking and let you read :)


She tried to get passed me but all i did was push her as far away as possible from the people I love. How do you keep the people you love safe? When you have to keep yourself safe first? How do you keep the person you love safe? When that person doesnt love you anymore? How do you keep your love safe when your whole world changes?

So what do you think? Hope ya like it!! :)
Summit Blames Rachelle's "Lack of Cooperative Spirit" for Eclipse DissSource: E! Online Thu Jul 30, 2009, 3:44 am EDT

Blood is starting to boil over in the Twilight zone.

Earlier today, the deposed Rachelle Lefevre revealed that she was "stunned" and "greatly saddened" by Summit Entertainment's decision to recast Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of villainous Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

And now Summit has fired back, saying the Canadian actress failed to inform the studio until July 20 that she was planning to be in Europe shooting an indie film when the Twilight gang was convening...
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posted by edwardlover1231
ok so this is my first stoy so please comment and tell me if you want me to continue and if you have any ideas it would help.plz.=D

(bellas pov)

I was studying for the dartmouth finals when edward walked in and through my book across the room.the next thing i knew he was on top of study to much he whispered in my ear his lips traced along my jaw and back up to my lips.then there was a knock on the door.go away alice!edward said angry.i pushed edward off me and sliped into my defenive crouch. its ok bella its just its not i said through my teeth then the door slamed down.a girl walked in and edward started screaming so i put my sheild around him and he stoped. who are you and what do you want!?!i asked name is jasmine im from olimpia.then i relaxed my crouch because i knew of olimpia.jasmine smiled your from olimpia to right.i nodded im a telapath just like you,am i correct.yes i said guilty.edwards eyes were confused and in shock.
posted by rachel-rathbone
Chapter one
"oh please mum Elli is my best friend please let here stay" Renesmee begged
"Nessie this life just isn’t a place for a little girl to be" I hated it but it was true I even called her Nessie. She looked at the floor her long black eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"Ask our dad" I said sighing pushing the question on to someone else I couldn’t stand hurting here.
"Nessie you cleaned your room write she’ll be her in 5 minutes I can here the car" the tyres rubbed against the gravel path Emmett and jasper had laid so Elli...
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posted by surfergal
The following morning Alice woke me up for school. I was putting on perfume when cody knocked on my door.
"Come in". I said.
Hey, You Ready ? He ask
Yeah, Old on I have to brush my teeth I told him.
Ok. He said as he went towards my bed to sit down. Once I was done brushing my teeth, Cody grabbed my bag and put me on his back and toted me down the stairs. My cruches were downstairs because Carlisle didn't want me to go up and down them. Cody help me out to his car, my was totalled sadly. When we got to school cody walked me to class except he didnt leave my side when we got there. It was still...
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posted by twihardfreak13
On a regular day of summer school the forks high school bus was picking up students as always the bus driver was going as fast as he could as if it was the end of the world but something happened that day that would change my normal life as a human forever as we left we got in a horrible accident the rest I didn’t remember as the bus rolled over I went black then I woke up with a few to many people around me and I saw a beautiful face before I closed my eyes thn suddenly I felt a burn in my neck it was unbarable the pain spread through my body like a wild fire then the fire hit my heart and...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning was school and as usual I got up showered which is
very hard with a broken knee by the way. I put on some shorts cause
none of my pants would go over my cast and then I put on a sweat
shirt. Max cam and got me to take me to school. We talked the whole
way there an I told him sorry for falling off his porch and squishing
his flower bed. He said it was fine and that I didn't have to
apologize anymore. I arrived at school and saw Cody before I got out
if the car. I ask Max if he thought that Cody was good looking and max
said it's not about the looks it's about what's inside that...
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posted by surfergal
Addi’s POV

Me and Renesme were having fun at scrabble she was so smart it was
amazing. Luckily Edward and Bella walked through the door and that
ended our game. Although Renesme said "she wasn't going to let me forget
that she beat me at scrabble". Bella told me that "Esme and Carlisle
would like to see me at the house" so I told "Renesme that I would be
back later to play with her some more".

When I reached the house Carlisle and Esme were waiting for me in the
living I was scared that they were going to tell me that something was
wrong or that I was going to have to leave. Carlisle started...
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"Mike Welch who plays Mike Newton in Twilight and New Moon recently gave an interview to MTV. He talked with them about Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) scene where she attempts to get over Edward Cullen by going on a three way date with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Mike Newton. He stated , “I really should’ve checked with someone if this is information I can give away or not.” He said Bella,Mike,and Jacob are going to be watching a horror film at the movie theater,and that Chris Weitz is inserting his own mini “movie within a movie” into the mix.

Mike revealed that the film is...
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posted by renesmeblack

End of Chapter 11

"Edward, what did you... do while you were gone?"
"Pretty much died."
"No, did you meet anyone?"
Why would Bella ask something like that?
"Well, Tanya took in another female for her clan in Denali, but that's all."
Bella's face fell. Was that what she was expecting? Another female? Hadn't I told her at one point she was the only one for me? Then it dawned on me.
"What did Victoria tell you?" I asked.
"She said you and Jacob were dead," she responded. But it felt like she was only telling half of the truth.
"Fine. She said you met a beautiful...
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posted by edwardcullen865
as soon as Nessie was out of Felix's crasp she ran to us .she gave me a hug then edward a mure hug and ran to embrace jacob.
jane ran to felix's side.she looked at him with hopeful eyes hoping he will forgive her.
"let's go!!" i said in a low harsh voice. everyone followed me .Nessie was first hand in hand with jacob.then alice and jasper , followed by emmett and rose.the rest of us followed behide quickly.
we made it into the time was still dark so we cut through the middle of the way.we made to the two cars we had took.we all gathered into them and drove off.
we stopped at the airport...
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What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces...
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Chapter 11- Carmen
    “Are you okay, Wendi?” Colleen asked and I noticed that my whole body was shuddering. I focused on calming down, not wanting to feel weak. It helped some and the shuddering slowed slightly. Colleen figured out that I needed some help and once again, she calmed me down with her curious talent. I often wondered how it worked. It seemed so impossible. I was still a little upset so Stefan scooped me up into his arms and hugged me to his strong chest.
    We walked into the kitchen and Stefan sat me down in a chair at the long, mahogany...
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posted by Whiskey37

Blood trickled down his face from his paralysed victim,
Her body pale white and completely oblivious to what had happened,
His eyes, red as rubies,
Hers, totally lifeless,
His teeth were as sharp as razorblades,
They sliced threw flesh with ease.
The trees nearby whispered and mumbled,
And the stream glistened like glass.
He watched his victim,
The one and only love of his life,
He remembered to well what happened that night, the kicking the screaming,
The mistakes he made.
The clothing around her neck was crusted with her own blood,
He studied his hand and own clothing with the same result.
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New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
As the New Moon Movie is getting closer, and seeing all the set pictures from Italy and Vancouver, and seeing the trailer, alot of people are speculating the differences of the movie and the book.

And, not that I have anything wrong with that, but what I do have a slight problem with is the negativity. The movie has not even reached theatres yet, but there is so much doubt. The minor changes such as: the wardrobe, the gift wrappers not being silver, the kiss in Italy and not in her bedroom, etc. Those are a few examples, but the point is, the movie has not come out yet, so why all the judgments....
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posted by Natalia94
Question: What do you have coming up then?

Pattinson: I'm doing a little movie called 'Parts Per Billion' with Dennis Hopper and Rosario Dawson in January and hopefully something else just after. We have to wait and see if a sequel is happening. I don't want to jinx it so I don't want to say anything.

Question: There's a lot of rumors that Hollywood is gearing up for a ton of production in February, March and April. Even if they wanted to do a 'Twilight' sequel it'll take time to get it all together I'm sure.

Pattinson: Yeah. The thing is that I have to stay the same age unless they recast me....
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Bella's Pov

"Stop Jasper!!! Stop!! You are under a wicked spell!
Is this your revenge!"

"Why yes my dear. You married Edward and had a baby named
Renesmee. So, what I have decided to do is to throw them in the dungeon
until you say yes to my proposal."

Now, I was in tears.

"Will you marry me?"

I wanted to say NO!!! But not in that tone of manner.

"Thank you, but I will pass," I said as politly as I could.

Then Rosalie went through exactly the same thing
Renesmee and Edward did.

"You know, I will do this to all your family. I even did it to Alice.
They aren't strong enough to break the ropes they...
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