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posted by whatupiloveyou
I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I had morning sickness then my husband went on a business trip and his laptop broke so he had to take mine. I know that you probably hate me, but please don't take it out on my story. I promise to try to update once a week, maybe more. I'm on bed-rest and I'm only 4 months so I am going to have lots of time to update and write. Please forgive me. I am going to try to make it up with a long chapter.

Disclaimer: No I still don't own twilight!


I don't know how much longer I can stay away from my beloved, Bella. A shudder of pain went through my body. It hurt to think her name. I don't know how much longer I can stay away for her. I really want to go back to my Bella; but something, I don't know what, was keeping me right here. I know that Bella was safe from me and my world, if I stayed here. Bella could move on and be happy with a family of her own. I would live as long as she did. She would live a safe and fun-filled life without me. Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

Alice, it seems to always read that, Bella is in danger.

What! I need details. I dial Alice's number and put the phone to my ear. "Hey Edward," Alice said calmly. "What? Bella's in danger, why are you so calm?" I screamed into the phone. "Relax, she just almost tripped, someone caught her, then she was fine. But I needed to talk to you," she explained. "You could have just called," I said blankly. "I've tried that 27 times," replies Alice. "Still why did you have to say Bella's in trouble. Who caught her when she fell? Is she alright?" I ask. "Ya she's fine. I don't know who caught her. The reason I called was because I'm sick and tired of staying away from Bella. It's tearing this family apart. Everyone's sad and you're pouting in some dark attic. Edward, please? Let's just go back. Bella needs us," she pleaded. Did Bella need us? Were we a help or a danger in her life. My will to stay away from her was failing. What if she's happy? "No, Alice don't go back. I'm sorry you are all suffering, but we need to do the best thing for her. And that is staying right where we are," I responded. "But Edward," that's Alice got out before I slammed the phone shut.

How could Alice scare me like that? Bella's life was not something to use to get my attention. I would do anything to get back to Bella. But something was keeping me here. (A/n: the wish) I don't how long I could stay away from my angel. What I do know is that sometime soon, my self-control will break and I will go back. All I need to do is see her. Then I might, with all my strength, come back here for another who knows how long.

It felt like a war was going on inside me. One part, the one I was rooting for, wanted to take me back to Bella. The other one, the more logical one, was keeping my butt glued to the floor. It seemed the logical side was winning, sadly. I knew all of us would be happy with Bella back in our lives. Yes, even Rosalie, she just doesn't want to admit it. I just can't put Bella's life at risk. It's way to delicate.

I and she together is like having rock and glass together. One will eventually break, and we all know which one that will be. It would be different if it was rock and rock, what Bella wants but I can't to that to her. She has her whole life to live, which would be ruined if I changed her. She says she wants to be a vampire, but that might change after she is one and sees the sacrifices she didn't think would bother her. I will not let her go through forever with regret. I had to see her, I had to go back and get her back. I hope she still loves me. It was just a risk I had to take. I stood up and was at the door in 2 seconds.

"Stop, if you go back, you will be putting Bella in danger." Where did this voice come from? No ones around, so I can't hear any thoughts. But I knew that it came from my mind. I decided that I will listen to it, since it had Bella's best intentions in mind (a/n: inside joke). If I can't see her I could call her. I whipped out my phone and dialed the number I would never forget Bella's cell phone number. It rang three long agonizing ring. Each one echoing in my head over and over again, finally someone answered… "Hello," said…


I promise to make my next update soon. Again so sorry!

Please R&R…comments, ideas, and constructive criticism is loved.
posted by twilightcrazy12
okey so when i first started reading twilight my friend who is a guy was like all talking crap about it.... and i told him off because twilight is the best book ever. so he wanted to know why i was so hooked onto the the twilight books and so this year he started rreading them and it turns out that he LOVES the twilight series. and i was like see i told you that it wasn't just a chick flick. i know tons of guys who have read twilight and they all liked it and im glad that some guys read it no matter what other people thought about them..... so what i guess im trying to say is that we as girls should give those guys who have read the book some credit for having courage then them finding out that once again the girls were right....... because TWILIGHT IS THE BEST BOOK EVER.............
thanks for reading im really new at this as some of guys can tell
how cool is that
how cool is that
Hello twilighters! :)

Today I'll be talking (well typing) many ways to prove you are a real twi-hard!

1. You've got to own shirts. Not a single fan I know doesn't have merchandise!
2. Have at least 2 of the dolls/action figures. I got Alice, Bella, Edward, and Victoria. You should have at least two!
3. Seriously, own a poster. It can be from a MAGAZINE or BOOK! But your not a real fan if you don't got this!
4. Read all 4 books. I don't know a single Twi-Hard who hasn't read any of the books!
5. Own all the movies (that came out). If you don't have at least one, what kind of fan ARE YOU?! [ Renting...
continue reading...
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