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posted by SilverWings13
These are the bios for Aisling's 20 years later fanfic. It's static, meaning it'll probably change, but as far as Broken Wings goes...

Name: Riley Conners (named after his grand-father)

Hero ID: Dusk

Age: 21

Personality: easy-going, humorous, protective of his sister,
brotherly to the younger kids of the team

Race: human, cocasian

Physical description: 6'1", brown hair with blonde highlights, grey eyes, tattoo of a crescent moon on his left shoulder

Abilities: knife-handling, mild hacking, tech-handling,

Hero oufit: black and red striped-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, knife belt, hidden blade, black boots, red and black gloves, black mask.

Civvies: red t-shirt, baggy jeans, ray-bands (sunglasses), Yankees cap (usually turned backwards)

Relatives: mother: Ginaveve Candor, father: Daemian Conners/ Weston, half-sister: Fiona Conners a.k.a. Star, aunt: Aryess Weston a.k.a. AngelWings

Bio: Riley was born three months before Damian went missing. His mother raised him as best as she could but due to drinking habits she had a difficult time rasing him. When Riley was two, Silver found him through a unanimous note left to her at her home. She helped Gin raise Riley and, when he turned 12, took him under her wing as Dusk. She trained him to have many of the same skills she does. When he was 16 he joined YJL. While Riley enjoys learning knife-handling, he prefers to use more high-tech methods (i.e. gadgets).

Name: Fiona Conners

Hero ID: Star

Age: 15

Personality: sarcastic, dramatic, enjoys teasing her older brother, kind but likes to act rebellious, clever

Race: human (x-gene), African/ cocasion

Physical description: 5'2", dark-skin, long dark hair (usually in a braid), blue eyes

Abilities: can ghost through solid objects (density-shift), knife-handling, charming (grifter)

Hero outfit: skin tight purple and black jump suit, arm-sheath, black combat boots

Civvies: camo t-shirt, faded jeans, combat boots, gold-star necklace, purple shades

Relatives: mother: unknown, father: Daemian Conners/ Weston, half-brother: Riley Conner a.k.a. Dusk, aunt: Aryess Weston a.k.a.

Bio: While looking for their still missing father using a missing persons system, Daemian (9 @ the time) came across Fiona. He quickly showed it to his aunt and they led an investigation until they finally found her in a Gotham foster home. Aryess adopted her as her own and raised the rebellious Fi. When they discovered Fi's ability to density-shift, Aryess decided to train her and enlisted her into the YJL when Fiona turned 13. Fiona looks up to her brother, aunt, and many other older Leaguers. She often gets in trouble for her rebelness. She still hopes to find her father and discover who her mother is. Fiona got the name "Star" from the necklace she was given when she was a baby. Also, as her brother puts it, her ability to "dim through the walls, yet shine bright as a star."

Since Star won't even be born for another 5 years and Dusk won't be discovered for another 2 neither will be used in any fanfic's (except Broken Wings) for a while (unless you wanna and get the okay from me). And this is static!
posted by Robin_Love
I really like this character and the pics fit more than they did with Becca. And I like using these pics ^-^ Enjoy her!!!

Name: Unknown
Alias: Amara
Occupation: supervillain
Powers: she has magic and invisibility
Skills/talents: Stealth, hacking, agility, combat, sword master, tracking
Appearance: Black hair, red eyes, pale skin, and
History: She was born to a poor family in Attalin. Her parents died in a recent battle of power. She was found by the royal guards and adopted into the royal family as Becca's sister. She is a few years older than Becca and only one year older than Willow. She was trained...
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posted by Robin_Love
It's weird and messed up and stupid but I felt lie writing so here..Also, if you don't know that he watched Blade (his wife) die then you won't understand it

The click-clack of her shoes echoed in the long hallways as she made her way to the back of the stony building. She found him standing at a door, arms folded across his broad chest, head down and eyebrows furrowed. He looked up as she got closer and gave her a small sad smile.
"Fraid so. Shall we?"
She nodded her head and opened the door. The room was dark with the exception of a few clusters of lighted candles. The room was bare,...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Ashley felt at peace, she wasn't hurting any more. Her body left restful and refreshed. She was relaxed. It felt as if she hadn't felt this may in a long time. For a moment she's dreaming, a cold sensation trickled down her spin, and all she hears is the laughter of a little girl.
"You're gonna make her dizzy."
"No i'm not."
Ashley feeling of happiness grew ever more when she realized that the little girl is herself and she's with Akash and Kaya in the Ice lotus garden, their land of snow and ice. She hears the laughter but soon it begins to fade.
She slowly opens her eyes to a bark room. She...
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posted by SilverWings13
Everyone rushed into the room. The doctor was shouting orders. They swarmed the cot where the ivory haired boy lay. His breath has stopped coming, his heart rate slowing.
Ivara and Jace stood side by side, keeping out of the way as the others worked frantically. The pocket of her coat grew warm, and Ivara reached in to retrieve the broach. The blue rose was glittering, shining with its own life. The two youngsters looked at the treasure, then each other, and finally, the still body of their dying friend.

"You can't.. you can't be here."
Alek hesitated, taken aback. Out of all the reactions he...
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posted by SilverWings13
Jace straightened at his post outside the infirmary door and adjusted his glasses, which he had exchanged for his contacts a few minutes before. He could hear footsteps approaching quickly. He had expected them to be gone longer, but perhaps the quick return meant things had gone better than planned. Maybe Nic had stopped Declan before he reached Alek, maybe Declan had only gone out for a confrontation, not a battle, maybe no one had gotten hurt.
Even as he thought this over, Jace knew something was wrong. They were coming too hurriedly. A rush of wind preceded a shouting voice, one the boy...
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posted by SilverWings13
The pair sprinted down the corridor, pastel walls, pastel floors, reflecting the blinding artificial fluorescent lights. A thunder of heavy boots pounded after them, orders being shouted. They ran toward a branching hallway, but skidded to a halt as they heard another squad running from the direction of their escape. 
"Here!" The blonde pushed through a pair of doors, pulled the girl after him. They huddled together, listening silently as the two troops of guards met up. Their discussion was muffled, but after a minute or so, they parted again in opposite directions. 
Aleksander let out a breath...
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posted by Robin_Love
He slipped in through the open window, looking around for nurses or doctors. No one was in sight as he moved the girl's bedside. She was sleeping now, but he hadn't really told her he would come back before visiting hours in the morning. She had woken up, almost like she refused to be trapped in a coma. And he had talked with her all day, listening as she explained the things she gone through.
And he was suddenly thankful it wasn't as bad as he had imagined. He should have been terrified that she seemed unaffected by this last kidnapping. But she had waited until Becca left till she broke into...
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posted by GlitterPuff
My Rene Drawing
My Rene Drawing
Rene sat on the edge of the buildings’ roof, looking down and the people below. In her hands, she held a white wire coat hanger. Slowly, she wrapped her fingers around the hook part, causing the whole hanger to glow a light yellow. The red head sighed as she let go of it, returning the hanger to its natural form. Rene stood up, walked off the building, landing on her feet at the bottom without a broken bone; and walked away.

As she came down a small alley way, a shadow passed over her. Quickly, she turned; but saw nothing but the brick wall. Shrugging, she turned and continued walking. Moments...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I haven't made one of these in a while... But, thought I would update. If you have an issue with him, tell me and don't hold it against me.

Name: Parker Norrian
Alias: Eh. Doesn't have one yet.
Age: Four at the moment, but sixteen when he joins the team.
Occupation Hero/detective for the FBI
Powers: Flight (his beautiful white wings) and telepathy.
Skills: Basic field tactics, high detective skills and standard hand to hand combat.
Past: Parker grew up in normal childhood past, along with his younger sister. He is the oldest of the two siblings. Aside from working with the FBI because of his detective...
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The lights flashed on and spotlighted four girls sitting in a circle, chained to chairs, their backs to each other.

Their mouths were gagged to counter any attempt to communicate, and their heads were locked in place by a metal collar, with red flashing lights, so tight it gave only the slightest room to breathe.

The smell of metal, fear, and blood soaked the room, making the silence even more eeiry. Suddenly, the chairs made a 180 degree turn so they all faced one another. An astonished gasp leaked out of the dirty cloth from all four. One tore through her gag, with her elongated canines,...
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posted by DeltaYJ
The camera focuses on the person. A young girl. Her face was angular, high cheekbones and a very pale complexion. Her deep blue eyes stuck out against her mangled black hair. She should have been pretty, beautiful even, but the dark circles under her eyes and the swelling from several bruises on her temples and neck ruined the image. One of her sapphire eye was ringed with blood as a cut ran from her forehead to her jawline. Her shoulders were slumped and bare, her shirt in shreds. She looked everywhere other than the camera.
“Hello.” Her voice was rough and dragging,...
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posted by Blitz359
After getting their equipment and weapons quickly sorted out, Val and Scotch anxiously stared at Sean and Jenna, who were both watching the other two get ready. Cain had gone on ahead to try and stop Richi, and the two girls also wanted to bolt after him. "You guys ready?" Val asked nervously, restraining herself. Without replying, Jenna and Sean each pulled out a metal bracelet from their piles of belongings, which had both been thrown on the ground. The bracelets made a click! sound as they were clipped on. Beams of light sprang out from the piles as they began to dissolve, which began outlining...
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posted by Robin_Love
He stared at the paper in his hand, thoughts flying, heart beating faster with every second. We may be too late? What does that mean? Does it mean she could be- He cut the thought off and shook his head. He couldn't afford to think that way.
She was counting on him to help her. He wasn't going to let her down. Even if he had to sacrifice his own life to make it happen. Nic had asked him long ago if he would be willing to leave everything, even her, to save her, allow her to live.
He thought about all the time they had spent together, the way her emotions sounded in her voice, her deep eyes,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Tapping his foot impatiently, Nic leaned against the table where the doctor worked. Aside from the hum of the refrigerators containing various serums and medications, it was the only other sound in the laboratory. Eliot Xian kept his head down, peering through the microscope. Without raising his head he pronounced, "You're making me nervous with that incessant tapping."
"Are you done yet?" Nic demanded.
"Shouldn't you be resting?"
Nic involuntarily smoothed his hair down over the bandage around his forehead, covering the stitches on the back of his skull. After a night under watch in the infirmary,...
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posted by Robin_Love
They stopped for a rest at a lake. The sun was lowering slowly to go to bed and the two hadn't stopped moving since they left the town. Becca pulled the water from her pack and refilled it. Then she slipped off her shoes and placed her feet in the cool water.
“We can't stay too long.”
“I know. But my feet are killing me.”
“I know what you mean. Still, we need to be hidden before we actually rest.”
She nodded and tipped her head back.
“How long have we been here?”
“Only hours in the time. Maybe a day in our world.”
“I want a bath.”
“Count me out.”
She laughed a little and...
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Here's  a pic of Julian. Would have it as an html, but the system doesn't like the link for some reason.
Here's a pic of Julian. Would have it as an html, but the system doesn't like the link for some reason.
Future childs alert! I'm doing this in paragraphs coz.. I fee like it.

Riley Conners Jr., better known as Rye, is 21 years old (GoW timeline). He lived with his adoptive parents link and Declan Conners (Declan is his uncle as well as adoptive father) until he moved out to live on his own in a Manhattan apartment. Though he's only seen him in pictures, Riley has been told that he is the spitting image of his biological father (Daemian Conners-Weston), with his chocolate brown curls, dark rimmed glasses, and blue-grey eyes, but has also inherited a frenzy of freckles and pale skin from his mother...
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posted by Hot_ShotYJ
Being a Canadian that I am. I am sorry, sorry, sorry, that this took sooooo damn long. My history essay is finally done so there will be more fanart coming up soon. And enjoy!

“I won’t make it on time, Dot. You’re gonna have to take her to the Medical bay,”

“Already have.”

“and what about Twan?”

“I froze time for a bit and put him in Scud’s glass cage.”

“Cage? Isn’t that a bit too…harsh?”

“I know but…I tried to calm him down and he threatened to shoot Alex.”

Sebastienne was horrified. Twan? Gunfire Twan? Shot Cadmus and now going after Alex for no reason?...
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posted by SilverWings13
Allow me a sec to explain this random excerpt. The following take place outside of BR with a mostly separate plot line. W/o spoiling too much for future RPs and/ or article, here be the current events: after a series of events (I'm working in the whole story. Though mostly in my had only. I'm determined to finish BR before moving on!) Double Helix have discovered that Vika Vernadskaya (a.k.a. Czarina) if Alek's half sister (related through DNA of their mother). After a s-u-d-d-e-n battle, Vika finds sanctum in Mt. Justice in her brother's bedroom. And that's where this takes off. Enjoy, my...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Decided to do this in 1st person. :3))

I stared hard at my relfection. This all was a dream. Right? Yet every pinch I gave myself didn't awake me. "Damn it.." A hiss escaped my lips. I had to get outta here and find Terror, he'd know what to do, if he would accept me... after what happened to his-

"Ahhh Miss Howard." My thoughts were interrupted by that sentence and I suddenly was on edge and slowly turned to the speaker. His dark red gaze followed over me. He was observing me and I noticed a spark in his eyes. As my face flushed I quickly turned and he continued,"You look...lavishing......
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posted by Mclovin_69
The 24 year-old walked down the hallway of the hospital, he hated hospitals it made him feel like everyone knew that something was wrong with him. But who wouldn't blame him, he was made fun of as a kid, he didn't really have any friends in elementary school and was always the quiet kid that people would whisper and talk about. His ebony bangs fell in his face over his grey eyes as he looked at the rooms he passed in the hospital.
" Thanks you're a dear...."a sickly voice muttered
from the room he walked into, a nurse wearing a purple nursing suit smiled at him and walked out past him. The...
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