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posted by karleetaylor
This is Renesmee's POV. Like ten years into the future since Breaking Dawn. It's my first fan fic so please be nice (:

The wind was silky against my curls as we ran through the tree tops. My mother and father were shortly behind me. I was faster than them. I was faster than anyone. But I didn’t like running on the ground. You had to zigzag too much. In the trees, you could swing from branch to branch and be fancier than on the ground. I jumped and leapt and swung through the trees like a gymnast.
    “Renesmee!” My mother called. I could hear her feet touch the branches of the trees behind me. My dad was next to her, watching both of us, and probably reading my thoughts. He did that too much.
    “Yes?” I called back, not slowing.
    “We need to stop and hunt before we get home!”
    I sighed while running. I did need to hunt. All the animals throughout the forest were scratching at my throat. It burned. But I wanted to get home fast. I wanted to see Jacob.
    While we were away, I missed Jacob terribly. I wanted him to come with us to visit Zafrina, but dad said that wouldn’t work.
    My dad doesn’t like Jacob. I think it had something to do with Jacob and my mom, but they don’t talk about it much. Whenever he does talk to Jacob it’s always quietly and they don’t use names. Just her and she. It really bugs me.
    “Cant we stop at home first?” I called back.
    I knew my dad could read my thoughts and say no. He didn’t like me around Jacob for some reason. I glance down at the braided bracelet Jacob gave me when I was a baby. I didn’t know what my father had against Jacob. Jacob had always been there for me when I needed him. He never let me down.
    “No, Renesmee,” My dad said. “You need to hunt. And so do we,”
    “But we’re half way home! We can go to the meadow and hunt!”
    We only went to my parent’s meadow occasionally. My mom told me that when she was human—a full human, not half like me—my dad brought her to that meadow and showed him what he could do in the sun.
    I’ve seen it. My mom, my dad, all my uncles and aunts, and my grandparents sparkle in the sun. It’s beautiful. Sometimes I wish I could sparkle like them. I wish I could be fully beautiful like them. Of course on sunny days, when I can go outside and they cant, I like not sparkling.
    “Fine! We’ll stop there for a few minutes and then I really need to hunt, Nessie,” My dad said.
    “Edward, her name is Renesmee.” My mom said. She didn’t like it when people called me “Nessie.” She liked my name.
    I liked my name, too, but “Nessie” worked for me, too. I wasn’t picky. Jacob has been calling me Nessie since I was born. Maybe that’s why my mom didn’t like it.
    “Thank you!” I squealed.
    I pushed myself faster through the trees.
    About halfway through, I caught Jacob’s scent. He smelled a little more stronger than the forest mixed with a human scent. My family thought Jacob smelled. I didn’t think so.
    I swung through the trees, following the scent. I could tell he was in his human form. I landed on the last tree until the clearing that lead to my house.
    Jacob was below the tree. I knew he could hear me and smell me, but I jumped down anyway and landed perched on his back.
    He reached around and pulled me in front of him. “Nessie,” he smiled.
    The ache in my stomach that had been there since we left was gone. I smiled back and Jacob and hugged him.
    “Jacob,” My dad said.
    I lifted my head off of Jacob’s shoulder and let go.
    “Hey, Edward, how was your trip?” Jacob asked. Jacob was always polite to my parents when they were mean to him.
    “It was fine. Bella, Nessie and I need to hunt, though.. Bella, Nessie and I need to hunt, though. You can hear more about it when get back. We are just going to meadow.”
    “Come with us!” I asked Jacob.
    “I don’t really think that’s my scene, Ness,”
    “Please! You used to come with us when I was little. We used to see who get catch a bigger animal. Now that I’m grown are you scared mine will be bigger?”
    Jacob smiled. “You’re on.”
    “Let’s race,” I challenged.
    “Okay, fine. I need to phase,”
    Whenever Jacob said that, it meant he needed to pull off his shorts and turn into a werewolf. I turned around and covered my eyes. The ripping sound when he phased was strange. It sounded like crinkling paper.
    I turned back around. “Ready?”
    Jacob nodded.
    I took off for the nearest tree. I used my hands and feet to dart up it then I ran through the trees. I could hear Jacob below me panting from zigzagging. I swung effortlessly from branch to branch, tree to tree. I saw the shaft of sunlight pour through the trees and I lunged for it.
    I dove into the clearing when Jacob ran through the trees. I turned my body in the air and landed on my feet in the middle of the meadow.
    “Ha, ha, I win!”
    Jacob turned and ran into the trees.
    “Wait! I was just joking!”
    Jacob came back through the trees in human form. “I so beat you,”
    “What? You did not!” I objected.
    “Did to. I was in the clearing before you. You were in the air.”
    “That’s not fair!” I complained. “I was technically in the clearing first. You were just on it!”
    Jacob laughed.
    My mom and dad came through the trees, holding hands.
    “Renesmee, why don’t you go hunt?” My mom asked.
    “Okay. C’mon, Jake,” I grabbed Jacob’s hand.
    “No, I need to speak to Jacob,”
    “O…Kay?” I turned and darted up another tree. Once at the top and scanned the forest for some prey.
    The lion was standing in the middle of a small clearing. I jumped down in front of him. He swiped at me and left a mud stain on my white shirt. I jumped up and over so that I was behind him, my back to him.
    He turned and went to lunge. I lifted my leg over him and turned so that I was on his back. I grabbed the fat of his neck and bit down.
    As the blood rushed down my throat, the aching thirst was quenched.
    I got up and smiled. That’s when I heard them all talking. I was a little far away so I could only hear the buzzing of their voices. I climbed up a tree and listened carefully.
    “Jacob, you cannot tell her just yet,” My mom was saying.
    Again with the her and she thing. I sighed.
    “Bella, she’s been fifteen for three years now. I think it’s time she knows,” Jacob argued. I wondered who they were talking about.
    “You need to wait until she has feelings for you,”
    “Jacob,” My mother’s voice changed. She became the vampire and wanted to make herself seem threatening. “Renesmee is too young to know this. You must wait.”
    Me? They were talking about me? Jacob had to tell me something and my mom didn’t want him to. What could he need to tell me?
    I ran through the trees a different way and came back through to the meadow. They were all quiet; they heard me coming.
    My dad was looking at me like I committed a crime.
    Please, Daddy. Please don’t let them know I heard. I thought.
    His expression softened and he looked up, then down. That was what my dad did when he didn’t want to let anyone know they were talking through their thoughts.
    “You’re done hunting already, Nessie?” Jacob asked.
    “I got a whole lion.” I said quietly. “My throat isn’t burning anymore.”
    “We you’re father and I still need to hunt. Are you sure you’re throat is okay?” My mom asked.
    I nodded. “I’ll be fine,”
    My mom threw Jacob a sharp look and then she and dad darted into the trees.
    Jacob and I had a moment of awkward silence. I wanted to know what was going on and he knew he couldn’t say anything.
    “Hey, Jake, can I ask you something?” I began hesitantly.
    “Sure?” Jacob shrugged.
    I walked over to where he was standing. “I heard you guys talking about me just now. What exactly were you talking about?”
    Jacob sighed. “Your parents don’t want me to tell you,”
    “Until I have feelings for you.” I finished.
    “You heard that, huh? Well, I cant tell you. That was the condition your parents and I made when you were a baby.”
    “Jacob, please just tell me.” I frowned like a was truly sad about this. I peeked up at him through my lashes.
    “Nessie, I cant tell you right now,”
    I faintly heard my mom and dad’s feet on the wet grass near us. They were hunting close. I bet Jacob knew that and wouldn’t say anything because of it.
    I sighed. “Mom! Dad! If you can hear me, Jacob and I are going home!”
    I didn’t wait for a reply. I grabbed Jacob’s hand and ran through the trees. I stayed on the ground. As we zigzagged through the trees, I held Jacob’s hand tighter. When I broke out of the trees and saw the clearing that led to my family’s house, I let go of Jacob’s hand. I ran and jumped over the small stream, landing in the backyard.
    Jacob landed behind me and laughed. “In a hurry?”
    “A little,” I smiled.
    We walked into the house. It was quiet, except for my aunt Rosalie playing piano. My other aunt flew down the stairs.
    “Nessie!” she squealed.
    She flew into me and hugged me tightly. “Hi, Aunt Alice,”
    My aunt Alice and I are similar. We are both small. I think I’m smaller than her. Everything about us is small. All of our features. We also both spoke in sopranos. I had a very high pitched voice.
    My uncle Jasper was behind her, smiling. “Hi, Renesmee, how was your trip?”
    “Good. Zafrina’s good. She was surprised at how big I am. Well, I guess small, but bigger since last time she saw me,”
    My grandparents came down the stairs at a human pace.
    “Hi, Renesmee,” My grandma said and gave me a hug.
    “Hi, grandma,”
    My grandpa kissed me on the forehead. “Where are you parents?”
    “They’re hunting in their meadow. I was finished so Jacob and I came home,” I shrugged.
    “Well, it’s good to have you home,”
    My grandparents went back upstairs. Alice still stood beside me, beaming. I turned around and saw my uncle Emmett push Jacob.
    For some reason, my instincts took over. My protective side came out. I growled and launched myself at Emmett.
    I managed to grab him by the throat and throw him into the wall. He got up and lunged at me. I met his attack head on. I caught him by the shoulders and slammed in down. He kicked me in the stomach and I flew up and landed on the couch.
    He grabbed me by the shoulders now and slammed me down. I pushed him off and he landed on the table.
    I punched the table and he flew up into the air. When he flew back down he slammed me down on my back.
    “Emmett!” my dad yelled. In a blur of a movement he threw my uncle off of me. Jacob rushed over and helped me sit up.
    “Are you insane?” he asked.
    “I didn’t like him pushing you,”    
    “Nessie, we were joking around. I mess with Emmett all the time—you didn’t need to fight him,”
    “I just—” I stared into Jacob’s eyes. I got a hollow feeling. Butterflies. Jacob had his arms around me, supporting me. His brown eyes looked back at me with the same expression.
    I leaned in and kissed Jacob.
    My first kiss wasn’t what I was expecting. Jacob and I had the same body temperature, but with his lips on mine they suddenly felt a hundred degrees hotter.
    I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I couldn’t stop. Our lips were like magnets. I couldn’t take my mouth off of his. I was confused and happy and eager and nervous and numb at the same time. I didn’t know what was going on.
    I could hear my mother and father gasp behind me, but it didn’t effect me. I couldn’t take my hands off of Jacob and my lips wouldn’t leave his. What was happening? Jacob has been my friend since I was born. And now…
    I couldn’t feel my stomach as we kept kissing. He pulled me tighter against him and I could feel his entire body relax—like he was thinking “it’s finally happening.”
    I tried to let him go. I would pull my lips off of his, but they couldn’t for a solid length of time. They just kept attaching back.
    Finally, someone put a hand on both of our shoulders and pushed us away. My mouth moved forward again like my lips wanted to be back on his, but my dad restrained me.
    “Jacob,” My dad sounded angry.
    “Edward, she kissed me,” Jacob defended.
    “I don’t care. We told you she was too young still,”
    I put my hand on my dad’s cheek. In my mind, I was thinking about the kiss. About how I kissed him and how I didn’t want to stop.
    “Renesmee,” He sighed.
    “Dad, I wanna know what you and mom and Jacob are always talking about. And I wanna know why it involves me. I have a right to know. I’m old enough to handle it and I want to know,” I pushed my hand harder against his cheek and thought about what I heard in the forest. “Tell me,”
    My mom came over and put her hand on my shoulder. “C’mon, Renesmee, we need to talk. All of us,”
    Jacob, my parents, and I all stood up and ran out the door. We ended up back in their meadow. We all sat on the grass in a circle.
    My mom looked at my dad and then nodded to Jacob. Jacob took a deep breath and looked at me. “Renesmee,” he began. I knew this would be serious. Jacob only called me by my real name when something was serious. “You’ve seen Sam and Emily, right?”
    I nodded.
    “Do you know why they are together?” he asked.
    “Because they are in love,” I shrugged. It was obvious that Sam and Emily were in love. You could see it in their eyes.
    “Well, it’s not just that,” Jacob looked at my dad and then turned back to me. “Sam imprinted on Emily,”
    “What’s imprinting?”
    “Imprinting is when a werewolf sees her. Nothing else matters. You become anything for her. You’re always there for her. Depending on what age you either become her protector, friend, brother or lover. You’ve seen how protective Quil is of Claire? Well he imprinted on her when she was two.
    “When a werewolf imprints on someone that young, it’s not romantic at all. You want them to be happy and safe. When they grow up, you are always there for them. You’re a friend. And when they become the right age you become Sam and Emily.
    “The girl really doesn’t have a choice, either. She loves him, too. Nothing else matters to her, either.”
    I soaked in the information. I understood everything.
    “So…you imprinted on me?” I asked.
    Jacob took a deep breath and nodded.
    It made a lot of sense. I’ve always been close to Jacob. I’ve always loved him. He’s always there. Now that I knew we would be together, the ache in my stomach when he was away made sense. The way I always missed him made sense. Everything made sense.
    Jacob smiled. “I’m sorry you don’t have a choice, but you don’t,”
    “I don’t care,” I laughed. I crawled over to where he was and sat in his lap. “I love you, Jacob.”
    “I love you, too, Nessie,”
    I leaned up and pecked him real fast on the lips. “So…is that okay?”
    Jacob laughed. “Of course it’s okay,” he leaned down and kissed me again.
    My dad cleared his throat.
    “Well, now that you know this, you two are gonna be like Jared and Kim and soon you’ll be like Sam and Emily. But for now, keep it…appropriate.”
    I nodded.
added by Brysis
added by aninha_cb
added by Cittycat19
added by Cittycat19
added by Cittycat19
posted by Summer_Leanne
I don't think words alone can express how happy all of my readers make me. You all are so darn inspirational. I don't know how you do it! :] Much love to each and every one of you!!! <3 ~Summer
The time seemed to fly by faster than I was able to run. I could not believe that I just up and left Edward, totally ignoring his reprimands. “It was all rather cruel of me, but my intentions are for the best.” I told myself, trying to lift my own spirits. Maybe this was how Carlisle felt when he rescued Edward and Rosalie. In both their cases,...
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posted by teamalice_0
Heeelo peoples heres the next Chapter

The door bell rung 3 more times in annoyance from the person.

"Im not deaf!"

In my haste to get to the door, either from having a visitor or having them irritate me by ringing 4 times, I ran into the coffee table, the couch, and the kitchen table.

"Hello?" I opened the door, i could make out the outline of a figure but i wouldnt know who it was until they talked.

"Bella? What are you doing at home?"

"Edward? Shouldnt you be in school or something?"

"Shouldnt you?"

I slammed the door in his face or at...
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So this is my holiday gift to you all. I won't be writing untill next Wednesday because as everyone knows, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, Saturday is Christmas, and Sunday-Tuesday I will be in the moutains. We didn't really get a look at Alex growing up so I thought I would give this to you!! Hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays!

Bella POV

"Wake up Momma! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Alicen was jumping on my bed.

"Ca Caus!" Alex stood up and hobbled too.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I laughed

"Christmas! Christmas!" Alicen jumped down and started skipping down the stairs....
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posted by teamalice_0
Another post day! This one might be shorter just cause i learned my friends going into the army :(

Sleep came peacefully, almost immediatley. Usually i dreamed about things I learned or have seen but this day was.. different. I saw people I have never met.

They were in groups of two, all but one, but seemed unified in a way. The two in the middle looked older, carmel hair and blonde, to their left was a huge weight lifting dude, a curvy blonde at his side, the other side of the middle were short pixie like and a blonde man. He seemed to be the odd one out. The one that seemed to stand alone yet not alone had copper hair like a penny. They all looked different too, but all inhumanly beautiful. The only simularities were their gold eyes.

Never seen them, I would say maybe I would meet them but I cant ever see them Im blind and forever will be.

So who are they?
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Later that day, I went down to the secret basement with Tabra and the others to train. Jerek went down to sit with Verona, and with Shropee went down to do her medicle stuff on Verona.
    "Alright, listen up." Shropee said, clapping her hands three times, drawing their attention. "Cyd and Tabra are in charge here. If you don't follow, well...let's just say your punishment is harsh."
    She smiled, and walked into Verona's room with Jerek tailing...
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posted by karpach_13
nessie's outfit for meeting Ivan's parents
nessie's outfit for meeting Ivan's parents
Chapter 21
“who invited him?” I asked in a rude voice.
“Carlisle incsited the whole family came over” Emmett told me and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and wondered what was waiting on me.
“lets get Ivan out and in the house” I told uncle Emmett. He nodded. Uncle Emmett took Ivan and dragged him to my room. I was still in the car and was getting my stuff. I locked the car and put the keys in my purse and hrld my left hand close so it wont move an inch. I was walcking towards the house hiding my left arm so my father wouldn’t see it. But it was impossible. I walked to the...
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posted by NeeNee14
When we got off the plane in Seattle Sue was there to pick us up. I was still holding Tala, who was asleep in my arms. Seth looked at me.
"Do you want me to take her?" He asked. I shook my head no. I haven't talked the whole way becaus I knew if I opened my mouth the cries would come out. Seth took her out my arms anyway and I hugged my self. I sat in the front, Sue was going to take Tala and Seth home and Seth would come back to pick me up.
I ran into the hospital to the nurses station. A young woman looked at me and smiled.
"Hi, I'm here to see Johnathan Johnson." I told the nurse.
"I'm sorry...
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posted by groovychicklisa
When I got home, Charlie, Renée and Phil were just sitting down to have dinner, and I joined them.

"Hey dad, I wanted to talk to you about something." I said as I put some salad on my plate. Charlie insisted that I have vegetables with every meal. He was the one who told me what I could and couldn't eat, and also made sure I followed the "rules". Which was why I always went to Angela's for ice cream. Nowhere had I found anything to indicate that I shouldn't eat ice cream – I'd even asked Doctor Jamieson, who had said that it was fine – but Charlie insisted that too much sugar wasn't good....
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posted by LexisFaith
In case you didn't notice, these two are the first article in Edward's pov insted of Bella's. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.

"I found her." I smiled back.
"I know." Alice, bounced on her toes.
"Wait, you knew she was here?"
"Yes." She admitted. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Why do you think I was able to talk everyone into moving down here?" She giggled and I looked up to Jasper.
"You knew too?" I asked him.
"She told us not to think about it around you. Sorry." He half smiled.
I shook my head. "I don't have words to think you right now." I told...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 10

There he was standing there the burning man quickly consuming him. I walked over and grabbed a bottle of beer, I would be needing something to get through this night! As I took a swig someone grabbed my arm from behind me I was spun round. There he was he looked like he was in physical torment. (B)Can I help you? (B) I grunted. He was looking through me, not at me and I didn’t know why. (E) What are you doing back? (E) he asked evidently in pain. (B) That’s none of your business! (B) I very nearly screamed at him. Now he looked pissed. Before he could say anything I had...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "Let's see who we lost." I said, and we went over to the battle's remnants.
    "We won!" Shropee said, and I was happy to see her.
    "Yay! Haus is dead!" I said and everyone cheered. "Where's Tabra?"
    "He's over there." Pattsy said as she passed me to talk to Jerek.
    I walked over to Tabra as he pulled an arrow out of his leg. Ew. Ow. He saw me and we hugged. "Nice fighting." I said and he smiled.
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posted by Tatti
Esme made me supper and since Jake has already gone I was eating alone. It was good that no one bothered me - I had too many thoughts. Bella's question pulled out some dark memories I was struggling to forget. It was a bit like Nessie's touch, I could feel something pulsing in my head. Maybe they were right about the shield? Or it was just another headache?
When I finnished I asked Esme if I can go sleep and she lead to the same bedroom. I lied on bed for a long hour trying to fall asleep but nothing. I sighed angrily and changed my position. I hated doing nothing. And then someone knocked on...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry for the delay.

I woke up on the plane with Jacob sat next to me. “Where are we going Jake?”


“Wow. That must have been really expensive”

“I stole Carlisle’s wallet and somehow figured out his pin number”

“Is Carlisle the doctor?”


“I guess he has loads of money then”

“He defiantly does”

“What if the credit card gets tracked down?”

“Oh don’t worry we’re going to put the money on to a different credit card and then burn this one”


2 Years later

I’m twenty now and Jacob was eighteen. I’m married to him and we live in Dubai together,...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I'm sorry you had to wai a while for this one.

I stepped through looking around, it was pitch black and I couldn’t see anything. Then the door slammed behind me. I ran at it pulling the handle down but it wouldn’t open. I heard laughter echoing in the room or whatever it was I was in. I walked forward putting my hands in front of me feeling around to see if anything was here. I found another door which I opened. It lead me into another pitch black room. I ran my hands up the walls searching for lights but I didn’t find anything. I found yet again a door which opened. Every door I opened...
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