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Ever since I was young, I’ve always enjoyed graffiti. I’ve never done graffiti in my life, or have any artistic skills at all, but I enjoy it. Maybe it was due to a combination of playing a lot of Jet Set Radio as a kid as well as seeing them when I was living around urban areas as a kid. Now do I condone the act of vandalism for the sake of graffiti….. Mmmmm legally can’t say. Basically, I love the free spirited nature of it and any game that can replicate graffiti is fine by me. And today we’ll be talking about Graffiti Kingdom… this game has absolutely nothing to do with graffiti. There’s art in it, sure, but nothing that really screams graffiti. Maybe it has to do with the looser term for it, the free spirited nature of drawing what you want. Or maybe because Drawing Kingdom or Art Kingdom sounded a little too generic. Regardless, Graffiti Kingdom is a game made by Taito and has music composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, who also did the music for Chrono Trigger, one of my favorite soundtracks from one of my favorite games. So how can you experience this great game? Well simple, just spend over a hundred dollars to get it. Now Graffiti Kingdom isn’t the most expensive game out there on the PS2, I promise more expensive ones exist, but man, I had to get a beat up copy that barely worked just to talk about it. And that alone cost me a good $50. Raidou Kuzunoha wasn’t even that pricey. Well, let’s see what we got and see if it’s worth a good chunk of my paycheck.

So in Graffiti Kingdom, you play as Prince Pixel, a rather lazy little shit who happens to come across a giant door that releases the Devil. And no, not some Demon King or anything. They flat out call the villain The Devil. I mean, sure, he’s not exactly all red skinned and threatening by any means, but just the fact that Shin Megami Tensei was hit with controversy about being a satanic game despite being rated M for “Not for fucking kids, goddammit”, but an E rated game like Graffiti Kingdom could get away with calling their antagonist The Devil is kinda funny to me. Anyway, with a magical wand in hand and an annoying sidekick named Pasel on his back, Pixel makes his way through the transformed castle to fight the Devil and save the kingdom. Now as I was reviewing this, it turns out that Graffiti Kingdom is part of a franchise, kinda. Graffiti Kingdom is actually a sequel to a game called Magic Pengel: Quest For Color. Maybe I’ll talk about that one day on PS2 Cents. Magic Pengel was more of a turn based game, but Graffiti Kingdom is all about an action experience where you attack enemies and level up after a few enemies are defeated. The game is simple. Go through the level, maybe get a curveball and solve some puzzles, fight the boss and move on to the next one. The gameplay is simple enough, but charming. The music has this wonder like feeling to it, and while it certainly ain’t no Chrono Trigger, it has this childlike innocence to it. And I did find myself loving the final boss theme. The level design is really nice too. Everything looks like little clay models or arts and crafts like a child made it in art class. It really does feel like an imagination of sorts. Even the characters have these textures that make them look like dolls without looking too uncanny and it’s only visible if you get a close up. It’s all really charming from a visual stand-point. And I like Pixel’s sort of rude, dickish personality. His dialogue is kinda filled with a tongue-in-cheek, almost self aware vibe that I kind of like. That said, the bickering between Pixel and Pastel got really grating for me after a while. I get it, you two are dumb kids. Get out of your phase and become shitty teens already. But where the game really shines, what everyone knows it for, is the drawing.
I love the drawing mechanic in this game. Now this isn’t super crazy with what you can do. There’s no super realistic looking skins or sets you can do. But what I love about it, what I find so amazing, is that the game lets you create whatever you want. You wanna make a giant pig beat with three eyes, go ahead. You wanna make a weird twelve legged crab demon, do it. You wanna make the biggest cock in the world. Go nuts. I think I spent three hours alone just creating all sorts of monsters. If I had this game when I was a kid, I would’ve loved it so much. This is the kind of stuff you should give to a kid playing video games. Give them something that can really show off their creativity. My favorite creatures to create consisted of Mike Wazowski, Plank from Ed, Edd n Eddy, the sleep paralysis demon, Mr. Krabs, and a little naked man with a knife. Yep, this is the Fuck Satan Squad right here. You can even edit their voices, their walk cycles, their attacks. It’s not an expansive amount, but this would really blow a kids mind away. And seeing the creation walk around like a dumbass is both hilarious but charming at the same time. And you will need these creations because Pixel can’t fight for shit in his base form. You can also use the ability of enemies you capture, which I didn’t really need… until the near end of the game, when I needed to both solve puzzles and also get enemies to fight the final bosses for me, because my creations sucked dick and the enemies I fought were way more powerful. I will say I like the enemy designs. They have really good puns and are pretty creative, also made using the same drawing technique. Some of them give me some Okage: The Shadow King vibes… and that’s always a good thing.
There will also be times where having the right creation will allow you to solve puzzles and get over obstacles depending on how you did. Sure, it’s fun to create a giant penis monster, but you also gotta be smart about it and figure out which monsters will work. If you see coins floating just out of reach, you need to get a long legged creature to jump up and get it. If you need to get through a closing door, get a creature with wheels to drive over to it. You also gotta know which creature to use in a boss fight. I was able to get through most fights with ease. Just keep wailing on the boss, or if they are faster than you, time it just right and get a few combos in. It’s pretty simple… except for this fucking asshole Telepin. Telepin will always jump around and stay just out of reach but jump close at just the right time to start comboing you and you can easily get comboed to death, especially when the floor does high damage magic attacks. It took me a good amount of time, energy, and grinding to beat her and this was pretty much the only roadblock I faced. Every other time I failed was just because I was too uppity to use enemys to get through the level, without realizing it was both easier and more worth my time to do so. That was the final boss… Or what I thought was the final boss.
So the fight with The Devil sucks. It is a two phase fight and it isn’t even that hard. In fact it’s pathetically easy. But the reason it becomes so much harder is because of the slow down. Graffiti Kingdom has an issue with slow down in some boss fights, but this is where it really hit its peak. Because of the constant barrage of bullshit the Devil throws at you mixed with the little minions, The Devil becomes this doable fight into an incredibly annoying one. I can’t stop getting killed by easy to dodge attacks because the slow down is so bad. I honestly think I glitched him out during the second phase which is why I was able to beat him. Because otherwise, I would not have been able to. Thankfully, the real final boss is nowhere near as annoying. It’s a challenge, for sure, having three phases, but it is more managable and even kinda fun. And if you die, you don’t have to fight The Devil again, so props for that. So technically, I cannot give this game the bonus award of Bad Final Boss because the real final boss is pretty alright. Consider yourself lucky, Graffiti Kingdom.
So that’s Graffiti Kingdom. It’s a decent kids game that I had fun with. A reasonable five hours to spend playing the game. Now is it worth $50… fuck no! Raidou Kuzunoha had some jank to it, but it was a fun game and with it being almost thirty hours, I’d say it was worth the price. Killer7, at leat on the Gamecube, is such a bizarre experience that I’d say it was worth $60, though minigated now that it’s on Steam for $20. Graffiti Kingdom is fun, but aside from the addictive drawing mechanic, it’s really not worth an insane price that it has. It is a five hour game, can be beaten in a day if you know what you’re doing, and it’s story is cute at best and forgettable at worst. It is far from being worth those prices, but worse games have been sold for much, much higher. If you can get this game for cheap, I’d say give it a try. I wouldn’t say go out and get it for the insane price people are peddling it for. It certainly ain’t worth it. I only bought it for a crazy price because…. I mean come on, I review PS2 games. You really think I’m using that money for something useful like paying bills or getting car insurance. What are you, crazy? So with that, I give the game the Award of Simple But Clean. Inoffensive, charming, but nothing too mind blowing. The drawing mechanic and playing with your creations is a ton of fun, but other than that, it’s a simple JRPG. Fun, but nothing too crazy and certainly won’t be a high priority for you.
You know what’s a setting that indie developers really seem to like? The cyberpunk genre. I’m not complaining, I love that stuff too. But I have like three games played that are cyberpunk, and I am pretty sure I have more waiting to be played that are also taking place in that setting. And naturally, I thought I would review the one I played first on here before the others. And low and behold, it is one that many people have talked about before, VA-11 HALL-A, pronounced Valhalla.

VA-11 HALL-A is set in a cyberpunk world, where corporations decide the fate of humans, where everyone...
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Oh boy, we still got some Cultober to go through, everybody. Or at the least, we’ve reached the ranking moment for these movies. I think we had a good haul this season. We had a few goodies, a few mehs, and some trash in the mix. But it was mostly a good first year. So let’s talk about the movies, talking about the worst ones and then making our way to the good ones, and what I recommend for ones viewing pleasure. Oh, and I will be rating this film on a ten outta ten scale, 5 points for how scary or spooky the film is and another 5 for how enjoyable it is. So there’s a chance I may like...
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Our protagonist.... named "Boy", because his parents never loved him, was looking through the assortment of treasure (And by treasure, I mean a bunch of garbage not even a homeless man would want) at a yard sale. Suddenly, he found a cartridge lying on the table written in black marker "Majora's Mask". Since Boy has not played Majora's Mask in ages, he decided to buy the game from the old man which looked 90% like a serial killer and 10% a pedophile.
"How much does this game cost?, said Boy.
The Old Man stroked his moustache, because he really liked to do that, and said, "Oh, it's free".
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Here’s another list, because twenty lost games wasn’t enough. There was way too much games that were lost for several reasons. You’d think that in this day and age, it would be hard to lose a game with the level of internet access we have. But no, there are still hundreds of games out there, that never made it to consoles, and probably will stay that way. There was just way too much to leave out, I just had to make a second list, continuing the discussion on lost video games that were either eventually found, have some evidence of their existence, or are so obscure, you probably wouldn’t...
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Okay, let’s just get the most controversial opinion out of the way. Let’s talk about the biggest horror game franchise of this year, and maybe even of all time, also being the video game franchise that I… well… How do I put this… I don’t like Five Nights at Freddy’s
(And thus, Wind was never heard from again. They say his screams as the fans tore him apart could still be heard in his house to this very day)
Yeah, just saying that I don’t like this game is like a black man at a Klan meeting. You don’t do it unless you're suicidal. So, why am I doing it then? Because somebody...
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Yet another fanfic about a show I never had the chance to watch. Now, from what I know, this fanfic is based off of the hit anime, Sailor Moon... A show in which I never got around to watching because I'm an idiot that never looks at popular stuff. Anyway, this fanfic here, named Rini's Horrible Death, is a huge piece of shit that I'm surprised I actually got through it without wanting to find the actul sorce for this fanfic and burn every bit of it. Lets begin, shall we?
So, the whole fanfic is about a character from the show named Serena is getting fed up with Rini always getting in the way...
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What do you get when you take a beloved cartoon and mix it with some of the worst fanfics known to man... you get Dipper Goes to Taco Bell
You can tell just from reading that title that this is stupid. This is a Gravity Falls fanfic, and a bad one at that. Now, let me start off by saying I have not had the luck to watch Gravity Falls. Of course, I am willing to give the show a try, but, for the moment, I have no clue what the show is, or who the characters are, so, if I make a mistake involving the show, then, don't get mad. Just remember, I have not watched this show yet. Anyway, the fanfic...
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So the punk scene, what a scene it is. Big mohawks, piercings, and a bad attitude that all those movies and annoyed parents warned us about. But seriously, it’s not all that. Nowadays, punk has become nothing more than a front for stores like Hot Topic to make a quick buck off of and unless your Green Day, most of your venues are a small bar if they’re lucky. What is the kind of thing punk is mistaken for, what is it really, and just what happened to it all? Well, that’s what I am here to talk about today. Sadly, don’t expect a huge analysis on this one. This is merely a myriad of thoughts...
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added by Seanthehedgehog

So let’s talk about Grand Theft Auto… Okay, this is not gonna be easy to discuss. I never really enjoyed the gameplay of IV or even V. I think it was too real, if that makes any sense. It felt weighted down, and just kinda dull for me. I like the characters, I like the story, and I like the witty humor and satire of the modern world, but man, was the gameplay not doing it for me. But then I went back and tired out some older GTA games from the past, and yeah, this is definitely what I prefered. And let’s start with one of my favorites, Vice City.
The story is simple if you watched...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition to Whatever Happened To... , where we look at gaming’s biggest flops, failures, and flub ups. And today, we’re all bitches! According to gaming’s biggest burnout, John Romero. And anyone who knows about worst games ever, knows exactly what we’re gonna be talking about. The N64 hype disaster, 2000s Daikatana.

Daikatana is an infamous game, for many reasons, and follows the story of feudal Japan in the future, rival clans, and the evil sword that is way lamer than Soul Edge, Daikatana. Before we talk about what a steaming pile of cow...
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Okay, let me just get this out of the way, right now. The Devilman run is one of the silliest things I think I've ever seen. I can't handle looking at this without laughing. It's the stupidest thing ever and I love it. But, that aside, let us discuss the Netflix original anime, Devilman: Crybaby, and why people have gotten so excited when talking about it.

Devilman: Crybaby is a ten episode Netflix original anime. Now, there haven't been much Netflix original animes. Including this one, there's about... three.... One of them being Neo Yokio. Oh, now that's true terror. Anyway, Devilman:...
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~A Desire of Knowledge~
*Benny was sitting at his desk, the lab that he sat within by his lonesome was dark except for the single computer in front of him, lingering over him, the glare hitting his face as he worked in the night. The cool, autumn wind blew through the open window and brushed against him as he continued to work. A strange phenomenon was going on in the world of science. A strange artifact was found floating amongst space. It was something that no one on their own could tell what it was. The thought of what it could be drove Benny to utter hysteria, as he was obsessed on finding...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

People: *Watching the 2016 Powerpuff Girls*

Stop the song, and play this sound effect: link

Tom Kenny: *Appears on the TV screen, and talks in his narrator voice* Ladies, and gentlemen, you finally get to see my gorgeous face. Also, you shouldn't be tortured by the reboot. I'm going to tell you the real story about the Powerpuff Girls.

Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards...
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Video games have a huge variety of enemies. Some range from simple and weak, like Halo’s Grunts, some range from pretty hard but fun like the Black Knights from Dark Souls, and some are just fun to attack. But then… there are THOSE enemies. You know the ones, the ones that seem to only exist just to piss the player off, due to how annoying they are. Yeah, those ones. So, today, I want to share with you all the enemies from video games that brought me the worst kind of pain possible. First, some rules. Only from games that I have played, so no Falcons from Ninja Gaiden. Also, only one enemy...
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added by Windwakerguy430






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Hello, everyone, and welcome to Wind’s Story Time. Today’s story; Wind and Pneumonia.
So the earliest memory I ever recall having is when I was only three years old and I had pneumonia. Yeah, what a great early memory. I remember getting this from walking outside in the snow without proper equipment. Needless to say, I thought it was just a cold… Oh, was I wrong. Instead, what happened was that I got one of the worst fevers ever. For those of you with the flu who think you got it bad, trying being a walking hazard zone at the age of three. I’m not even kidding, I was literally a quarantine...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: Okay, Professor, I think I’ll take a Charmande-
Wind: Okay, nevermind. I’ll take a Baulbasua-
Wind: Screw it, give me a Squirtl-
Wind: Okay, you know what, screw it. I’ll just buy a Pokeball and find some random Pokemon in the grass or something (Leaves)

Little Girl: Hey, you looked at me funny
Wind: Well, duh. You’re a spoiled brat who thinks she owns the whole dirt road. I’m obviously not gonna look at you like you’re a human being with rights
Little Girl: I challenge you to a battle
Wind: Um… Okay (Enters...
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Komoli: Hey, you want to play my game
Link: Uh... no
Komoli: Please, play my game........ No one does. Please play it
Link: Fine...... Give me fifty rupees
Komoli: Okay
Link: Really?
Komoli: Yeah, I don't give a shit. As long as you play my game
Link: Okay (Plays game) Well, this was... a surprisingly fun game
Komoli: Hey, thanks. Hey, can you help
Link: And I was just starting to like you
Komoli: I need you to go and find my new employee. His names Baito
Link: Okay
Komoli: You can't miss him. He's outside... and he's the only guy here other than you who isn't a bird person
Link: Got it
(Later, outside)
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