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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
NOTE: I am soooo sorry for not posting any lately! I really am! I feel like you won't read this :O So I hope you do. Anyways, if it helps, I went onto my WORD PAD document, and wrote all the way to chapter 28, so there is a lot coming your way! I hope you like chapter three, again sorry, and the contest for the book covers is CLOSED!! I didn't get any private messages with links, but I'm gonna check the CONTEST TIME!!! page, anyways, here is what happened in the series before hand if you forgot:
Previously on "Hello, My Name Is: Death"
Hi, my name is Cyd, short for Cydnee, and one day while I was grocery shopping, a former member of the Death Clan of the Fallen threw a knife at my head. I ducked behind my cart, and ran out of the store once I saw the knife fly into a bunch of egg cartons. I went home, told my friend Tabra about it, and he came rushing over. He helped me get out of the aftershock feeling, and when we were eating chicken sandwhiches, mine was coated in poison. We then went to his apartment, knowing that if one little sandwhich was poisoned, that the rest of the house might be rigged with traps ready to spring and pronounce my death. We went to his hotel room, and we discussed how we are gonna get the Death Clan of the Fallen off of my back. I figured out that Tabra is an ex-member of the Death Clan of the Fallen, and he helped me stop them from harming me. We killed them before they killed me, even there leader Haus. But, when Tabra was stabbed with a sword by Haus, I took him to the hospital after shooting Haus in the face a few times. On the TV screen in the waiting room was the news, and they were interviewing Haus. Haus is alive, and if he's a live, I don't know how much longer I will be alive....
    I've met a wonderful guy, his name is Jerek, and we are kind of a thing now. He took Tabra and I under his wing, and now that Tabra and I are apart of Jerek's alliance team, we will take down Haus once and for all. We shall win the Final Fight victoriously!
    But the thing is, my boyfriend Jerek has been kidnapped by Haus, and as we get ready for battle, I have to make sure he isn't dead...or a vampire. I figured out he's okay, and he isn't a vampire, which is good to me. I mean, our romance would have a wonderful spark to it if he had fangs, but he is fangs-free and I like him better that way since I had a nightmare of a Vampire Jerek. We won the fight, and now as we started thinking our lives would go back to normal, a knife with our initials on it winds up on our laun, and now we are on the run from a cult who uses very dark black magic, and we went undercover to retrieve special items from the cult's castle, and we did it successfully....But we had a surprise waiting for us from Shropee.
    The second best weapons master, Zoos, is behind it all, and he is the hired man who covered the tracks of the knife...and our fun is just beginning.
    Plus, Verona is coming back into the picture, and Zoos is wanting her blood shedding the world, as much as he wants ours.
Tabra is wanting to know about my secret, me and Jerek having sex for the first time, and I am going to tell him. I think Shropee already knows, and I don't know how or why! Verona is here, and we are heading up to see her right now, so follow on and see what happens....
    We reached the stairs, and started up, Tabra leaving the bunkers room behind us. We walked up the stairs, and into the living room, anxiously waiting for Verona's arrival.
    "She'll be fine, right?" Jerek asked, and I nodded.
    "She'll be definitely fine." Tabra answered for me, and I nodded.
    I looked at the door, seeing Shropee on the wooden bench on the porch outside. "See, we are with the comforting, and the waiting."
    They laughed.
    "Well, it's true." I said, and I saw Shropee rise to her feet.
    She turned, opened the door, and smiled. "She's here."
    We rose to our feet, afraid that moving too fast would make us wake up and realize this was a dream. So, we all took hesitant steps, until Jerek went for the door. It wasn't running, but it wasn't jogging either. More of a leap, I guess. All Tabra and I did was watch, and then follow.
    "You sure?" Jerek asked Shropee once we were outside.
    "Well, did we order anything so big from a hospital it needed to be devlivered in an ambulance truck?" She asked.
    "Oh, yea." Jerek said, and we watched the ambulance truck pull into Jerek's driveway.
    "Let's go." Shropee said once the ignition cut off, and we all ran to the truck, ready to grab and wheel her inside as fast as possible so we could hook her up and get everything done.
    The back doors opened, and two men jumped out, one of which, was Ethan. They grabbed Verona's bed, and pulled her out of the truck, setting her down easily, and started towards the door. Tabra and I jumped inside the truck, while Jerek and Shropee helped take Verona in.
    "Take those bags in." Ethan pointed to three bags by the little sink.
    Tabra and I grabbed the three bags, hopped out of the truck, and followed them inside. They took her down the stairs, and into the lounging room and then down to the secret basement in no time. It was like they practiced this before coming over. Weird. Anyways, Tabra and I followed them down, and Jerek told them to put her as far away from the stairs as she could. That way, no one woke her up as they came down the stairs. Well, it turns out, there is a seperate room branching off of the secret basement, that was just as big as a hospital room, and turned out to be Verona's room. Cool. Weird. And even, coincidental.
    After Ethan and his friend, along with Jerek and Shropee, hooked Verona up and had her where they wanted her to be, they told Tabra and I to hand them the bags. We did, and stood far back, just watching and letting them do what they were doing. And about an hour later, they were done. They took a step back, and turned to face us.
    "Were done." Ethan and his friend said, and they started leaving the room.
    "Thanks." Jerek, Shropee, Tabra and I said in unison, and they nodded back to us, went up the secret basement's stairs, the actual stairs, and out the door.
    We heard the sirens blare into the distance as they left the driveway.
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