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Hello everyone and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we'll be looking at the bosses from the game that people say is the greatest game ever made... That would be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64.... Then remade fro Gamecube.... Then remade again for the 3DS.. You get the idea. Ocarina of Time is a game that supposedly turned the gaming world on its head. It's pretty good. It had great story, great overworld, and great graphics (At the time). But, what I think makes this game unique are the bosses... Lets take a look at them
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: Gohma
Now, this boss is pretty much one of the easiest bosses in a Zelda game. However, I will let that slide, since this is the first boss of the game. Though, I admit, when I first saw this thing, it looked pretty tough... Until I realized it's HP was a tough as a wet paper bag
Score: 6/10

Boss: King Dodongo
This one's easiness can not be excused. This thing is just as easy to kill, if not easier, then Gohma. All you do is throw bombs in its mouth which takes an eternity to close, and you can just hide in a corner so he can't kill you... My god, what's with these bosses that look scary yet fight like a five year old with fragile bones
Score: 4/10

Boss: Barinade
Know were getting somewhere. The Barinade is a pretty cool boss... Even though I have no clue what the fuck it is, but the fight is pretty cool. You dodge lasers, tentacles and.... jellyfish??? Okay, this sounds like it is being negative, but actually, it fights well, it has a fair amount of HP, and it isn't too hard or too easy
Score: 8/10

Boss: Phantom Ganon
Now this is how you make a ghost boss. Not that fucking ghost from Sonic Heroes, that thing sucked... Anyway, this fight is pretty cool as Phantom Ganon goes from fighting you on a horse to playing tennis with lightning balls. It's pretty fun, and I can see why this was done again. (I'll get to that later)
Score: 9/10

Boss: Volvagia
This thing had to be in the easiest temple in the game. Never mind, anyway, this giant dragon is pretty tough for an easy temple (Unlike the other bosses in the first two) and he does have all the attacks that a dragon should have. Like breathing fire... Non-stop... And you just wait for him to fucking stop... Also, he swoops his hair
Score: 8/10

Boss: Morpha
Hey, you all remember the Water Temple and how badly you wanted to fucking kill something. Remember having to change the water level a hundred times. Remember this fucking poor excuse for a boss. Seriously, what were they thinking. What kind of boss is water. How can water hurt you. What is this? This serves no goddamn purpose but to just add salt to the giant fucking wound o the Water Temple. Also, he's easy if you trap him in a corner, or hard if he grabs you because he just crushes you. And let me remind you that you are getting crushed BY WATER!!!
Score: 1/10

Boss: Bongo Bongo
This guy is pretty freaky, and why shouldn't he be? Also, the fight is pretty interesting... Until you keep doing the same thing repeatedly. Shoot his obvious weak spot. Seriously, just take one look at him ad you will find the weak spot in a second. It does more then stick out like a sore thumb. It sticks out like a sore thumb that was more then sore, but beaten, stabbed, shot, burnt, and electrocuted. Bongo Bongo's design is neat, but his fight could have been better
Score: 4/10

Boss: Twinrova
Now this is better. Pretty much, you start by shooting ones element at the other. So, the one that uses fire has to have there magic reflected at the one that uses ice. Pretty simple, until they form into a more harder boss, which now, you need to charge up energy into your shield just to shoot it back at them. It's pretty damn fun, also, these two witches are just funny as hell in my opinion
Score: 9/10

Boss: Ganondorf
So, here it is, the final boss (Cough) So, you fight this guy the same way you did Phantom Ganon... Not much to say, other then he has more health and he can now shoot larger lightning balls.... That's about it
Score: 5/10

Boss: Ganon
Oh my God, this is insane. This has to be one of the best final bosses I have ever had the honor to fight. Seriously, you fight a giant monster with a weaker sword then his, also, he deals a lot more damage then before, and he can kill you in seconds... So, be sure to have a fairy or two. Also, the whole fight just seems to feel epic, like your actually achieving something, and I think that is what makes a final boss so great is the feeling of achievement.
Score: 10/10

So, there it is, Ocarina of Time. Is it as amazing as people say it is........ I don't know, thats for you to decide. Anyway, the boss for this article is Ganon for having a great fight, and having it go well with the game and how it feels to fight him. Well, I am glad I got Ocarina of Time out of the way... But, what about its sequel..... Well, I'll get to that next time. See you all next time for Boss Bits
King Dodongo
King Dodongo
Phantom Ganon
Phantom Ganon
Bongo Bongo
Bongo Bongo
added by AquaMarine6663
I said it before and I’ll say it again, I love No More Heroes, from the characters, to the combat, to the overworld. And one of the things that makes this game what it is are the bosses in it. The 10 Ranked assassins of the United Assassins Association are some of the craziest and most thought provoking bosses I have seen in video games. Sure, they may not be as insane to fight or as insanely well detailed and designed like a Bayonetta or Devil May Cry boss, but how they behave, what they have to say, and what they do make them all the more interesting. How they fight, what tricks they pull,...
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Come on Bodum. That's your cue!
There are dozens of ways a game can come to an end. They can make their ending tie together the loose ends and bring the story to a satisfying close, they can leave a person on a cliffhanger for the next installment, or they can completely fail all together. And then you get THOSE endings. Those endings that come out of nowhere and are seen as completely weird. Whether it’s due to awkward movement and voice acting, a single scene making the whole ending change entirely, or just Japan being Japan, these endings are seen as being so weird, that they can be charming in their own way… or be...
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So I just got done watching a pretty darn popular anime named "The Familiar Of Zero". (Well, it was only season one, but yeah. It had an ending and all that, so I'm not really cheating here.)

And this anime....... I love it. Honestly. From the second I started episode one I knew this was going to be awesome, and it mostly was! BUT I do have a few complaints with it.........

And by a "Few" I mean A GODDAMN TRILLION.

Welcome to my new series Random Rants! Where I nitpick the mother-living hell out of whatever I so damn desire. Sound good to you? IT FUCKING BETTER.

So although I really do think The...
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When it comes to horror anime, they seem to be some of the more mature anime out there. As much flak horror gets in general for just being a disgusting and barbaric genre, seen as only catering to violent psychopaths, horror anime, at least the ones that I have seen, seem to handle their horror maturely. From the psychological break-down of our protagonist in Parasyte, to the symbolism and philosophy of Monster. Even Highschool of the Dead can come up with some relatable characters... You know, when they aren't having jiggle physics. And with Japan treating their audience more maturely, it's...
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Alright, so for the past few days, the video games that I’ve talked about were pretty tame. Not bad, just not the sort of thing you’d expect. When you read my articles, you expect constant nightmares coming right at your face, disturbing imagery, haunting monsters, and just in general something that would drive a person crazy with fear. Not depressing stuff or… whatever the hell Condemned’s story was trying to tell. And don’t get me started on the 12 Days of Christmassacre. I liked those reviews, but I think I’d like to talk about something that is a true nightmare, in a good way....
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Now, what are games made for? Entertainment. And if a game is not entertaining, then there is no point for the game to EVER exist. However, some game developers do not know this, and instead make their games as boring as possible. So, today, I am going to talk about the games that bore me the most. Now, these are only going to be games that I have played, so no Desert Bus. Now, with that said, lets start the list

Spore: Hero Arena
Spore: Hero Arena

#10: Spore: Hero Arena - Leave it to EA to fuck over the fans of their games. Spore was a game where you create a creature and watch as it grows and builds a...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Windwakerguy430
Boy: (Looking at a bicycle in the window) Mommy! Mommy! I know what I want for Christmas!
Mom: That's lovely, sweetie. Why don't you write a letter to Santa about it
Boy: Okay!

Boy: (Writing a letter) Dear Sa-...Sa.... Who was it for again. Eh, I'm sure I'll manage (Writes down his thoughts on the letter)

Boy: (Places the letter in the mail)

Boy: (Looks inside the mailbox to find a red envelope and opens it) Dear Youngster. It has come to my attention that you wish for a wonderful red bicycle. I can give you this if you wish, but only on one condition. (Looks up from the letter) Anything for my...
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added by Windwakerguy430
Song: link

Hawkeye: What's with the weird music?
Kevin: Still ahead of your time.
Stylo: It's from the...90's?
Kevin: 80's.
S.B: S.B here folks, and I'm here as your host tonight for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. We're gonna kick off the rest of our show with Six Shooters 2. Once that's over, we're gonna take a break, because of Chinese New Year, and President's Day. We will return on the 10th of March. Enjoy the movie.

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & WindWakerGuy430 Present

Men: *Racing hot rods*

Six Shooters 2

Men: *Racing in other hot rods*

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
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Oh boy, am I excited to talk about today’s game. Grasshopper Manufacturing is probably one of my favorite game studios out there. Sure, they don’t make the highest quality games, but their desire to make what they want to make rather than what some publisher wants them to is inspirational, and it’s that desire to create what they want to that has helped allow indie game developers to thrive in the modern age. One of their first games to truly reach a cult status was Killer7. Created as part of the Capcom Five, it was part of five games published and/or developed by Capcom to be exclusives...
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added by AquaMarine6663