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A Youtube Script:
Episode Twelve:
*Pregnant Slut Thoughts*
Edward’s P.O.V:
My sister was…
Holy Crap!!!
What the????
*done thinking*
Edward: *walks out* Guys…Alice is…
Jasper: *looks up from the ground*
Edward: *gulps* Having Triplets.
Bella: Oh my god!
Rosalie: Seriously?
Edward: *nods* Yes.
Jasper: Where is she? How is she? Triplets?
Edward: She’s still asleep. ASLEEP. She passed out. I got her revived. I’m still not sure how she’s asleep.
Emmett: *claps* Well, let’s go wake her up! *start walking toward Alice’s room*
Edward: *blocks him* Ah, Ah, Ah! No. Let her be. She’s pregnant with triplets. A lot of work, Emmett.
Rosalie: How do you know? You’re not a doctor.
Emmett: Rose is right. You don’t have your M.D.
Edward: Hey! Don’t question my powers!
Emmett: Oh, I’m gonna question you’re friggin’ powers, Edward. You have non-
Edward: I can read your mind.
Emmett: Crap! Oops?
*from background*
Alice: *groggy* Guys? Where are you? What’s going on?
*back to everyone*
Edward: *hears her* ALICE!
Jasper: Ali!
Emmett: Uno!!!!!
Bella: Crap!
Rosalie: Shut up!
Edward: Shh! Let me go get her before she collapses.
Emmett: *nods* good idea, doc.
Edward: Don’t call me doc! It’s…DOCTOR Edward.
Jasper: Ok, just shut up and get heer.
Edward: *rolls eyes* Fine.
*Bella’s P.O.V*
2% of people are pregnant as tweens.
20% of teens keep there children
1% of vampires get pregnant.
That would be.
*done thinking*
Bella: How did YOU win?
Emmett: Luck.
Bella: No fair…rematch!
Emmett: *sighs* fine!
Bella: *tosses cards out*
Edward: *walks over to where Alice is* Ali, how are you?
Alice: *thinking; Edward is reading her mind* Ok. I heard Em and B playing Uno. And you said something about my condition?
Edward: *out loud* Yes, Alice. You may want to sit down.
Alice: *puts arm around Edward’s shoulder* *Edward picks her up to carry her*
Edward: *walks into the Uno room* Guys.
Emmett: Blue or 7.
Bella: *smiles* *slaps down a blue 4*
Emmett: Dang it!
Bella: *laughs and turns toward Edward and Alice* Alice!
Alice: Bells! *jumps carefully out of Edward’s arms and hugs Bella*
Bella: *leads her to the couch* so…what are you doing with the little booge-
Edward: *coughs to stop Bella* Bella.
Bella: What didn’t you tell her?
Alice: *confused* Tell me what?
Edward: Alice…you’re pregnant.
Alice: *laughs* I noticed.
Edward: *frowns* with triplets.
Alice: *screams* WHAT?
Edward: *smiles sheepishly* Congrats?
Alice: *start pacing* this is not good. This is not good.
Jasper: Alice this is okay. Calm down.
Alice: Jasper! I’m having three babies. *rubs stomach* Three! Do you know how fat I’m going to get?
Jasper: That doesn’t matter.
Alice: *starts crying* I’m horrible. I’m a slut. A pregnant slut.
Emmett: So are we keeping the babies?
Alice: *sniffling* Jasper?
Jasper: *smiles* Yes. I think so…

*thank you for reading! That was episode 12…thanks*
posted by renesmeblack

I felt like screaming. Jacob was running too fast. I clung to his fur, eyes closed tight. I think I DID shriek. I heard Emmett laugh in front of us. Ugh. Why does everyone ruin my moment? I was crazy enough to open my eyes. Emmett ran up a tree and Jacob stood on his hind legs, barking like a real dog does to a cat. I fell off and landed on my backside. Ow. Jacob was still barking like mad. I aimed a kick at his right leg, but he didn't notice. Going to the other side of the tree, I inspected the branches. One was low enough for me to get on top of. As soon as I was next to Emmett,...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, it's me, at a slumber party with renesmeblack! Jacob is here and everything! Oh and I'm not supposed to tell you his name but I can tell you this: her BF is here as well! This is at her house, BTW, so no Daddy until 12:00 PM! SWEEEEEEEET!!! I should warn renesmeblack to cancel Spin-the-Bottle...
Whoops, got ahead of myself there. renesmeblack invited me here a while back. When my dad heard Jacob was gonna be there, he almost refused. Ugh. Can't a teenager get a break? Mom souded the all-clear when she made Jacob promise-no, SWEAR- that I would come home safely. My dad wasn't too happy about...
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posted by UchihaYuki
It was Saturday morning, I sat up in the bed and looked over to where Edward was supposed to be, but I figured he was outside doing something, or up at the house with the family, As he usually was, when I “woke” up for the day. I got out of bed and went into my closet to find something to wear, I had so many clothes it wasn’t funny, Alice had stocked it Full when me and
Edward moved in, Then with all of mine and Alice’s shopping trips, it got even fuller..
I didn’t wear half the stuff in my closet not because I didn’t like the clothes but because I’m a Jeans and T-shirt girl, not...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie’s POV

Loren was on his knees in front of me, staring up into the barrel of my gun. I never thought I would live to do this to this pathetic excuse for a Jenzi.
“Are you going to kill me, Charles?” Loren laughed.
My finger itched on the trigger. I wanted to kill him, right here right now.
“Hunters!” Loren shouted. “Assemble!”
Out of nowhere, Shadow Hunters appeared. They grabbed my arms, their hands cold and dragged me away from Loren. One of them pulled the gun from my hand and threw it on the floor. It slid away from me and stopped at the entrance. Loren stood up and dusted...
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posted by just_bella
Ok last one for the night, maybe one or two tomorrow...we'll see ;)

End of Chapter 12

"Alice just saw Bella jump off a cliff." Jasper said, his tone making me more angry.

I turned back and glared at all of them, none of them were as close to Bella as I was/am. It made me angry that they weren't taking this more serious, how could they all be so rude.

"Someone should call him." Rosalie said, a smile showing.

"NO! No one calls Edward! I have to figure out what happened first." I said as I turned and glared at all of them.

"NO ONE CALLS EDWARD! I mean it! Let me find out what's going on, then...
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It will be only these 2article today, because me being sick and all :( :S . I can't really focus for the moment, I'll put 3 article back up when I'm feeling better.I promise :D

Bella's pov

I woke up in bed again, starting to think that it was all dream. That I was still Franco’s prisoner till I saw an IV cable with blood running into my veins. I jumped up on the bed.
“Bella, Bella. It’s okay, your safe now” I heard Alice sousing me down. I looked around the room and noticed that Jasper walked in looking at me. Alice came sitting next to me and just hold me tight.
“Is it over” I whispered...
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posted by just_bella
We came up over a hill when I heard something crashing around in the trees. I looked around, noticing that Carlisle and Esme were staying a bit back for some reason. I wanted to ask why but the sound was getting closer.

Suddenly the smell hit me, it wasn't as good as the family I had just seen but this was a close second. It smelt like honey, clover, dirt, pine and something I couldn't name. I looked back at Edward and Rosalie, wonder in my eyes.

"Follow your instincts, it's not people this time. Just do what your body tells you." Edward said as he motioned for me to continue.

Rosalie looked...
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posted by Twi-Freak14
The party was pretty quiet yet it was a total crazy house, Nessie had wrapping paper all over the floor and had stuck cake in Jacob's hair.
While Leah and Jacob tried despretely to get the frosting out of his shaggy doo I went to my house to get the ticktes, they were last on the surprise list.
I looked for them on the counter, there was no sign of them.
I looked everywhere, trying to remember where I had put them.
"Love, they are under the bed in the little purple gift bag."
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and then darted out of the room.

When we got out of the house, Jacob had given up and...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Finally! The weekend is here. I packed my bag, and got ready to spend the weekend with Alice. What Charlie dosen't know is that, everyone is going hunting. Except Edward. Alice picked me up in Edwards Volo. She drove us to her house. Everyone was there excpet Edward. Where was he? "Alice where is Edward." "Dont worry, Bella. Edward went hunting so that it would be easier for him to be around you." She took me to Edwards room. There was like 100 yrs. worth of journals. He also had a lot of music. He had a lot of my favorites. Clare De Lune, Debb Usee. I pushed play on the CD player. There was...
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posted by Edward_lover101
I walked down the stairs to where Edward was. Edward stopped playing the piano, he truned around and put his hands around my waist. "Are you ok, Bella. You look kinda worried."
"Im ok, just a little freaked out. How dare Jacob come into my roomand wach me sleep." Edward didn't know that he did that. Edward was stiff as a bord, no like a statue. I put my hands around his neck and layed my head on his chest. He wrppad his arms around my body. I could tell that Edward wanted to kill Jacob right now. I wouldn't stop him. Jacob almost killed me once. And I'm sceard he might again.

The weekend was...
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yeah i completely forgot about this story because i was so wrapped up in Our Worst Show sob yeah its mostly just a filler of edwards POV of when Bella got kidnapped so here u go!!!please please review and comment it would mean alot to me and i will dedicate the next chapter to the first person to comment and id o put these on different and bigger sites, but this is the first one ok stop my blabbing and on with the story! this one is kinda short the next one will be longer i promise

Chapter 4 Bella (Edward’s P.O.V. of The Party)
    “The mutt is...
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it's totally something different isn't it

Bella's pov

We arrived at Charlie’s and I saw his police cruiser, so he was home. I took a deep breath and walked out of Emily’s car and gave her a smile
“Shall I go with you” he asked worried
“No, I’ll be fine, it’s just my dad” I said and walked towards the front door and knocked. I took a quick look at Mason and he was still sleeping like a rose, then suddenly the door opened.
“Omg, Bella, you’re safe, you’re okay, I was so worried, where have you been” he started saying worried.
“What” I asked him confused, how did he knew...
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posted by fegzii
hi! i wrote this few months ago but i didn't had the courage to post it a friend is making me doing this ... well i hope you like this and please comment even if you think it sucks ... be very honest! i prefer ... xoxo

Twilight B-day version !
I was terrified by the idea of having a party .. no no no im not that kind of person ... I will only embarrass myself in front of everybody. 'everybody .... i will have to talk with Alice seriously about this’ i thought to myself. Then Edward stop the car, we were in my house already.
- May I?. he opened my door taking my hand helping me get out of the...
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posted by just_bella
We walked down a path that we had never been down before. We walked for about a mile without seeing anything, when we crested the top of a hill we began to see a large building with many smaller buildings off of it rising over the next hill.

I didn't know what this place was, but I was more the sure that this wasn't going to be somewhere to eat or get ice cream.

I'm sorry, I have to stop now. I hear someone coming down the hall. I have to hide this before it is taken away."

That must have been the end of that entry because Jasper put the book down and kissed the top of my head again, pulling...
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posted by 2bearz
My eyes opened and the first thing I noticed was I had tears running pretty hard down my cheeks. The second thing I noticed was that I was on a couch, still in the Cullens living room. There were no cullens as far as I could tell. I had no vampire warnings, just werewolf. Where had they gone, and what about Alec? Did they kill him?

I turned my head to the left and saw a beautiful native girl that resembled Seth just a tiny bit, and she looked pissed. Seth was scowling, something I've never seen on his perfect face. The girl was telling him something, and he was trying not to yell. I could tell....
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Kellan Lutz with a cigarette in his right hand.
Kellan Lutz with a cigarette in his right hand.
This is more like a rant, but I'd like to hear if you guys feel the same as I do.
So far Kristen, Rob, Kellan, Nikki, and Peter have been caught smoking. Rob is also a well-known drunk, and in almost every picture there's something wrong with Kristen's eyes, like they're bloodshot or out of focus or something creepy like that. I mean, I know they're under pressure, but can't they handle it better than this?
Honestly, I think the whole cast is out of control. I mean, I have read articles that say that Kristen 'makes it no secret that she likes to unwind by smoking pot' and Rob 'is drunk every...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Blood Lust
by: BuffyFaithfan1
I've never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone you loved, seems like a good way to go. Of course I'd miss him. And my dad: Charlie....
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Edward's POV

She lay next to me with her wide eyes staring right back into mine, a light gold because I had satiated my thirst before. Her lips curved into a smile as she lowered her gaze. I leaned in closer to her, no longer to touch my beautiful angel. I no longer needed to fear her touch. Her pale skin glowed a pearly white, and in the moonlight she seemed ethereal.

Finally, her soft voice broke through the silence, “Well, I never expected it to happen quite like that.”

I smiled slowly, a crooked smile that I knew she loved, “Neither...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” I woke up to a little pain in my stomach. I turned to look a Jacob but he wasn’t next to me in my bed. He must be out with the pack. I thought to my self. I got out of bed and headed to the dresser which held the pain killers. Grandpa said that if I take one a day I shouldn’t feel the pain. I walked into the bathroom and got a glass of water from the sink and took the pill. I undressed my self and stepped into the tub. I was still freezing so I put that water in the tub on as hot as it would go. I filled it as high as I was able to with out it spilling out. I took a deep breath...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Charlie’s POV

    I sat watching the game. Red Sox vs. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs were leading by 2 points and they were in the 8th ending. I was trying to keep my mind off of Bella and her boyfriend Edward. Bella is too young to have a boyfriend if you ask me. I didn’t want her to have a boyfriend until she’s at least in college. I must just be talking from a father’s point of view. No father wants to see his little girl grow up.
    Well, I didn’t like Edward Cullen so much anymore. Ever since my little girl went into a depression, I’ve never...
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