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posted by Windwakerguy430

So, Halo 2 was a pretty good game, I don’t think anyone will deny that. But I always realized something. There was a two at the end. So where could I find a copy of the first one. Every retailer I went to as a kid had Halo 2 everywhere, but little copies of Halo 1. And then, one day, I finally got my hands on it. And it was even better (In some ways).
I think the reason I liked Halo 1 better than Halo 2, despite Halo 2 clearly being a step up, both graphic wise and variety wise, was just how mysterious and mystical Halo 1 felt in a way. The game opens up with Master Chief being woken up from sleep, then the ship gets attacked by the Covenant, than before long, he’s going through vast open forests with giant monoliths, mountain ranges in the dark, swamps, and all sorts of places. I guess the level variety here was more interesting to me than say Halo 2 with dilapidated ruins and science fiction structure. I remember being amazed by the vast landscape of the level after leaving the ship, feeling intimidated when entering the Covenant spaceship, feeling horrified when entering the swamp with the Flood, feeling like I wanted to rip out 343’s fucking eyeball when we got to the terrible Library level that goes on and on and on. The game just made me feel so small when looking at the sky and seeing the many different planets, and of course, the giant ring known as Halo in the games lore. It was so much fun to just look into this game. Everything felt like a mystery to me that I needed to solve. I even ask my friends, one of which is a huge Halo fan, and we discussed this game for hours. Maybe it was the experience of learning and understanding the lore of the game that made me love it so much. It couldn’t be those realistic graphics, because… ugh. Chief, you’re looking as plastic as your action figures. And of course, we all know how OP the handgun and needler was back in those online days. Man, those were the days, I tell you.
Halo: Combat Evolved, graphically, did not hold up, but I’d be damned if I said it wasn’t a true classic among the sixth generation. It was clear that Microsoft had found their mascot in some way or another, and I can’t blame them. What a true classic that 343 would totally not fuck up… ever!
As I said. This is based off the first story I EVER made, originally written in the time Call of Duty 3 came out (2006).
And it's inspired by the game.. Epically the character, Sgt Eric Rock, who was originally based off Call of Duty 3's character Sgt Frank MucCullin.


Nazi's had attacked and destroyed a village, Thomas James Crow was the only lone survivor. He witnessed the town being destroyed and Nazi's killing the villagers including his parents, who were killed by one particular Nazi named LT Hassan, a cold hearted man, who has a large black mustache (what looks...
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Come little children
Come with me.
I’ll take you to a land
Of fantasy
Please little children
Don’t you cry
Hypno wouldn’t even
Hurt a fly
Please little children
Don’t you squirm
These ropes, I know
Will hold you firm
I know I said
This isn’t true.
But sadly,
Hypno lied to you
Now, little children
You weren’t clever
Now you’re trapped with me
And then the police broke in, beat me up, and arrested me on several accounts of attempted pedophilia. I guess I should have tied them up in a cave instead of a big white van with candy in the back
posted by Windwakerguy430
Anchorman: And so, it is proven that, after zombies entered the bunker, there are no survivors left in fortune city. The military has ordered a firebombing later today. So, for those of you outside the city, you better enjoy the view while it lasts. I mean those bombs will do some fucked up shit to that place. I'm mean its gonna fuck that place up......... Now for sports.
Chuck: Dear god....... I think I left the water running at home.
Stacey: I can't believe were gonna die.
Sullivan: I know. I'm gonna die... With you assholes. I would rather have suffocated to death in shit, then die in a bunker...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and today, I thought since I did a top ten favorite anime list, I should do a top ten most hated. Now, what are some of the worst anime I have ever seen. Well, lets find out. (Nite, I have only seen three bad animes, so I looked online to find some bad ones. Just to let you guys know)

10: Midori Days - Now, this is an anime that just has a stupid concept. It is about a gangster who can't get a girlfriend, until one day, his goddamn hand turns into a cute girl.... Just... What. I would have let this slide if it weren't for the stupid characters and cheesy plot. Sure, it is a romantic...
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???: what is the status?

Guy: I got a extra life!

???: ... anything on the war?

Dex: we're back! with only fatal wounds!

???: Henry! what did they say?

Henry: they would support us

???: oh thank god! we must prepare for are attack then...

Dex: you know, this is slightly less of a hellhole than Germany...

Henry: not true... London and a few cities around it are the only places that are not burned to the ground or in chaos

Dex: well fuc*

Henry: until he surrenders the world is another hell

???: then we will stomp Dominic into a bloody pulp til he does surrenders!

Henry: God save the queen!

Dex: God save the world...
Video game characters. Let me tell you, there are quite a lot out there who everyone hates for good reason. I already did a whole list about my hated ones. They are all hated for being horribly uncreative, terrible to be around, or just overall douchebags. But, what about those video game characters that you feel gets a lot of undeserved hate. I mean, there are just some of those video game character that I see get so much hate, yet, I wonder, what is so bad about them. So, today, we will be looking at ten overhated video game characters. Rules, as usual. Only games that I have played, and...
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Dear God. It seems that, no matter what fanfic I read, in some way or another I find disgusting, immature sex or rape or, fuck, both. And, it's no different in Lara Croft on Cannibal Island.
We instantly start with Lara in a cage in the middle of a tribe of cannibals... Okay, before we continue, I'd like to point out that the fanfic is called Lara Croft on Cannibal Island, but not Lara Croft Escapes from Cannibal Island.... You see where this is going, don't you. So, once she is presented to the tribe leader, she gets forced to drink.... I don't even know. Once she does, though, she then gets...
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Okay, so what the hell is this all about? Well, this is PS2 Cents, but where I talk about games in a shorter quantity. Basically, shorter, more condensed reviews but you get five games reviewed. This is basically for games I had very little to talk about, did not finish due to reasons, or didn’t want to finish because the game was hot garbage. I dunno. This helps get reviews out faster and allows me to focus on the bigger reviews. We’ll start in alphabetical order and work our way from there. Starting with…


Okay, so let me start out by saying this. This game is already infinitely...
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Welcome to Love & Death Corporated, where our motto is “You Only Live Once”. What is Love & Death Co. You ask? Well, our job is to simple. Are you familiar with death? Yes, it is a scary concept, no doubt about that, but death is not always the end of things. When you die, darkness doesn’t await you. Depending on your soul in life, you could be deemed a good noodle and go into paradise, but if you are a bad egg, you will be thrown into the underworld. But, sometimes, just sometimes, there are runaway souls. When a person refuses to die, despite their time coming to an end, they...
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I am aware I am super late when it comes to talking about this movie, but I felt like that, now that I have analysed it, anal-ized it, and pretty much picked out everything about this film, I feel like now is the perfect time to discuss this film and see what it’s worth is. So with that being said, let’s talk about Spielberg

In the recent years, Steven Spielberg has been seen as an old coot who can’t make it with the times, hides all his bad writing behind a ton of CGI, and just some guy who should probably retire with all of his money and join the ranks of washed up directors like...
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You know, at this point, I don’t know why I bothered randomizing the movies for this whole event. But hey, at least I’m actually reviewing something rather than letting it all fall behind. So with that said, today we are talking about a rather unique film. One that is so strange, so niche, and yet, is probably one of the greatest horror films I’ve seen recently. It’s so good, it was actually an inspiration for the Silent Hill franchise, one of my favorites. So let’s gush- I mean review the 1990 classic, Jacob’s Ladder

The film follows Jacob Singer, a postal worker in 1975 and...
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added by -Universe_COLA-
On the 3rd Day, Nik was able to finally level up Mercury from the ugly Quilladin to the epic Chesnaught. After hours of grinding, many trips to the Pokemon Center, and a town's worth of dead Pokemon in their wake, Mercury had finally reached his final stage of evolution and became the walking tank, Chesnaught

After the Great Grind of Route 11, Bone Thug was able to evolve into a Marrowake. Nik planned to evolve more Pokemon, but he eventually got bored and moved on, thinking he grinded enough.

Reflection Cave showed no Pokemon, sadly. The cave was not without some joy, however, as both Kurt Cobain...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Hidden Gems, where we look at some of the most obscure games to see if they deserve more attention or if they should be forgotten about. Today, we will be looking at an very obscure game. Now, this game was so obscure, that it’s Wikipedia page is incredibly lacking. Like, wow, Beyond Good and Evil and Jet Set Radio Future were obscure, but at least they had useful Wikipedia pages (And yes, I know this shows how little my credibility is, but you gotta remember that you’re talking to a person who reviews obscure games. You just gotta take what information...
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Oh man, clichés. Usually, these exist in many forms of media, such as books, movies, anime, and in this special case, video games. And there are quite a lot of them….. And sometimes, that is not a good thing. Whenever a cliché is used constantly, it begins to get old… FAST! And I believe that video games have used bad clichés to death. I already talked about some terribly annoying ones in my past list, but this time, I got some new ones I want to talk about. Now, before I begin, here are some rules. These are clichés that only bother me. They may not be bad to you, but to me, I just...
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GTA is the closest we have ever gotten to a game based on reality… Or is it. As it turns out, there is a lot of moments in GTA that makes some of us notice how none of that can happen in real life. So, without any further delay, here is the five things in the Grand Theft Auto franchise that actually isn’t that real

#5: Everyone Can Fly Planes or Helicopters - Now, this is lower because some of these the characters are justified when it comes to flying planes or helicopters. Niko from GTA IV was in a war, and I am sure he flew a helicopter at one point or another, and Trevor from GTA V was...
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Hi, I'm Scootaloo, and I'm the narrator. Now that we got the terrible intro out of the way, it's time to start our fanfic which is a parody of Don't Swim On Sundays, Cupcakes, and Jeff The Killer.

I live with Rainbow Dash, and we were going to move into a very nice house by a cupcake factory. This story takes place in February, 2014.

Rainbow Dash: *Putting bags into the trunk of her car*
Scootaloo: Do we have enough room for my scooter?
Rainbow Dash: I think so. We basically have everything we need.
Scootaloo: *Puts her scooter in the trunk*
Rainbow Dash: *Closes trunk* What you really want...
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(And now images don’t work. This mixed with the inconsistent schedule, it’s like everything abut SWERY Month is fucking cursed. But it wouldn’t be truly SWERY related if there wasn’t a few technical hiccups here and there)

Oh man, it’s the game I was the most excited to talk about on here. I’m gonna level with you, everyone. When I played through Deadly Premonition, I didn’t get the appeal at first. I just thought it was a weird game with some charming dialogue and a decent setting. I was not super impressed with it like everyone else was. Sure, I grew on it eventually, obviously...
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Well, after some minor errors in the process, the SWERY Month marathon is back on track. Hopefully. The next review will be tomorrow and will hopefully be just as passionate as this one. We did not have a great start to this month, let’s just say, and I really apologize for that. A rather drab game that SWERY had little creative control over, that was a game I had no desire in playing, and was immediately followed by lots of personal stuff in life taking over. But thankfully, we can move on with the schedule and get on to better things from SWERY. Better things, such as the game that truly...
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Ah yes, Jenga, the fun childhood pastime of playing with a set of wooden blocks, because someone was just that bored. I never played much of the board game when it was at its peak of popularity. I was more of a CandyLand kid. Aw yeah, coming up on the Candy Cane Forest, motherfucker! But, I do understand the basic concept of the game, stacking bricks to make a tower and pulling them out and making sure it doesn’t topple over. What I don’t understand is making a full game for the Wii and selling it at full retail price. Who made this game and why would they make it. Oh wait, it’s an Atari...
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