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Video games have a huge variety of enemies. Some range from simple and weak, like Halo’s Grunts, some range from pretty hard but fun like the Black Knights from Dark Souls, and some are just fun to attack. But then… there are THOSE enemies. You know the ones, the ones that seem to only exist just to piss the player off, due to how annoying they are. Yeah, those ones. So, today, I want to share with you all the enemies from video games that brought me the worst kind of pain possible. First, some rules. Only from games that I have played, so no Falcons from Ninja Gaiden. Also, only one enemy per franchise. With that said, let us start the list

#10: Balverines from Fable

Fable isn’t much of a combat heavy game. It’s not bad, it’s just… different from most action RPG’s. However, when you introduce the Balverines into it, then it’s a whole other story. The Balverines are always in dark forest areas, just waiting to attack you or any other unlucky traveller. When you do get near them, you’d better run to the next region, because unlike most enemies when they chase you, they do NOT stop. They keep chasing you until you leave that area. If you do decide to fight them, they will attack you with lunges that deflect your blocks and fast swipes that could result in a combo, constantly hitting you. Combos belong in fighting games, not freaking RPG’s. And when they jump in the air to get behind you, they stay up there for what feels like an eternity just wasting your time. In Fable II, their just as bad, because they always attack in packs. They are NEVER alone. You have to deal with more than one, so you need to watch them. However, I put them much lower on the list because after you learn their attack patterns, their so much easier. But trust me, for newcomers to the Fable franchise, their pretty annoying.

#9: Merryweather from Grand Theft Auto V

I could have put the police down, but I felt that these guys deserved it a bit more. Unlike the police, Merryweather are able to appear just about anywhere at any moment. They can come behind corners, and are quick to send in reinforcements. Now, for those who say that “Oh, they're just the police, only in story mode”, your kinda right. But, why do I find them more annoying then the police. Well, for starters, I never got attacked by the police as much as many others, and that Merryweather are ALWAYS quick to start shooting at you when a mission starts. Whenever you have to talk to Dave, they’re there. Whenever you make it onto the ship, they’re there. When you're just doing something that they’re not even involved in, they’re freaking there. Also, they wear body armor, making them more resistant to hits as much as usual police, and they carry much stronger guns, so they can kill you pretty easily. And they always attack in huge groups and with helicopters. Some times, more than one. And they can also attack you in such small areas, and even the safe house isn’t safe from these guys. At least the police have standards

#8: Other Players from Mario Party

Okay, they may not be enemies, but they are still pretty annoying. In Mario Party, this game has been notorious for the game that destroyed friendships worldwide. In this game, the lives of your companions do not matter. You need to collect all of the stars and all of the coins and be the best like no one ever was. That’s easier said than done, as your opponents will risk their lives in order to take your coins and your stars. They will defeat you in mini-games, force you to give them your stuff in Chance Time, lose it all to other characters, and just laugh at your face in the end when they take the lead and win the game, as they stand on the podium, laughing at your defeat. And to think that you are allies with these people. This is the worst party I’ve ever been to, and I don’t get to go to many parties

#7: Creepers from Minecraft

Imagine yourself, building a huge civilization, or maybe a huge castle that touches the sky. You have been working on this for the past seven hours. Your hands are sweating, your eyes are burning, you have to go to the bathroom, you skipped lunch for this, but you have finally managed to get that castle you wanted finished. Then, suddenly, a green creature comes along and blows up the entire thing, making all your progress worthless…. That is the Creeper for you. The Creepers are both annoying and the most horrifying thing in the entire franchise. This is because, when you are making the biggest fort ever, these things come along, with the intent to destroy your lives work, even if they have to sacrifice their lives for it. And trust me, they are willing to take you with them if you are not careful. Just hearing that hissing sound at night is enough to scare any Minecraft player to death. And this is why Creative Mode was made.

#6: Medusa Heads from Castlevania

Oh my god, you all knew I had to talk about these things sooner or later. The Medusa Heads have one purpose and one purpose only. To utterly piss you off, and they did a perfect job at it. They move around up and down in a pattern that, despite learning it, and having the classic Castlevania players have their pattern memorized forever, their pattern is still hard to avoid. And in Castlevania, they also have knock back, having you jump back whenever you get hurt by enemies, so when the Medusa Heads come along, they are made to knock you off the ledges and kill you in one hit. But the worst I’ve seen is in Symphony of the Night, because, despite the fact that being knocked off the ledge would result in a long climb back up, but then there are the stone ones, which not only counts as a hit, but can petrify you and give you another hit from nearby enemies. Why Medusa has so many freaking heads, I don’t know, but I wish she’d stop sending them flying toward me

#5: Like-Like from Legend of Zelda

There are quite a few Zelda enemies, but rarely did I run into any that annoyed me…. And then the Like-Like’s came into existence. These things are literally just another way to make you use the rupees. Granted, rupees are never really used because you can find a lot of useful stuff for free. But that doesn’t excuse these guys from stealing my tunic and shield. Like-Like’s are very few in this game, so thank goodness for that, but for the few times you do meet them is enough to drive me mad. You need to attack the Like-Like in very small swipes and do some damage to them. But don’t even think about getting greedy. If you stay close to it for too long, it will devour you, and spit you out, but not before taking your shield or special tunics. You’d better kill those things fast, because if you don’t, you will lose those items, and you will have to go and get them again. And you can run into a Like-Like in the dreaded Water Temple, and it can take your Blue Tunic, which is a very useful item in this temple, so that is just totally unfair. And of course, they appear again in Majora’s Mask. But only in the ocean, so don’t worry about them there too much

#4: Eagles from Far Cry 4

Like I said, I have never played Ninja Gaiden, so I can not include the falcons from that game on here. However, I still can include their equally annoying new gen counterparts. The eagles in this game must really hate the protagonist if they are really willing to go out of their way to swoop down and try to kill them. And trust me, for a couple of animals, they are deadly. They are able to swoop down really fast, and when they grab you, they aren’t going to let go without a fight. And what a fight, because they are just so annoying, because not only are they small targets, but they are incredibly fast, and they will always fly around you, making it hard to even land a hit with anything. And before you know it, they’ll be on you once again, trying to peck your eyes out. Their so annoying, in fact, that not only did Kotaku do an entire article on the eagles, but “Far Cry 4 Eagles Annoying” has been Google searched so much, that it is to be expected when typing anything Far Cry related. And I thought I was playing Far Cry 4, not Hitchcock’s The Birds game.

#3: Poison Headcrabs from Half-Life 2

I can handle the normal Headcrabs. Yes, they can get a little annoying what with jumping around, but I never found it too bad. The Poison Headcrabs are a totally different story. Just looking at these things is enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. But trust me, the sight alone is nothing compared to their attack. When they leap at you, they don’t just damage you. Yeah, that would be bad enough, but no. They bring your entire health down to one. You only have one hit point before death. And it does not matter how much health you have. Even if you are at full health, you will still be dropped to one hit point. Oh, but it get’s worse. Just take a look at the Poison Headcrab Zombies, who carry three of these things on them at once and will happily chuck them at you just to poison you. I mean for goodness sake, not only are they deadly, but they can be thrown like footballs to your general location. Even on roofs, they can make it up there. And this is why we don’t go to Ravenholm

#2: Cliffracers from Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

I had to put these guys here. And how could I not. They’re the bane of every Morrowind players existence. These things are a lot harder to hit, as they float above ground. It makes it real hard to hit them, but they are still able to hit you, and they will. Oh, but trust me, there’s a lot more. If you thought one was bad enough, try an entire army of them. And yes, there can be an entire army of these things, just flying above you, making that dreaded sound, as you try your best to hit them with arrows or cast magic on them. And they are also everywhere in the entire game. And I don’t mean just a couple of areas. I mean every region in the entire game has at least one army of Cliffracers, waiting to attack you. Oh, but the worst part, and I mean the absolute worst part of these things is something that could have been avoided. In this game, whenever you level up, you get stronger. However, to keep the challenge, the game was made to where the enemies level up with you. So, when you get stronger, the enemies get stronger. And yes, that includes the damn Cliffracers. So unlike any other RPG, in this one, you are unable to weaken these things with stats. So what could possibly be worse…. Oooooh boy

#1: Skeleton Wheel from Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a hard game. Hard, but it never feels unfair… But there are a few expectations. Theres the Crystal Caves, Bed of Chaos…. And these things. These things are the worst part of the worst level, the Catacombs. In fact, these enemies are what makes the Catacombs the worst level in the entire game. What is it that makes these things terrible? Well, let’s see. What happens is that these enemies are always attacking you in packs of six or seven. While that wouldn’t be too bad, what makes it bad is that these enemies have a constant barrage of attacks. It wouldn’t be too bad, but the problem is that they will constantly attack you, running our your stamina. Even with the Greatshield of Artorias, which is regarded as the best shield in the game, it is no use against them. And once that stamina is gone, you might as well take the beating, because trust me, they do NOT stop. And you can’t even attack them, don’t even bother. And this is because they are so fast, they will just ride away before you can hit them. Only to have them ride back toward you, ready to attack you again. The only way you are going to survive your encounter with these enemies is to just run away, and do your best to dodge them. Trust me, you can not fight them or block them, so running is the only way to survive. And still, that may not be good enough, because, like I said, they are fast, and they are ready to murder you, and they just may succeed in their vendetta. But the worst part of these enemies is that they were the enemies that almost made me give up on Dark Souls. With every other enemy on the list, they were bad, but I never felt like forever abandoning the game. But with these guys, I was about ready to give up on Dark Souls forever, and never experience a great game such as this. I only kept playing because I went to a different area, beat that area, and managed to beat the Catacombs, finally finishing this hard game. If an enemy can nearly cause me to nearly forever abandon a game, then they deserve the top spot of most annoying video game enemies.

Well, there you have it. Did you enjoy the list? Tell me what you thought of it. With that said, I will see you all next time
Nate: (Inside school with Emma and Chris) Okay, everyone be very quiet
Chris: .......................... I'm hungry man. When an we get some breakfast
Nate: Damn it, Chris. I said be quiet
Chris: Hey, I skipped breakfast this morning
Nate: No, you ate breakfast. You just smoked pot and now you have the munchies
Chris: Eh, same thing
Nate: Lets just try to get somewhere sa-
David: (Comes by on skateboard) Woo-hoo (Rides skateboard through halls, being followed by two Punks on skateboards) (Stops skateboards in front of Nate, Chris, and Emma)
David: Hey, old man
Nate: I'm twenty one
David: Whatever, old...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Song: link

The circle slides in from the right, followed by Windwaker's name. A bolt of lightning hits the circle
The circle slides in from the right, followed by Windwaker's name. A bolt of lightning hits the circle

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & WindWakerGuy430 Present

Men: *Racing hot rods*

Six Shooters 2

Men: *Racing in other hot rods*

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
WindWakerGuy430 as Harry Penn
Ashleigh Ball as Camryn Jones
Kristen Bell as Amy Penn
John Pankow as Captain Ford

Also Starring

Mark Salling as Frank Sullivan
Scott Caan as Alec Baker
Joseph May as Tommy Ten
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So horror movies…. I’m seeing a lot of movie, not a lot of horror. It takes a lot for me to be disturbed by a movie nowadays. Books have the ability to let you think about the horror and let you imagine it yourself, and video games let you experience it from a first hand perspective, but movies are not the best with making you feel scared. Even the good horror movies don’t do a good job at being scary. However, there is a subgenre out there that uses low budget and haunting imagery to give it a disturbing feeling. The world of exploitation horror films. So, today, on Hallow’s Eve, I...
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So let’s just get this out of the way while there is still time. I love the Persona franchise. I was planning on doing a big project with it, but now isn’t the right time, so… later. But for now, let’s talk about the first of a few Persona games that will be appearing on the list. And what better game to talk about than one that mashes both of my loves into one. Persona and Fighting games. It’s Persona 4 Arena Ultimax baby!
The story is a follow up to Arena, the first one, which I have not played (oops). It involves an event known as the P1 Climax, a fighting tournament that...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

Back when I was just a wee lad that had first stepped into the world of fighting games and thought Melee was the greatest fighting game in the world, the word Soul Calibur got thrown around quite a bit. I was told it was something unique to itself, allowing weapons. And then I was reminded of Mortal Kombat: Deception, but Soul Calibur is better known for weapon fighting. So the chance I got to play Soul Calibur V, I hated it. I hated the story, the characters, and the lack of major features, and decided to let this game die. But after some time, and realizing that Soul Calibur III was...
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So, Resident Evil VII’s Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLC came out recently. I could be reviewing that… But I also could review a totally different Resident Evil game from over a decade ago… Yeah, let’s do that one instead. So, despite that Resident Evil VII got some new DLC, I want to review another Resident Evil game. One that seems to have a massive divide in the community of the Resident Evil fanbase. Some people like this game while others don’t. And no, it isn’t Resident Evil 5 or Resident Evil: Revelations. Instead, it’s the first controversial pick, Resident Evil Zero.

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Nik was able to best the Anistar City Gym Leader, Olympia. Though despite her boring Mercury to sleep and her Pokemon being laming-it-out-fucks, Nik was able to defeat her with few problems and claim the Anistar City Badge, giving him seven badges and only one more for him to get.

In the not-so-exciting duel with Olympia, Emeritus II was able to evolve from a nothing Litwick into an on-the-road-to-something Lampent. The Chandelure will be there soon enough.

While trying to defeat Team Flare and their leader in their secret base, Nik ran into the Team Flare scientist, Xerosic. In the constant...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: GM
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Tom Kenny: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 1: Pilot

Every character that appears will have a link to their picture. Here is Mr. Nut's picture: link

Mr. Nut: *In The Nut House* Welcome everyone, I'm Mr. Nut. The owner of this fine establishment, The Nut House. Now you're probably wondering, what is The...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin.

Celestia: Once upon a time, in a world full of faggots, also known as America. There were two horses with wings, and horns, (One of them is me) and they acted like they raised two objects that moved entirely by their selves. To do this, I acted like I was moving the sun. The other horse with wings, and...
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Hello everyone, and today, I want to talk about one of my most cherished childhood shows. That would be Ed Edd n Eddy. This show was about three kids, named Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who were always trying to scam the other kids of the cul-de-sac out of there money, only to fail in the end. The reason I loved this show was because of how real it felt, along with its colorful cast of characters, and well drawn atmosphere, and the witty humor. But, I thought to myself "What are my most favorite episodes"? So, today, I present to you my ten favorite Ed, Edd, n Eddy episodes. And remember, its all my...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
So remember when I started Corner of Horror and talked about Five Nights at Freddy’s, a horror game that I just cannot stand yet it managed to get a whole lot of publicity and popularity? Yeah, I still don’t like it. But if anything created an even bigger fandom, it had to be the indie game, Undertale. But unlike Five Nights at Freddy’s, I actually like Undertale. In fact, I love Undertale. Let’s talk about why I love Undertale so much.

Undertale takes place in a world filled with humans and monsters. After a war broke out, the monsters were forced underground and were separated...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So back when I was a young kid, before I was big into fighting games, me and my brothers only had two options of games to play. We had either Street Fighter II, and Mortal Kombat: Deception. And looking back… yeah, Street Fighter II held up way better. But we still loved Mortal Kombat. We loved the characters (That weren’t new to Deception anyway, except Kenshi), we loved the brutal finishers, and we loved the world of Mortal Kombat so much. I just wish it was more refined. And then Netherrealm Studios happened.
Mortal Kombat 9 (I know it’s just called Mortal Kombat, but screw that...
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Hello, everyone, and happy Halloween. And tonight, we have a very special movie. Or a really bad one. I usually write these intros before I start the film, but that’s not the point. I know that The Fly wasn’t even up for a while, but I just couldn’t wait to talk about this film. So consider this a double feature, to celebrate the Halloween season. A friend of mine told me about this movie, and that the best way to describe it was “The Goonies for horror fans”. And I love The Goonies, so, for the final movie of Cultober, let’s take a look at 1987’s Monster Squad.

Not even...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Girls: *Playing Rock & Roll music* Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Which is Japanese for, which is Japanese for... *Drum solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime!

Episode 3: Taco Bell

A new restaurant opened up in town. Everyone was excited to see it.

Alinah: *Walks towards the entrance* Ooh, Taco Bell. *Floats into the store*
Eula: *Watching Alinah float into the store* Oh, hey Alinah.
Alinah: Hi Eula.
Eula: Guess what I just ordered.
Alinah: There's a lot to choose from. I don't know if I can guess.
Eula: Alright,...
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Nate: (Drives car down street in city)
Emma: So, do you know any place we can hide, Nate
Nate: Well, we just need to find a place with enough supplies. You know, with food and weapons
Chris: Oh, well, I know this one guy who-
Nate: No, Chris. We are never letting you choose the hiding place ever agai- (Body hits the hood of the car) HOLY CRAP (Stops car)
Emma: What was that
Nate: (Looks out window to see people jumping off buildings) Oh, that isn't good
Leroy: (Walks down street with protesters) (Stops in front of there car) Hey, guys. Would you like to sign for the rights of our undead brothers
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As of the time this is released, a huge rumor has gone around America that clowns are stalking and terrorizing everyone in the country. It started out small at first, but things only increased as more and more of these clowns were found. News media began to follow all of these clowns movements, and schools were closed due to being so worried about the clowns, one of the more recent sightings being in Cincinnati Ohio, which is way too close to where I live. So, with all these rumors of clowns going around, I think now is a good time to talk about Stephen King’s It…… Nah, just kidding....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Canterlot Highway Patrol is a very busy organization, protecting everyone on, and around the highways of Canterlot. Of course, there are some ponies that despise them, and call these police ponies Chips, or chippies for short.

Jon Baker, and Frank Poncherello, two CHP officers, were riding Harley Davidson motorcycles on one of the highways.

Jon: *Riding his motorcycle next to Frank* It sure is a nice day.
Frank: Not just with the weather, but with the activity. Things are going easy for us.

A blue GT500 passed them going over 80.

Jon: *Rides his motorcycle after the car*
Frank: *Following...
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