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Gender: female
Alter Ego: Circe Valkyrie
Aliases: Circ (pronounced: sirs)
Known Locations: Star City
Personality: witty, smart, funny, mischievous (like her namesake)
Appearance: medium blue body suit with a silver crescent moon on the chest, a glowing silver chain as a belt and thigh high blue boots. Eyes are pure green and lips are silver. When in silver form, the pants some how shrink into a leotard and her skin turns into silver, along with her hair.
Civvies: Mostly just faded jeans with whatever top looks best with them and sometimes a pair of headphones. Green iris', normal lips.
Likes: Music <3, her family (genetic and otherwise), partying, English (the subject), Math
Dislikes: bullies, players, jocks (she’ll kick their asses) (Connor doesn’t count), liars
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5’9
Weight: 124 lbs
Powers: can turn her whole body to silver, shape shifting “twele-pathy” (twin telepathy), can “meld” her metal with her brothers, making it an invincible armor
Weakness: When melded with brother, only one of them gets the armor, and if the one without the armor is knocked out or killed, the metal will retreat from whoever is wearing it. Has to see or have a mental picture of who or what she is going to shift into to do so. Science.
Story: When she was young, her and her brother where in a plane crash with their parents, that to some miracle, they survived. Their parents, on the other hand, weren’t that fortunate. At the age of 6, the twins were adopted by Dinah Lance and her boyfriend, Oliver “Ollie” Queen, multi-billionaire.

Gender: male
Alter Ego: Dustin Valkyrie
Aliases: Dus, Dust, “Techy”
Known Locations: Star City
Personality: protective, funny, very intelligent, can be a prankster at times
Appearance: teal body suit with golden star on the chest, golden chain as a belt with mid-calf high boots, pure green eyes and hair slicked back. When in gold form, the pants somehow turn into shorts and skin turns to gold, along with his hair.
Civvies: Usually wears his favorite black, fur lined jacket with a nice vest and a tank top underneath. For a guy, he is surprisingly trendy. Green iris'.
Likes: politics, debates, soccer, M’gann (Shhhh. Secret!), his family (genetic and otherwise)
Dislikes: guys who hit on his sister, liars, has an unusual dislike of
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5’10
Weight: 127 lbs
Powers: can turn his whole body to gold, technopathy, “twele-pathy”, can “meld” his metal with his sisters to create an impenetrable armor.
Weakness: When melded with sister, only one of them gets the armor, and if the one without the armor is knocked out or killed, the metal will retreat from whoever is wearing it. Cannot animate technology. Art.
Story: When he was young, his and his sister where in a plane crash with their parents, that to some miracle, they survived. Their parents, on the other hand, weren’t that fortunate. At the age of 6, the twins were adopted by Dinah Lance and her boyfriend, Oliver “Ollie” Queen, multi-billionaire.

Sneak Peek!!!! :
I shifted and suddenly looked like her. I stepped forward.
“Recognized Black Canary 09” a computer said
“Clearance, Dustin Valkyrie” I said. As I walked through the glowy thing. As I entered, I shifted back to normal. Dustin followed. We walked into a huge cave. I walked to the center of the room and looked around.
“Ahem” someone said. I spun on my heel and found Dinah standing with Green Arrow.
“Oh crap” I muttered. I shifted into a cheetah and sprinted to the circle thingy, but an unknown force grabbed me and Green Arrow shot a net on Dustin. I struggled, then morphed back to normal.
“We are so dead” I muttered. Dinah came over, tapping her foot, arms crossed across her chest. Green Arrow mimed her.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” she demanded
“Following you” I said simply
“Why?” she asked. It was clear she was trying to keep her temper under control.
“Because you’re never around much anymore and we missed you. It feels like you’re avoiding us” I said, playing victim.
“Enough with the victim act” she snapped. I guess Dinah knows a bull-shiter when she see’s one.
Circe Valkyrie
Circe Valkyrie
Dustin Valkyrie
Dustin Valkyrie
posted by FangYJ
               That's all Fang felt when he opened his eyes to blinding lights. He shifted around, noticing the cuts that were across his face, including the one that stretched from his left eye and the way down past his lips. His hair was stuck together in the back from all the blood. Fang coughed and wincing from feeling his newly cracked ribs, he looked to the right staring at a IV drip that was in his arm.
"Nyah, wha?" Fang managed to croak out.
"Don't strain yourself." A woman in a labcoat re-adjusted the restraint around Fangs wrist. 
"No no dearie. You're in Dr....
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posted by Punk__Heart
Please don't shoot me

Name: Kaleb Anton

Alias: Arkana

Age: 17

Alliance: Hero

Appearance: shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, 5'10", pale skin

Personality: kind, caring, withdrawn, doesn't trust people easily, stubborn, brave

Powers: He has transformation powers that allow him to alter his appearance, martial arts, fights with a bow staff with a hidden blade

Bio: His life as a kid was normal, he went to school, he helped at his dad's shop. When he was sixteen he left his family after discovering his powers. He trained for a year abroad before joining the team
random pic (thanks R_L)
random pic (thanks R_L)
hidden blade bow staff
hidden blade bow staff
posted by Mclovin_69
(( Gotham City 6:34 PM November 12th, 2012))

He jumped a building as a cop shouted for him to stop, it amused him the cop actually thought he was going to stop. He shot his grappling hook and swung of the building " yeeha!!! " he shouted out laughing and shot a grappling hook from his other wrist compartment and swung from building to building, people wondered why he always ran if only they could be in his shoes and know all hes been through than maybe they would understand. Suddenly he was shot back into the side of a building and cracked the glass he crashed into, his eyes widened as he saw...
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posted by Robin_Love
The magic seeped inside, whispering in her heart, speaking out. Surrender. She chanted her spell again, fighting the urge to regain control of her magic. She had to do this. This was the reason she had been chosen. She was a fighter, but the best warrior had the humility to rescue anyone in danger despite the chance of risking their own lives. She had been trained, she'd known her life led up to this moment. She was strong on her own but there were weaknesses that had never been overlooked. Now it was time to let them all go; even if she took her life with them.

She felt the wind rush along...
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posted by The_Writer
The World Premiere of Divided We Fall is right around the corner, this Saturday to be exact! I have everything for the premiere completely done (except one story I'm debating on).

Now, how will this premiere work? Immediately following the mid-season premiere of Young Justice Invasion, the "Prologue" to Divided We Fall will be published. Here's a schedule to keep you on track:

Sept. 29th:
"Ominous Prophecy"

Sept. 30th:
"Diabhal Part 1"
"Diabhal Part 2"

Oct. 1st:
"Trapper Part 1"

Oct. 2nd:
"Trapper Part 2"

Oct. 3rd:
"Trapper Part 3"

Oct. 4th:
"Trapper Part 4"

Oct. 5th:
"Trapper Part 5"

Oct. 6th:
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
Was going to do this way back when, but I put it aside for a while. Here it is: a few ways to stay unharmed when hanging around SilverWings. I recommend NOT doing them ;)

1) Threaten Bentley.

2) Ruffle her hair.

3) Sneak up on her and jump out and yell "BOO!". She may reflexively pull out a knife and... You get the picture.

4) Ask why she doesn't have wings despite her hero name.

5) Touch her knives, hidden blade, or any other weapon.

6) Call her "Angel", "kiddo", "Cub", or any other name Blaze calls her.

7) Spray her with Silly String.

8) Dump a bucket of ice water on her while she's sleeping (yes...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Fin shifted, not opening her eyes quite yet, but instead feeling the fabrics she was resting on. It was standard cotton, nothing fancy, but it was welcoming and soft. She smiled sweetly and moved her head on the thin pillow, allowing herself to relish in the fact that there even was a pillow. Then she began to listen.
There was the beeping of a heart monitor, the occasional blip in sync with a heartbeat, her heartbeat, she realized. There was a bustling a ways off, not too loud, but it sounded like someone was moving things around. Sighing, she opened her eyes, and was hit with bright lights,...
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Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say it:

Young Justice Invasion Episodes 8-18 are ready to air.

BOOM! Good news!

Comic books are right on schedule.

Video Game something or other, didn't really look:


Now, I also wanna say that the Robin we knew in Season 1 would never do this to a girl. But....

Dick Grayson has dated Zatanna

Dick Grayson is dating Batgirl

And Dick's surprising girlfriend is....


So...... Yeah..... Link below.

Adios! *runs and hides*


Wait, did he just blow off Tim? And Babs is strangely okay with two girls kissing her BF....
posted by FangYJ
It's okay...I guess.

Fang sat staring at his computer screen. 
"Gyah..No idea what to say." He frowned and leaned back against the couch for any ideas. A ding come from the laptop and Fang looked down and the highlighted question in the corner of his screen. 
"Lovely." Fang sighed and switched over to the questions, scanning over the questions. This should be interesting 

Are you goth or emo?  
What makes you assume that I'm either?

Why do wear so much black? Are going black and never going back?  

What's with the long hair? Emo or goth?...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx

Name: Alexis "Lexi" Adams
Alias: far!
-Flight (wings!)
-abnormal strength like her father,
-gained Fang diseappearing act, only when Lexi moves she's still completely invisible.
-super senses
-Can only control one element, wind. And she only uses to push herself along when she's too lazy to fly.
Past: Alexis was kidnapped at the age of 3 by the School. Only this time, it was different. Instead of keeping her in the United States, they shipped her to Germany, holding her hostage in Itex. At the age of 6, Alexis gained enough strength to break free, and setting free the other experiments along with herself.
Other: -Lexi, is a MAJOR mommy's girl.
-May look like Fang, but she acts like Devin.
-Youngest of all the kids. By 7 or 8 years.
-Easy to set off temper, but she hides it extremly well.
-She's extremly happy and cheerful.
-PLEASE DON'T give her sugar. She'll bounce off the walls.
Silver always wants to know whats on his mind
Silver always wants to know whats on his mind
1: he loves it when she runs her fingers through his hair

2: he loves the way she is and how she jokes around with him

3: he loves it when she smiles at him

4: he loves the way she brushes the hair out of his face

5: he loves it when she blushes

(( i didnt make that many cause lol i dunno just a couple cuz this is the first time this has been done lol hopefully silverwings13 will have a reply to this XD lol but yeah im making a couple one shots on these two beauties <3 iand now i have to talk cause this article isnt long enough WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY WALLY!!! <3 okay so Mcl out peace))
posted by FangYJ
OOC: Never really explained Fang's mothers death...But I also wanted the post something about 9/ yeah..

World Trade Center, North tower
8:40 A.M. 

Brendan sat in the daycare room of the North tower in the World Trade Center. Crystal was across him, playing with some other girls around her age. The sky was blue, it was a beautiful, warm September day, until tragedy struck. All the kids screamed and looked up, as there was crash and a loud explosion. 
"Get the kids out!"
"I'm sure it was just!"
"Get them out! Now!" 
Crystal scurried up and clung to her mothers leg, 
"Let go sweetheart, mommy...
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posted by MeridianYJ
Name: Meridian RoCarren

ID: Meridian

Nicknames: Meri, Dee, Iya, Reeree

Age: 16 (immortal)

Appearance: Normal height, white skin and hair, feminine body structure, eyes are almost a clear silver, Hair grows quickly so her hair length depends on the situation or her mood

Powers: Telepathy (Rivals Megan's), telekinesis, invulnerable to everything except fire, Controls the darkness and shadows, Always carries a gun and a sword with her. Her telepathy can also be used to inflict illusions, pain, and other things..(she can crush a mortal from the inside out)

Bio: Once a princess of a hidden, yet very powerful...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Props for those who can figure out where the last name and picture came from.

Name: Dawson Ryan. (Original Right? XD)


Occupation: NINJA/Hero.

Age: 17

Powers/Skills: Uhm...I'm just going with karate, and other sorts of things.

Weapons: Swords and daggers, throwing stars, nun-chucks (did I spell that right?), smoke bombs, knock out gas, and all that good stuff.

Past: Dawson grew in a normal family life, great mother and father. Until a book coming soaring into his window, and onto his lap. Dawson, as curious as he is, opened the book. Inside the book laid a note that read, "your are the ninja."...
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posted by Demon_YJ
OOC: Just a little one-shot I did in Chemistry class, about Demon and stuff, thought you might enjoy. ;)

So it’s her fault. It’s her fault that she can’t move, that she can’t breathe, that the liquid spilling onto the floor is blood and that her heart isn’t beating and yet she’s still here.
It’s her fault that she’s left everyone behind, that her brother is frustrated and in anguish because he wasn’t supposed to lose two people this time, and he for sure wasn’t supposed to lose her, but she isn’t lost.
It’s her fault that she ran into him, that he brought up memories she...
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posted by The_Writer
Hey guys, The_Writer here.

Just wanted to let you know I can't publish daily episodes anymore. (Brother fussed, I got grounded. Loving the logic).

Anyway, here is a list of what to watch from here on out (Static is on YouTube, YJ is on the internet.

Aug. 28:
Static 21
YJ 3

Aug. 29:
Static 23
YJ 4

Aug. 30:
Static 24
YJ 5

Aug. 31:
Static 25
YJ 6

Sept. 1:
Static 26
YJ 7

Sept. 2:
Static 27
YJ 8

Sept. 3:
Static 28
YJ 8

Sept. 4:
Static 29
YJ 9

Sept 5:
Static 30
YJ 10

Sept 6:
Static 31
YJ 11

Sept 7:
Static 32
YJ 12

Figure it out from there. :)

Sept 28:
Static 52

Sept 29:
posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Ryan Verbeck

Hero name: Red Clock

Age: 17

Personality: Ryan is very nice and hates to see people upset and always needs to help and make them feel better, he often gets along more with the female side.

Powers: he has the power to show others things that happened the days back until he was born, he can also open portals ( but that involves a lot of his power so he cant usually do it often) to other times or show others pasts in mental links.

Gender: Male

Skills: he has some skills in hand to hand combat but hates using guns or swords.

Appearance: for Ryan his hair is dyed black and usually has...
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((Tooo LAAZZY to switch accounts!
New Series! I SHALL FINISH! ))

Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the lonely street. She'd had enough of The Cave for now, right now she just needed to escape from the fighting, kissing, sex. She was fucking sick of it.

She climbed up a fire escape and proceeded to the roof. Her mind wandered.. as her body stayed stationary. The cool breeze flowed through her short hair and sent chills down her spine.

Blade walked over to the edge and looked at the cement grave thirty stories down. All the shit she's been through, her sister: dead, her mom: dead, her dad:...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Bloodcrawler

Species: Unknown ( was created in lab by unnown resource)

Powers: Bloodcrawler is a goo material that can change and get into small places, he can make quick get aways if he goes through sewer drains or any other drains. He doesnt always take a host but when he does he becomes more powerful and he wishes to make Bloodmist his host forever. He can also morph sticky goo and swing from buildings and crawl on walls and buildings.

Past: the mystery employer or "big man" who was trying to create a new villian to destroy bloodmist it went completely wrong and exploded into this substance...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
Mel shot up from her bed, panting, tired. She hadnt slept peacefully since she came from the future. She swung her legs over the bed side, and stood up. She got dressed, and looked in the mirror, and stared at her once happy, and warm eyes. That were now filled with sorrow, and sleepiness. She sighed, and walked out of her room, breaking cerfew by walking out zeta, but a firm hand grabbed her arm, she almost screamed, but her mouth was covered by a hand. Batman's....
"Where do you think your going?" He asked quietly. She looked up at him, fearfully.
"I-I cant sleep...." She stuttered. Fang watched...
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